Gastric Bypass Surgery And Depression
There are numerous studies showing us how gastric bypass surgeries have improved the lives of those who suffer morbid or severe obesity. Patients who have underwent the procedure were able to lose about 50 to 60 percent of their weight a year after a surgery. Some would even report an astounding 80 percent weight loss after two years.
About 140,000 gastric bypass surgeries are conducted every year. Obese teens could also undergo the medical procedure as long as they are within the guidelines set. Those who are qualified to undertake the surgery should at least be 100 pounds overweight and failed to reduce weight in the last six months through monitored weight loss programs. But every coin has two sides. Gastric bypass surgery also has its downside.
Some patients would often report depression after the gastric bypass operation. Some of the patients would often pinpoint the procedure itself as depressing. While others think that it is the low-calorie diets triggering this depression. Gastric bypass patients are recommended to follow a special diet that would ensure them the best and sustained results. This special diet is about low-calorie, low-sugar and low-fat foods.
The Thinner Times website, stated that about 5 to 10 percent of deaths occurred to patients after the gastric bypass surgery. This happens just within a month or two since the procedure and the primary cause would be psychological challenges. To address this, experts recommend that adequate supplies of calories should be ingested daily.
There are studies showing that those who suffer depression and anxiety after the gastric bypass surgery is less likely to lose weight compared with mentally healthy people. There are many methods on how doctors and experts would know if their patients are mentally prepared for the surgery. There are medical centers who would employ or require their patients to undergo rigorous metal health evaluation.
A patient candidate for weight loss surgery is to undergo psychological evaluation to ensure that they are prepared mentally for the operation and the lifestyle changes that will follow after the surgery. If a person is found out to be suffering from depression prior to the surgery, they will not be automatically disqualified. Those who have history of drug and alcohol abuse are the ones who are disqualified.
Some medical centers would require patients with depression go through treatment before gastric bypass surgery. Treatment could include taking of antidepressants, psychotherapy, and help from their family, friends and support groups.
It is not uncommon to find weight loss surgery candidates to suffer from depression, since they would have to deal with being ostracized because of their weight. Candidates for weight loss surgery would oftentimes suffer from a history of depression, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress or panic/anxiety attacks.
Having mental health problems are not preventing people from getting the treatment that they need to improve their lives and their health. Just like in any other surgery, it is important to gain support from friends and family to recover well and to get the desired results. Gastric bypass surgery would require a lot of change in lifestyle, it could be difficult but having loved ones will help a patient get through with it.
Tags: Adequate Supplies, Alcohol Abuse, bipolar disorder, Bypass Surgery, Calories, Depression And Anxiety, Depression Anxiety, depression;, Downside, Gastric Bypass, Gastric Bypass Operation, Gastric bypass surgeries, Gastric Bypass Surgery, Health Evaluation, Low Calorie Diets, Low Fat Foods, Medical Centers, Medical Procedure, Metal Health, obesity;, Overweight, post-traumatic stress, Psychological Challenges, psychotherapy, rigorous metal health evaluation, severe obesity, Six Months, Special Diet, surgery, Thinner Times, Weight Loss Surgery —