Gastric Bypass Mexico – Expensive Or Not Be Careful
Gastric bypass surgery may sound like a life saver, literally, but if you don’t have insurance, or if your insurance won’t cover the procedure you may think that you have no choice and won’t be able to get the surgery. There has been a lot of evidence to suggest that in the long run an insurance company would actually save money if they covered this type of surgery since the cost of treating heart problems, and diabetes, two common health issues related to obesity, would be significantly higher over a persons life span than the cost of gastric bypass surgery and recovery. Until the insurance companies change their policies many people are having their procedures done in other countries, gastric bypass Mexico is one such option.
Many American doctors have found that they can practice medicine just over the border for a fraction of the cost that it would cost them in the U.S. Why? Simple, one of the biggest reasons for skyrocketing health care costs is the mal practice insurance that every doctor must carry. Thanks to the greed of some lawyers and the eagerness of some patients to earn a quick buck, the number of frivolous law suits against doctors has risen dramatically. That makes every single procedure cost more since the doctor and the hospital have to pay huge premiums to their insurance company to protect them against law suits, the cost of those premiums get tacked on to the price of every single procedure you have done. Did you ever wonder why an aspirin in the hospital costs $6 or more?
Since a doctor practicing medicine in another country, like Mexico, doesn’t have the same restrictions, they don’t need to pay the sky high mal-practice insurance premiums, and they can pass that savings onto the patient. While the quality of care is comparable to what you could get in the U.S., you can get it for much less for this reason.
When choosing a clinic to perform your surgery, whether in the U.S. or Mexico, make sure you take a lot of time and care. Just like any other profession some doctors are better than others and when it comes to your health you want to make sure you choose the best doctor to perform you surgery. The first place you should start in your search for a qualified doctor is by asking friends and family for a referral, than keep checking their credentials, how many procedures they’ve performed, etc until you find the doctor and the clinic that you feel comfortable trusting your care to.
Don’t let the bottom line mentality of your insurance company stand in the way of you receiving a potentially life saving surgery, all you have to do is broaden your horizons and consider having gastric bypass Mexico. If you take time to find a qualified doctor and clinic south of the border, you can not only save yourself a lot of money while still getting the same level of care you would right here in the U.S., you’ll also potentially be saving your life. That is certainly worth a road trip!
Tags: American Doctors, Aspirin, Common Health, Cost Of Gastric Bypass Surgery, diabetes;, Eagerness, Fraction, Frivolous Law Suits, Gastric Bypass, Gastric Bypass Surgery, Greed, Health Care Costs, Health Issues, Heart Problems, Insurance, Insurance Companies, Insurance Company, insurance company stand, Insurance Premiums, law suits, Life Span, mal practice insurance, mal-practice insurance premiums, Mexico, obesity;, Persons Life, Practice Insurance, Practicing Medicine, Quality Of Care, surgery, United States;, USD; —