Facial Liposuction – Lose Your Face Fat Rolls
Before considering facial liposuction, or any kind of plastic surgery for that matter, make sure you thoroughly research and find a board-certified plastic surgeon that you are comfortable with. Ask for references and to be shown before and after photos of patients they have performed the surgery you are interested in having on. Your face is the first thing people see and you really do not want any mistakes to be made. Choose your doctor wisely.
For most of us, as we age we put on weight. Some would say it is inevitable. Whether your weight gain is due to overeating, a slower metabolism, menopause, or what have you, it doesn’t matter, fat is fat. You know you should eat healthier and get some exercise but truthfully, in the real world, it is very difficult to stick to a routine because life always gets in the way.
So who do you turn to? How do you get the look you want without killing yourself in a gym? Why not consider the option of facial liposuction?
The use of lasers has become the procedure of choice for many due to the fact that it is much less invasive and there is a shorter recovery time associated with it. Find a surgeon skilled in the use of lasers to fix those saggy jowls, double chins and fat rolls on your neck.
Called SmartLipo, laser-assisted liposuction is a great way to refine the look of your face. No big incisions and no stitches to close them mean way less scarring, bruising, swelling and pain. The laser gets passed over the loose skin, shrinks the fat cells and tightens the targeted areas.
Traditional liposuction for those saggy jowls or double chins is performed by making a tiny incision either under the chin or inside the mouth and then removing the excess fat by inserting a tube, called a cannula, into the incision and suctioning out the fat. The excess skin is then stretched tight, trimmed, and the incision stitched closed.
If liposuction is performed on the face, you may choose to combine it with some neck work, too. Called cervicoplasty, this part of the surgery will take care of that double chin you have.
When the surgery is complete your head will be wrapped in a compression dressing that will need to be worn throughout the recovery process to help keep the healing tissue supported. Your doctor will tell you that you may return to work in about a week but expect a full six weeks to fully recover. Avoid looking at yourself in mirrors during this time. Wait until you are completely healed, no sense in scaring yourself half to death.
Plastic surgery is not for everyone but if you have done all you can by way of diet and exercise and still have areas that need work, like your face, by all means, talk to a board-certified plastic surgeon about facial liposuction. It may just be the self-confidence booster you need.
Tags: board-certified plastic surgeon, Cannula, Double Chins, Excess Skin, Facial Liposuction, Fat Cells, Incision, Incisions, Jowls, Laser, Laser Assisted Liposuction, Lasers, Liposuction, Loose Skin, Menopause, Plastic Surgeon, Plastic Surgery, Recovery Time, Stitches, Suctioning, surgeon, surgery, Tiny Incision, Traditional Liposuction, Weight Gain —

Abdominoplasty Procedure – Weight Loss – Mini Tummy Tuck
A friend of ours wants to have an abdominoplasty procedure done. When she first told us about this, all we could do was look at each other. Afterwards, when we were by ourselves and were able to discuss it more, I made the comment that I thought she was nuts to want to have anything done.
Why? Because she weighs about 100 lbs soaking wet and works out like a fiend every single day. How could she possibly need to have a tummy tuck? Well, I was wrong to jump to any conclusion like that. She explained at a later date that even though she works out like a fiend, she is still getting older and the skin around her middle is starting to get saggy. It is because she works out so diligently that she wants to continue to look her best.
Can’t blame a woman for that now can you?
The procedure she will have is called a mini-tuck where an incision is made, minimal liposuction performed if any is needed, and the skin tightened, then stitched closed. The belly button does not require relocation with a mini-tuck. A drain tube is inserted into the incision to drain excess fluid. The lower abdomen is then wrapped with a compression dressing. Pain control using a prescribed narcotic or, if the pain is minimal, then over the counter pain relievers may be used. Recovery time is 2-3 weeks with a mini-tuck.
So, I learned my lesson. I learned that even someone who is in great shape and has incredible muscle tone can still be in need of firmer skin in certain areas of her body.
I have another friend who had an abdominoplasty procedure after having two pregnancies which resulted in two very big babies, 10 lbs and 11 lbs, respectively. She lost all the baby weight but since both the babies had to be taken Cesarean and were so big to begin with she ended up with a lot of excess skin in that area and she was told the muscles of her abdomen would never recover.
Obviously, the procedure she had done was a full tummy tuck which involved “baseball stitching” the damaged muscles, removing any fat remaining with liposuction, stretching the skin taut, trimming off the excess, relocating the belly button and closing the incision. Drain tubes were inserted to help keep fluid from accumulating and aid recovery. The area is then wrapped tightly with a compression dressing to help support the muscles. A narcotic analgesic will be prescribed to control the pain and discomfort associated with the procedure. Recovery time is approximately six weeks with a full tummy tuck.
So, if you are looking for a toned, flat belly, check out board-certified plastic surgeons in your area and call for a consult. Ask what your options are and if they think you are a good candidate for surgery. You may find that you are making one of the smartest decisions you have ever made in your life. Just think, no more battle of the bulge!
Although not recommended as a substitute for a weight loss or diet regimen, an abdominoplasty procedure can help correct the problem areas left behind when all is said and done.
Tags: Abdominoplasty, Baby Weight, Baseball Stitching, Belly Button, candidate for surgery, Damag, Drain Tube, Excess Fluid, Excess Skin, Fiend, Firmer Skin, Great Shape, Healthy Diet, Incision, Incredible Muscle, Liposuction, Losing Weight, Lower Abdomen, Muscle Tone, Pain Relievers, Pregnancies, Recovery Time, Single Day, surgery, Tummy Tuck —

Gastric Bypass Surgery Cost
If you are one of the millions of people who are morbidly obese and you are desperate to find a way to lose the weight as quickly and safely as possible so that you can help save your own life, you have probably considered having some sort of gastric bypass surgery. When someone gets to the point of considering surgery one of the first questions they ask are what are the gastric bypass surgery cost?
Of course, many people will tell you that you can’t put a price tag on good health, which is true, but you still have to be able to come up with the money to pay for the surgery which can range widely in price based on your physical condition, the exact type of procedure performed and even your location, the cost will generally average between $15,000 and $35,000.
Some people have even traveled to other countries to find doctors who will perform the surgery more cheaply ( one reason is that U.S. doctors have gotten so burned with frivolous lawsuits that they have to pay enormous premiums for their mal- practice insurance and that cost is passed on to the patient for every procedure that is performed).
One thing that you need to look into is whether or not your insurance company will cover the expense of the surgery. Many people mistakenly believe that since this is elective surgery that their insurance won’t cover it, just like many plastic surgery procedures aren’t covered, the truth is though that more and more insurance companies are starting to recognize that obesity almost always leads to other life long health issues and that the cost of the one surgery may actually be less, a lot less, than continuing care for heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.
If your insurance company does cover the cost of the surgery they will likely have some pretty strict guidelines as to who will be covered and who will not. For example, many companies will only consider people who are at least 100 or more pounds overweight, people who have been overweight for at least the last 5 years, and people who have demonstrated a real commitment to trying to make lifestyle changes in order to control their weight but have been unsuccessful.
Another cost you will have to consider is the significant lifestyle changes you must be willing to make after your surgery. You will have to drastically alter your eating and drinking habits and despite what many people think, you can gain weight after the procedure if you aren’t careful to eat right and get enough exercise. This isn’t a quick fix.
Gastric bypass surgery cost isn’t just about the dollars and cents of the procedure, it’s also about what you can gain if you were to achieve, and maintain, and healthy weight and lifestyle. If you are morbidly overweight and have tried to lose the weight but haven’t had any luck, you may want to seriously consider having this surgery. Just be willing to make the needed changes and you may be on your way to a much healthier lifestyle.
Tags: Bypass Surgery, care for heart disease, Continuing Care, diabetes;, Disease Diabetes, Elective Surgery, Exact Type, Frivolous Lawsuits, Gastric Bypass Surgery, Gastric Bypass Surgery Cost, Good Health, Having Some Sort, Health Issues, heart disease;, high blood pressure;, Insurance, Insurance Companies, Insurance Company, obesity;, Plastic Surgery, Plastic Surgery Procedures, Practice Insurance, Premiums, Price Tag, Strict Guidelines, surgery, United States;, USD; —

Gastric Bypass Rny
Gastric bypass rny (Roux-En-Y) is the most frequently performed type of gastric bypass surgery performed today. The operation involves creating a small food pouch in the upper part of your stomach. This pouch can hold a very limited amount of food. The pouch bypasses, hence the name, the rest of your stomach and a little of your small intestine.
The basic principle of this procedure is to sharply curtail the amount of food and drink that you are able to ingest at any given time. Since this procedure has bypassed some of your intestine the amount of nutrients you can absorb from your food intake is also limited, therefore anyone undergoing the procedure will have to make significant, and permanent, lifestyle changes when it comes to the way they eat.
Since the part of the intestine that is being bypassed is one of the main areas that your body can absorb iron and calcium, it will be necessary for anyone undergoing the procedure to supplement certain vitamins and minerals in the form vitamin tablets or shots. You will also need to use protein powders to supplement the lack of protein you can absorb, this will only need to occur for about the first few months after surgery. You will also need to either have a B-12 shot monthly for the rest of your life, or take a B-12 tablet daily since you won’t be able to get enough B-12 with the modifications that have been made to your stomach and intestinal tract.
You will only be able to eat about 2 oz. of food at one time, if you try to eat more than that you will likely make yourself sick and will start vomiting. The same thing can also happen if you eat too quickly. “Dumping” is another possible problem if you eat too much sugar. Dumping can consist of nausea, dizziness, cramping, and sweating. It’s vitally important that you carefully chew all of your food or you could literally get a clog.
The amount of food you can eat at one time isn’t the only thing that will change, you will also only be able to drink a small amount at a time too. For this reason, and to avoid getting dehydrated, you will need to get into the habit of having water with you all day long, and taking small sips all day long.
The most important thing you have to remember is that gastric bypass Rny isn’t a magic bullet or a quick fix. This, like any other type of weight loss, will require commitment and time if it’s going to be effective. If you aren’t willing to follow the rules and make the needed lifestyle changes than you may want to reconsider having the surgery, if, on the other hand, you’re willing to commit to the needed changes so that you can achieve, and maintain, a healthy weight and lifestyle than this may just be the thing you need to get you jump started in the right direction.
Tags: B-12, Basic Principle, Bypass Surgery, Calcium, Dizziness, Food And Drink, food intake;, Food Pouch, food;, Gastric Bypass, Gastric Bypass Surgery, Intestinal Tract, Lack Of Protein, Lifestyle Changes, Nausea, Nutrients, Protein Powders, Rest Of Your Life, Roux En Y, Small Food, Small Intestine, Stomach, surgery, Vitamin Tablets, Vitamins And Minerals, vomiting —