Understanding Gastric Bypass
Gastric bypass surgery is done to primarily solve or treat morbid or severe obesity and other health problems associated with it. With this procedure the stomach is made smaller. The food will bypass part of the small intestine. By doing so, the patient will consume less because he feels full immediately. Getting full easily would reduce the calories taken by the body and eventually lead to weight loss.
Actually, gastric bypass is just among the many similar operations to reduce obesity. To refer all of these procedures, bariatric surgery is the term. These operations intend to reduce accumulated fatty tissues by altering the physiological and psychological attitude of a patient towards food and eating.
How does it alter normal digestion?
What normally happens is that after eating, the food would go through the stomach and then proceed to the small intestine. The nutrients are absorbed in the small intestine before it goes to the large intestine where waste is eventually pushed out of the body. The most common gastric bypass procedure, the Roux-en Y gastric bypass, alters this process.
In the Roux-en gastric bypass, a small pouch is made on the top part of the stomach. The lower part of the stomach, which is much smaller now, is connected directly to the middle part of the small intestine. The stomach was made smaller and at the same time, the intestine was cut short, the upper portion of the small intestine was bypassed. Both the upper portion of the stomach and the small intestine no longer digest food.
Statistics showed that patients would lose 60%, on the average, of their weight after the gastric bypass surgery. There are even who would say that they have lost 80% of their weight. There are studies showing that about 90% of patient who have undergone gastric surgery were able to maintain their weight loss after ten years of having the surgery performed.
Having gastric surgery is not risk-free though. People who have undergone this procedure would report more cases of gallstones, in other studies, they would also report nutritional issues like anemia or osteoporosis.
Every year there are about 140,000 gastric procedure being performed in the United States alone. The results could really be successful, with people being able to get better weight-loss results, however, about 2% of patients would find it very fatal. In the 2%, one percent could be as a result of complications during surgery. The heart in unable to support the pumping it has to do to handle the excess weight or the complication brought by it.
The other one percent cause of fatality among people who gone through the procedure, would be about not following the dietary restrictions that should be followed after the surgery. After gastric surgery, the body could no longer handle too much intake of high-sugar and high-fat food. There is a special diet that those who have just undergone the surgery should follow. Bypass diet would usually include foods that are high in protein but low in fat, fiber, calories, and sugar. There are vitamins and mineral supplements that are required to be taken to avoid health and nutritional deficiencies.
With more and more people turning to gastric bypass surgery as a weight-loss option, it is important to understand not only the procedure and the benefits. It is also important to weigh the risks and if our lifestyle and our body would be able to handle the dramatic loss of weight.
Tags: anemia;, Attitude, Bariatric Surgery, Bypass Surgery, Calories, Digestion, Fatty Tissues, Food Statistics, food;, gallstones, Gastric Bypass, Gastric Bypass Surgery, Gastric Surgery, Health Problems, high-fat food, Large Intestine, longer digest food, Nutrients, Nutritional Deficiencies, obesity;, osteoporosis;, Part Of The Small Intestine, Roux En Y Gastric Bypass, severe obesity, Stomach, surgery, United States;, Upper Portion, Weight Loss —
Thinning Down: Do You Need A Gastric Bypass For It?
Thinning Down: Do You Need A Gastric Bypass For It?
Obesity is an increasing problem in the world today. It can’t be avoided because of our current environment of fast food and sedentary lifestyles. So what can you do about your ever-expanding flab?There’s always the constant call for exercise and dieting however, sometimes even that is not enough. This is when surgery comes in and a gastric bypass can be needed.
First of all, let’s talk about what exactly is a gastric bypass. Have you ever heard of a heart bypass? This is when surgeons stitch up you arteries to avoid the clogged vessels of the circulatory system around your heart. This is also what happens in a gastric bypass, although the operation involves your digestive system rather than your blood vessels. What the surgeons do is make your stomach smaller by making a pouch at the top of the stomach. This neatly halves your stomach capacity. Then, the surgeons would connect your small intestine to this pouch, skipping a part of it. These two changes contribute to increased weight loss by lower food capacity and lesser calorie absorption over all. Weight loss would accelerate over a three to six-month period, until your body manages to adapt to the lower energy intake.
The question that most doctors ask before they have someone undergo all of this is very simple: do you really need it? Most doctors advise patients seeking a gastric bypass to exhaust all other forms of weight-loss options before doing this operation. It may be the safest option but it is still major surgery on a sensitive part of your body. These is still a chance for complications to set in both during and after the operation. Doctors also screen any patient wanting to have a gastric bypass you may not have a gastric bypass if you have not been obese for more than five years, are alcoholic, experiencing a psychiatric disorder and you have to be between 18 to 65 years of age.
If the patient has exhausted all other options and is eligible for a bypass then the doctor outlines exactly what happens after the bypass is done. After the surgery, the patient will stay in observation for the next three days to check for complications. He won’t be eating anything solid for awhile to let the pouch in his stomach heal. After discharge, he will also be under a rigid, progressive diet that would take him from liquid foods to solid foods in twelve weeks. The patient will also be experiencing the effects of lower energy intake: headaches and bodyaches, along with lower energy levels.
He will also have to take vitamin supplements since the part of the small intestine that is being skipped by the bypass is predominantly in charge of getting the appropriate vitamins and minerals from the food not all, of course, but a significant portion of the recommended daily allowance. The long-term effects are also there. A lower stomach capacity means you may vomit or feel abdominal pains if you eat too much or too fast.
It sounds extreme, but still, a lot of gastric bypasses are done each year it’s up to you to decide whether it is worth the risk.
Tags: Absorption, Arteries, Blood Vessels, bypass, Circulatory System, Digestive System, Doctors, Energy Intake, Fast Food, food;, Gastric Bypass, headaches;, Heart Bypass, lower energy intake, lower energy levels, lower food capacity, Major Surgery, More Than Five Years, obesity;, Optio, pains, Psychiatric Disorder, Sedentary Lifestyles, Small Intestine, Stomach, surgery, Weight Loss, World Today —
Discover A Great Way To Loose Weight Fast
If you want to loose weight fast, the first thing you need to realize is that you probably arent going to lose weight quite as fast as you want to. For some people, 2 pounds a week is fast. Anymore than 2 pounds a week generally isnt considered healthy, unless youre very overweight. If you have 15 pounds to lose and want to lose it all in two weeks, youre going to have to adjust your thinking or youre either going to be very disappointed, or youll resort to a really unhealthy method of weight loss and risk making yourself sick.
Yet, if you need to loose weight fast over a period of a few days or a week just to fit into a dress for the weekend, for instance, and you realize that if you drop pounds quickly youll likely put them back on after the weekend is over, there are some things you can do to drop a few pounds right away.
When you loose weight fast, youre losing water weight, not actual fat. So as long as you understand that your quick weight drop is really a very temporary thing thats easily undone and you dont risk your health to do it, you could be very pleased with the results.
First, stop drinking anything with calories in it. Just that alone can help you loose weight fast. No alcoholic beverages, no sugar in your coffee, no soda other than diet soda, and no fruit juice or flavored waters that have calories in them. Just this step alone can cut hundred of calories from your day. Replace those sugared beverages with water. Dont drink 64 oz of water in one sittingthat can even be dangerousbut try to get that much in slowly throughout the day.
If you really want to loose weight fast, you can drastically cut back on your calories. While 1200 calories is really just above a starvation diet, if you limit yourself to that or fewer for only a very short time like a few days, it wont harm you. Weve all had those days where were sick with the flu or we dont feel well and we eat very little. It happens from time to time naturally, so doing it on purpose for a short burst wont hurt you either, just dont decide to starve yourself as a method for long-term weight loss.
Stick to easily digested foods like vegetable soup with little fat in it. Soup can help you feel more full while youre eating so little food and take away the growling stomach that will no doubt happen at least a few times if you cut your calories back drastically. Drink seasoned broth, or clear or tomato-based vegetable soups for best results.
Avoid potatoes and starches like corn and peas. Go for broccoli, lettuce, spinach, celery, and other greens. Oranges and strawberries can help your sweet tooth. And take a multivitamin, so youll still get important nutrients while you loose weight fast.
Each of these tips will help you loose weight fast. However, you should check with your personal physician to make sure you are physically fit enough to loose weight fast.
Tags: Alcoholic Beverages, Calories, Coffee, Diet Soda, Discover, Eating Habits, Few Days, Flu, Fruit Juice, Health, Healthy Diet, little food, Loose Weight, Lose Weight, Losing Weight, Oz, People, Personal Physician, Risk, Short Time, Starvation Diet, starvation;, Temporary Thing, Water Weight, Weight Loss —
Part 2 Tips On Visualization And Weight Loss Proven
Part 2 Tips On Visualization And Weight Loss Proven Way To Shed Your Fat
In Part 1 of Tips On Visualization And Weight Loss – Proven Way To Shed The Fat!, the basics of how visualization works were covered.
Visualizations are done by you painting a picture of what you want in your mind. An example would be a picture of your beautiful, sexy body in a revealing bikini if you were a woman. Another example would be as a man with a hot ripped body of a Charles Atlas, which the ladies would find irresistible. However, you must make sure the image you paint is doable by you.
If you happen to be one of those people who have difficulty in painting the sexy body you want, it’s ok to use a picture back when you were thin and sexy. If that doesn’t work try the tactic of someones body you admired. Perhaps it could be someone like a celebrity.
You can find a picture of almost any celebrity on the Internet or in a magazine. Download it or cut it out of a magazine and remove the face from the picture and put your face on the body. That may sound a little nutty to you, but it works.
Once you have a workable image you must work that image; each and every day. Visualization will work best for you by taking a set time, if possible, 2 or 3 times a day and see your beautiful sexy body in your mind. You will be bringing it out of the subconscious part of your mind into the conscience part of your mind.
It is best to be in a quiet area when you do this. If you are at work perhaps you can slip into the stairwell or even the broom closet, as long as its quiet. You will need to spend several minutes each time doing this. Although it may seem hard at first, when you do it for a period of 30 days, it will become a habit for you.
One thing you may not have known it that you can target specific parts of your body one at a time. For an example you could focus on the “thunder thighs” slimmed down to an enchanting 36 inches. Or perhaps the “balloon butt” down to two well toned cheeks in a bikini bottom. Now is that hot or what!
Here is one last tip to give you a boost with your visualization and weight loss plan. When your going about your every day routine, reaffirm out loud or silently in your mind; “My body is so sexy and thin, I’m really glad that it is” or something similar. Whatever you do make sure it’s positive and right now not something in the future.
Some people also find this difficult to do. However, its really easy to print it out on a 3X5 card and carry it with you, wherever you go. Just whip it out when you feel your getting weak in your resolve. The first thing you know you will feel your weak moments being further and further apart.
You do know that your new sexy body is not going to happen overnight. But by using visualization and weight loss together it may well happen a lot sooner than you had hoped for.
It would be wise for you to read Part 1 of Tips On Visualization And Weight Loss – Proven Way To Shed The Fat! to have a full understanding of how visualization can help you lose weight.
Tags: Balloon, Beautiful, Broom Closet, Butt, Celebrity, Charles Atlas, Conscience, Face, Focus, Habit, Image, Losing Weight, One At A Time, Quiet Area, Revealing Bikini, Sexy Body, Stairwell, Tactic, Thunder Thighs, Visualization Works, Weight Loss, whip —