Weight Loss – Are You Serious
In today’s stressed-out society, it can be difficult to even think about investing the time to eat properly and exercise. You may be struggling with obesity, but also struggling with finding the time to care for yourself properly. As your blood pressure and cholesterol increase, your doctor may recommend weight loss. However, time constraints can lead you to wonder how you’ll ever find the time to improve your health.
If you’re short on time, but need to lose weight, use these time saving weight loss tips to help you on your way. The pounds will begin to drop off, and your self-esteem will increase.
Drink Water:
Drinking water can be a great way to improve your health. Hydration helps the body to process and shed extra fat and toxins. Flushing the fat out of your body on a regular basis will lead to weight loss. Drink 6-8 glasses of water a day for optimal health. If you struggle with the lack of flavor, try adding a lemon or lime wedge, or one of the new sugar free drink mixes.
Build Exercise Into Your Day:
Take small steps to increase your activity throughout your day. Park your car further from your office. Walk between buildings instead of calling your coworkers. Take a walk on your lunch break. Use the stairs instead of the elevator. Meet your friends for a morning jog. Every little bit helps towards your weight loss goals.
Swap Out High Fat Foods for Lower Fat Options:
This can be a relatively painless way to decrease your calorie count. Swap out your rich ranch dressing for a fat free or low calorie salad dressing. Skip the cheese. Switch to 2% or fat free dairy products.
Avoid Liquid Calories:
Sodas, juices, specialty coffee drinks, and alcoholic beverages can all pack a high calorie punch. Liquid calories dont fill you up the same way food does, so it can be easy to overdo it if you arent careful. Skip the high calorie liquids, and stick with water.
** As a little sidenote on this particular tip, reducing your intake of these liquids, will also help you save money. Now how cool is that.
Try incorporating a few of these tips into your day to see how easy it can be to make healthy choices. Weight loss is a gradual process, and every small step you take towards your goal helps. Even with time constraints, you can make small daily changes to help move you towards your goal weight. You’ll be wearing a smaller size before you know it!
This article is for informational purposes only. It is not medical advice, nor should it be interpreted or substituted as medical advice. Prior to making changes to your physical exercise routine and your diet, you should always consult your personal physician. Better safe than sorry.
Tags: Alcoholic Beverages, Calorie Count, Coffee Drinks, Coworkers, dairy products;, Drink Water, fat free dairy products, food;, Hydration, Lime Wedge, Losing Weight, Need To Lose Weight, obesity;, Optimal Health, Painless Way, Park Your Car, Personal Physician, Ranch Dressing, Salad Dressing, Sidenote, Small Steps, Sodas, Specialty Coffee, Time Constraints, Weight Loss Goals —

7 Tips To Drop A Dress Size
If you need to lose weight, there are many ways to help the process along. Use these top tips to help you lose a dress size quickly and easily even if youre a busy working woman. Take the time to make small changes each day. Youll be amazed at how quickly they all add up.
Here are some tips to get you started:
1. Drink Your Water: 6-8 glasses of water a day helps flush fat, sodium, and other toxins from the body. If waters not your style, try adding one of the new low calorie drink mixes for taste. Keep your body hydrated for optimum weight loss,
2. Eat Breakfast: People who eat healthy breakfasts eat less food throughout the day. Eat breakfast each day to jumpstart your weight loss. If youre rushed, try a smoothie or shake for a healthy on the go meal.
3. Eat Your Veggies: For meals and snacks, add extra fruits and veggies. These nutritional powerhouses help you feel full, without adding extra fat and calories. Try replacing one meal a day with a salad to boost nutrition and lower your calorie intake but avoid creamy dressings that pack on the calories.
4. Choose Healthy Snacks: Choose a healthy snack every few hours to help keep you from overeating at mealtimes. Try fruit and cheese, peanut butter crackers, or a handful of almonds. Try to choose snacks with protein theyll have more staying power.
5. Avoid Liquid Calories: You may be consuming more calories than you realize by loading up on soda, juice, or alcoholic beverages. Cut them from diet to lose that dress size quickly!
6. Aerobics Help: The best way to lose fat is by burning it through aerobic exercise. Add in 30 minutes of aerobic exercise per day (walking counts!) to lose weight.
7. Pack in Protein: Add protein to your meals and snacks to help you feel full longer. Protein provides energy for the long haul, so add peanut butter, low fat cheese, or lean meat to your meals to keep you feeling satisfied.
Making small changes on a daily basis can lead to consistent weight loss. These tips will jumpstart the diet process, and get you started on your journey to a healthier body and life. Remember, weight loss is a process. Begin making changes in your habits today, and youll have lost that dress size in no time!
This article is for informational purposes only. It is not medical advice, nor should it be interpreted or substituted as medical advice. Prior to making changes to your physical exercise routine and your diet, you should always consult your personal physician. Better safe than sorry.
Tags: Aerobic Exercise, Alcoholic Beverages, Calorie Drink, Calorie Intake, Consistent Weight, Daily Basis, Dress Size, Dressings, energy;, Healthy Breakfasts, Healthy Diet, Healthy Snack, Healthy Snacks, Lean Meat, less food, Losing Weight, Low Fat Cheese, Optimum Weight, Peanut Butter Crackers, Personal Physician, Powerhouses, Small Changes, Smoothie, Staying Power, Working Woman —

Discover A Great Way To Loose Weight Fast
If you want to loose weight fast, the first thing you need to realize is that you probably arent going to lose weight quite as fast as you want to. For some people, 2 pounds a week is fast. Anymore than 2 pounds a week generally isnt considered healthy, unless youre very overweight. If you have 15 pounds to lose and want to lose it all in two weeks, youre going to have to adjust your thinking or youre either going to be very disappointed, or youll resort to a really unhealthy method of weight loss and risk making yourself sick.
Yet, if you need to loose weight fast over a period of a few days or a week just to fit into a dress for the weekend, for instance, and you realize that if you drop pounds quickly youll likely put them back on after the weekend is over, there are some things you can do to drop a few pounds right away.
When you loose weight fast, youre losing water weight, not actual fat. So as long as you understand that your quick weight drop is really a very temporary thing thats easily undone and you dont risk your health to do it, you could be very pleased with the results.
First, stop drinking anything with calories in it. Just that alone can help you loose weight fast. No alcoholic beverages, no sugar in your coffee, no soda other than diet soda, and no fruit juice or flavored waters that have calories in them. Just this step alone can cut hundred of calories from your day. Replace those sugared beverages with water. Dont drink 64 oz of water in one sittingthat can even be dangerousbut try to get that much in slowly throughout the day.
If you really want to loose weight fast, you can drastically cut back on your calories. While 1200 calories is really just above a starvation diet, if you limit yourself to that or fewer for only a very short time like a few days, it wont harm you. Weve all had those days where were sick with the flu or we dont feel well and we eat very little. It happens from time to time naturally, so doing it on purpose for a short burst wont hurt you either, just dont decide to starve yourself as a method for long-term weight loss.
Stick to easily digested foods like vegetable soup with little fat in it. Soup can help you feel more full while youre eating so little food and take away the growling stomach that will no doubt happen at least a few times if you cut your calories back drastically. Drink seasoned broth, or clear or tomato-based vegetable soups for best results.
Avoid potatoes and starches like corn and peas. Go for broccoli, lettuce, spinach, celery, and other greens. Oranges and strawberries can help your sweet tooth. And take a multivitamin, so youll still get important nutrients while you loose weight fast.
Each of these tips will help you loose weight fast. However, you should check with your personal physician to make sure you are physically fit enough to loose weight fast.
Tags: Alcoholic Beverages, Calories, Coffee, Diet Soda, Discover, Eating Habits, Few Days, Flu, Fruit Juice, Health, Healthy Diet, little food, Loose Weight, Lose Weight, Losing Weight, Oz, People, Personal Physician, Risk, Short Time, Starvation Diet, starvation;, Temporary Thing, Water Weight, Weight Loss —

Does Alcohol Have a Place In a Healthy Diet?
Does Alcohol Have a Place In a Healthy Diet?
Ronnie Bussey
A number of recent news stories have reported that drinking alcoholic beverages has health benefits–some even imply that one or two drinks a day is a government-endorsed route to better health. Other stories say that alcohol abuse is related to many of the major causes of death in America.
The 1995 Dietary Guidelines advise: If You Drink Alcoholic Beverages, Do So In Moderation. This is virtually the same advice that has been given since 1980. The 1995 Dietary Guidelines added the comment that many individuals throughout the ages have drunk alcoholic beverages in moderation to enhance the enjoyment of meals. The Guidelines also note that there is some recent scientific evidence that for some individuals moderate alcohol consumption may reduce the risk of heart disease.
However, alcohol also has undisputed drug effects, which can be harmful under many circumstances. Some people, in particular, should not drink at all. Alcohol carries with it the risk of dependency and excess consumption, which can cause serious health problems. Therefore, the Dietary Guidelines recommend only that those who do drink alcoholic beverages do so in moderation. They do not recommend that those who do not consume alcohol begin drinking.
SoWhat’s the Bottom Line?
The Dietary Guidelines for Americans present information on the pros and cons of alcohol consumption. While there may be some health benefits with moderate alcohol consumption, the Dietary Guidelines clearly emphasize that dependency and excess can cause serious health problems. While moderate alcohol consumption may have some effects that reduce the risk of heart disease, there are other ways of achieving reduction in risk.
There are many factors that reduce the risk of heart disease, including a healthy diet, moderate exercise, avoidance of smoking, and maintenance of a healthy weight. These behavior changes carry less potential for negative consequences. As one person put it, ”people don’t get addicted to fruits and vegetables and don’t get into accidents after eating too many apples.” Thus, the correct interpretation of the Dietary Guideline on alcohol is, if you don’t drink, this guideline is not a reason to start; however, if you drink alcoholic beverages, do so in moderation, with meals, and when consumption does not put you or others at risk.
About the Author
Ronnie is a content writer for http://www.1st In Weight Loss Tips.com
Your Free Source for Weight Loss, Dieting, Health and Fitness Tips!
Promoting Health Living In Today’s Fast Paced Society.
Tags: Alcohol Abuse, Alcoholic Beverages, America, Author, Avoidance, Behavior Changes, Causes Of Death, content writer, Death In America, Dietary Guidelines, Drug Effects, Excess Consumption, Fast Paced Society, Health Benefits, Health Problems, Healthy Diet, Heart Alcohol, heart disease;, Losing Weight, Moderate Alcohol Consumption, Moderate Exercise, Moderation, Pros And Cons Of Alcohol, Risk Of Heart Disease, Serious Health —