Achieving Spiritual Satisfaction
In a world that is governed mainly by materialism and capitalism, it seems as if there is never enough that a person can own. Even if a human being has already achieved so much of which mostly are material things, it seems that these things do not entirely satisfy his needs, but rather his wants. Such a characteristic that primarily describes more than half of the nation, it is therefore important to take action before people destroy one another for the sole benefit of becoming much richer, much more successful or much more beautiful. These people have to realize that all of the possessions and pleasures in life are only temporary which they can never bring with them when they pass away. However, with a thing called spiritual satisfaction, a person can finally say that he does not want any worldly things to satisfy himself but more of a spiritual wealth.
And while attaining spiritual satisfaction is definitely difficult to reach, such a process is actually the same with people called hermits who choose to live in the mountains in pure solitude and peace. However, considering the world like ours, it is much more difficult nowadays to live like hermits especially that our lives are now basically dominated by materialism. It is then wise that a person does not take being a hermit literally, rather take it as a challenge in order for him to live in simplicity and satisfaction.
Disregarding Quantity
Basically, the first things that you have to do are to think with a divine intelligence and disregard the value of quantity. More often than not, people mistake quantity as the basis for richness and value. However, it is exactly the opposite of it.
Living At The Moment
The second thing that you can do is simply live at the moment. Many people are too concerned with their past or perhaps their future that they soon fail to realize that they are in fact living in the present. Thus, they ultimately forget the value of the things that they have today since they are totally blinded by things that have already happened or have not even occurred yet. In order to live with spiritual satisfaction, you need to live right now and right here without exceptions. Enjoy every moment that has been given to you and make sure that every second and every minute counts for something important. As long as you are aware of this need, then you can definitely develop into a much more satisfied individual.
Accepting That You Are Enough
The third and perhaps the most important part that you should know is that by being yourself, you are already enough. The act of belittling one’s self or perhaps saying that he is not enough can totally hinder him from achieving spiritual satisfaction. As long as you see yourself not worthy, then you are limiting yourself to every possible thing that can come about to you. Remember that as long as you do not see your true image of yourself, then it only means that you are slowly getting farther from the one Creator who has made you from His likeness.
Tags: Capitalism, Divine Intelligence, Hermits, Material Things, Materialism, Mistake, Mountains, Peace, Pleasures, Possessions, Richness, Simplicity, Sole Benefit, Solitude, Spiritual Satisfaction, Spiritual Wealth, Worldly Things —

Spiritual Enlightenment: Its Three Stages
The basic goal when people undertake spiritual practice is enlightenment. The culminating point marked in the practices is when one already attains the spiritual enlightenment therefore they feel the unity of soul, leaving behind all physical and mental engagements and everything else. It is possessing highly evolved souls, and to share the kind of enlightenment that these spiritual masters experience they propagate it through the world.
For practical purposes, attaining spiritual enlightenment comes into levels. The spiritual masters evolve from the first to the third levels.
The first one is the animality levels to which many individuals have a tendency to degrade themselves. In this stage, you experience and live the reality as any individuals would. You may continuously engage in ordinary activities like talking, gossiping, planning the future, analyzing everything about us, and so on and so forth. You are the normal, ordinary individual walking around just like everybody else.
You are experiencing just like everybody else is experiencing, although in this stage, you are already taking the cue to uplift the enlightenment of your soul towards a more meaningful existence. When spiritual enlightenment is considered, you are at a stage when you are taking just everything as presented but you are also undergoing an effort to detach worldly things from your existence.
In the second levels, you rise into humanity, to which now constitutes the very nature of the human individuals. In this stage, the individual experiences a connection to every individual around them and even to every object surrounding them. The experience makes them like losing their own individuality; however, the culmination is already taking its mark signaling that a merge is happening between their own with the Supreme soul.
As you feel you are no longer the individual that you are and instead one with everything around your environment, you are closing in with the Supreme Soul as everything comes from Him. This is a great experience that anyone can undergo because enlightening of the soul is starting to dawn with more promises to be a lot better later on with the succeeding stage.
In the third levels is the divinity, to which now spiritual masters convene back and unite with the very source where humans came from. In this stage, you don’t feel connected with everything around you anymore. And this is not a sense of disconnection, instead you are already realizing that you are that everything. It means the spiritual enlightenment is taking its course up to give you the experience where oneness with God is already culminating.
So after experiencing the humanity, the divinity makes you feel you are everything. Meaning, you are no longer your own body, mind, senses, and your intellect faculty. And in this stage, you are directly undertaking the divine experience, the attainment of God, which is the highest level that spiritual masters undergo.
When an individual undergoes spiritual enlightenment, all luck is in them for it is that fruit that sets them free from the material wants, wishes, and desires. It does not only make you feel the complete bliss of being free but gives you the experience that rarely is being undertaken by everybody else.
Tags: Cue, Culminating Point, Culmination, Engagements, Experiences, Human Individuals, Individuality, Meaningful Existence, People, Spiritual Enlightenment, Spiritual Masters, Spiritual Practice, Supreme Soul, Tendency, Unity, Uplift, Worldly Things —