No Fad Diet Weight Loss
So, you want to lose weight. That’s wonderful news! Have you heard about the new diet that everybody’s doing? If so, forget about it. It won’t work…trust me. I got news for all of the charlatans promoting fad diets, they’re nonsense is doing more harm than good. Don’t worry, this isn’t just a rant against the hucksters out there, some real tips that actually work are coming up.
There is no question that the people who following them can some amazing results, often in a short amount of time. People than see how well others are doing on the latest fad diet, and decide to try it for themselves. Pretty soon the person who created the fad diet is filthy rich from selling the modern version of snake oil. Their fortune always seems to reach its peak at about the same time all of the dieters start packing on the pounds again. Okay…so, what does work? Let’s find out, shall we?
Fill up. You will never lose weight if you’re feeling hungry all the time. If you do, then when you get around the foods that temp you most, you won’t be able to control yourself. To combat this, practice what some people refer to as grazing. Instead of eating three big meals, spread out your eating in smaller mini-meals throughout the day. By doing this you won’t get too hungry, and as a bonus…your metabolic rate will remain higher.
Get moving. I’ll be honest with you, I never liked the word “exercise”. The very thought of it just sounds too much like work. So, I fooled myself into doing it by never referring to it as exercise. I call it “activity”, “movement” or say, “time to get moving”. Regardless of what you call it, you need to incorporate more movement into your daily routine. The only way to lose weight and keep it off is to burn more calories than you take in. You can do this by reducing the calories in the foods you eat and by burning them off through some sort of movement. Simple.
Do it together. Finding a friend to lose weight with makes it so much more enjoyable. You’ll have somebody to eat at healthier restaurants with, and an exercise buddy. Even more importantly, you will be able to encourage each other when you don’t feel like doing what it takes. While the way to lose weight is simple, it’s not always easy and having somebody there when you need it most will greatly increase your chances of success. There will also be somebody that you will feel accountable to. Even if it’s never spoken, you don’t want to feel like you’re letting your friend down.
So, there you have it. It really isn’t that complicated. Stick with it. Make the changes mentioned above, and add a few more. Don’t follow what the newest fad diet says. It won’t work. Look for something that’s been around for at least a few years. That’s the way to do it. Just think about how great you will look and feel as those pounds start melting away.
Tags: Amount Of Time, Calories, Charlatans, Daily Routine, Diet Weight Loss, Dieters, Eating Habits, Fad Diet, Fad Diets, Feeling Hungry All The Time, Finding A Friend, Fortune, Healthy Diet, Hucksters, Latest Fad, Losing Weight, Metabolic Rate, Nonsense, Rant, Snake Oil, Wonderful News, Word Exercise, Work Trust —