Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Healthy Diet Tips And Much More

Dieting and Fitness to Lose Weight

Looking in the mirror will not make the person lose the extra weight. It involves two things to turn that into a reality and that is namely diet and exercise.

Dieting doesnt always mean giving on some of those favorite meals but simply cutting down on some and getting the much needed energy for the body from something else. A good example is the Atkins diet. This type of program focuses on taking in less carbohydrates and more of proteins.

There are more than five diet programs that focus on less carbs. The reason is because one carbohydrate focuses on four water molecules. People that are able to stick to the plan are capable of losing more than 10 pounds in less than a months time.

Why cant the person just give up eating foods that contain carbohydrates? This is because people need this source of energy for brain activity and muscle function.

A good way to maintain a good amount in the system is to eat food such as whole wheat or gain and staying away from products such as pasta, bread or rice that are color white. Brown bread or red rice can be consumed.

The best way to maintain this is by making sure that carbohydrate intake should not exceed 65% in the food being eaten.

Fat is also something that the individual has to watch out for since this also contributes to weight gain. One way to maintain it will be to make sure that the person only consumes 30% calorie intake from these products. A few examples of these are non-fat milk, nuts, vegetables, fruits and other fat free products available in the grocery store.

Eating less will reduce the calories. Now, in order to burn the existing ones causing flabs to appear in the body, the person has to exercise. Cardiovascular exercises such as swimming, running, aerobics and cycling are some of the best ways to lose weight. This is because the individual will use muscle glycogen and fatty acids as an energy source through out the entire exercise.

The American Council for Sports Medicine believe that a cardiovascular workout should last for a minimum of 20 minutes and done at least three times a week. In order to lose weight, the individual should at least do it for half an hour for five days weekly.

It takes hard work and discipline to lose the excess weight and it is never too late to get up from bed and do whatever it takes.

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Atkins Diet, The History And The Basics

One of the pioneers of the diet revolution in the early part of 2000 is the Atkins Diet, a program created by cardiologist Dr. Robert Atkins for the patients of his private clinic. Because it is so very effective, the diet program has since evolved to include famous celebrities as part of its millions of followers.

The diet program is actually based on the book that Atkins published in 1999. Aptly titled, Dr. Atkins Diet Revolution, the book created a world-wide sensation with people taking in pros and cons position. Despite the opinions of his critics, the book became an overnight hit in bookstores nationwide. In fact, Dr. Atkins Diet Revolution topped the New York Times Bestsellers list, which is perhaps the most prestigious bestsellers book list in the country. What is more, it has stayed in the list for seven years. Truly a great fit for a diet book.

Atkins Diet Revolution is made up of seven chapters. It explains the basics of the diet program. It also contains tips on leading a healthy lifestyle in the 21st century as well as different recipes that dieters can whip up at home.

One of the advantages of the Atkins diet program is the fact that people are allowed to choose the food that they will eat and to prepare their meals themselves. This is less expensive than having foods delivered to you. Being able to choose the food that you will eat increases the will and commitment to stay into the program.

The diet is based on the rationale that taking in less carbohydrates in meals can help in the reduction of weight. This is because the water content in the body is flushed off when the body uses it as an alternative source of energy.

The same goes with the fat cells, which are temporarily used for energy in lieu of the missing carbohydrates. As you well know, both fats and carbohydrates are potential sources of energy. The body just prefers the carbohydrates as it can easily be burned as opposed to fats, which has a really complex structure.

Another advantage of the Atkins program is the fact that it is a very good diet for people with diabetes and a whole lot more. In fact, according to many dieticians, the Atkins Diet is the only diet that can prevent the incidence of high blood pressure and high cholesterol as well as obesity, which are all precursors of the Type 2 form of diabetes.

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Dieting Eating A Balanced Diet

On closer look, the world is able to supply all that the body needs to keep it strong, healthy and living well. Dieting is not always abstaining from food rather, it is eating a balanced diet. It is the preference of one food category over the other that create the imbalance.

Sodium for example is essential to the haste of the body. Without it various illnesses arise. More than that, sodium makes us sweat out the toxins that the body has accumulated whether naturally or not. Sodium is also an agent that helps keep the body temperature at operating limits. Fat is too. Fat for all its portrayed grossness keeps the skin looking well and toned. It is the body’s best insulator against cold and is a source of the lubricant for the different parts of the body. One of its best purposes though is that it is the body’s storehouse of energy if you will. It will keep the build going and surviving long after undocked the other nutrients are gone. Fat and sodium might be the top food to avoid according to surpassingly dieting programs but ask those who are not selling health concoctions. The answer might be slightly different. But take all things in moderation. In like manner, fiber is bad for the body if all that the body gets is fiber.

The issue then is not so much with what is introduced to the shape but the manner and proportions by which it is introduced. Take for example caress. Processed sugar is good as a quick source of energy. Fruit sugar is better. The sugar in the fruit is burned by the body in slower quantities and therefore lasts longer unlike its filtered counterpart. Fruit sugar does not give the feeling of a quick energy surge like that which we feel with processed sugar. Coffee likewise is a good source of antioxidants aside from its various benefits. Antioxidants keep us healthy, vibrant, and arrest the aging process. Of course too much coffee is too much coffee. Just near goods that is ingested in copious amounts, the benefits are negated and often illnesses if not discomfort occurs.

The best way to diet then is to have a balanced diet. Everything that we eat must be limited to or as close as possible to prescribed amounts. There is this food chart that is commercially available that leave succor anyone determine the useful ratio that the build requires. Elementary really but very informative, it tells us of things that we should already know but do not.

In an effort to entertain the best diet, we sometimes go to lengths to buy the expensive foods. Pretty sentiment but really surplus. All food has its purpose; uncut fare has its own nutrient that will serve the body whole. Everything that is edible under heaven is to provide life. The difference sometimes is in the advertising, who endorses it also how successful is the hype. Otherwise the difference is not much, only the price.

No one could go wrong protect water. Water, even when taken copiously, will always serve good. You can never get enough of it. That which the constitution does not need is either perspired or flushed out.

The transcendent way to a balanced diet then is to eat that which is available and to have variety but only domination prescribed amounts. If obesity is the affair, think of that which you eat most and limit its intake or do not take it for a while until your weight normalizes. But drink water, lots of it.

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Balanced Diet: Know More on Healthy and Nutritional Balanced

Balanced Diet: Know More on Healthy and Nutritional Balanced Diet!
Jasdeep Singh

In this fast paced world, good nutrition may sound very simple but it is indeed really difficult to practice it. We eat too many processed foods or we tend to miss some meals. Some of us even smoke or drink alcohol. We also choose food on the basis of the taste. This not only make us overeat but also we ignore rich nutrient food items which we feel have bad taste. Foods lose substantial nutritional value during storage. There are many such factors which rob us of the nutrients we need for the maintenance of general well being.

We all talk of balanced diet, but how many of us really know the actual meaning of the balanced diet? Balanced Diet is a diet which has adequate amount of all nutrients required for healthy growth and activity. Sounds simple!

We have divided food into five groups on the basis of their nutrient content which are the most integral part of balanced diet.

Group One :

Wheat, Rice and Cereals. They are major sources of starch, carbohydrates, B-Vitamins and fibre.

Recommended Servings : 6-8 servings daily.

Group Two :

Dairy products. They are major sources of calcium , protein and vitamins (A,B2, B6, B12 and D).

Recommended Servings : 2-4 daily.

Group Three :

Fruits and Vegetables. They are major sources of vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and fibre.

Recommended Servings : 4-6 daily.

Group Four :

Meat, Fish, Poultry and Pulses. They are major sources od protein, Vitamin B12 , zinc and iron.

Recommended Servings : 2-3 daily

Group Five :

Fats, Oils and Sugar. They are major source of energy in our body.

Recommended Servings: Should be barely adequate.

Recommended servings of each group daily comprises a balanced. Now does it still look simple? To make it worse, our hectic life schedules make it more difficult for us to achieve this goal. Hence it has become a challenge now. We cant ignore this vital part of our life too. So we should better gear up for it!

Random Tip: Eating fruits increases your immunity against the development of age-related maculopathy and eye diseases.

About the Author

About the Author: Jasdeep Singh

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