The Truth About Arthritis Diets And Weight Loss
Are you one of the thousands upon thousands of folks, which wake up each and every morning, with every joint in your body radiating pain? Is arthritis kicking your butt, with pain, through out your day? Do you miss being able to pick up your grandkids because of the arthritis pain?
If you answered yes, to any of the above questions, you should read on to learn how arthritis diets and weight loss; can help bring relief to your aching body.
This article is not intended as medical advice, nor should it be taken as medical advice. It is for informational purposes only. As always with a physical illness you should consult with your personal physician right away. Now back to your information.
Arthritis diets have an ultimate aim of assisting your body in the management of this degenerative disease. Your doctor will advise you, early in the diagnosis period of arthritis, about which foods should be avoided and which should be increased in the diet.
You, as an arthritis sufferer, should be prepared to plan your meals regularly, but allow some sort of flexibility when dining out. Keeping in mind that swaying from the diet at times is ok, as long as it doesnt happen too often. This way you will be able to enjoy a normal life without too many restrictions as far as your food intake is concerned.
Some foods that are known to assist with arthritis symptoms include:
Dairy foods for calcium – This includes yogurt and milk and not so much chocolate and ice cream. Yogurt is also good for general digestive health.
Fruits and vegetables – These are recommended for everyone regardless of whether you have arthritis, are overweight or not. But they can also assist you as they provide healthy energy, weight loss and strong bones and muscles.
Starchy foods – It has been noted that some starchy foods like potatoes may assist with arthritis symptoms
In addition to the above diet tips, consider other changes to your lifestyle to assist in coping with arthritis.
This includes losing weight (if you are overweight). Even the loss of a few pounds can help relieve pressure on your joints and other bones. Prior to undertaking a major weight loss, be sure and consult with your doctor.
While youre checking with your health professional, you should ask them about increasing your calcium intake with supplements. Your obvious benefit will be stronger bones and joints. Furthermore, because you will be feeling better, have more energy and strength; you will become more active.
As an arthritis sufferer and possibly overweight you can also get some relief and lose weight while doing light resistance weight training. Tests have shown that resistance weight training is good for the overall health of the body. Dont worry! This doesnt mean it has to be expensive or difficult.
You as an arthritis sufferer, must educate yourself as to whats right for you. You know your body and your own mind. You know what you can do and not do. Therefore, youre the one, which can make the life changing decisions, such as weight loss and a healthy diet, necessary to ease the daily pain in your joints and bones.
Some of the things you have learned in this article will help make your life a little more comfortable. By eating the right foods, not only will you reduce your pain and suffering, you stand a good chance of losing those extra pounds, if you need to. Arthritis diets need not be restrictive. They are simply designed to help people cope with a disease that can so often become much worse if an ideal diet is not undertaken
Tags: Arthritis Pain, Arthritis Sufferer, Arthritis Symptoms, arthritis;, body radiating pain, Dairy Foods, Degenerative Disease, Diet Tips, Diets, Digestive Health, disease, energy;, food intake;, Fruits And Vegetables, Fruits Vegetables, Grandkids, Healthy Diet, healthy energy, Informational Purposes, Medical Advice, pain;, Personal Physician, Physical Illness, Potatoes, Starchy Foods, Yogurt —