Get Fit And Stay Fit While Losing Weight
For many people, choosing a healthy diet and exercise plan is not about weight loss alone. You may be striving for a healthier life, a fit life. Getting fit and staying fit are great ways to lengthen your life, improve your mood, and keep yourself healthy.
To get fit, and stay fit, follow the following guidelines:
1. Focus on Lifestyle Changes: Fitness is not a temporary solution to a short term problem. It is a series of lifestyle choices, leading up to an overall lifestyle change. As you begin your journey into weight loss, focus on the fact that you are developing a healthy body for a lifetime, not just a skinnier body right now. This will help you to see the big picture, and enable you to stay strong through diet difficulties.
2. Adjust Your Diet: Adjust your diet plan until you find one that is both healthy and livable. For example, if you hate salad, and design a diet plan focused on eating a big salad at lunch and dinner time, youre setting yourself up for failure. Take the time to research multiple diet plans, and find on that you can live with. Sure, there’s no such thing as the donuts-and-chocolate-cake diet, but find the healthiest diet that also works with you. This will make sticking to it, as well as losing weight, easier to do.
3. Include Activity: Again, take the time to include a plan that fits into your life. Choose a gym or fitness club that is open when you have the time to exercise. Pick activities that you enjoy. Plan your exercise time to fit into a part of your day when you’re not exhausted. Incorporate active outings into your family schedule. Strive for a more active life as a whole, and don’t beat yourself up over one or two missed workouts. Remember, you’re making changes for a lifetime.
4. Get Plenty of Rest: One of the biggest mistakes people make when trying to lose weight or become fit; is they burn the candle at both ends. Lack of adequate rest lowers not only your body’s natural defenses, but weakens your mental and emotional stability as well. Think of it this way a well oiled machine can operate at maximum capability.
You can lose weight on an unhealthy diet, but true fitness requires devoting time to your health. By making yourself a priority, and focusing on long term lifestyle changes, you’re setting out on your fitness journey. Take the time to find diet plans and exercise routines that you can fit into your schedule, as well as enjoy. This will make incorporating fitness into your daily routine something to look forward to, instead of something to dread.
This article is for informational purposes only. It is not medical advice and should not be used or interpreted as such. You should always consult a medical professional before making drastic changes to your diet or life style.
Tags: Active Life, Adequate Rest, Chocolate Cake, Diet And Exercise Plan, Diet Plan, Diet Plans, Dinner Time, Eating Habits, Exercise Time, Fitness Club, Getting Fit, Healthiest Diet, Healthy Diet, Lifestyle Change, Lifestyle Changes, Lifestyle Choices, Losing Weight, Natural Defenses, Staying Fit, Temporary Solution, Time Youre —

Gastric Bypass Statistics – Discover The Truth
For many morbidly obese people who are facing serious health issues related to their obesity, gastric bypass may be the answer to losing weight and getting healthy. It’s not a quick fix or a ‘lazy persons’ way out, it’s a procedure that can help someone lose a lot of weight more quickly than they could with traditional diet and exercise alone. This quick weight loss is the key since the sooner the weight comes off the more quickly a persons health can improve. While everyone is different and results will be different from one person to the next, here are some gastric bypass statistics that you can consider.
The basic concept behind the surgery is pretty simple: close off a portion of the stomach so a person can’t eat as much food all at once. Eating less food, and taking in fewer calories, will make it possible for someone to lose weight at a significant pace. Since this method emphasizes proper nutrition and lifestyle changes the rapid weight loss doesn’t have the unhealthy aspects that many other rapid forms of weight loss have.
The most important thing to think about is how would you define whether or not the procedure was a success? Would you define it based on a certain amount of weight you lost or would you define it based on whether or not you kept that weight off? Some will define the success or failure of the procedure based solely on achieving, and maintaining, a normal Body Mass Index for over five years after the procedure. Knowing what your expectation are and making sure they are realistic is a very important step for you to take prior to making a final decision on whether or not you are going to undergo the procedure.
For those people who are classified as morbidly obese, having a Body Mass Index of between 30% and 49%, the success rate has been shown to be as high at 93%.
A new category, Super Obese, has been coined and that indicates anyone with a Body Mass Index of above 50%, for those people the success rate actually goes down somewhat to about 57%. ( though it should be noted that for many this simply means that they didn’t get or maintain a normal Body Mass Index for five years or more. That doesn’t mean that they didn’t make dramatic improvements to their overall health).
Many studies have shown that patients who undergo the procedure, and make the required lifestyle changes, will reduce their other obesity related health issues such as high cholesterol and high blood pressure.
With the very real, and life threatening, health issues associated with being obese, it’s imperative that anyone who is overweight take significant steps to lose weight and improve their mobility. Eating less and moving more can have a huge impact on your health, your appearance, and your overall sense of well being. For some people, surgery will provide them with the best chance of a positive result. While the actual results can vary dramatically from one person to another, the actual gastric bypass statistics tend to show that for many people who are seriously overweight, this surgery can help them achieve the normal Body Mass Index that is at the heart of having a healthy body.
Tags: Body Mass, Body Mass Index, Dow, Expectation, Fewer Calories, Final Decision, food;, Gastric Bypass, Health Issues, high blood pressure;, High Cholesterol, less food, Lifestyle Changes, Losing Weight, Morbidly Obese People, New Category, obesity;, Proper Nutrition, Quick Weight Loss, Rapid Weight Loss, Serious Health, Stomach, Success Rate, Super Obese, surgery, Traditional Diet, Unhealthy Aspects —

Gastric Bypass Post Op Lifestyle
Losing weight really can be a life or death situation, particularly for those people who are morbidly obese. Time is of the essence and the longer it takes to lose the weight the greater the risk to their health. For this reason gastric bypass surgery may be the best option. If you are considering this procedure but would like to know more about the recovery process, this article on gastric bypass post op can help.
This procedure has been available for decades and though there are some risks, as with all surgeries, they are minimal and rare. The most common issue faced by someone is the lifestyle changes they will need to make. These changes can be challenging which is why most patients are given a lot of pre-op counseling so that they fully understand what they will need to commit themselves to.
Most people understand the basic concept of gastric bypass, your stomach is made smaller so that you can only eat small amounts of food at one sitting. So, obviously, one of the most drastic changes will be a dramatically reduced food intake at each meal.
Other post op lifestyle changes may not seem so obvious such as the fact that you can no longer eat a lot of high sugar and high fat foods. Eating too much of this type of food can lead to fainting since it will be absorbed much more quickly than it would have been before the surgery when your stomach literally had more room.
When you are eating less, you are also drinking less which means that you will need to drink water, in small amounts, throughout your day to avoid dehydration.
While everyone is different and each individuals results will vary, on average many patients will lose up to 50 % of their extra weight within the first six months after surgery. From six months to two years the amount of weight loss will generally be as high as 70%. After two years post op the average weight loss tends to level off at about 80%. It’s very uncommon for someone to lose 100% of their excess fat so some people will claim that this type of surgery isn’t successful.
Only the individual can judge the success for themselves, but my guess would be that if someone is morbidly obese and weighs in excess of 300 lbs, they would be thrilled to lose 60 – 80% of their excess weight!
If you are extremely overweight and you are anxious to get yourself to a more healthy weight you may want to look into gastric bypass surgery. This is a viable way for you to take control of your weight more quickly than just diet and exercise. Your gastric bypass post op lifestyle will be considerably different and if you’re not willing to make significant changes to your lifestyle the process will not work for you. This article has given you a brief overview and now you have an idea of what’s involved, your doctor will answer the rest of your questions.
Tags: Bypass Surgery, Counseling, Death Situation, Decades, dehydration;, Drastic Changes, fainting, food intake;, food;, Gastric Bypass, Gastric Bypass Surgery, Health, Lifestyle Changes, Losing Weight, Lot, pre-op, Reason, reduced food intake, Risk, Six Months, Stomach, Surgeries, surgery, Time Is Of The Essence, Type Of Food, Weight Loss —

Gastric Bypass Mexico – Expensive Or Not Be Careful
Gastric bypass surgery may sound like a life saver, literally, but if you don’t have insurance, or if your insurance won’t cover the procedure you may think that you have no choice and won’t be able to get the surgery. There has been a lot of evidence to suggest that in the long run an insurance company would actually save money if they covered this type of surgery since the cost of treating heart problems, and diabetes, two common health issues related to obesity, would be significantly higher over a persons life span than the cost of gastric bypass surgery and recovery. Until the insurance companies change their policies many people are having their procedures done in other countries, gastric bypass Mexico is one such option.
Many American doctors have found that they can practice medicine just over the border for a fraction of the cost that it would cost them in the U.S. Why? Simple, one of the biggest reasons for skyrocketing health care costs is the mal practice insurance that every doctor must carry. Thanks to the greed of some lawyers and the eagerness of some patients to earn a quick buck, the number of frivolous law suits against doctors has risen dramatically. That makes every single procedure cost more since the doctor and the hospital have to pay huge premiums to their insurance company to protect them against law suits, the cost of those premiums get tacked on to the price of every single procedure you have done. Did you ever wonder why an aspirin in the hospital costs $6 or more?
Since a doctor practicing medicine in another country, like Mexico, doesn’t have the same restrictions, they don’t need to pay the sky high mal-practice insurance premiums, and they can pass that savings onto the patient. While the quality of care is comparable to what you could get in the U.S., you can get it for much less for this reason.
When choosing a clinic to perform your surgery, whether in the U.S. or Mexico, make sure you take a lot of time and care. Just like any other profession some doctors are better than others and when it comes to your health you want to make sure you choose the best doctor to perform you surgery. The first place you should start in your search for a qualified doctor is by asking friends and family for a referral, than keep checking their credentials, how many procedures they’ve performed, etc until you find the doctor and the clinic that you feel comfortable trusting your care to.
Don’t let the bottom line mentality of your insurance company stand in the way of you receiving a potentially life saving surgery, all you have to do is broaden your horizons and consider having gastric bypass Mexico. If you take time to find a qualified doctor and clinic south of the border, you can not only save yourself a lot of money while still getting the same level of care you would right here in the U.S., you’ll also potentially be saving your life. That is certainly worth a road trip!
Tags: American Doctors, Aspirin, Common Health, Cost Of Gastric Bypass Surgery, diabetes;, Eagerness, Fraction, Frivolous Law Suits, Gastric Bypass, Gastric Bypass Surgery, Greed, Health Care Costs, Health Issues, Heart Problems, Insurance, Insurance Companies, Insurance Company, insurance company stand, Insurance Premiums, law suits, Life Span, mal practice insurance, mal-practice insurance premiums, Mexico, obesity;, Persons Life, Practice Insurance, Practicing Medicine, Quality Of Care, surgery, United States;, USD; —