Healthy Weight Loss Tips

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Using The Subway Calorie Counter To Lose Weight

The sandwich chain ‘Subway’ has marketing itself in such a way that it is a healthy alternative to fast food. For this reason the Subway calorie counter is looked upon very highly for anyone wanting to lose weight. When you order a low fast option from Subway you have a choice between seven 6 inch subs that have 350 or fewer calories and less than 6 grams of fat.

The low calorie sub options include: turkey, ham, ham and turkey, oven roasted chicken breast, veggie delight, turkey club and roast beef. Then there is the sweet onion teriyaki chicken sub that is just over the calorie count at 370 calories but has just 5 grams of fat, so still a very good choice – and my personal favorite.

One mistake that some people make is that they think all Subway subs are low calorie and that they can order anything they like from the menu. Not all of the subs are low calorie and there are some you should avoid if you are dieting such as the 6 inch tuna sub that has 530 calories and 31 grams of fat – and that is before you add any sauces or mayonnaise.

Subway also has some hot subs that should also be avoided if you are dieting. The 6 inch toasted chicken parmesan, the toasted bacon and chicken ranch and the toasted meatball marinara all come in at 500 calories. The meatball sub has 24 grams of fat.

You also need to keep in mind the size of the sub that you order. Subway has the 6 inch subs and the foot long subs and the foot long subs are double the size and double the calories of the 6 inch subs.

Something else that you should watch out for on the Subway calorie counter is the double versions of subs. For example, the double meat turkey sub has 340 calories while the regular version has just 280 calories, so by ordering the double version you are increasing your calorie intake.

With Subway subs you also get to choose the type of bread you want for your sub and this can also make a difference to the number of calories. The white bread sub has 190 calories by itself but if you choose one of the deluxe breads – honey oat and parmesan oregano – this will increase the calories by 50 – 60 calories.

When you add cheese to the sub it also increases the calories. Cheese is a standard ingredient on the subs however it is represented separately on the Subway calorie counter and will add another 40 to 50 calories on a 6 inch sub.

Mayonnaise is another big calorie addition and it can add 110 calories for a normal serving while some condiments such as mustard has barely any calories.

If you are having Subway for breakfast you also need to choose wisely. The breakfast subs range from 270 to 510 calories and you are best to stick to the egg and cheese on a deli roll or perhaps the honey mustard and ham on a deli roll. You want to stay right away from a sub such as the chipitole steak and cheese on a 6 inch roll as that is on the higher end of the calorie scale.

Subway also sell other foods including cookies, chips and sodas which all come high in calories so although these may be tempting you should avoid them. Subway does feature the Baked Lays brand of chips which has around 110 calories a serving so they aren’t too bad.

Subway is a great option for those who want a healthy alternative to fast food as long as you use the Subway calorie counter wisely.

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Posted by: admin | Category: Healthy Breakfast,Healthy Choice,Healthy Foods,Weight Loss | Comments (0)

Using A Dual Featured Weight Loss Calorie Counter

If you are trying to lose weight then you might benefit from using a good weight loss calorie counter. It is best to use a dual featured weight loss calorie counter as these will list both the calorie content of foods and ways you burn the fat off.

If you are overweight then there is a good chance that you aren’t all that good at knowing how much impact food and exercise has on your body’s shape. Whether this is the first time you have tried dieting or whether you have been a yo-yo dieter for years, you need to learn to have some idea of how many calories are in foods and also how many calories you are burning off.

Guessing what foods have more or less calories will often give you the wrong answer and it isn’t always a matter of common sense. If I asked you which had the fewest calories out of a fast food meal or a meal at a restaurant you would probably say the meal at the restaurant would be lower in calories. The fact is though that quite often fast foods contain fewer calories than a meal at a sit down restaurant. It all depends on the type of meal you order and this is why a weight loss calorie counter can help.

To lose weight it is vital that you burn more calories than you consume. Most people however don’t realize just how many calories they actually eat and usually think they eat less than they actually do. Many people have no idea how many calories they burn off either so a weight loss calorie counter is very important in your weight loss journey.

Let’s take a look at some of the features of a good weight loss calorie counter:

A good weight loss calorie counter should include a wide range of foods including apples, potatoes and lean beef. It should also include some combinations of foods and some common recipes. Processed foods such as cookies and chips should also be included. And lastly it should include some of the common restaurant and fast food items too.

The exercise software on a calorie counter should also include a wide range of exercise activities. The counter should include exercises such as cardio exercises, strength training such as lifting weights and swimming. It should also include leisure activities that are physically active such as table tennis, volleyball, cycling and walking.

It isn’t as simple as saying ‘I’ve run a mile so I’ve burned 98 calories’ because there are different factors that determine how many calories you burn off. For example a 120 pound woman will burn around 78 calories by running a mile while a 180 pound man will burn around 117 calories. The body mass will have an impact on how many calories are burned. So a good weight loss calorie counter will take your weight into consideration.

When you are looking for a good weight loss calorie counter just keep these points in mind. You want one that includes a wide range of foods, a wide range of physical exercises and one that will consider your current weight.

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Posted by: admin | Category: Weight Loss | Comments (0)


You know that eating a vegetarian diet can decrease the incidence of heart disease and certain types of cancers. You also know that it can make you leaner and healthier. But so many of the health studies are done on men? What about women and the impact of a vegetarian diet on their health as they age?

Diets that are high in protein, especially animal protein, tend to cause the body to excrete more calcium, oxalate, and uric acid. These three substances are the main components of urinary tract stones. British researchers have advised that persons with a tendency to form kidney stones should follow a vegetarian diet. The American Academy of Family Physicians notes that high animal protein intake is largely responsible for the high prevalence of kidney stones in the United States and other developed countries and recommends protein restriction for the prevention of recurrent kidney stones.

For many of the same reasons, vegetarians are at a lower risk for osteoporosis. Since animal products force calcium out of the body, eating meat can promote bone loss. In nations with mainly vegetable diets (and without dairy product consumption), osteoporosis is less common than in the U.S., even when calcium intake is also less than in the U.S. Calcium is important, but there is no need to get calcium from dairy products.

We continue to consume meat, while at the same time downing calcium supplements and prescription drugs to prevent osteoporosis, that often have drastic side effects. And most experts agree that calcium supplements are inferior to calcium derived from natural food sources. Doesn’t it make more sense (and cents) to get your calcium from eating a healthier diet?

What are some good vegetarian sources of calcium? Orange juice, for one. Dry beans, such as black-eyed peas, kidney beans and black beans are another good source, as are dark leafy vegetables such as broccoli and kale. Tofu is also a good source of calcium.

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Posted by: admin | Category: Healthy Diet | Comments (0)

Tips To Help Lose My Belly Fat

Have you been wondering for a long time ‘how can I lose my belly fat’? Do you have a bit of excess tummy flab that you just can’t seem to be able to get rid of? Well stop asking yourself ‘how can I lose my belly fat’ because we are about to tell you how.

There are a number of reasons why you may have gained some fat around your tummy. The trick to losing that belly fat is to control what you are eating or drinking that will cause fat gain and to introduce some exercise into your life, particularly exercises that target the tummy area.

Here are four tips that can help you to love that belly fat.

1. Sit ups and crunches are the two main exercises that people do to lose belly fat. Sit ups are probably the single most effective exercise for toning stomach muscles and getting rid of belly fat. Sit ups are even more effective when done on a stability ball. To lose fat you do need to burn off more calories than you consume so keep this in mind also.

2. Cut out all fried foods from your diet. Fried foods are the worst foods for putting on fat around the waist and they are poor in nutrient value also. Fried food has no nutritional value at all to your diet and all it does it provide you with calories that add to your weight.

3. Stop snacking between meals. Snacking is a big contributor to gaining belly fat. Late night snacking is the worst kind of all as you don’t burn the calories off if you got to bed after snacking. When you consume calories during the day you will burn some of them off with your daily movements, but at night you just relax or go to bed allowing those calories to become fat that doesn’t get burned off. When you snack a lot you will often find that you only intend to have one small snack but you keep on eating more and more and it all adds up around your tummy. If you are asking yourself ‘how can I lose my belly fat’ then you need to tell yourself to stop snacking between meals.

4. Burn those excess calories off. Belly fat is unused energy that accumulates in the form of fat around the stomach. To get rid of belly fat you need to burn off more calories than you consume. Cardio workouts are great for burning off fat and these can include aerobics, walking, jogging, running, cycling or working out on a cardio machine. There are many little changes that you can make that will also help you to burn off calories like parking at the back of the car park and walking that little bit further to the shop or office, or taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Remember that every little bit of exercise you do helps.

If you are asking yourself ‘how can I lose my belly fat’ then try these four suggestions and you will soon find your tummy getting thinner and you will be well on your way to having those flat abs.

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Posted by: admin | Category: Weight Loss | Comments (0)
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