Laser Face Lift Takes Off The Years
Hey, we all get older, and sometimes we just don’t love the way we start looking as we age. For anyone who wants to tighten up their face a little bit, but isn’t quite ready for a full fledged face lift, a laser face lift might be just the thing.
Most people will start off using some creams and gels to try and smooth out their face a little bit. If you are just beginning to show some signs of aging, this may be all you need.
Some people will start using products like Botox or Restylane or chemical peels. All of these products have their pros and cons. Many people find the idea of putting such toxic things like Botox into their body more than a little disturbing.
The laser face lift will usually give you greater benefits than creams or injections but not quite as much as you would get with a surgical alternative.
The doctor will use a laser to increase the production of collagen so you get new skin more quickly.
There are several benefits to using this method over other forms of face sculpting:
1.The first, and most obvious, is that this procedure is not surgery. Since it is not a surgical procedure you won’t need anesthesia (which is often one of the biggest causes of complications) and there are no incisions which can lead to infections.
Since the laser can help tighten the outer layers of skin there can be a fairly noticeable and significant decrease in the level of wrinkles and sagging skin.
2. A full face lift is quite painful and takes a long time for recovery. It will usually be a month or more before you will be back to normal. There is often a great deal of swelling and bruising so you will need to take a lot of time off of work (unless you want people to see you like that).
With a laser procedure you will only have a little bit of redness that will fade quickly. The pain is also much less in most cases. Some irritation and soreness may occur at the site of the procedure but will fade quickly and in most cases the pain is minimal.
3. Since this is a much less expensive and invasive procedure, many people will actually opt to have this done sooner than they would a traditional face lift. For that reason, many people will actually have the procedure done before a lot of the worst skin damage shows up.
Even though you may still need or want some other treatments in the future, this laser procedure can really make a difference for most people. No, it isn’t the same as a face lift, but it can provide greater results than various creams and injections with far less cost than a surgical procedure… the best of both worlds.
If you are ready to go for it, or just want to know more about it, start with your own dermatologist. They can tell you all you need to know so you can decide if a laser face lift is the best option for you.
Tags: Anesthesia, Botox, Collagen, Face Lift, Face Sculpting, Gels, Incisions, Laser Procedure, Layers Of Skin, Little Bit, Long Time, Many People, New Skin, Outer Layers, People Find, Pros And Cons, Restylane, Sagging Skin, Signs, Wrinkles —

Induction Diet – The Top Priority For The Atkins Weight
Induction Diet – The Top Priority For The Atkins Weight Loss Plan
If you have ever heard of the induction diet and wondered what it was, then you’re in luck. The answer is simply that it’s the beginning of the Atkins Weight Loss Plan. This diet plan is famous for eliminating or reducing the intake of carbohydrates; at least that’s the popular myth. The Atkins Diet actually permits carbs, but they are kept to their absolute lowest during the induction phase. This is so the ketosis process can begin.
In fact, the induction diet can be thought of as the most vital phase of the program. If you want to try the Atkins Weight Loss Plan, then don’t skip this part as the rest of the diet hinges on this all-important phase.
The general theory of the Atkins Diet is that you can burn fat instead of muscle by replacing carbohydrates with protein. However, you should be warned that it’s a very strict regimen, and you need to follow it closely. This is even more true when going through the induction diet phase.
Most people find the induction process to be the most difficult aspect of the Atkins Weight Loss Plan. This is likely due to two reasons. One, you will have strong cravings for foods that are rich in carbohydrates, and the cravings will be at their strongest when you first start the plan. Two, you are limited to 12 grams of carbohydrates per day. That means the variety of foods you can eat is minimal. Even something like nuts–which most people think of as being high in fat and protein–are prohibited during this early stage of the diet.
Sure, there may be some foods that you can’t eat, and you may be craving carbs, but there is also some good news: you won’t be going hungry. That’s because you can eat as much of the allowed foods as you want. For example, eggs, shellfish, meat, poultry and fish are acceptable. And those can augmented with a small amount of vegetables, as long as you don’t exceed the 12 gram limit on carbohydrates. (That’s why it’s a good idea to have a form of reference that lists the carb content of any foods you want to eat.)
Avoiding pre-packaged foods will help you to keep your carb count under control. But you still need to double check before eating anything. Planning your meals carefully will also help give you more variety within the induction diet phase when doing Atkins. Yes, you may be looking forward to eating all of the bacon you want, but it can get boring after a few days, which will only increase the temptation to cheat.
Speaking of cheating on the induction diet (or any phase of the Atkins Weight Loss Plan): this is not the kind of diet you can cheat on and then resume it the next day. Atkins relies on changing the way your body works, and cheating will undo everything you’ve done so far.
Tags: Atkins, Atkins Diet, Diet Atkins, Diet Phase, Diet Plan, Eating Habits, Eggs, Fish, Foods That Are Rich In Carbohydrates, Fruits And Vegetables, Healthy Diet, Induction Diet, Induction Phase, ketosis;, Losing Weight, Meat Poultry, Myth, Nuts, People Find, Protein, Strict Regimen, Strong Cravings, Top Priority, Vegetables, Weight Loss Plan —

The Importance of Achieving Spiritual Growth
Among anything else, spiritual growth is very important for people to truly feel satisfied and happy in life. Not only should people content themselves with the worldly and material things that they can find around them, but they should also fill the holes that bear such emptiness inside. Therefore, it is very important that people find both the time and means for growing spiritually wherein they make themselves attuned with their spiritual and mental capacities. What is more, contentment and lack of desire for worldly possessions is the true meaning of spiritual growth. When your perception of life transcends the need for material possessions to quantify your being, then you can proudly claim that you are liberated and that you have spiritually grown.
On the whole, spiritual growth is the process where a person develops his consciousness. In fact, there are scores of ways to achieve such a thing but first, it is important that the person should recognize the world in a truly different light that of seeing the world as something changing for the better and not for the worse.
Seeing Light In Everything
Yes, you can say it is very much easy for us to blame the world for everything bad that happens to us. We point fingers to the people who are around when something negative happens. However, such a state of mind can definitely be a hindrance from achieving spiritual growth. But on the other hand, a person who has successfully become spiritually developed can easily make sound actions regarding previous negative experiences. And what is more, he will later on be able to turn them into positive events as well. Really, it is important that a person finds the light in everything that he does and everything that happens to him for him to achieve spiritual growth.
Seeing The World In A New Way
In the same manner, as a person achieves growth in a spiritual sense, he can then better understand the concepts he could not comprehend that time when he has not dealt with developing his spiritual growth. And so, as a person progresses into his journey for spiritual growth, he will surely see a new meaning to every little thing that happens to him and what is more, he will definitely be more appreciative of the world he lives in.
Sharing Your Spiritual Growth With Others
Last of all, it is exceedingly essential to do an extra mile of being a steward for spirituality wherein you will share your spiritual relationship with other people to guide them into achieving the same level of spirituality. Yes, it is true that every person in the world is connected to one another and therefore, it becomes vital that you share a part of yourself to other people at the same time, make them see the world in your perspective.
As you act more of a mentor for them, they will soon realize the value of spiritual growth; learning that they too, can cultivate a much better worlda beautiful world that draws closer to spiritual growth.
Tags: Consciousness, Contentment, Different Light, Emptiness, Fingers, Hindrance, Holes, Lack Of Desire, Material Possessions, Material Things, Mental Capacities, Negative Experiences, People Find, Perception Of Life, Spiritual Growth, Spiritual Sense, True Meaning, Worldly Possessions —