Weight Loss Chart
If you are considering losing some weight, the best way to document your progress is to create your own personalized weight loss chart. Charting your progress will show you on a daily, weekly or monthly basis the positive changes you are making and continue to make.
It is always easier to see what you are doing and compare it to where you started and even give you a good idea as to where you are headed. This is called visualization. People who learn to visualize what they want and then map out and keep track of how they are doing are exponentially more successful than those who do not.
If you want to start this for yourself, go out and get a dry erase board with a couple of different colored dry erase markers. Some may even come with the blank calendar on them. You could have a whole month planned out in advance if you get one like this. First, in one color, write the name of the month and fill in the dates. Next, document your beginning weight on the first day of the month. You will be able to compare the difference when you weigh yourself at the end of the month.
Have someone help you measure your chest, waist, hips, thighs and right upper arm. Write these measurements down on a blank space on the calendar. If you are really self conscious then keep this weight loss chart where only you have access to it. Measure every month or so to track inches lost as well as your weight loss.
Another good way to track progress is to take before, during, and after pictures of yourself. Tack them up alongside your dry erase board and that way all your information is in one place. You will be able to tell at a glance how much progress you are making. This will help the motivation factor stay at a high level and encourage you to keep on going.
You could even use this board to plan your menus for the week or even month. This may take a while but just like they do for your kids at school Map out what your diet will consist of. I don’t care if it is just what you will make for dinner each day. To make it even more involved then plan out each meal and your snacks, too, for that matter. Track your water consumption as well. If you just make a little check mark at the bottom of the calendar for every glass of water you drink then that should be just fine.
Take this load off of yourself and this way all you have to do is look at what you have planned for dinner and just make it. Be sure to have all the ingredients on hand though. Make your grocery list for the week by what your recipes call for. Your weight loss chart can have all of this information and more on it. All to help you stay on track and lose all the weight you want. Use a different color marker for each entry or category so you can keep them straight and make it easier to tell what’s what.
Tags: Blank Calendar, Blank Space, Charting, Diet, Dry Erase Board, Dry Erase Markers, Glance, Healthy Diet, Hips Thighs, Losing Weight, Measurements, Menus, Motivation Factor, Positive Changes, School Map, Track Progress, Upper Arm, Visualization, Waist Hips, Weight Chart, Weight Loss Chart —