What Detox Diet Is All About
One of the new diet programs that are being introduced in the market right now is the detox diet. The name detox is a shortened form of the word detoxification, which lies at the heart of the program.
The diet makes use of the bodys natural system of neutralizing and eliminating the various toxins that the body takes in. As an internal protective system, the body converts any material that may seem harmful to the body into a chemical form that is less dangerous.
Toxins can take several forms depending on what is taken into the body. Examples of harmful toxins are external chemicals like pesticides and household cleaners that are accidentally ingested; food additives, drugs and other food materials that may affect the body in a bad way; and of course cigarettes. Some toxins come from the body such as ammonia, a chemical produced when proteins are broken down during digestion. Because of the ingrained system, all these toxins no longer stay in the body and are excreted and flushed out in the form of stools or urine.
Basically, the term detox diet is used in the treatment of people who have become dependent on drugs and alcohol; but now with the birth of various kinds of diets, the term is used to any diet that helps in detoxifying the body.
The diet itself focuses on taking in foods that provide vitamins, nutrients and other chemicals such as anti-oxidants that help the body purify itself. There is also much emphasis on lessening or reducing the chemicals that are being taken inside the body. This is why many people under detox diet prefer to eat organic food.
Another technique with the detox diet is the emphasis on high fibers and water to help the body get rid of the toxins.
People undergoing detox diet will experience headache during the first few days. Some may also suffer from excessive diarrhea so it is important to watch out for dehydration. There is also a risk if constipation if not enough water is taken in.
Detox diet however is not for people who have anemia, diabetes and heart disease. It is also not recommended for women who are pregnant or those people who are suffering from kidney problems, liver disease, underweight issues and ulcer. People with low blood pressure, low immunity, hypothyroidism and epilepsy are also discouraged to go under a detox diet.
Tags: Ammonia, anemia;, Anti Oxidants, chemical form, chemical;, chemicals;, constipation;, Dangerous Toxins, dehydration;, Detox Diet, Detoxification, diabetes;, diarrhea;, Diet Programs, Digestion, Drugs And Alcohol, epilepsy, excessive diarrhea, External Chemicals, Fibers, First Few Days, Food Additives, Food Materials, Harmful Toxins, Headache, heart disease;, Household Cleaners, hypothyroidism, Liver Disease, low blood pressure, Organic Food, Pesticides, Stools —