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LapBand Surgery and the Importance of Research

The LapBand is a surgical procedure in the United States that has and is rapidly increasing in popularity. Unlike gastric bypass surgery, where stomach cutting and stapling is involved, an adjustable gastric band is used. This not only lowers the risk of complications, but it shortens the recovery process. What isnt to love about the LapBand?

Despite the fact that the LapBand system is a safe and effective way to lose weight, it is important to learn about the procedure. That is why research is recommended. Before asking about the procedure and before going under the knife, make sure you have no unanswered questions.

So, how can you research the LapBand surgery?

The easiest way to research the LapBand system is to turn to the internet. Online, you will find many medical websites, as well as the official website for the LapBand system. These websites are your best sources of information. To get started, perform a standard internet search.

When should you use the internet to research the LapBand surgery? As soon as it enters your mind as an option. For starters, not all individuals are candidates for surgery. If you are overweight, as opposed to obese, you may not find a surgeon who is willing to perform the procedure. In most instances, LapBand surgeons prefer patients who are 100 pounds overweight or those with a Body Mass Index (BMI) rating of 40 or higher. A few exceptions to this rule may be made, but it is rare.

Essentially, researching the common eligibility requirements used by most LapBand surgeons will enable you to determine right away your standing. Of course, you can still contact a surgeon for a consultation appointment, but you have a good idea of what to expect. By turning to the internet right away, you can later prevent disappointment when you are not deemed an ideal candidate for surgery.

As previously stated, the LapBand surgery is considered a safe and effective surgery. With that said, it is still a surgery. This means there will always be risks. You need to familiarize yourself with those risks. The most damaging being death. Research online will also show that your risk of complications during surgery can be significantly reduced by opting for a qualified, Board Certified Surgeon and by following all instructions provided.

The internet is a nice source of information when first considering the LapBand procedure. The best research approach is to meet with a LapBand surgeon. Schedule a consultation appointment. Here is where your eligibility will be determined. If you are a good candidate for the LapBand system, ask questions. To get started, ask about diet restrictions.

Diet restrictions are an important component of losing weight with the LapBand system. Not only that, it reduces the risk of complications during and after surgery. Before deciding on the LapBand, review these restrictions. For example, you are required to consume an all-liquid diet in the first two to three weeks. Can you do this? Know before going under the knife.

As a recap, the LapBand surgery has helped thousands of patients successfully lose weight and lead a healthier life. With that said, do not go into surgery without knowledge. The internet and schedule a complication with a Board Certified Surgeon to determine your eligibility, review the risks, and outline dietary restrictions you will be subjected to.


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LapBand Surgery and Its Alternatives

The LapBand surgery is a weight loss procedure that has increased in popularity in the United States. Those suffering from severe to morbid obesity, turn to the LapBand to lose weight and improve their health. Unfortunately, the LapBand isnt the best option for most. If you need professional help losing weight, it is important to examine all of your options. This includes the LapBand surgery, as well as alternatives.

The LapBand System

As previously stated, the LapBand system has increased in popularity in the United States. This is due to its high success rate, low recovery period, and low risk of complications. With the LapBand system, an adjustable gastric band is just to decrease the size of the stomach. This, in a way, forces patients to eat less, which results in weight loss.

Although the LapBand surgery is known for its low complication rate, complications do occur. Surgeons have a strict set of criteria they use to determine surgery eligibility. Those who are between the ages of 18 and 60 and who are in relatively good health are ideal candidates for the LapBand system. Due to the risks, surgeons prefer to operate on those who are severely obese. This translates into an average Body Mass Index (BMI) rating of 40 or higher. Most importantly is a clear understanding of the surgery and what is expected of the patient.

In terms of expectations, diet restrictions are a must. Due to a smaller stomach pouch, diet restrictions are necessary not only to lose weight, but to reduce post-surgery complications. Eating too much food can result in band slippage, acid reflux, and regurgitation. In the weeks following surgery, patients work through various stages, which include clear liquids, full liquids, pureed foods, soft foods, and solid foods.

Gastric Bypass Surgery

In many instances, gastric bypass surgery is similar to the LapBand procedure. The post surgery diet is similar. Instead of using an adjustable gastric band, stomach cutting and stapling is involved. In the United States, there are two main types of gastric bypass surgery; Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass and Biliopancreatic Diversion.

Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass is the most commonly performed gastric bypass procedure in the United States. The stomach is stapled to create a smaller stomach pouch. Next, the small intestine is rerouted to the pouch. This process allows food to bypass the jejunum and duodenum. Although successful, in terms of weight loss, the rerouting of the small intestine has been known to cause a decrease in nutrient and calorie absorption.

Biliopancreatic Diversion is also known as extensive gastric bypass. This is the most complicated form of weight loss surgery. Unlike the LapBand system and the Roux-en-Y because the stomach is not just reduced in size, but the lower portion is removed. This procedure is not only permanent, but risky. For that reason, it is less common in the Untied States, but still available to select patients.

Diet and Exercise

Those suffering from extreme obesity opt for weight loss procedures. While a healthy lifestyle that includes diet and exercise is needed to see success with all weight loss surgeries, patients always have the option to rely just on it.

Due to risks and complications, not all patients are deemed ideal candidates for weight loss surgery. Those patients are encouraged to lose weight through diet and exercise. Although it will be a long and stressful process, it is a natural and safe way to lose weight. Professional help can come from a personal trainer and nutrition expert.


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LapBand Surgery and Diet Restrictions

LapBand is one of the most popular weight loss surgeries in the United States. Why? There are many reasons why. With the LapBand, an adjustable gastric band is positioned around the stomach. There is no cutting or stapling involved. Not only is the band adjustable without surgery, but it is also reversible.

If you are obese, the LapBand system may seem like the best option for you. Yes, it likely is. Those who are 100 pounds overweight can greatly benefit from undergoing the procedure, but still it is not right for everyone. To see success and reduce complications, diet restrictions are necessary. Unfortunately, diet restrictions are something not everyone can handle.

Before you assume that the LapBand system is the best weight loss option, it is important to closely examine what it expected of you. Unfortunately, many hopeful patients make the mistake of believing they will automatically lose weight with the use of the LapBand. This is not true. The LapBand surgery involves more than undergoing surgery. It also involves a lifestyle change.

If you are deemed an ideal candidate for the LapBand, you will receive a surgery date from your surgeon. Since diet restrictions are important to your success, you may want to load up on your favorite sweets. After all, these will need to be eliminated from your diet after surgery. This is not the right step. In fact, preparation for the LapBand surgery will begin two to three weeks before your surgery date.

Two to three weeks before your LapBand procedure, you will be asked to eliminate foods that are high in sugar, fat and calories from your diet. Protein supplements will be added. Protein will help to reduce the fat in the stomach area. This makes surgery easier and reduces complications.

In the two to three weeks before surgery, doctors will recommend a diet that consists of eggs, yogurt, lean meats, fruits, and vegetables. This diet will prepare your body for surgery. In addition to reducing fat content, it promotes a healthy body. A healthy body is what will allow for fast healing and few surgical complications.

In addition to preparing the body for surgery, the initial diet restriction will serve as a test. If you are unable to curb your eating habits, you are likely to continue doing so post-surgery. This means that you are not an ideal candidate for the LapBand. If your doctor notices your inability to restrict your diet, he or she may suggest putting off the LapBand surgery until you are truly ready.

As for the surgery itself, you will be asked to not eat or drink anything after midnight.

After surgery, you will be taken through various stages. Your physician will closely monitor your progress on each stage. On average, diet restrictions and LapBand adjustments will be made for one to two months.

The first week or two post-surgery, all patients are on an all-liquid diet. Liquids are easier to digest, allowing your stomach to heal and adjust to its new size. When on a liquid diet, sip slowly.

The liquid diet itself is divided into two categories. To get started, healthcare professionals recommend clear liquids. These liquids include sugar free gelatin, non-carbonated drinks, chicken broth, and watered down apple juice. A few days after surgery, progression is made to full liquids. These include milk, yogurt, pudding, and soup.

The next step is pureed foods. At this point, your body will be craving some type of substance, but it is still important to take it slow. Consuming too much can result in post-surgery complications, including pain, discomfort, nausea, and vomiting. Since pureed foods are still in liquid form, remember to sip slowly.

After one to two months, depending on the healing progress and doctors recommendations, traditional foods can be incorporated into a diet. Remember, it is important to eat traditional foods, not normal foods. You do not want to revert back to your old eating habits.


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LapBand Diet Restrictions: How to Make the Transition

Do you want to undergo LapBand surgery? If so, a consultation appointment with a surgeon will determine if you are an eligible candidate. If so, your surgeon will begin to discuss expectations. Not will he or she outline what you can expect from surgery, but they will outline what is expected from you. In terms of the LapBand system, that is diet restrictions.

Diet restrictions are important to the success of the LapBand surgery. The LapBand surgery involves inserting an adjustable gastric band around the stomach pouch. The stomach is reduced in size. This assists in weight loss, but to maximize results and minimize complications, patients must restrict their diet. Diet restrictions are necessary in the pre and post-surgery stages.

If you are severely obese and seeking help from the LapBand, this likely isnt your first time attempting to lose weight. In fact, you may have already tried healthy eating and diet restrictions. If your attempts where unsuccessful, you may be concerned about the LapBand surgery. After all, if you couldnt restrict your diet before, what would be different now? Drive and determination. If you are serious about undergoing weight loss surgery, you do not have any other options. In most instances, surgeons will not perform the LapBand procedure if you cannot restrict your diet.

So, how can you make the transition to healthy eating before surgery?

Get started early. The moment you decide to undergo LapBand surgery is the moment you should start restricting your diet. Not only will you get a healthier body with a reduced fat content around the stomach, but you lower your risk of surgical complications. Two to three weeks before surgery, you will need to eat healthy and increase protein intake. Why not get started now?

Try different foods. As previously stated, two to three weeks before surgery, patients are asked to restrict their diets to healthy foods and protein supplements. These foods may include lean means, eggs, yogurt, vegetables, and fruits. Before your doctor advises you to restrict your diet, you are provided with some forms of freedom. Experiment with healthy foods to find the foods that best curb your cravings. As long as they are healthy, these are foods you can later consume post-surgery.

Start in small steps. As previously stated, diet restrictions are difficult for those suffering from obesity. This is because many have poor eating habits. Many eat too much and opt for junk food. It is virtually impossible for most to stop these bad eating habits overnight. So, start the transition early and do so in small steps. Do you have cookies for snack three times a day? If so, eliminate one of those snacks and opt for a healthier option, such as an apple. Over time, eliminate cookies from your diet.

Plan your meals in advance. Those who suffer from obesity and eating problems are known to eat food whenever it is available. This means that meals and snacks are often last minute decisions. Instead, plan your meals each week. Use your meal list as your grocery shopping list. Reduce temptations by not buying junk food.

Remember your goal. Whether you start to curb your eating habits three months or three weeks before your LapBand surgery, you will have trouble. Those who rely on food for taste or emotional comfort can experience withdrawal and cravings. You may want to give up, but dont. Remember, your surgeon may refuse to perform the surgery if you do not show a true commitment to the procedure, which involves diet restriction.

Meet with a nutrition expert. Nutrition experts come in a number of different formats. There are those who specialize in healthy eating and weight loss. Appointments are available for free or for an affordable fee. Seek help from a professional. That professional can not only give you healthy eating ideas, but recipes and detailed meal plans.

Finally, track your progress. Have a notebook handy and record what you ate each day. At the end of the week, reward yourself. Remember no sweets, but opt for something fulfilling in a different aspect, such as a new book, watching a movie, or a new shirt from your favorite store.


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