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Achieving Spiritual Development Despite A Materialistic World

During the earlier days, people primarily used their instincts as well as their psychic abilities in order to figure out the world and live life in such a way that they will attract positive energy at all times. However, it has become a totally different scenario nowadays, especially that we now live in such a materialistic world wherein scientific technologies and discoveries rule our lives.

Although these things make the lives of human beings much easier and bearable, they have also unfortunately, created a barrier between us and a thing called spirituality. With such blockade obstructing our minds and hearts, we are then limited to what we can only sense and therefore, hinder us from achieving spiritual development.

Shield From Temptations And Negative Energies

Truly, it is very important that we are able to achieve spiritual development in our lives, especially in the world that we live in. Essentially, it can be our tool in shielding us from the temptations and negative energies which the modern life presents to us. With a developed spirituality within us, it can therefore be much easier for us to ignore materialistic fantasies and desires and stresses coming from the busy and hectic demands of the world. What is more, when we have finally obtained a developed spirituality, it only means that we have freed ourselves from becoming victims of the negative energies that surround us. In other words, we can always do something to protect ourselves from the things that can harm us; not only to our physical bodies but also our mentality and balance as well.

Auras Emanating From Within Ourselves

All of us have an inner spirituality and energy which generally emanate from our bodies. This is what many people call our aura. Basically, our aura comprises of the things which our body holds including our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being. A person with a lively aura may simply mean that he is satisfied with all of the beings present inside of him. And when a person emanates a negative aura, it means exactly the other way around. However, auras are not only emanated but can also be shared with another person. This means that if a person exudes a negative aura in him, he can definitely influence other people’s aura into being in the same state.

Negativity Making It Worse For Human Beings

Furthermore, it is true that our world today is filled with such negative auras and unhealthy temptations. Many people are deprived of spiritual development simply because they are distracted by the countless materialistic things which they think are indispensable in order to survive. And what is more, instead of making people content and fulfilled with their lives, these materialistic things only make it worse for them. And so what happens is that they are ushered into wanting more making them more focused on materialism instead of on developing their own spirituality. Clearly, as long as a person does not recognize that having a fully developed spirituality is necessary, he can never be satisfied and happy with his life.

Therefore, as soon as you feel unhappy about yourself, you must immediately fight that vulnerability to be attracted to all of the negative energies around you. Such a state is very difficult to handle especially if you do not want to open your mind and heart to making your very own spiritual development. One thing is for sure, for as long as you stay in a negative state, you will certainly be geared towards getting engaged in unhealthy and negative activities as well as experiences.

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The True Meaning Of Spiritual Symbols

Most of the time, so many people make the mistake of referring spiritual symbols to the historical and biblical things which can only be found in remote places and in museums. However, such things called as spiritual symbols are in fact the other way around. If you look closely to your surroundings, you can readily see that you are indeed surrounded by many spiritual symbols. These symbols are there touching your life one at a time and are definitely affecting the way you live your life.

It is therefore important for people to realize such truths about spiritual symbols so that they can appreciate the little things they come across in their lives. It is necessary for them to see that these symbols are what guide us into achieving our spiritual development to eventually become a whole human being.

Spiritual Symbols Can Only Be Felt, Never Seen Nor Touched

And on top of most people committing the mistake of not knowing the true spiritual symbols, they also make the mistake of acknowledging them. Instead of seeing, hearing, touching or smelling a thing called spiritual symbol, it can only be felt within the spirit or soul of the body. We cannot always see such symbols in a physical state but we can definitely feel it surrounding us everywhere we go. Our inner soul is telling us that we are surrounded by it and that it gives us the proper power to face each day and each challenge that may come our way. Moreover, with such spiritual symbols present everywhere; we are then being guided into being able to communicate with our inner self or with our mind. Such symbols tell us right from wrong and therefore, become our saviors in times of need.

Spiritual Symbols: Perceivable To The Eyes

However, such spiritual symbols can still be depicted in ways that can be perceived by the eyes. With the touch of art or architecture, these symbols can be replicated into things that our mind can easily understand and comprehend. Even simple shapes like triangles and spheres can have significant depictions to the eyes of those people seeing them. Moreover, things like a halo or a corona can also mean so much more for these people. A triangle can in fact, readily mean grace falling down from heaven, spheres can mean infinity and a halo can mean holiness. There are so many ways to interpret these symbols and for every person, it is a different meaning.

Yes, these spiritual symbols are indeed essential in the lives of people and they definitely manifest some great impacts on the people’s senses of spirituality. Not only do these symbols provide meaning to human beings, but they also provide a sense of mystery for these people to explore. While such symbols can readily be found everywhere you go, it still remains up to you to acknowledge and analyze what they may actually mean. Really, with such symbols, lives of people can become more fruitful, happier and contented.

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