Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Healthy Diet Tips And Much More

Instant Weight Loss – You Are Kidding Right

Instant weight loss, hmm, really? When I read this, do you know what immediately went through my mind? Things like instant pudding or instant rice. Where all you do is mix it up and in 5 minutes you have pudding or rice that you can serve your family. We all know that weight loss is not like that unless, of course, you are willing to cut off a limb.

If that is the decision you have made, may I make a suggestion that you start at the top and work your way down? This is the only way you will achieve instant weight loss.

Weight loss is a process, and depending on the amount of weight you have to lose, it could even be quite a lengthy process. You must make a commitment to yourself to change the way you eat and live. You have to eat a lot less than you do now and get regular exercise everyday for the rest of your life. I am never one for pulling punches so, listen up. If you do not get up off your lazy butt and get moving, you will die. Maybe not today and maybe not tomorrow but your life expectancy is getting shorter and shorter every minute you sit and veg in that recliner or on that couch.

Losing weight is not rocket science. All you need to do is burn off more calories every day than you take in. Simple. If you haven’t got a clue, and I think if you think that weight loss can be instant you really don’t, here’s what you do. Put on a pair of shoes, tie ’em up, get up, walk to the door, open it, step outside, and go for a walk around the block. Again, simple. The sooner you start, the sooner you will accomplish your goal. People do it all the time. There is no reason you can’t do it, too.

I know you, you are the type of person who will sit there week after week watching The Biggest Loser hoping that if you watch it long enough you will go to bed one night and wake up skinny. If it was that easy no one would be fat now would they? Or you think that by watching every week you will automatically lose weight by osmosis or something, right? Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!

Along with the exercise you need to learn how to eat right. Did I just hear you say you think that you do not eat that badly to begin with? Once again, you are wrong. If you ate correctly and in the right amounts you would not be fat, now would you? No, you wouldn’t be. So stop deluding yourself and get with the program. The next time you have a meal, dish up what you normally would then get another plate from the cupboard. Now, remove half of the food from the first plate and put it on the second plate, cover it with plastic wrap and put it in the fridge. Save it for your next meal. Then sit down at the table, with the TV off, and enjoy the food that is left on the first plate. Get a big glass of water to wash it all down with.

Yes, I said with the TV off. It has been proven time and time again that if you eat your meals in front of the TV you will subconsciously eat more than you think you do because you are not paying attention to what you are doing. So, start a new practice, clean off the table and before every meal, set the table with a plate, silverware and napkin for everyone in the household. Serve and eat your meal at the table. Have a conversation with your family and chew your food well. Instant weight loss, please…

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How To Lose Belly Fat – Tips That Work

Well, you may be thinking Here we are again. Where can I find out how to lose belly fat? My friend you are not alone. The CDC reported that in 2007-2008 about 1/3 of US citizens are obese and that number has increased 1.1% since 2007.

It is a fact; obesity is steadily becoming a world wide epidemic. In 2007-2008 over 72 billion citizens, world wide, were obese and again that number is climbing.

Overweight individuals are more prone to serious health problems such as cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, depression etc Health problems, that are a direct result of overweight, cost billions and billions of dollars each year. Need I mention the emotional damage and social stigmatization that is a result of overweight? I think not.

So, back to our original question, How to lose belly fat. It doesnt take rocket science to figure out that you have to cut back on your eating. It is essential that the calories taken in are less than the calories burned. If not, then you guessed it, weight gain!

Reducing the amount of calories you consume is essential. All pre-packaged food comes with a nutritional label. Take note of the calories, fat grams, carbohydrates etc in everything you eat. Also pay close attention to serving size.

Another tip on how to lose belly fat or any fat, for that matter; cut out the alcohol! Beer is loaded with calories that have no nutritional value. Not to mention the other detrimental effects alcohol has on your body. Alcohol causes liver damage; it causes inflammation of the pancreas. So, beware!

Sugar is not your friend. Be aware of the carbohydrate content in food or drinks. Look at how much sugar is in soda. Just cutting out soda alone will save you quite a bit of calories. If you take in too much sugar and dont burn it then weight gain ensues.

Weight loss is more than physical work. It involves mental and emotional dedication as well. You must make a commitment to attaining better health. It is also helpful to have a support system. After all you will be in this for the long haul.

Daily exercise is key to losing weight. After all, muscle burns fat and in order to build muscle you must use it! A high cardiovascular workout is a big help in losing weight. Examples of high cardio workouts are using the treadmill, circuit training, stair climbing, etc.

Cardiovascular exercise helps to speed up the metabolism. But is you really want to whittle down your belly, add strength training to your routine. You will be amazed at the results.

I wont lie to you; it is a long hard road. But your hard work will pay off. You will feel better physically and emotionally. And there is nothing more important than your health. So, what are you waiting for? Lose the tummy fat!

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Advantages Of Men Weight Loss Versus Women

Ah, the eternal debate: what are the Advantages of men weight loss versus women weightloss and lack of energy?

There are many elements to this question, do men lose weight more easily than women. And what role does lack of energy play, if any, in weight loss?

First of all, I want to make clear that I am not a doctor, scientist or personal trainer. What I am going to share with you in this article is what I have read and learned. I can not guarantee that it is accurate, but if nothing else, it will give you something to think about.

Ok, do men lose weight more quickly than women? From what I have been able to find out the answer would be “yes”. But it’s not what you may think, and that doesn’t mean it is necessarily “easy” for them either.

You see one of the biggest culprits of weight gain as we age, this goes for both men and women, is loss of lean muscle mass.

This happens for several reasons but the biggest reason is that as we get older we tend to move less. Less movement means that our muscles kind of wither away.

When that happens, and you may not even notice it at first, fat can build up in those “crevices” where the muscle once was. As your lean muscle mass deteriorates your metabolism slows down. This then can become a bad cycle.

Another thing to consider is that being out of shape can lead to a lack of energy. When you are feeling out of energy the last thing you want to do is workout. Again, a downward spiral.

To combat all of this just find the motivation, or hire someone to help you find it, to work out. Eat right, build up your lean muscle mass and you will find that you have more energy and your metabolism will burn hotter making it easier for you to stay at a healthy weight.

To be honest, none of this is rocket science. Today most of us know that a lot of what our parent’s generation thought about staying in shape was wrong.

We know that the idea of eating 3 big meals a day is wrong. All you accomplish by doing that is you flood your body with more calories at one time than it can process.

We now know that it’s better to eat small, healthy meals throughout your day to keep your metabolism burning hot.

We also know that even women need to do some weight training so that they can keep their lean muscle mass too. And we also know that since women don’t have enough of the hormones that build big muscles, it would be impossible for a woman to “bulk up” accidentally.

There may not be as many advantages of men weight loss versus women weightloss and lack of energy as we may have originally thought. To a large degree it seems as if we all have pretty much the same challenges. And it also seems we may all need pretty much the same solutions.

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Walking For Weight Loss – Make It Easy

Please don’t allow yourself to be confused by all the wild claims that you see when it comes to losing weight. While some of the exercise equipment, supplements and eating plans may be good for you and might help, the truth is that you really don’t need any of it. All you need to do is eat better and move more, it’s not rocket science. When just starting out, walking for weight loss is a wonderful way to get started.

Before you start any type of exercise program make sure you talk to your doctor first. This step becomes even more crucial if you are already overweight, have underlying medical issues or just haven’t done much physically for a long time. Once your doctor gives you the thumbs up, get busy.

Walking is a great place to start for anyone at any fitness level, particularly those that are out of shape. It’s easy on your joints and it will allow you to build up to a much higher level.

You don’t need any special equipment, training or even a gym membership (you will need a good pair of shoes though so you don’t hurt your feet).

You can go for a walk all year, in cold weather climates many indoor shopping malls open early so walkers can come in and do some laps, this adds a social aspect to your daily walk too which means it starts to be fun and you will be much more likely to stay with it.

You can take your dog for a walk, you can go for a walk with your kids or grandkids, you can invite a friend to join you. There are a lot of things you can do to make your walks more fun and inviting.

As your fitness level improves you can increase the intensity of your walks by increasing the distance you walk or stepping up your pace. You can even add hand or ankle weights to increase the intensity of your walk.

If you really want a challenge find some hilly terrain to walk on, walking up hills will really get your blood pumping!

With so many options and so many ways to make your walking more fun and get more benefit from the time you walk, it just makes sense to include walking into your overall fitness plan.

Of course, your exercise routine is only part of the whole picture, the things you put in your body will play a huge role in your overall weight loss success. Not only what you put in your body but how much you put in your body.

Find someone who can help you figure out a healthy, well balanced food plan if possible. If you don’t have anyone who can help, go to your local library or online to find some cookbooks. There are hundreds of cookbooks that will provide you with heart healthy, low cholesterol, low carbohydrate recipes. Just find one that has recipes that are balanced, look good and that you think you will enjoy preparing.

Walking for weight loss is a great way to get started and with the many ways you can intensify your walking workout, you don’t have to stop when you are in better shape.

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