Is the LapBand System Right for You?
Do you want to lose weight? Have you found that diet and exercise simply just arent enough? If so, you may turn to surgical procedures. These surgeries fall into the category of bariatric surgeries. You do have many options, but the LapBand system is one of the most popular.
As you know, not all individuals are the same. That is why the LapBand, as much as it comes highly rated and recommended, is not for everyone. Your doctor will help you determine if the LapBand surgery is your best course of action. However, before you schedule a consultation appointment, you may wonder if the LapBand surgery is right for you. To determine if so, closely examining requirements.
Before highlighting a few LapBand surgery requirements, it is important to make note of variances. Thousands of surgeons in the United States perform the LapBand surgery. Although each of these surgeons operate under strict guidelines, many have their own restrictions. A few exceptions to the common eligibility requirements, which are outlined below, may be found on a case-by-case basis.
Weight. On average, it is recommended that patients are 100 pounds overweight. This translates into a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 40 or more. According to the Body Mass Index (BMI), this also translates into severe or morbid obesity.
Minor weight related complications. As previously stated, obesity can lead to other health complications. Two examples are diabetes and asthma. When weight loss is achieved, patients suffering from these conditions often see their symptoms disappear. In these instances, a slight adjustment may be made to the above mentioned weight criteria. For example, those who are only 85 pounds overweight, but suffer from diabetes are still ideal candidates for the LapBand system.
Age. Most surgeons operate on criteria that recommends a patient be between the ages of 18 and 60. Those who are young and healthy are able to recovery and experience less compilations from the LapBand surgery. The minimum age of 18 is often selected due to choice. Unless a young child is in danger due to severe obesity, most professionals wait until the child turns 18 and is able to legally make their own health decisions.
Failure of other weight loss alternatives. Many surgeons in the United States perform the LapBand surgery, although most only use it as a last resort. For that reason, it is suggested you try other methods of weight loss. Your doctor may develop a healthy eating and exercise plan for you. If you are unable to see success, LapBand may be next best course of action.
Long running obesity problem. It is not uncommon for a persons weight for balloon from time to time. Depression and lifestyle changes can attribute to a weight gain. You are a better candidate for LapBand surgery if you have been obese for five or more years, as opposed to one year.
Family history of obesity. A family history of obesity does not necessarily guarantee that descendants will be overweight, but it increases the risk. If you have a family history of obesity and have been plagued with it for years, the LapBand surgery may be your best option.
No health complications. Health related complications impact ones eligibility for the LapBand surgery on a number of different levels. For starters, some health complications make individuals ideal candidates for surgery. This is common in the case of diabetes. With weight loss, diabetes disappear, making surgery well worth the risk. On the other hand, those suffering from cancer and women who are pregnant or expected to become pregnant are advised against undergoing the LapBand procedure.
Understanding. Ideal candidates for the LapBand system are between the ages of 18 and 60 and have a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 40 or more. With that said, these qualifications do not automatically make one eligible for the procedure. A clear understanding and commitment is required. The LapBand surgery itself is not what results in weight loss. Surgery combined with dietary changes results in weight loss. If you are unable to restrict your diet, the surgery is not right for you.
Word Count 681
Tags: asthma;, bariatric surgeries, Basis Weight, Body Mass, Body Mass Index, Body Mass Index Bmi, cancer;, Case Basis, Compilations, Consultation Appointment, depression;, diabetes;, Diet, Eligibility Requirements, Exceptions, Exercise, Health Complications, Instances, Lapband Surgery, Morbid Obesity, obesity;, severe obesity, Strict Guidelines, Surgeries, surgery, Surgical Procedures, United States;, Weight Criteria, Weight Loss —