Quick Ways To Lose Weight
In this article I’m going to go over some quick ways to lose weight. But, be warned, I’m not going to talk about the latest diet “wonder pill” or the latest fitness do-dad. I’m going to talk about real methods for helping you get where you want to be as quickly and safely as possible.
You see, I don’t believe in short term fixes, they are just too … short term. I think it is better to spend your time making changes that can last you for a lifetime. I mean which would you prefer; work hard lose 5 pounds but after a while find that you can’t keep taking that supplement and gaining back that 5 pounds plus ten more…
Making small lifestyle changes over a period of time and losing all the weight you need to lose and keeping it off forever (since you have changed some aspects of your lifestyle your weight loss will be permanent as long as your lifestyle changes are permanent!)?
To me it’s a no brainer. Starting small and making permanent lifestyle changes can ensure that you stay healthy and strong for the rest of your life.
Before you do anything though, please talk to your doctor. It is important that your doctor is in the loop with any changes you want to make especially when you start increasing your physical activity.
So, there are basically two components to losing weight and keeping it off forever: what you eat, and what you do.
If you love sweets (I do!) I personally think it is wrong to say to yourself: “I will never eat candy again!”. I know your heart is in the right place but more than likely you won’t be able to stick with such a strict diet.
In my opinion it is much better to just say “I am going to cut way back on how often and how many sweets I eat”.
That simple change will be much easier to live with but will still help you accomplish your goal. Start thinking of the food you eat as fuel for your body.
Every time you go to shove something in your mouth ask yourself if it is a good source of fuel for your body. If it isn’t you may want to reconsider that particular choice.
Try to eat throughout your day and eat nutritiously throughout your day. 5 – 6 small meals or snacks during the day will keep your metabolism burning all day long. You will be amazed at how effective this one simple change can be.
When I started eating like that I lost almost a pound a day! Of course, the meals can’t be too big and they have to be nutritious if you want it to work. If you stuff a cheeseburger into your mouth 5 or 6 times a day you will gain weight and not lose it!
You also need to get more physical activity into your life. It can be pretty much anything you enjoy that gets your body moving. If you like to dance than find a dance workout DVD. If you like to swim, swim. The same goes for biking, hiking, jogging, etc.
Moving enough to raise your heart rate and doing that at least 3 – 4 times a week is another great way to shed those excess pounds and if you do activities you enjoy, you won’t think of it as a chore you will actually enjoy the process. You will be having fun and the weight loss will just be a benefit!
Those are the quick ways to lose weight that I recommend!
Tags: Brainer, Candy, Dad, Eating Habits, Fitness, Healthy Diet, Heart, Lifestyle Changes, Lifetime, Losing Weight, Period Of Time, Physical Activity, Quick Ways To Lose Weight, Rest Of Your Life, Strict Diet, Sweets, Ways To Lose Weight, Weight Lose, Weight Loss, Wonder Pill —