Spiritual Inviting The Energy To Create Wealth
We live in an abundant world. The purpose of the abundance is so that we live happy, contented lives. Everyone has the right to it. That is how life is meant to be. It has often been suggested that every day, fourteen trillion dollars exchange hands and yet many of us suffer the lack, bowed down by life in fact. Basically, it all boils down to how we perceive money.
Money is a neutral energy. It has a value attributed by society that is a vehicle for us to exchange for materials needed to live. Spirituality that neglects money matters is ignorant spirituality. Mention spirituality that neglects money matters to people bent already from working all day without getting enough to pay for the basic necessities in life and chances are good for being scorned for hypocrisy.
On the other hand, people who have enough money have greater options to pursue better things to enrich the soul. It is the acquisition of it, whatever the cost like trampling other people down in the process and disregarding everything else is what makes it not spiritually edifying. Money and the meaning it brings are directly proportional to how well you are able to tap into the spiritual energy for creating wealth. This does not mean though that people who are very wealthy are spiritual, far from it. In the same manner, it also does not mean that people who have less money are always less happy. There are general principles, though, that improves the chances of tapping into the spiritual energy that prepares us to acquire wealth.
To Have or Not To Have
This is self-image. Whatever we want happens. All of us have the potential to have or not to have, to be or not to be. We could be a vegetarian, a football fan, a family man, a priest, a star or a eunuch. The choices are endless. No matter, it still boils down to how we perceive things and how we react to them. If we believe in our hearts that we could be a millionaire without the self-doubt, we can. Faith and belief that is certain and with conviction, without inner conflicts ultimately prepares all of us to achieve things that other people could only call luck. Believing in who you are and what you are capable of doing starts the ball of opportunity rolling to your direction. All that is left is your ability to recognize it and act on it.
Everything starts with thoughts. Where you are now, how you have become, your house, your job, your wife, your choices are results of thought processes that you entertained years ago. The freedom to choose is not really freedom if the thought process has limited your choices to only those that you think are impossible. If you think you are the victim, you will act like one. If you think you are the innovator, you will one day find the opportunity to be one. Thinking is power. It directs life to how we should become. It also limits it when we choose to. The first freedom is to choose to free the thoughts from limitations. Then other processes set in. Rene Descartes would not have said it any better “I think therefore I am”.
Words are very powerful. Speech follows whatever we think. When we say something, we declare to ourselves what we want to become and we believe it. Believing is one of the greatest of motivators and so speak something, declare it, be convinced by it. When doubt is not entertained in the mind, actions will follow.
Tags: Abundance, Basic Necessities, Creating Wealth, Enough Money, Eunuch, Exchange Hands, Faith And Belief, Family Man, Football Fan, General Principles, Hypocrisy, Millionaire, Money Matters, Money Money, Neutral Energy, priest, Rene Descartes, Self Doubt, Self Image, Spiritual Energy, Spirituality, Trillion, USD; —

What if you could turn back the clock to
What if you could turn back the clock to when you were healthy?
Jason Elkins
What if there was a solution to protecting and restoring your health. What if you could turn back the clock and return to when you were healthy. You wonder why we have such horrific health problems, yet its right in front of your eyes. You all know that nutrition is important, but do you know why. What if given the right nutrition your body could heal itself of anything, and I mean anything. What if this was true and all you needed to do was give your body the right nutrition.
Over half the United States population is undernourished and overweight; these two problems contribute to most of the disease and death in this country. The 1 trillion dollar food industry is directly tied to our health problems. Processed foods are a big problem for peoples health today. Especially because processed foods are so hard to avoid. Many of these foods that we put into our bodies contain no essential nutrients that our bodies need. With these nutrients almost gone, our immune systems are breaking down and disease is taking over. Our bodies were not designed to be taking in these kinds of foods. Also, our fruits and vegetables dont have the nutritional value they once had. The main reason for this is because of green harvesting and the depletion of minerals in our soil.
People are now supplementing vitamins and minerals, with the hope of improving their health. Yet this is not enough, a huge misconception is that by taking vitamins, you are giving your body what it needs to be healthy. Unfortunately not all supplements are equal. Most vitamins and minerals are synthetic, and not easily absorbed by the body. You can test to see if your vitamins are synthetic by taking them with a glass of water and not eating anything for a couple of hours. If you start feeling sick then you know that these are synthetic vitamins. If all you are essentially taking are nutrients which are supposed to be food, then why do you have to eat food with them?
Scientists have recently cracked the code to nutritional supplementation. Scientists have for some time tried to figure out how our cells communicate with each other. We all know that when you cut yourself that your body naturally heals itself. We just didnt really know how it worked; we just knew that they did. Now Scientists have discovered how it works. Its sort of like how a blind person uses brail bumps to read writing. Blind people know how to read brail and therefore they know what it says. What would happen if some of the brail were scratched off? They would go from a level of communication to miscommunication. Our cells work the same; each cell have thousands of protein molecules, and attached to these are glycoforms. The cell uses glycoforms to enable them to effectively communicate to each other. Of the some 200 monosaccharides that occur naturally in plants, eight are known to be components of these glycoforms, and are used in cell-to-cell communication. These eight sugars are glucose, fucose, mannose, galactose, xylose, N-acetylglucosamine, N-acetylgalactosamine and N-acetylneuraminic acid. Of these sugars only two are commonly found in our diet. By supplementing these glyconutrients, your body has the ability to be able to effectively fix anything that is wrong with it. A company by the name of Mannatech owns the patent on the combination of these essential sugars. This means that you cannot get a combination of these sugars from anywhere else in the World. Glyconutritional products will play a huge role in the 21st centurys emerging wellness industry. You can learn more about this technology by checking out my website at theoffer.myglycostore.com This will take you directly to my site. If you would like to see for yourself what glyconutrients could do for you then you can order directly on my site. I will personally make sure that you have an amazing product experience by keeping a health journal to keep track of the benefits that you will have had. Thank you for taking the time to educate yourself about this amazing technology.
About the Author
Jason Elkins is a college student in Washington state. He loves learning and educating people. He wants to become a glycobiologist styding the importance of sugars in cell to cell communication.
Tags: Author, Clock, disease, Dollar, dollar food industry, Essential Nutrients, Food Industry, food;, Fruits And Vegetables, Glass Of Water, Health Problems, Immune Systems, Jason Elkins, Misconception, Nutrition, Nutritional Value, Processed Foods, Reason, Soil, Supplements, Synthetic Vitamins, theoffer.myglycostore.com, Trillion, United States Population, United States;, USD;, Vitamins And Minerals, xylose —