How to Properly Choose a LapBand Surgeon
If your primary care physician believes you are eligible for LapBand surgery, you may be provided with a referral. Even still, you have the option of selecting your own surgeon. If that is the case or if you are bypassing your primary care doctor and looking for a surgeon, you will want to turn to your local phone book and the internet. These resources can help you find a LapBand surgeon. But, you need to do more than just find a surgeon, you need to choose one.
So, how do you properly choose a LapBand surgeon?
Examine costs. In the Untied States, the LapBand system can costs between $15,000 and $20,000. Since there is an average $5,000 gap, you will want to find a surgeon that has affordable rates. This is particularly true if you are considered a cash patient, as opposed to a patient with insurance coverage. If you need financial assistance, examine doctors that offer flexible payment plans.
Go beyond costs. As previously stated, cost is important. Of course, you want to select a LapBand surgeon that you can afford, but it is important to keep quality in mind. The LapBand surgery is considered a relatively safe procedure, but there are still risks. Those risks are minimized when opting for a trained and qualified surgeon.
Location. In the United States, thousands of bariatric surgeons are qualified to perform the LapBand surgery. This means that you should have a qualified surgeon within a reasonable distance to your home. On average, most patients need to travel less than 2 hours. Do not automatically believe the misconception that you can save money by opting for surgeon in a foreign country, such as Mexico. When including travel expenses, the costs are similar.
Board Certified Surgeon. In the United States, you should opt for a Board Certified Surgeon. These surgeons undergo rigorous testing and must follow strict standards. Not only does this reduce your risk of complications, but it should provide you with comfort and peace of mind.
Long-term care. The LapBand system is not a surgery that is considered a go and run surgery. Band adjustments are common. For that reason, opt for a surgeon that is invested in your long-term care. A great way to determine this aspect is to ask to see before and after pictures of previous patients. If none are available, the doctor may not care what happens to their patients after surgery. This is not a surgeon you want to choose.
Answering questions. Losing weight with the LapBand system involves more than just band insertion. For that reason, you are likely to have many questions. Whether you are curious about the diet restrictions before and after surgery or the surgery itself, get answers to your questions. Your LapBand surgeon should always answer your questions and be confident in their response.
Meets with you. Before undergoing LapBand surgery, you will have an initial consultation appointment. This appointment will determine your eligibility. Next, you will have other consultation appointments and follow-ups. This is to ensure you are adhering to the strict pre-surgery diet. At least one of these appointments should be with your surgeon. Dont let the first time you meet he or she be five minutes before your surgery.
When researching LapBand surgeons in your area to compare, remember that LapBand is considered a specialty. It is common for doctors to perform other bariatric procedures. By searching for a bariatric surgeon, as opposed to a LapBand surgeon, you may find better results.
Word Count 584
Tags: bariatric surgeon, Bariatric Surgeons, Board Certified Surgeon, Care Doctor, Care Physician, Doctors, Financial Assistance, Flexible Payment Plans, Gap, Insurance, Insurance Coverage, LapBand surgeon, Lapband Surgery, Mexico, Misconception, Peace Of Mind, Phone Book, Primary Care, qualified surgeon, Referral, Risk, Strict Standards, surgeon, surgery, trained and qualified surgeon, Travel Expenses, United States;, USD; —

Undergoing LapBand Surgery: Tips to Get Started
You may have heard that the LapBand surgery is a great way to lose weight. Yes, it is. After all, the LapBand is one of the fastest growing weight loss surgeries in the United States. So, if you are ready to lose weight and improve your health, you may be ready to get started.
First, you need to determine if you are eligible. Most times, you will do so with your primary care physician. He or she will review the standard eligibility criteria used by most LapBand surgeons. For example, most only operate on those between the ages of 18 and 60 and those with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 40 or higher. If you are deemed an ideal candidate, a referral will be provided.
The best way to find a quality LapBand surgeon is to use the referral of a primary care physician. With that said, you can choose your own surgeon. The internet or local phone book is an easy way to get started. If not using a referral, set up a consultation appointment immediately to determine your eligibility.
The next step is to review all health insurance coverage. If you are insured, coverage may be extended. LapBand surgery is often an optional procedure. This means that if strict rules and restrictions are met, coverage is likely. Speak to your health insurance provider and physician to determine coverage eligibility and amount.
Before getting your heart set on the LapBand system or before going in for the procedure, it is important to arrange payment. On average, the LapBand system costs between $15,000 and $20,000 in the United States. If paying with a debit card, contact your bank to have your daily limit temporarily lifted. If unable to pay the cost upfront, inquire about a payment plan.
Your initial consultation appointment is where you will be deemed an ideal candidate for LapBand surgery. After that, you will still have follow-up appointment. These will be to prepare you for surgery and monitor the strict pre-surgery diet of lean meats, vegetables, fruits, and yogurt. At least one of these appointments should be with the surgeon performing the procedure.
Two to three weeks before the LapBand procedure, patients need to restrict their diet. As previously stated, this diet contains lean meats, yogurt, fruits, vegetables, and other similar foods. Why not get started earlier? This gives you reassurance that you can restrict your diet before and after surgery. It also allows you to experiment and find healthy food that works for you.
One of the many advantages to undergoing the LapBand is the short recovery time. Since the stomach is resized with an adjustable band, as opposed to stomach stapling, hospitalization is usually less than 24 hours. Still, you will need time off from work. Discuss work with your surgeon. Your job duties will determine time needed for recovery.
Preparing your home is another important pre-surgery step. Before undergoing surgery, prepare everything you need at home. This may involve cleaning, rearranging for easy movement, and so forth. If responsible for cooking for other family members, cook and freeze meals ahead of time.
Buying post-surgery supplies ahead of time can ease the recovery process. Immediately following the LapBand surgery, a clear liquid diet is required. A few days later, you will be able to transition to full liquid foods. Stock up on these liquids before your surgery. You will experience a some difficulty getting around, so dont make unnecessary trips to the grocery store.
Finally, arrange transportation to and from surgery. Patients undergoing the LapBand procedure cannot eat or drink after midnight. This may leave you feeling tired and lightheaded, so do not drive. The same is said for post-surgery. Instead, recruit a friend or family member for transportation.
Most importantly, follow the advice of your surgeon. If your surgeon advises you to restrict your diet before surgery, do it. These rules and restrictions are designed to protect your health and wellbeing. When following the advice of a LapBand surgeon, your risk of surgery related complications decrease.
Word Count 673
Tags: bank, Body Mass, Body Mass Index, Body Mass Index Bmi, candidate for LapBand surgery, Care Physician, Consultation Appointment, Debit Card, Eligibility Criteria, Fruits, Health Insurance, Health Insurance Coverage, Health Insurance Provider, Healthy Food, Initial Consultation, LapBand surgeon, Lapband Surgery, Lean Meats, Phone Book, physician, Primary Care, quality LapBand surgeon, Referral, Stomach Stapling, Strict Rules, surgeon, surgery, transportation, United States;, USD;, Vegetables, Weight Loss Surgeries, Yogurt —

LapBand Surgery: Questions to Ask Your Doctor
If you are interested in undergoing the LapBand surgery, you will need to find a LapBand surgeon. To get started, speak with your primary healthcare professional for a referral or turn to your local phone book or the internet. With that said, you need to do more than just find a LapBand surgeon; you need to choose the best one. For that reason, ask many questions.
So, what questions should you ask your LapBand surgeon?
Am I an ideal candidate? This is the most important question to ask. If you did not receive a direct referral from your primary care physician, do not have your heart set on weight loss surgery. The ideal candidate for surgery is 100 pounds or more overweight, between the ages of 18 and 60, and has the commitment to restrict their diet.
How much does the LapBand surgery cost? On average, the LapBand procedure costs between $15,000 and $20,000. That is quite the average price range. This means that you can find varying rates. Of course, you want to choose a quality surgeon who is Board Certified and who is known to produce results, but why pay more than you have to. In addition to asking about the cost, price compare with other local surgeons.
Do you have a payment plan? Some insurance providers do cover the cost of weight loss surgery, but there are typically many rules and restrictions. If you are uninsured or if coverage is not extended, ask about a payment plan. In this case, it is recommended that you have a good credit rating. If not, at least have enough for a substantial down payment.
Will you perform the LapBand procedure? If you are receiving a consultation at a hospital or large surgical center, you could be speaking to anyone. This is not what you want. You want to have a consultation appointment with the surgeon who will perform your LapBand surgery.
Are you Board Certified? In the United States, a Board Certified Surgeon is recommended. When opting for a certified surgeon, you are given a certain level of peace, comfort, and guarantee. You know the person has undergone strict testing and is qualified to perform the procedure.
How many surgeries have you performed? Not only do you want a Board Certified Surgeon, but you also want one who has experience performing the LapBand procedure. Surgical experience is recommended, but the LapBand is different than other surgeries. So, make sure your surgeon has experience with the LapBand system. Not only is installation experience recommended, but adjustment too.
What is your success ratio? When it comes to success ratio, it is important to ask about complications and weight loss. Your goal of undergoing the LapBand procedure is to lose weight, ensure those before you have done so. Next, examine your risks. How many patient complications or deaths has your surgeon experienced under their care?
Can I see before and after pictures? Before and after pictures will not only give you insight into your weight loss potential, but it may give you comfort and peace of mind. A LapBand surgeon who has before and after pictures of their patients is one who is invested in their long-term success. These are hands you want to place your life in.
Can you speak to past patients? Hearing that a LapBand surgeon has a good rate of no complications and successful weight loss is nice, but best when coming directly from the source. Ask to speak with or meet previous patients. When doing so, ask questions. Did they like the surgeon? Were they pleased with their treatment before, during, and after surgery? Would they extend a recommendation?
The above mentioned questions are just a few of the many you will want to ask during a LapBand consultation appointment, but they are a good start. In the days leading up to your appointment, record any additional questions you think of.
Word Count 653
Tags: Ask Doctor, Board Certified Surgeon, Care Physician, certified surgeon, Comfo, Consultation Appointment, Credit Rating, Diet, healthcare professional;, Heart, Insurance, Insurance Providers, Lapband Procedure, LapBand surgeon, Lapband Surgery Cost, Peace, Phone Book, Primary Care, Primary Healthcare, quality surgeon, Reason, Referral, surgeon, surgery, Surgery Questions, United States;, USD;, Weight Loss Surgery —