Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Healthy Diet Tips And Much More

Water Help in Weight Loss: Drink it up for a

Water Help in Weight Loss: Drink it up for a healthier Body

Doctors always recommend drinking at least eight glasses of water a day. It is believed that water can actually heal a lot of diseases. In fact, water therapy has been known to help in the cure and prevention of common colds, dry cough, problems with cholesterol, high blood pressure, and many other ailments. Water also helps the body get rid of toxins which will result in more energy and lighter skin. Dieticians also say that water help to loss weight.

Dieticians recommend regular intake of water to clients who are on weight loss diets. Water help to loss weight by regulating appetite and increasing body metabolism. Studies show that feeling hunger and feeling thirst go together. Therefore, drinking water can help people lose weight by substituting food with water. This can suppress hunger and prevent overeating.

Many people find it hard to stick to a water therapy during diet because they do not realize how water help to loss weight. Studies show people who started drinking more water than they used to have lost about 4 pounds in a week. This is because the body is hydrated more and does not need to store water in the system.

Most of the extra weight and inches in the body are due to water stored. When a person does not drink enough water, the brain commands the body to absorb the available water and stock up. That is why people who are not fond of drinking water look bloated. The water is stored around their belly, thighs, arm, everywhere! These water fats look hideous but can be rid of by increasing water intake regularly. As you drink more water regularly, the stored water in your body is released. Since your body is hydrated more, your brain tells your body that there is no use for stocking water up. Eventually, all those weight from your water storage goes away and you will feel lighter and healthier.

Several studies also show that water can actually increase metabolism by 30% which means that when a person drinks more water, more calories are burn. One explanation noted in some of the studies on water help to loss weight says that every time you drink water, your body will try to heat thus using energy and burning more calories. Some water weight loss programs even recommend drinking cold water as the body uses more energy to heat this.

The recommended amount of water intake a day is an average of six to eight of 8 ounces of water. If you are on a water help to loss weight program, it is advisable to drink 2 glasses more for every 50 pounds extra from your recommended weight for your height.

Many people doubt the effectiveness of water in the help of weight loss. Very few believe that losing weight can be that easy. However, a lot of medical research has been done and published to prove that water help to loss weight. The will to stick to drinking more water consistently is the key to a healthier and sexier body.

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QUICK WEIGHT LOSS Veggies Are Your Friends Sweets Are Your

QUICK WEIGHT LOSS Veggies Are Your Friends Sweets Are Your Enemies

Are you aiming to lose weight for an event in the next 30 days? Are you in search of an easy and effective quick weight loss program? Here are some important things to remember to get you started with a quick weight loss program.


Carbohydrates are one of the biggest sources of fats in unwanted parts of your body. A very well-known quick weight loss diet program is the NO-Carb diet. Remember that every time you eat pasta, rice, potato, and other starchy food, these will all be converted to sugar. If you do not burn them, they will turn to fats. Fats look ugly on your tummy, your thighs, your arms, and neck. So think twice before eating that creamy buttery bread. Opt to take wheat bread instead. Wheat breads are rich in fiber and have lesser fat than your normal cream bread.


Vegetables and fruits are rich in nutrients and fibers to help your metabolism. It also does not contain salt or sodium which is found on junk food. Sodium can cause weight gain because it stores water weight in your body. An effective quick weight loss diet should be low in sodium and rich in fiber.

Vegetables, like lettuce and radish help in the release of toxins from the body. The fibers in these kinds of vegetables are effective cleansers of body cells. Onions are also known in helping the body burn calories.

There are also fruits known to break down fats which are highly recommended in quick weight loss diets. Make sure that you eat the fresh fruits and not the sweetened canned or dried ones. Some of the fruits used in quick weight loss programs are watermelon, grapefruit, peach, and papaya. Citrus (lemons, oranges, grapefruits) have been found to be an effective diluter of fats. They break down the fats and assist your body in flushing them out. Fruits rich in fiber like apples are also known to prevent your body from absorbing fats. This fruit together with berries have a natural chemical known as Pectin. Pectin prevents your cells from absorbing fats that build up in time.


Junk food is very hard to resist. When you watch movies, it can never be the same without the salted or buttered popcorn to munch on. When you are watching television, it is always paired with your favorite chips. However, if you are serious about your quick weight loss target, STOP EATING JUNK FOOD AND SWEETS.

There are various healthier alternatives for your junk food or sweets craving. Instead of reaching out for your favorite potato chips, try walking to the kitchen and slice yourself a couple of bite size carrots or cucumber. The next time you feel like licking an ice cream and feeding your body calories, reach out for a fresh fruit and start munching. Fruits and vegetables are your quick weight loss friends. Junk food and sweets, on the other hand, are your worst quick weight loss ENEMIES.

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You Can Never Outsmart your Brain! The moment you tell yourself that you are going to work on the quick weight loss tips you have been reading on, your brain will start telling your body to store up more food in preparation for hunger. This is precisely why most people who are planning to go on a diet get hungry pangs often and tend to eat more. They end up gaining more weight before they actually start working on their programs.

Here are some quick weight loss tips that will guarantee losing about two inches after 30 days. These quick weight loss tips should be taken seriously. First, you should start by psychologically preparing for the task and getting your mind set to accomplishing your goals.

Get eight hours of sleep a day

Some people think that sleeping can cause fats to accumulate more. This is one of the greatest myths that have been proven wrong. Many quick weight loss tips today recommend regular and complete eight hours sleep to people who are on weight loss programs. Even doctors highly recommend sleeping as a great quick weight loss tip for their clients. Studies show that a certain hormone that balances your appetite is generated while sleeping. This is the same hormone that tells you that you are full. This hormone is called Leptin. If you do not sleep, your Leptin level goes down. Then your brain tells you to eat more.

Eat Healthier

Junk food and sweets are irresistible. However, these are the food that puts those nasty calories in your diet and messes up your look! Instead of eating chips, munch on carrot sticks or cucumber. Instead of dipping your spoon on ice cream, get those non-fat fruit yogurts. A little sacrifice will go a long way for you to achieve your weight loss target. If you want sweets, go visit your fruit and vegetable shop and pick up fresh fruits. These are great substitutes to relieve your cravings for sweets.

Sweat it out

Some people just do not have the time to go to a gym or even jog in the park. Simple home exercises can do great things.

Try crunches

This simple exercise can do wonders in flattening out your bulging tummy. Here is a quick weight loss tip focusing on your abdomen:

Lay flat on your back on and lift your knees while your feet are flat on the floor. Start lifting your torso tying to get your forehead close to your knees. Begin with 5-10 lifts a day. The trick is to do this continuously and regularly. As days go by, you will feel that it gets easier. Set a goal for the number of crunches you do each day. Increase the number as you get used to it.

Running up and down your stairs will also help you sweat it out. This exercise has been known to work wonders for your lungs and toning your legs. If you do not have stairs, get a ledge or a stool that is about 6 inches in height. Step up and down alternating your left and right foot. Try 50 steps first and increase the number day by day.

Finally, tell yourself you look good and that you are doing great! The brain needs to be convinced that this is working. Keep this quick weight loss tip in mind and you should see considerable changes in 30 days.

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Perricone 3 Day Diet A Facelift On A Plate

It’s true! The Perricone 3 day diet has become insanely popular because of its ability to give you an instant facelift. The diet was developed by Dr. Nicholas Perricone, a world famous dermatologist who specializes in keeping people looking young and healthy. He laid out the diet on the Oprah Winfrey program, leading to the current popularity of the Perricone 3 day diet.

The purpose of the Perricone 3 day diet is to minimize inflammation. Mostly, were used to seeing inflammation when we twist and ankle or get a sunburn, its that burning swollen sensation that is our bodys reaction to injury. This is acute inflammation, and its a vital part of the healing process.

What we need to be concerned with, and what the Perricone 3 day diet deal with, is chronic inflammation. This is the kind of inflammation that occurs without visual symptoms, and is responsible for most of the effects associated with aging.

Most chronic inflammation is the result of what we eat, so the foods on the Perricone 3 day diet are selected to prevent this kind of inflammation. The diet also limits your insulin, which is another thing that can drastically age people. A pleasant side effect of the Perricone 3 day diet is weight loss, although thats not the primary intent.

The diet has to be followed exactly as prescribed to get the positive effects that were looking for, so no leaving anything out of adding any thing to it.

Perricone 3 day diet:

On waking:

8 to 12 ounces spring water


3 egg whites and 1 whole egg and/or a 4- to 6-ounce piece of broiled salmon
1/2 cup cooked oatmeal (not instant)
4 oz cantaloupe + 1/4 cup fresh berries
8 to 12 ounces spring water minimum, (more if desired)


4 to 6 ounces grilled salmon or tuna packed in spring water
2 cups romaine lettuce
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil and freshly squeezed lemon juice to taste
4 oz cantaloupe + 1/4 cup fresh berries
8 to 12 ounces spring water minimum, (more if desired)


2 ounces low-salt, sliced chicken breast
4 raw, unsalted hazelnuts
1 green apple
8 to 12 ounces spring water minimum, (more if desired)


4 to 6 ounces grilled salmon
2 cups romaine (not iceberg) lettuce
1 tablespoon olive oil and freshly squeezed lemon juice as a salad dressing
1 cup steamed asparagus, broccoli, or spinach dressed with a little olive oil
4 oz cantaloupe + 1/4 cup fresh berries
8 to 12 ounces spring water minimum, (more if desired)
Before Going to Bed
2 ounces low-fat low-salt turkey or chicken breast
1/2 pear or green apple
3 or 4 almonds or olives
8 to 12 ounces of spring water

What youll find from following the Perricone 3 day diet for the time prescribed is that youll probably have lost a few pounds, your skin will be clearer and youre going to look younger right away. Remember that this particular diet is only intended for three days; to maintain the results; you need to follow an anti inflammatory diet that has a greater variety of foods.

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