Secret Of Before And After Weight Loss
In the nearly eternal quest to lose weight, people seem willing to do just about anything. It has been that way ever since people felt societal pressure to lose weight, and is sure to continue for many years to come. They will submit themselves to food they don’t like, brutal exercise regimens, and the downright bizarre. But there’s one thing very few of them do, and it can greatly increase their odds of permanent weight loss. What is it? Documenting their progress with before and after photos.
Huh? Does that sound like a dumb idea to you? Don’t laugh. It can have a major psychological impact; before, during and after your weight loss. It has the same effect as writing down your goals. Just by doing this step, you will increase your odds of success.
Look at it this way, you will be working hard, eating right and exercising to lose weight. Before and after weight loss photos won’t make the weight come off, but they are another tool in your arsenal in the battle of the bulge.
If you have children, then you’ve heard comments from relatives who haven’t seen them for a while. They say, “oh, they’ve gotten so tall”, or something similar. That’s one of the reasons for doing before and after weight loss photos, it’s not always easy to see your own weight coming off because you see yourself every day. But when you can look back at the visual evidence, it’s a game changer. It’s motivational.
Here’s the best way to do it to maximize your results. Take a photo every so many days, but with no more than a week between. Try for the same pose, in the same clothes, in the same location in your house. This next part will be harder at first. Expose as much of your body as decency allows. If you’re a female a sports bra and shorts; if you’re a male then just a pair of shorts. You want to see the bigger picture (pardon the pun). And don’t forget to do one picture for each a front and side view.
Refer to the photos later to see how far you have come. Put them up in the trouble spots around your home. For example, on the door of your refrigerator to keep you from binging, or on your weight bench to encourage to do a few reps.
It’s up to you whether or not you will share them with anybody else. But there’s a good chance that your desire to share will increase with the number of pounds you lose. So, be sure to eat right, get moving and get healthy. And while your at it, go ahead and keep a visual record of your progress, you’ll be glad you did.
Tags: Arsenal, Battle Of The Bulge, Decency, Dumb Idea, Eating Habits, Eternal Quest, Exercise Regimens, Exercising To Lose Weight, food;, Huh, Laugh, Look At It This Way, Losing Weight, Odds, Pose, Psychological Impact, Pun, Relatives, Societal Pressure, Sports Bra, Trou, Visual Evidence, Weight Loss —

Thank You Spiritual Ecards: A More Meaningful Way Of Showing
Thank You Spiritual Ecards: A More Meaningful Way Of Showing Your Appreciation
It is a normal act for people to send cards whether as a way of inviting loved ones to share a certain occasion or just a way of saying thank you. The traditional way was to send out the card by land and then now in the modern days by the ecards, or email cards. The latter has become popular over the years due to convenience and cost effectiveness. Now, if you want a more meaningful way of sending thank you cards, why not use spiritual ecards? It is a great option for anyone who wants a more spiritual way of sharing the sincerity of the act.
On the internet, there are many options and ideas for thank you e-stationery cards. However, because of the varying options, it is important that you are choosing the right card on the occasion that calls for you to send out an appreciation card for. With the many options, you might find it quite hard to rummage through the thousands of e-cards available on the internet.
There are many occasions that may require you to send an appreciation for. From the simple act of thanking the caterers for making the whole occasion a hassle free activity to the gesture of sending your great appreciation to the people who were part of your life and were always there whether it was a joyous or a sorrowful celebration, the spiritual ecards are simple yet sincere medium to thank them for.
Perhaps, you want to return the good act for a friend who sent you gifts during the holidays. Or, you probably want to return the appreciation because friends and relatives were there to celebrate with your birthday, anniversary, baptism of your child, and any other joyous occasion. Or perhaps, you are forever grateful for them because they were there to comfort you during the funeral of your loved one. All these are occasions that thank you cards will suffice to relay your appreciation.
When sending out the card, remember to email them out within two weeks after the event. The thank spiritual ecards will allow you to do that quick because there is no need to rush over to the local specialty shop to buy the cards and have some wordings of thank you note scribbled on them. As mentioned a while ago, spiritual ecards on the internet come in great options and ideas giving you easier time to find the exact one.
You can put your own wordings together with a certain verse or religious saying on the ecards for a more personalized touch and to have a more impact on the recipient. Some of these ecards will come for free but others with a minimum price. Most spiritual ecards online shops offer great advantages if you shop with them.
These include exclusive and unique designs of the spiritual ecards, an option to modify the card such as adding a logo, picture, or a photo of you, shipping on the same date of purchase, unlimited chances to change design or modification with no additional cost, free more ecards, and unlimited number of views prior to purchasing your orders.
Tags: Appreciation Card, Baptism, Birthday Anniversary, Caterers, Celebration, Convenience, Cost Effectiveness, E Cards, e-stationery, Email Cards, Gesture, Hassle, Holidays, Joyous Occasion, Occasions, Relatives, Sending Cards, Sincerity, Spiritual Ecards, spiritual ecards online shops, Stationery Cards, Thank You Cards —

Proven Solutions To Winter Weight Gain And How To Lose
Proven Solutions To Winter Weight Gain And How To Lose It
Did you know winter weight gain may be the biggest enemy you have in your battle to keep your weight down? You may be one of those that really pack the pounds on during the winter. Have you ever asked yourself why it happens to you? Well actually there are several things that can cause this unsightly weight gain. However, you can take steps to help lessen the chance of putting the extra pounds on.
One of the biggest contributing factors can be winter boredom. Chances are you decrease your activities during the winter months; especially the outdoor ones. This can be due to the shorter daylight hours.
Recent studies have shown that when physical activities are reduced you tend to get bored. The same studies indicate boredom causes many people to eat more than they normally would. And if you are like so many others you will tend to snack on comfort food.
Unfortunately much of todays comfort food is not good for our overall health much less our waist line. If you must snack out of boredom you should be extremely careful to make sure your snacks or healthy. It would be a good idea to keep veggies, fruits and nuts around. The lower the calorie counts the less chances you will have winter weight gain.
Some scientist place the blame of cold season weight gain on our ancestral blood lines. These same folks think some of your pre-historic relatives may have had to pack on the fat just to stay alive during the cold months. In turn this same need created a desire for food that would add the extra fat quickly and easily. Today we call that loading up on the calories.
Furthermore these scientists also believe your relatives also piled on the extra calories because of the fear of the food spoiling. And of course the food spoilage would cause shortages before the coldest part of the winter was over. The need for survival was to add the fat, just like some animals do for survival.
But you dont have to let this needling of Need Meat, Need Meat control you. A chain around the refrigerator will do just fine; thank you very much. Seriously you can over come this inherited need (if that is what it is) by remembering you live in a warm friendly environment and the grocery store is just around the corner. Thus you dont have to eat everything in sight just to stay warm and survive.
But lets face it; you know darn good and well you tend not to exercise as much during the winter. Its much easier to come home in the evening and throw yourself down in the recliner and catch some TV time. Well, friend you just compounded your winter weight gain by a factor of 2 or more.
No matter what else you do you have to get some exercise. If the weather is to bad to go outside and walk, use the stairs in your office building. Go to the gym for lunch instead of to the cafeteria. Do what ever you to do to keep your metabolism up to burn those extra calories.
As you can see there are many things that can cause you to jump up to 2 pants size larger during the winter months. However, if you take some of the steps mentioned above it will help control your winter weight gain and make it easier to lose when the warmer months roll around.
Tags: Ancestral Blood, Blood Lines, Boredom, Calories, Cold Season, Comfort Food, Daylight Hours, Desire, Food Spoilage, food spoiling, food;, Fruits, Fruits And Vegetables, Losing Weight, Nuts, Place The Blame, Proven Solutions, Relatives, Scientist, Scientists, Snack, Snacks, Waist Line, Winter Weight Gain —