Dieting Why Fad Diets Fail
Fad diets are those diets that claims fast weight loss in honest a few days with minimum effort except to stick out with the diet plan. There are several of those being flooded into the market every month, always well advertised sometimes well endorsed and fatally frustrating. Simply put, fad diets are always starvation diets and therefore unrealistic. Real fails this way.
Fad diets are foods that one has to endure. On top of that, a person on a fad diet is told to eat less and if the fad diet comes with an exercise program, to work more. The only saving expense is that it is low on fat and generally low on sodium but so is water. These, therefore, need preparation. Every preparation however tastes unappealing bordering on unpalatability.
Fad diets may sometimes come together with an exercise program. But if one is to observe carefully, initial weight loss happens this way. A body that perspire losses water and water is heavy. When the dieter checks the weight after the enterprise, there is truly a weight loss. But drink water and the body go back to the original weight. The water then that was disoriented during the labor will only equal to the weight that was lost on perspiration. The impression however will be different.
The constitution then starts to slowly react to the starvation diet losing water in the cells which then translate to weight loss. As you continue the starvation diet, the body will onset feeding at the muscle and therefore you lose weight. Because you are avoiding the eating of fat ( which the body by the way also needs ), the tendency of the body is to conserve all the fat that is in store. It will go on for a month say 15 days depending on your metabolism. Now, when the physique has burnt most of the energy in the muscle, the individual starts to get weak. The reason for this is that it is already starting to burn the fats that are stored in the body and which the body has tried much to conserve.
The irony is that, fats do not burn plain. Unlike other energy foods that the body is used burning to provide the energy to lengthen alive, burning the fat will in itself take in addition time to provide the energy needed and then the gadget on a fad diet starts being phlegmatic in movement. Performance will be underprivileged, activity will slow, and same the exercises will take a lot more effort that, after a while, is dropped also.
Obviously, the point in going on a diet is to be healthier, let alone befitting. A fad diet works to the contrary. The weight loss effects are immediate; it always is because it has to be, but the desired effect and the ideals in which the dieter started with is not.
True enough weight loss happens even emaciation ( if the person leave last that long ), but lack of energy and other unhealthy symptoms does too. For most people, eclat sets in fast. The body that has been crying out for the nutrients to keep it functioning bequeath eventually be heeded again the fad diet forgotten. As that happens, the person will start to eat and regain all that which was lost during the tempo that the body is being starved. What is more is that it usually does not end there. The craving for food that has been suppressed are often bracing that weight in fact starts gaining more.
24 Hour Fitness
Tags: Diet Plan, Dieter, Drink Water, Energy Foods, energy;, Exercise Program, Fad Diet, Fad Diets, Fats, Few Days, food;, Initial Weight, Irony, Losing Weight, Metabolism, Minimum Effort, Perspiration, Physique, Sodium, Starvation Diet, Starvation Diets, starvation;, Tendency, Water And The Body, Weight Loss —

Low Carb Diet Information – What Should You Eat
When trying to lose weight, most people try to find low carb diet information. Fans of the low carb accession will tell you that it is possible to lose weight within a short period of time. Music to the ears of those of us who have battled with our weight!
But how successful are low carb diets in the long term? It is hard to quantify this as most mortals who start a diet tend not to last. There are zillion reasons for this. The fact that you are on a diet is sometimes enough to effect huge food cravings. I dont know about you but as soon as I go on a diet, the chocolate cravings hit with a retribution.
While I think I have tried every sort of diet at some point, the only concern that works for me is to combine exercise with eating more fruit and vegetables. These foods are a dieter’s dream. You can fill up on your favorite fruit, so long as it isnt bananas, without piling on the pounds. Obviously you wouldnt want to eat scrupulous fruit and vegetables. We need a little of all the entree groups in our diet in order to maintain our bodies at their best.
So what should tribe who want to lose weight eat? Well thanks to we said, fruit and vegetables are the super foods for slimmers. These foods are bulky and watery which means that they are low in fat and provide a gathering of volume for few calories. But you cannot just eat the same vegetables every day. You need to eat as many different colors as you can find. Fresh, frozen or canned are fine so long considering they are not canned in sugar sauces.
Start your meal with a salad and you will probably eat less overall. But you besides need to eat carbohydrates, proteins and some fats.
Carbohydrates should include wholegrain cereals and breads as a good source of vital B vitamins. People with diabetes should eat high fiber starchy foods in order to regulate their blood sugar level so plenty of brown rice and pasta. The white stuff belongs in the bin.
It will surprise those looking for low carb diet info to see that we should all include fats in our diets, even us slimmers. But there are good fats and bad fats. Good fats include those found in oily fish and avocadoes. Bad fats i. e. those found in biscuits, cakes, sauces and pre – packaged foods are best avoided.
Eating calcium rich low fat foods is a great notion for those trying to lose weight as the calcium will help to metabolise fat quicker. You also scamper the risk of osteoporosis in later life if you cut all milk and dairy out of your diet. Try drinking skimmed milk which is higher in calcium than full fat milk.
It goes without saying that low carb diet information will always suggest you cut over the pasta with creamy sauces and sugar coated breakfast cereals.
24 Hour Fitness
Tags: B Vitamins, Bananas, Blood Sugar Level, Breads, Brown Rice, Cereals, diabetes;, Diet Chocolate, Dieter, Different Colors, Food Cravings, Fruit And Vegetables, Healthy Diet, huge food cravings, Losing Weight, Low Carb Diet, Low Carb Diets, Mortals, osteoporosis;, Retribution, Sauces, Starchy Foods, Time Music, White Stuff, Zillion —

Dangers of Using Laxatives For Weight Loss
One popular weight loss supplements available in the market today take the form of tea. Stores all over sell slimming tea, dieter’s tea and others but all of them are actually the same. They may appear to be effective, but what is not seen may actually harm you.
One of the effects of drinking dieter’s tea is frequent bowel movement. This gives people the feeling of body cleansing. These people may get toxins out of their body but it isn’t exactly the only thing that slimming tea actually does to the body. Slimming tea contains herbs which are natural laxatives. These include aloe, senna, rhubarb root, cascara, buckthorn and castor oil. These are products which are derived from plants and are used since the ancient times because of their potency in treating constipation and to inducing bowel movement.
Cascara, castor oil and senna are substances which are recognized as laxatives available over the counter and are also regulated as drugs. Scientific studies show that diarrhea induced by laxatives does not absorb significant amounts of calories taken in the body.
The reason for this is that laxatives do not act on the small intesines where most of the calories are absorbed. Instead, they work on the large intestines. If taken in large amounts for prolonged periods, it can affect fat absorption of the body. This may lead to greasy diarrhea and loss of weight. Abuse of laxatives is common practice among people who suffer from bulimia and anorexia nervosa.
While weight loss can be guaranteed by overdosing on laxatives, it may also cause permanent damage to the gastrointesitinal tract and the weakening and softening of the bones, a condition known as osteomalacia. Drinkers of slimming teas may actually patronize the product because they are less axpensive and taste better than other laxatives sold in the market. Other people, such as those with eating disorders like bulimia and anorexia nervosa drink dieter’s tea because they work fast and produce watery stool and having loose consistency.
Women may even be more susceptible to the effects of slimming teas. Although they may are not known to interfer directly with the woman’s menstrual cycle and fertility, they should watch out if drinking them causes them to rapidly shed off weight. It is also not safe for pregnant women to be taking in laxatives of any kind. Wise and reponsible herbalists also discourage the use of senna and other herbal products with laxative properties for pregnant women and women who are trying to conceive.
One should be wary about these findings because the labeling of slimming teas in the market today can be absolutely misleading. For instance, they commonly refer to the laxative qualities as “natural bowel cleansing properties” and not specifically use the word “laxative”.Some even use the term “low-calorie” on their labelling. These products in fact, contain essentially no calories nor nutrients whatsoever; unless of course, if they are sweetened.
Adverse effects of misusing laxatives in the form of slimming tea generally occur when taken in more than or longer than recommended. These include nausea, stomach cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, fainting, rectal bleeding,electrolyte disorder and dehydration as well as injury and worse, death. It was also reported that excess use of stimulant laxatives cause severe constipation and pain for long periods (as much as for decades) due to the colon losing its function. It eventually led to surgery removing the colon altogether.
Word Count 577
Tags: Anorexia Nervosa, anorexia nervosa drink dieter's tea, Buckthorn, Bulimia, Castor Oil, constipation;, dehydration;, diarrhea;, Dieter, Eating Disorders, electrolyte disorder, fainting, Frequent Bowel Movement, greasy diarrhea, Herbal Products, injury, Large Intestines, Laxatives For Weight Loss, Natural Laxatives, Nausea, osteomalacia, Permanent Damage, Potency, Prolonged Periods, Rhubarb Root, Senna, severe constipation, Slimming Tea, Slimming Teas, Stomach Cramps, surgery, Treating Constipation, vomiting, Weight Loss Supplements —

Free weight loss program for teenagers
Losing weight is in vogue right now. What with celebrities and teen stars all losing pounds, it is not surprising that the vast majority of teeners in America are also obsessed with weight loss programs. Everyone wants to stay slim as the models that they see strutting in the catwalks.
Everyone wants to be able to dress like their idols Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan and Hillary Duff.
Weight loss programs, however, can be really expensive. And no amount of saving your monthly allowance will be able to make you afford one. Unless of course you have a trust fund like that of the Hilton sisters!
Losing weight however need not be expensive. In fact, you can lose those additional weight and pounds without even having to shell out a lot of money. This is especially true if you do not really need to lose much. You can actually do it for free. You dont believe me? Read on below and find some tips on how to achieve weight loss for free.
Determine how much to lose
The process of losing weight is different for different people. This is because people need to lose different amounts of weight. A weight loss program that has worked for someone who needs to lose a little over 20 pounds may not work for someone who needs to lose more than 50 pounds. The same goes with people who have the time to work out in a gym and those who opt for home exercise.
Before you determine the right program for losing weight, you have to first know just how much pounds you have to lose. To do this, consult the body mass index to know the ideal weight for your age and your height. After doing this, you will be able to plan your own weight program.
Combine diet and exercise
One of the most costly mistakes both financially and health-wise that teenagers make is to concentrate on just one aspect of dieting. This may not be good for the dieter as concentrating on just one will not balance out the weight loss.
If you diet too much, your body may suffer from the loss of nutrients and exercising too much may lead to muscle pains and body aches. It is important that you combine both of these things to achieve maximum weight loss. What is more, when both of these are combined, weight loss is more permanent and more lasting.
Slowly but surely
Crash diets often do not work in the long run. Oh, it can make you lose weight fast but because of what your body has gone through, you will gain the lost pounds just as fast. In addition, crash diets will only put your body and health in jeopardy. It is important that you give yourself enough time to lose those unwanted pounds slowly but surely. This way, you can be sure that your weigh loss will be for keeps.
Check your commitment meter
One important ingredient in a weight loss program is the hunger for weight loss. You can enroll in the most expensive weight loss program but without the determination to lose weight, your money will just go down the drain. If you have full commitment in the program, even if it is something that you have only planned yourself, you can succeed.
Tags: America, body aches, Body Mass Index, Costly Mistakes, Dieter, Exercise One, Free Weight Loss, Healthy Diet, Hillary Duff, Hilton Sisters, Home Exercise, Ideal Weight, Lindsay Lohan, Losing Weight, muscle pains, Nutrients, Paris Hilton, Teen Stars, Teenagers, Teeners, Trust Fund, Vogue, Weight Loss Program, Weight Loss Programs —