Liposuction Alternative For Melting Off Fat
You want to look your best but you do not want to go through all the pain, cost and possible complications that come with surgery so you need to find out what kind of liposuction alternatives are out there. There are alternatives out there you just have to know where to look and what questions to ask.
We all know that having a tummy tuck is expensive. In fact it can cost tens of thousands of dollars to get done. Add to that the fact that you will be laid up for at least six weeks with some pretty intense pain to deal with. Not to mention the drain tubing and pouches to keep clean and dry. There are also risks involved with surgery and with everything considered some people are reluctant to have a tummy tuck.
This is where a liposuction alternative then comes into play. There are several options available to you. Two of these options are non-invasive and the other is minimally invasive.
The first one is called Titan. Titan is a process in which a laser is used to tighten the skin from the surface. Completely non-invasive, Titan can be done in the doctor’s office. If a little loose skin is your most serious complaint then the Titan procedure is your best bet to get those tight abs you want.
Thermage is another procedure that is non-invasive and uses high frequency sound wave or radio waves to tighten the skin. The heat involved may cause the skin to burn or blister but a surgeon well versed in the procedure should be able to minimize any damage.
The last procedure I want to introduce you to is the minimally invasive Injection Lipolysis where a chemical compound is injected under the skin. This chemical compound melts off fat deposits so they can be easily removed by vacuum. Most patients will get two or three injections to get all the fat removed. This procedure works well on any part of the body but has yet to be approved by the FDA. This means that this procedure is still experimental so talk to your doctor to see if you can get qualified for a trial.
Who says we all have to age gracefully? Aging gracefully is a thing of the past. Most of us women fight aging every step of the way. So much money is spent on beauty and anti-aging products yearly that you could not even fathom the amount. Billions of dollars each year. Makes you want to buy stock in a cosmetics company, doesn’t it? Well, maybe we won’t all go that far but we have all tried the diet and exercise thing and it doesn’t always work. Having someone go into or just above the skin to make you look your best may be just what the doctor ordered. (No pun intended)
Get rid of all of that saggy skin on your belly without any surgery, or pain, or complications with a liposuction alternative.
Tags: Best Bet, Blister, Chemical Compound, Drain Tubing, FDA;, Frequency Sound, Healthy Diet, High Frequency, Injection Lipolysis, Intense Pain, Liposuction, Liposuction Alternative, Loose Skin, Pouches, Radio Waves, Six Weeks, Sound Wave, Thousands Of Dollars, Titan, Tummy Tuck, Vacuum —

Non Surgical Tummy Tuck – 5 Tummy Tuck Alternatives
Many woman, especially those of us who have had kids, don’t want to undergo surgery but would love to have a non surgical tummy tuck. Wouldn’t it be nice to able to go back to the days when we could bounce a quarter off of our abs, but without the pain, expense, and risk of complications of surgery? For those of us who want that there are tummy tuck alternatives that might be just what the doctor ordered.
Having a tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is expensive. It costs thousands of dollars for the surgery. When you add to the expense the fact that you’ll be out of commission for up to six weeks and that you’ll have quite a bit of pain, as well as the risk of complications, many women just don’t want to put themselves through that for a tighter tummy.
The good news is that you don’t have to. Today there are several non surgical tummy tuck alternatives that can help you get the flat looking midsection you’re craving without having to go under the knife.
Here are some of the most promising:
1. For fat loss liposuction works just fine (if your problem is loose skin this won’t help). Liposuction is still a pretty involved procedure but it’s not major abdominal surgery. Often the doctor will perform liposuction in conjunction with a tummy tuck. If you want to just have some fat removed this procedure can work very well.
To put it simply: the doctor uses a vacuum like device and literally sucks fat out of your body. You will still have a recovery period but it’s not as long as with a tummy tuck. Ask your doctor if this is a good idea for you.
2. Titan. This is a process where a laser can tighten the skin from the surface. There are no incisions involved with this procedure. If you have just a little extra skin, this procedure would probably work really well for you, ask your doctor.
3. Thermage is a non surgical procedure where radio frequency energy is directed to the skin. This can help tighten and lift excess skin. It’s completely non invasive.
4. Injection Lipolysis is a procedure where a compound is injected directly into the skin. This compound has been shown to melt off fat deposits. Most people will need 2 or 3 injections to remove the total amount of fat that they want removed. It’s non surgical and works well on the face, jowls, neck, sides, thighs and abdomen. It hasn’t been FDA approved yet though so make sure to talk to your doctor about it, and any potential side effects, and get his opinion.
We’re lucky, today more than ever we don’t have to age gracefully, we can fight it every step of the way. We now know a lot about diet and exercise and the benefits both have on our overall health as well as our appearance. The problem is that sometimes diet and exercise just aren’t enough. To get rid of that flabby tummy without going under the knife you should look into
non surgical tummy tuck alternatives.
Tags: Abdominal Surgery, Abdominoplasty, Ask Doctor, Conjunction, Excess Skin, Extra Skin, FDA;, Healthy Diet, Incisions, Laser, Liposuction, Loose Skin, Midsection, radio frequency, Radio Frequency Energy, Recovery Period, Risk, Six Weeks, surgery, Thermage, Thousands Of Dollars, Titan, Tummy Tuck, Vacuum, Woman —