Healthy Weight Loss Tips

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Whats Inside Your Cup Of Tea The Benefits Of Tea

Whats Inside Your Cup Of Tea The Benefits Of Tea

For the past years, much has been revealed about the benefits of tea. It is branded as a wonder drug by many and whether it is true or not is still a controversy in the health industry. Though going back to ancient times, tea has already been used by many countries especially in Japan, China, England, and India to name a few.

The buzz about the benefits of tea is becoming more and more complex that it can no longer be ignored. Testimonies after testimonies of people who are discovering the health effects of tea can no longer be put to silence. Well, no one can actually deny the fact that countries who consume tea the most also have the most number of people who live the longest life.

Benefits of Tea in Aging

Tea is known to be rich in antioxidants which are generally known to combat the appearance of wrinkles, age spots, and other signs of ageing. Experiment carried out shows that mice fed with tea display lesser signs of ageing than those which are just fed with water.

Benefits of Tea in Bone Strength

Tea flavonoids can help strengthen the bones. People who regularly drink green, black, oolong tea have higher bone mineral densities compared to those who are not tea drinkers.

Benefits of Tea in Cancer Prevention

Tea is now known to be one of the best cancer fighting drinks in the world. Black tea and green tea top the list of teas which are beneficial to cancer prevention. The compounds found in teas are reported to help keep cells from turning malignant. Simply put, people who drink tea get lesser chances of getting cancer.

Benefits of Tea in Lowering Cholesterol

Bad cholesterol levels can be lowered down by tea. In one research where patients are asked to eat healthy meals and drink five cups of tea, levels of bad cholesterol dropped up to ten percent.

Benefits of Tea in Weight Loss

More people are looking for a cheaper and easier way to lose weight. Tea has made its way to the spotlight when research shows that it can increase metabolism hence reduces the chances of one gaining weight. Tea is also known to accelerate the burning of calories which includes fat calories. Aside from its weight loss benefits, tea diets encourage a dieter to exercise and eat well.

Benefits of Tea to the Heart

Tea drinkers have lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, and lesser chances of suffering from heart disease. Black tea is highly recommended to lower bad cholesterol.

Tea is one of the most consumed drinks in the whole world. Its benefits are many and differ from person to person and from tea to tea. Teas antioxidant polyphenols are known to combat many health ailments including cancer, blood clotting, high cholesterol level, allergies, and many more. Choose the best tea for your diet and reap the benefits of a healthy drink. Dont forget to consult your doctor for advice on which one is right for you!

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Weight Loss Tips That Will Help You Beat The Bulge

Weight Loss Tips That Will Help You Beat The Bulge

There is no easy way out of obesity but there is certainly a way to beat it. As a matter of fact, you only need to remember two words if you want to lose weight: Hard Work. Face the fact, there is no substitute for hard work if you want to be successful in many aspects of life; losing weight is no exemption. It takes a lot of time, commitment, and dedication to trim down, slim down, and be healthier. With a little planning and a lot of will power, plus weight loss tips from experts, you can be on your way to a healthier you.

Whether you wish to shed just a few pounds or lose from 20 to 30 pounds, weight loss tips can make dieting, exercise, and the whole weight loss venture easier and safer for you. But remember that weight loss tips is not meant to be the only tool you can use, your effort is actually the key factor to a fast track weight loss. That being said, here are a few tips you can commit to:

Proper Diet

In contrast to popular belief, diet is not mainly concentrated on losing weight instead it is also essential for maintaining an overall healthy you. Diet is usually defined as eating a controlled amount of certain food to regulate weight. Some people are on a diet to lose weight while many go on a diet to gain weight usually in the form of muscles. Proper diet starts with getting rid of foods which are not beneficial to the body. Cut back on fats, alcohol, and the intake of abusive drugs. Next, consult your doctor to find a diet that fits your need.

Drink Water

What better way to quench thirst than drinking a glass or more of water? Forget the frizzy drinks, sweetened fruit beverages, milkshakes, and iced teas. Compared to other drinks, water has no calories and cools your body. Drink 12-16 ounces of water every meal and bring along a bottle of water when you are on the go. If you like, you can squeeze fresh lemon for a zesty taste. This may be one of the simplest weight loss tip you can commit to, drink water and flush those unwanted fats from your body.


Here is where hard work is really demanded. Though some people live hectic lives and the even the thought of exercising makes their body ache, exercise is a great loss weight tip to both lose weight and maintain a healthy body. Those who have very demanding jobs can still exercise in their own simple ways. A daily walk to the office or from the office to your home instead of driving your car is already a form of exercise. How about taking the stairs instead of the elevator? If you have time to spare, take Aerobic exercises or do other physical activities which require more body movements. The more effort you exert, the more weight you lose.

Weight loss is achievable with will power, proper diet, water intake, and exercise. Follow these simple weight loss tips and benefit from them.

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Weight Loss Pills The Dangers Of The Easy Way

Weight Loss Pills The Dangers Of The Easy Way

Weight loss pills are the fad today. People world wide are trying to find ways to quickly lose weight. In the US alone, 70 million men and women search for diet pills and other easy and affordable weight reduction drugs.

Several studies have been made to test different weight loss pills available in the market. Some studies show that two of the most effective herbal weight loss pills are those that contain green tea extracts and bitter orange. Green tea is popular for the natural antioxidants found in them. Antioxidants get rid of toxins and burn calories and fats. Bitter oranges are citrus fruits that have been used by traditional Chinese herbalists for medical purposes. This fruit contains different chemicals including synephrine which is said to be effective chemical that can promote weight loss.

There are hundreds of weight loss pills being sold to public without government health clearances. This poses great danger to health and may even result in mortality. Wight loss pills effectiveness may be popular. However, everyone should also be aware that taking supplementary diet pills are risky and may even be fatal.

Health experts still strongly recommend natural weight loss programs instead of speeding up weight loss by using weight loss pills. According to a consultation with a doctor, the herbal weight loss pills available in the market today may cause severe damage to kidneys because the dosage on the pill may not be controlled or regulated.

Several occasions of lung and kidney failures have been reported as side effects of weight loss pills. There have been reported cases of heart attacks, strokes and even death. Unknown to many people, some natural ingredients found in herbal weight loss pills contain chemicals that might cause death.

There was a time when herbal diet pills became popular in the US. People were looking for a supplementary food that will increase energy and help them lose weight. Ephedra became famous for this. Ephedra or otherwise called Sea Grape or Ma Huang, is a shrub that is a main ingredient of most weight loss pills during 1990s. Since it was sold and marketed as a natural supplementary diet pill, people thought it was safe.

Several years after Ephedra came out in the market, the Federal Drug Agency (FDA) received reports Ephedra can cause heart attacks and death. Since FDA had limited powers, the only thing the agency was able to do is to recommend a sign on the packages stating that the product should be discontinued after 7 days of use.

In 2003, an American athlete died after working out. Steve Bechler was a pitcher for Baltimore Orioles. Steve was using pills that contained Ephreda. Soon after that, US government banned the sale of weight loss pills that contained Ephedra.

This is just one of the many reported issues related to weight loss pills. There are different ways to lose weight. Weight loss pills are no substitute to a healthier diet, regular exercise and enough sleep. Do not take the easy way of losing weight and get in trouble. Lose weight the healthier way and enjoy life.

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Most available weight loss drugs in the market today need doctors prescription. There are weight loss drugs that are bought over the counter without doctors prescription but the general rule is to always consult with the doctors first before taking in any medication for weight loss.

Natural weight loss programs are always more advisable than weight loss drugs. Healthier diet, regular exercise, and a change in the ways of living are always better than resorting to medicines or weight loss drugs.

Although many weight loss drugs can help in reducing weight, proper care must be taken to ensure the effectiveness. There are studies that show that weight loss drugs may be harmful to health in the long run and may cause side effects like diarrhea, headaches, dizziness, and increase blood pressure.

The two most commonly available weight loss drugs today are Orlistat and Sibrutamine. The prices of these drugs vary from $130-$200 for a month dosage. They have been reported to cause side effects and are mostly prescribed to people who need to lose weight for health or medical related reasons.

Orlistat is an inhibitor of fat absorption in the body. The most prestigious brand for Orlistat is Xenical. This is a world wide popular weight loss drug that has received several testimonials from users. Most users complain of oil in their bowels, stomach ache and uncontrollable bowel movement. Despite this, Orlistat has been known to be a very effective weight loss drug as it instills discipline among users. People using Orlistat will be forced to visit the toilet more if they eat fatty food. Therefore, the less fat they take in, the more controlled and easy their bowel movements are going to be. In the long run, when the body is used to denying fatty food, the better weight maintenance could be attained.

Weight loss drugs can certainly fast track weight loss but it is important to note that it should always be accompanied by proper diet and a regular exercise. Weight loss drugs taken without correct low calorie and low cholesterol diet may cause complications without proper care and medical consultation.

The value of reducing food intake cannot be overstressed. Drinking water is the best way to trick hunger pangs. Water is a natural food suppressant. There are also some medicines that are appetite suppressants. Redux is one of the most popular weight loss drugs that suppress appetite. This drug is made of phentermine combined with fenfluramine. Fenfluramine was taken out from the market back in the 90s because it has been proven to cause damages to heart valves. Phentermine, however, is still available but can only be bought under strict medical prescription.

Taking drugs for weight loss is not a bad thing. For some people, it is highly recommended specially if the need to lose weight is dire and the time needed for the weight loss is immediate. For people who only want to lose weight for cosmetics reason, a natural weight loss plan which includes low-calorie diet, increase water intake, and regular exercises is still safer with long term effects.

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