Abdominoplasty – Flat Belly Equals Weight Loss
There are many, many reasons someone would choose to have an abdominoplasty procedure done. After pregnancy is one good reason, especially if the baby was taken by Cesarean section. During a Cesarean section the abdominal muscles are cut by the doctor and because of this the muscles may have a difficult time recovering and lose their elasticity along with the skin of the abdomen.
During the procedure the doctor will use a technique called “baseball stitching” of the damaged abdominal muscles to strengthen them so they heal nicely then use liposuction to remove any fat remaining under the skin. The skin is then stretched, pulled taut and the excess is trimmed off. The belly button has to be relocated and the incision stitched closed. Next, drain tubes are put in place to keep fluid from building up under the skin. Keeping the fluid from building up will also help the healing process and decrease the possibility of infection.
After all of this is done the whole abdominal area is wrapped tightly with a compression dressing to help support the muscles and skin during the healing period. A narcotic analgesic will be prescribed to manage the pain. You can expect the recovery to take about six weeks to two months depending on the extent of the procedure you choose to have done.
If you are overweight and have tried everything you can think of to lose weight and have failed, first of all, know that you are not alone. This has happened to the best of us. So what do you do if you want to be healthy? One thing you can do is a procedure like abdominoplasty. You will still have to change the way you eat and think about food otherwise you will not keep the weight off and the procedure will be a waste of time and money.
You can have the flat belly you have always wanted and look toned and in shape with just one procedure. When the weight is gone then you will not only look and feel healthier you will be healthier. Joints and muscles will not hurt so much anymore. Once your body gets used to not having to carry around all that extra weight your joints and muscles may not hurt anymore at all.
Other benefits may include a decrease in blood pressure, cholesterol and even eliminating diabetes symptoms. Anything you can do to decrease signs and symptoms of any one of these disorders will help you save some money on prescriptions and visits to the doctor. You may even be able to save on medical and life insurance premiums if you become healthier by losing the weight.
Professionals will tell you to not use this procedure as an alternative for a good weight loss program but if you want to look and feel your best and get the added benefit of being healthier in so may ways then talk to a board certified plastic surgeon in you area to get the information you need to make an informed decision about abdominoplasty.
Tags: Abdomen, Abdominal Muscles, Abdominoplasty, Baseball Stitching, Belly Button, Drain Tubes, Elasticity, Extent, Flat Belly, Good Reason, Healing Process, Incision, Joints, Liposuction, Losing Weight, One Thing, Pregnancy, Six Weeks, Time And Money, Waste Of Time, Weight Loss —

Tips for a Healthy and Balanced Life
Tips for a Healthy and Balanced Life
Daniel N. Brown
Taking good care of yourself is mandatory!
The following tips are all required to maintain a healthy, happy, and prosperous life.
~ Eat a healthy diet
We all know we need to provide our physical bodies with high quality fuel if we want it to run properly. We should concentrate on eating a regular healthy diet high in nutrients and keep junk food to a minimum. Also include herbal and vitamin supplements.
~ Get plenty of physical exercise
Physical exercise is known for a load of benefits. Not just physical benefits, but for mental, emotional, and spiritual benefits as well. To live a longer and healthier life, move it, or lose it!
~ Get plenty of mental exercise
Keep challenging your mind to expand, grow, learn, and explore. Television has its place, but turn it off sometimes, in favor of a great book and increase your mental sharpness. Use it, or lose it!
~ Play hard
Some people are workaholics and feel guilty for having fun, but recreation is vital to maintaining balance in our lives. All work and no play is a recipe for burnout and contributes to lower productivity in every other area in your life.
~ Get adequate rest
Try to get as much uninterrupted sleep as you need to stay mentally sharp, emotionally sound, and physically rested. Sleep is your nervous systems way of healing and refueling your entire being.
~ Stay focused in the present moment
Be anxious for nothing. (Phil 4:6) Regretting the past or worrying about the future is a complete waste of time. It stresses your emotions, which makes you more susceptible to disease. Besides, power is only found in the present moment.
~ Surround yourself with positive people
You cant fly like an eagle if you are running around with chickens. I believe a person tends to gravitate toward the style of thinking of their associates. Keep yourself surrounded with positive-minded people who are on the increase.
~ Laugh
Laughter will keep you healthy. A merry heart does good like medicine. (Prov 17:22) There is humor in almost every situation. Sometimes, we just have to look for it.
~ Think positive
Examine how you feel emotionally at any given time. And then ask yourself, What am I thinking about thats causing this feeling? Thinking and feeling go hand in hand, and many times we dont even realize what were thinking about.
~ Deal with your emotions
Have you been avoiding dealing with a negative emotion? If left unattended, it will eventually manifest itself in some form of physical illness. Sooner or later, you will express it, so express it sooner than later and stay healthy.
About the Author
Daniel N. Brown is the publisher of the “Living the Abundant and Prosperous Christian Life” Newsletter. A free weekly publication that teaches how to live the abundant and prosperous Christian life. Receieve a free copy of Dan’s 14 page report entitled, “5 Biblical Keys to Outrageous Prosperity,” when you sign up.
Tags: Adequate Rest, Author, Balanced Life, Burnout, Chickens, Complete Waste Of Time, Daniel N. Brown, Having Fun, Healthy Diet, Junk food;, keep junk food, Mental Exercise, Mental Sharpness, Merry Heart, Nervous Systems, Physical Bodies, Physical Exercise, Physical Illness, Present Moment, Prosperous Life, Quality Fuel, Spiritual Benefits, Vitamin Supplements, Waste Of Time, What am, www.secretplaceonline.com —