Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Healthy Diet Tips And Much More

How To Lose Weight Naturally

Have you had just about all you can take from the diet industry? If so, then you are not alone. It seems as if they are always thrusting a new diet pill, secret concoction or gimmick our way; in the hopes that we will buy into their inflated promises…at least one more time. While the truth is that some of those weight loss products really do work, more and more people are wondering how to lose weight naturally.

This type of thinking is actually much more healthy in the long run. Let’s say there was a safe pill for weight loss. All you had to do was take it once a day, and then you could whatever you want and sit on the couch watching television. You could drop 25 pounds by just taking a pill, what would be so wrong about that?

There are two main problems with all diet pills (and we’re not counting the potential of harmful side effects, either). First, you will never develop good eating habits if you pop a pill and be done with it. But then what happens if you stop taking the pills? Not only would you gain all of the weight back, but you would probably gain more because you would be accustomed to eating without any regard to the consequences. The second problem is that even though you would be losing weight, all of that bad food would be taking its toll on your overall health. Again, we’re not talking about the side effects of the diet pills themselves, but rather the harmful effects of the unhealthy food itself.

The question of how to lose weight naturally has a fairly simple answer. It’s really just a matter of burning more calories than you take in, and making sure what you do take in is healthy for you. Furthermore, you shouldn’t take any synthetic supplements or drugs in your efforts to drop those extra pounds.

Food is the key to natural weight loss. Choosing foods as close to their natural state is the quickest way to ensure you are eating right. For example, a carrot is better for you than a big piece of fat-laden, sugar-added carrot cake that’s covered with another layer of fat and sugar in the form of frosting. Does that mean you can’t eat carrot cake? Not at all, but it does mean that you shouldn’t kid yourself that you’re eating healthy because there’s a trace of vegetable matter in the piece of cake.

Fresh fruits and vegetables (frozen is also a good choice), whole grains, healthy fats and lean protein are the cornerstone of a healthy diet for weight loss. Your fruits and vegetables should cover a wide variety of colors to make sure you’re getting as many vitamins, minerals and micronutrients as possible. Unprocessed whole grains are better than processed; for example, oats are a better choice for how to lose weight naturally than oatmeal cookies. Avoid white flour and white rice as well.

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Green Tea And Weight Loss Go Together

Have you ever noticed that you can often find green tea or its extracts being sold near other weight loss products? Perhaps you never thought twice about it, but they don’t sell coffee, milk or other such beverages there, so why green tea? Let’s take a look at green tea and weight loss.

While it may not be 100% perfect (nothing is), you will see that green tea does have some pretty impressive benefits; not only on how much you weigh, but on your overall health as well. Ancient cultures have been aware of these properties for ages, but it is only recently that Western medicine and science have started to see how much this unassuming plant can do.

Before we get to the good stuff, it’s only fair to offer a few warnings. First, green tea contains caffeine, so those who can’t tolerate it, or have to avoid it for spiritual or health reasons shouldn’t drink it. Second, you should talk to your doctor before making any changes to your diet. Finally, none of the information in this article is meant to be medical advice of any kind. Always consult with your doctor and follow their advice. Okay, now on to the good stuff…

Green tea contains catechin polyphenols, which are powerful antioxidants. These appear to be the source of a lot of the health benefits associated with drinking green tea. Furthermore, the catechin increases your metabolism. Some studies have shown that green tea can boost your metabolism by as much as 4% for a full 24 hours after drinking it. Imagine drinking a cup or two of tea and then burning extra calories for a day afterwards.

The better metabolic rate is only the start of the good news about green tea and weight loss. One of the biggest problems with going on a diet is that you always seem to feel hungry. But green tea comes to the rescue yet again! How? First it helps to regulate blood sugar levels, which play an important part in how full we feel. Next, the polyphenols in green tea may suppress the body’s production of the enzyme leptin which makes us feel hungry. So, it not only makes you feel fuller, it also makes you less hungry at the same time.

So far it’s easy to see how green tea is a natural ally in the fight for losing weight, but we’re not quite done yet. As if increased metabolism and feeling full weren’t enough, there is also some evidence that compounds found in green tea reduce how much fat the body absorbs. The catechins, caffeine and theanine work to inhibit the lipase enzymes that signal the body to store fat.

Add to all of this the fact that tea has zero calories, and there should be no doubt that green tea and weight loss go together. Just drink a cup or two every day, and you should start noticing the positive effects before you know it.

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Losing Weight Through Diet

Various studies show that more than two-thirds of all American adults are either obese or morbidly obese. With all the hype on weight loss and weight loss products, its no wonder that more and more people who suffer from being overweight become interested into various commercial diet plans and weight loss programs that are available in the market today.


Of all the means of losing weight offered by various companies, weight loss diets have become one of the most popular that overweight people use. This is because these people believe that by taking in regulated amounts of food or veering away from eating foods from a specific food group, they can lose weight easily.

But, little do they know that improper diet and dieting may result to rapid weight loss and can even lead to more serious illnesses due to lack of nutrients absorbed by the body.

Food and nutrition experts say that most obese people who are into strict diet and improper dieting have developed have a long history of dieting failure because they always go back to their usual eating and lifestyle habits.

Experts also agree that although improper diet can lead to severe health cases, it can be powerful tool in losing weight if done properly and administered by authorized health care providers. This is because weight loss diets that are monitored by authorities can evoke commitment, discipline, and dedication to those who are taking the specific diet plan. And if these weight loss diets are administered properly, people who choose weight-loss program can conquer their fear of dieting failure and depression.

Indeed, it will take a huge amount of energy for an obese person to be able to stick to any weight-loss diet or program. Aside from fighting the temptation to go back to their usual way of eating, people who are overweight have large tendencies of becoming violent and defensive in their preference of diet.

Although diet can be an effective means of losing weight, experts say that not all weight loss diets and programs can be successful. This is because some diets target the dieters weakness and make them believe that they can eat certain amount of foods when in fact, these can contribute much to their weight gain.


To be able to lose weight safely and properly, make sure that you know when the weight loss diet is a fad. Here are some ways to help you spot a fad diet:

– Menu offers extremely limited food choices.
– Cutting out an entire food group.
– The diet asks the dieter to eliminate all fats.
– Promises of ultra-fast weight loss or rapid weight loss.
– It aims to sell a specific weight loss product such as herbal weight loss supplement or pills.
– Weight loss diet claims they are based on unproven science.
– It opposes medical opinions.

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Green Tea And Weight Loss Synonymous

More often, you would see green tea or green tea extracts piled together with other weight loss supplements in the market. The question is, is green tea really effective when it comes to a persons goal to get rid of excess fats and lose some pounds on the weighing scale? Before matching thinking of sipping the meritorious Japanese brew, take a look at the reasons why you should and why you shouldnt consider the green tea and weight loss combo.

There has been a lot of fuss about the benefits of green tea to people who are trying to lose weight. Medical research showed a crowd of advantages of the tea and its components. However, like any other weight loss products, it has its own adverse effects on an individuals general health. Lets start weighing the facts by first looking at the good cut of the said weight loss supplement and then the hazards at the latter end.

Benefits of Green Tea on Metabolism

A powerful antioxidant called catechin polyphenols originate in green tea is known to be responsible for many of the benefits of the tea. The antioxidant can stimulate the bodys process of burning fuel and releasing calories as heat. Research showed that green tea increases energy expenditure or metabolism helping hand. At a 24 hour period, it is recorded that metabolic standard is added to up to 4 %. In short, green tea revs up your metabolism and thus decreases your chances of gaining more weight.

Benefits of Green Tea on Reducing Appetite

If you charge your appetite on your unending or regular inclination for food, then green tea and weight loss may just be what you need. Green tea is known as an appetite suppressant because of its magenta smooch regulating capabilities. According to studies, green teas polyphenols have the ability to depress Leptin, a protein that plays a major rule in increasing cupidity.
Benefits of Green Tea on Fat Absorption
Green tea has three major components which can promote fat loss. These components are catechins, caffeine, and theanine which can inhibit gastric and pancreatic lipase, enzymes that digest and stores fat in a form that is healthy for the body. Drinking green tea after a meal can slow the rise of blood sugar and thus prevents fat storage in the body.

Benefits of Green Tea on Calorie Count

Start counting calories on your morning brew and guess what you will find. Double cream, double sugar, mocha, frappucinno, etc are causing havoc on your waistline. If you are addicted to a dose of caffeine in the morning but hunger those calories off your diet, then green tea and weight loss brew is right for you.

Health Hazards of Green tea

The hazard of the intake of green tea lies on its caffeine. Caffeine is harmful especially for people who have heart problems and high blood pressure. But as they say, to every problem there is a solution. Green tea and weight loss can still be an option for people who have health concerns when it comes to taking in caffeine. Decaffeinated green tea, usually that which comes in an extract form, is available in the market too.

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