Traveling to Mexico for LapBand Surgery
Are you not just overweight, but severely or morbidly obese? If so, you may want to seek help. After all, if you continue to carry around excess weight, your risk of early death and other health complications increase. Most individuals in your shoes turn to the LapBand surgery. If you opt for the same, the cost may shock you.
In the United States, the LapBand surgery averages between $15,000 and $20,000. At this point in time, many opt to forgo surgery altogether. Many others look for cheaper alternatives. Yes, it is possible to find surgeons in the United States who have cheaper rates, but many find the best luck with traveling to another country. For example, in Mexico, the LapBand procedure averages between $8,000 and $10,000.
So, should you travel to Mexico to undergo LapBand surgery? Before booking your traveling arrangements, examine the pros and cons of doing so.
In terms of pros or plus sides, there is the cost of surgery. As previously stated, LapBand surgery costs about $10,000 less in Mexico. This means you are automatically able to save money. If covered by health insurance and your provider is willing to extend coverage to the LapBand, opt for a surgeon in the United States. If you are uninsured, Mexico may sound like an ideal option.
In all honesty, the biggest advantage to heading to Mexico is the cost of surgery. There are many more cons to traveling for surgery. For starters, there is the unfamiliar territory. Hospitalization is less than 24 hours for most patients. With that said, you cannot return to your normal activities immediately following surgery. For example, most patients need one week off from work. Following surgery, you need to rest and make slow moments, not spend up to 12 hours in a car or time on an airplane.
As previously stated, recovery is important following the LapBand surgery. You may think that you could just stay at a hotel and recuperate in Mexico. Once again, keep familiar territory in mind. The LapBand surgery is safe and effective, but it is a huge change. Your diet is limited to clear liquids immediately following surgery. Many patients find this process difficult or unbearable. For your sanity, opt for recuperation at home where you are surrounded by a strong support group.
Most importantly, travel costs effect the cost of surgery. As previously stated, the cost of surgery is, on average, $10,000 less in Mexico. You are unlikely to spend $10,000 in travel expenses, but you never know. A passport, long distance road trip, airline tickets, and weeklong hotel stay can easily add up in costs. Yes, you will still save money, but compare that money saved with convenience. Is it really worth it to be all alone in a foreign country without close friends and family to support you, only to save $2,000? In most cases, no.
Of course, safety should be examined. In the United States, Board Certified Surgeons are recommended. These surgeons undergo strict testing and must following certain rules and restrictions. Yes, other countries hold their surgeons accountable for their actions, but most do not have as strict rules as the United States. This means that your surgeon may have a low success rate with the LapBand surgery or they may have multiple complaints lodged against them, which you may never know.
So, should you travel to Mexico for the LapBand surgery? The decision is yours to make, but first examine your local options.
Word Count 580
Tags: airline tickets, Airplane, Excess Weight, Familiar Territory, Health Complications, Health Insurance, Honesty, Hospitalization, Lapband Procedure, Lapband Surgery, Mexico, Point In Time, Pros And Cons, Risk, Shoes, Starters, surgeon, surgeon in the United States, surgery, Surgery Costs, travel costs, Travel Expenses, Travel Mexico, Travel To Mexico, Traveling To Mexico, Unfamiliar Territory, United States;, USD; —
LapBand Surgery and the Importance of Research
The LapBand is a surgical procedure in the United States that has and is rapidly increasing in popularity. Unlike gastric bypass surgery, where stomach cutting and stapling is involved, an adjustable gastric band is used. This not only lowers the risk of complications, but it shortens the recovery process. What isnt to love about the LapBand?
Despite the fact that the LapBand system is a safe and effective way to lose weight, it is important to learn about the procedure. That is why research is recommended. Before asking about the procedure and before going under the knife, make sure you have no unanswered questions.
So, how can you research the LapBand surgery?
The easiest way to research the LapBand system is to turn to the internet. Online, you will find many medical websites, as well as the official website for the LapBand system. These websites are your best sources of information. To get started, perform a standard internet search.
When should you use the internet to research the LapBand surgery? As soon as it enters your mind as an option. For starters, not all individuals are candidates for surgery. If you are overweight, as opposed to obese, you may not find a surgeon who is willing to perform the procedure. In most instances, LapBand surgeons prefer patients who are 100 pounds overweight or those with a Body Mass Index (BMI) rating of 40 or higher. A few exceptions to this rule may be made, but it is rare.
Essentially, researching the common eligibility requirements used by most LapBand surgeons will enable you to determine right away your standing. Of course, you can still contact a surgeon for a consultation appointment, but you have a good idea of what to expect. By turning to the internet right away, you can later prevent disappointment when you are not deemed an ideal candidate for surgery.
As previously stated, the LapBand surgery is considered a safe and effective surgery. With that said, it is still a surgery. This means there will always be risks. You need to familiarize yourself with those risks. The most damaging being death. Research online will also show that your risk of complications during surgery can be significantly reduced by opting for a qualified, Board Certified Surgeon and by following all instructions provided.
The internet is a nice source of information when first considering the LapBand procedure. The best research approach is to meet with a LapBand surgeon. Schedule a consultation appointment. Here is where your eligibility will be determined. If you are a good candidate for the LapBand system, ask questions. To get started, ask about diet restrictions.
Diet restrictions are an important component of losing weight with the LapBand system. Not only that, it reduces the risk of complications during and after surgery. Before deciding on the LapBand, review these restrictions. For example, you are required to consume an all-liquid diet in the first two to three weeks. Can you do this? Know before going under the knife.
As a recap, the LapBand surgery has helped thousands of patients successfully lose weight and lead a healthier life. With that said, do not go into surgery without knowledge. The internet and schedule a complication with a Board Certified Surgeon to determine your eligibility, review the risks, and outline dietary restrictions you will be subjected to.
Word Count 556
Tags: Adjustable Gastric Band, Board Certified Surgeon, Body Mass, Body Mass Index, Body Mass Index Bmi, Bypass Surgery, candidate for surgery, Consultation Appointment, Disappointment, Eligibility Requirements, Exceptions, Gastric Bypass Surgery, Instances, internet search;, LapBand surgeon, Lapband Surgery, Love, Medical Websites, Popularity, Risk, Sources Of Information, Starters, Stomach Stapling, surgeon, surgery, Unanswered Questions, United States; —
Weight Loss: Why Exercise Is Important
Are you interested in losing weight? If you are, you may be in the process of developing a weight loss plan for yourself. For many individuals, a weight loss plan is a guide that they can follow and one that may help to give them motivation. If this is your first time developing a weight loss plan for yourself, it is important that you place a focus on exercise, as exercise is important component of weight loss.
Although it is nice to hear that exercise is an important part of a weight loss plan, you may be wondering exactly why that is. For your body to lose weight, you must see a reduction in your calorie intake. The amount of calories that you need to reduce, in order to lose weight, will all depend on your current weight and your hopeful weight loss goal. Unfortunately, this is where many individuals automatically assume that they cant eat three meals a day and many actually just stop eating. This is not only dangerous to your health, but it can be deadly.
Instead of reducing your calorie intake by solely limiting the amount of foods that you eat, you can use exercise to your advantage. By exercising, you burn off calories. These are calories in which your body can use to help you lose weight. If you have a specific weight loss goal, like one that involves losing at least twenty pounds, you may want to focus on fun exercises or workouts, but also ones that burn the most calories. Adding exercise to your weight loss plan is a natural and a healthy way to lose weight.
Since it is important to incorporate to exercise into your weight loss plan, you may be wondering how you can go about doing so. In all honestly, there are an unlimited number of ways that you can go about using exercise to help you lose weight. For starters, you can buy a collection, even just a small collection, of exercise equipment. Exercise equipment can include items such as exercise balls, weights, a treadmill, a stair climber, and so forth. Even if you have limited financial resources, you should be able to find a number of exercise equipment pieces that are within your budget.
Although you should be able to find a number of exercise equipment pieces, including instructional workout DVDs, for affordable prices, you may be looking to limit your weight loss plan investments. If that is the case, you may want to take the time to examine your local gyms or fitness clubs. While some fitness clubs and gyms have relatively high membership fees, you can also find a number of them with affordable membership rates. It is also important to mention that many fitness clubs and gyms are open accommodating hours, often making it easy to exercise before work, after work, or even during a lunch break of yours.
Despite the fact that exercise is often associated with exercise equipment, like a treadmill, that is not all that exercise is about. Exercise can also involve something simple like going for a walk or taking the stairs instead of the elevator at work. If you would prefer to exercise, for free, in your spare time, you may want to consider finding an exercise buddy. This is a person who can workout with you, even if it just involves walking around your local shopping mall. Not only can you make a new friend or strengthen your relationship with one of your current friends, having an exercise buddy or an exercise partners often means that you are more likely to stick with your weight loss plan and achieve your weight loss goals.
As outlined above, it is extremely important that you incorporate exercise into your weight loss plan, especially if you are serious about losing weight and wish to do so in a healthy matter. With multiple ways to go about incorporating exercise into your weight loss plan, there really isnt any excuse for not doing so.
Word Count 670
Tags: Amount Of Calories, and so forth, Calorie Intake, Calories, Calories Exercise, Eating Habits, Exercise Balls, exercise equipment;, Exercise Plan, Exercise Weights, Exercises, Focus, Healthy Way To Lose Weight, Incorporate, Losing Weight, Motivation, Specific Weight, Stair Climber, Starters, Treadmill, Weight Loss Goal, Weight Loss Plan, Workouts —
Using the Internet to Develop Your Own Weight Loss Plan
Using the Internet to Develop Your Own Weight Loss Plan
Are you interested in developing your own weight loss plan? If you are looking to lose weight, there is a good chance that you may be interested in doing so. Although you can pay to have a weight loss plan supplied to you or you can choose to join an existing weight loss program, you may find the cost of doing so a little bit difficult, especially if you are on a budget. That is why many choose to develop their own weight loss plans.
If this is your first time developing a weight loss plan for yourself, you may not necessarily know how you should proceed. What is nice about developing a weight loss plan for yourself is that you have freedom. With that in mind, you will still want to make sure that your weight loss plan is one that you can benefit from and one that you can lose weight while on. For that reason, you may want to think about turning to the internet, when looking to develop your own weight loss plan or weight loss program.
When it comes to using the internet to help you develop your own weight loss plan, there are a number of different ways that the internet can offer you assistance. For starters, a good part of a weight loss program involves eating healthy. For many individuals, eating healthy is something that is difficult to do, as they are unsure as to what they should cook or how they should cook it. There are a number of websites that you can find online, many of which are free to use, that give you access to healthy foods and recipes. Many of these recipes are accompanied by pictures; therefore, you should be able to tell right away whether or not the food in question is something that you would eat.
Another part of losing weight involves exercise. For some individuals, taking a simple walk is enough to help them lose weight, but others must participate in more active exercise activities. If you are one of those individuals, you can find a number of websites that outline exercises that you should be able to do. You will likely find a number of fitness websites that come with detailed pictures or videos, which outline each step of the workout in question.
You can also use the internet to order weight loss resources, like weight loss books or exercise equipment. One piece of exercise equipment that you may want to look into buy is that of an exercise video. What is nice about using the internet to find an exercise video, which you can incorporate into your at-home weight loss program, is that you can not only buy videos online, but you can also find product reviews online. Product reviews are a great way to determine if the exercise video you are interested in buying is really worth the money.
Once you have found a number of exercises that you would like to do or a number of healthy meals that you would like to make for yourself, you are advised to develop yourself a list, in writing or on the computer. This list can act as a schedule for yourself. For instance, you could outline each workout that you would like to do on Mondays, as well as which meals you would like to eat on that same day. Having a detailed weight loss plan for each day of the week is likely to improve the chances of you following your own plan.
As you can see, the internet is a nice tool to have, when looking to create you own weight loss plan. For the best results, with finding what you need online, you may want to perform a standard internet search. As a reminder, not everyone is able to develop their own at-home weight loss plans and follow them. If you find that you are having a difficult time with staying on track, you may want to think about joining one of your local weight loss programs or even an online weight loss program.
Word Count 683
Tags: Budget, Different Ways, Eating Habits, Exercise Activities, exercise equipment;, food;, Freedom, Good Chance, Healthy Foods, Internet Help, internet search;, Little Bit, Lose Weight, Losing Weight, Loss Weight, online weight loss program;, Recipes, Starters, Weight Loss Plan, Weight Loss Plans, Weight Loss Program —