Epicure’s seven steps for healthy living
Epicure’s seven steps for healthy living
Chaim Kimel of www.Epicurechefs.com
Here at Epicure, we believe it is important for people to not only evaluate their fitness by the bathroom scale, but also to focus on increasing their health and their overall physical, emotional and mental well-being.
Epicure promotes a food plan that is similar to that of the US Health Department Recommendation (basically a Mediterranean diet), which encourages a life-style of healthy eating (fruits, vegetables and low-fat intake) in conjunction with a sustainable exercise regime.
Epicure does note that their 7-step program will help you lose weight through establishing better eating habits (resulting in less hunger and emotional eating), but unless a calorie-controlled diet is specified it may not directly correlate with a massive weight reduction.
However, with a wholesome balanced lifestyle, with Epicure cuisine you are bound to reach your optimal weight naturally, without excessive effort or food deprivation.
1. A balanced food intake
At this moment in time, there are a multitude of popular diets promoting things such as:
1. high protein with little to no carbs (Atkins); and
2. high carbohydrates but low GI (Glycemic Index, or simple sugars) (GI Index diet).
In the short term, these diets may help you lose weight, but a recent study conducted in the US and the UK found that the most weight people lost on these diets was only 5-10% of their original body weight, over a year. This is not much if you weigh 150kgs.
The major problem, however, was that most people found it difficult to sustain such unnatural eating patterns, and after 3 months, 80% of the focus group had not only reverted to their old, familiar eating habits, but also regained the weight they had initially lost.
The simple reason for the failure of such diets is that our body is not designed for the consumption of single food groups only. The healthiest people in the world and the individuals with the longest lifespan are primarily from the Mediterranean region, Japan, and rural central Asia.
So, what are the common denominators in these communities’ diets? 3 simple things:
1. a high vegetarian intake (fresh fruit and vegetables);
2. fish and meat are consumed in small quantities only, and not every day; and
3. almost no-one in these communities over-eats.
One of the biggest causes of disease and physical and emotional stress are caused by overeating. It is no surprise that many food related illness (obesity, diabetes, etc) are especially prevalent in western societies, where there is an abundance of poor-quality food available which is often consumed in excessive amounts.
2. Fresh foods
In today’s urban society time is a scarce commodity; so many people tend to shop for food only once or twice a week. Because of this, we are used to eating a large amount of processed foods, usually laden with preservatives and nutritional supplements. These additives can have a detrimental effect on our well being, and have been linked to the development of allergies and food intolerances. Therefore, Epicure understands that it is vital to only eat fresh, whole foods which are bought and prepared on the day.
3. Non/low- allergenic ingredients
Until the body’s functions are balanced through constant exposure to a healthy food regime, it is very important to avoid food stuffs that will slow down the revitalization process.
Where ever possible, Epicure watches out for those allergy promoting ingredients, without compromising on taste.
After a period of healthy eating, however, you will find that most of those allergies will naturally disappear.
4. Correct food combinations
Some foods need acidic juices to digest, and others need alkaline juices. If we eat opposite types at the same time, the acidic and alkaline juices in our stomach will cancel each other out, and the food will sit there and ferment, taking longer to digest. This means that immediately after eating we will begin to feel sluggish and bloated, and who has time to feel like that?!! (Please refer to the attached chart).
For example, good foods such as fruit are digested in the small intestine. If we eat fruit after a meal, the fruit will be held up in the stomach further slowing digestion; therefore, Epicure always ensures that such food types are eaten individually, and at the optimal hour (for digestion) during the day.
5. Hydration
Our bodies are made of 80% water. All chemical and cellular reactions, transport of nutrients, and waste removal all use water in their processes. So for optimal functioning of our system we need to drink a lot of water and eat a lot of fruit and water-rich foods.
Epicure recommends you drink at least 1-2 liters of water a day, but as this may seem like a lot for some people we have some ‘secret ingredients’ we can add to your water to make it more palatable, but which don’t add any calories or sugar.
6. Eating times and frequency
Breakfast can be a difficult meal for many people – either they are too busy to eat and so skip breakfast (not good as it slows down the metabolism), or they eat the wrong foods, leaving them tired and lethargic. Neither option is good way to start the day!
Epicure’s research indicates that the most effective breakfast is fruit (or fruit juice) in the morning, as it works as a cleanser and gives your brain the sugar intake it needs to function.
A balanced lunch is essential, but if you’re still hungry in the afternoon eat something light, and then have dinner as early as possible. Or, if you prefer, reverse your eating habits and eat your main meal at lunch time and have a lighter meal in the evening (as they do around the Mediterranean, which is another reason they are healthier). Who wants to go to bed on a full stomach? You will also wake up lighter and more energetic!
7. Exercise
One of the reasons why people in many rural communities around the world are not overweight is because their life-style forces them to do a lot of physical exercise, such as farming, lifting, walking etc.
Epicure suggests that in order to stay fit and healthy, it is important to do an hour of exercise every day, such as walking, going to the gym, swimming, yoga, etc. Exercise not only burns calories and helps you lose weight, but it also elevates your heart rate, gets your circulation going, and increases your metabolism. Thus, your body is able to cleanse itself more effectively which will further increase your energy.
Unlike cars and other machinery, the more we use our body parts the better they function, so don’t waste any time, get started on your exercise today!
About the Author
Chaim kimel is the the managing director of epicurechefs.com. chaim has studied Physiology And Biochemistry at N.S.W university. He has, over the years researched publications on fad diets, food components on health and different ethnic communities eating habits effect on their health.Currently involved in Team building and teaching cooking. visit the web site http://www.epicurechefs.com
Tags: Allergies, allergy;, Author, Balanced Food, balanced food intake, Balanced Lifestyle, Bathroom Scale, Calorie Controlled Diet, central Asia, chemical and cellular reactions, Correct food combinations, diabetes;, director of epicurechefs.com, disease, Eating Fruits, Emotional Eating, energy;, Excessive Effort, Exercise Regime, food components, Food Deprivation, Food Groups, food intolerances, Food Plan, food stuffs, Food Types, food;, Fruits Vegetables, Gi Index, Glycemic Index, healthy food regime, High Protein, illness, Japan, Kimel, Low Gi, machinery;, managing director, Massive Weight, Mediterranean, Mediterranean Diet, obesity;, Optimal Weight, poor-quality food, Seven Steps, Team building, United Kingdom, United States; —

Dairy products and the pH miracle diet
The pH miracle diet attempts to control many different conditions in the body, including obesity, through the omission of acidifying foods and behaviors. One of the most surprising inclusions on the list, at least to Westerners, is milk. Dairy products, although a mainstay of the Western diet, are not included in the diets of most of the populations around the world. So what does the rest of the world know that we dont? Dairy is not necessary for health; from a pH perspective, it is actually harmful to the body.
Many people believe that dairy and milk are essential for bone density and for overall health. However, dairy products have large amounts of protein and fat, which are both acid forming elements. Cows milk and products made from cows milk produce acid. Goat and sheep milk and cheeses, which have less fat and protein, produce less acid. The only dairy exception is clarified butter that is alkalizing due to the short chain fats within it.
In 2003, the Harvard School of Public Health released an alternative pyramid to the FDA recommendations based on imbalances that the members saw in the original pyramid. Although it did not mention acid and alkaline foods specifically, the pyramid shows a tendency toward alkaline foods. One of the most striking differences between the FDA pyramid and the Harvard pyramid is the inclusion of a dairy serving or calcium supplement 1 time daily. The FDA recommends 2 to 3 servings per day, in addition to dietary supplements.
Dr. Meir Stampfer, a professor in the departments of Epidemiology and Nutrition and the Chair of the Department of Epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health, points out in an explanation of the Harvard pyramid that Americans should be eating less dairy products. The body needs calcium, but not at the levels present in the two to three servings recommended by the FDA. Calcium is necessary for normal bone development and maintenance; yet the average adult can get enough calcium from a supplement. The levels of calcium present in 2 to 3 servings of dairy per day can actually be harmful to health. Excess calcium intake may increase the risk for certain cancers and there have been no links between massive amounts of calcium and osteoporosis prevention.
In addition, dairy is far from being a pure food. The dairy industry has worked hard to proliferate the image of cows milk being essential and harmless. Consider, however, that fifty years ago the average cow produces 2,000 pounds of milk per year and today cows average 50,000 pounds per year. Drugs, antibiotics, hormones, specialized breeding and forced feeding all up milk production so dairy farmers can produce in mass quantities. All of these additives are part of the milk that people drink everyday.
A growing number of Americans, including those who follow the pH miracle diet, are eliminating dairy from their diet and having fantastic results. In recent studies, milk has been linked to intestinal colic, intestinal irritation, anemia and allergic reactions in infants and children. In children, the main problems were allergy, ear and tonsil infection, asthma, colic and childhood diabetes. The studies showed that adults suffered from heart disease, arthritis, allergy and sinusitis as a result of conventionally produced milk.
Just a quick search on the dangers of dairy can really open your eyes about this safe food. Reading the research and seeing the acidic effects of milk and other dairy products make it clear why it is excluded on the pH miracle diet.
Tags: allergic reactions;, allergy;, anemia;, Antibiotics, arthritis;, asthma;, cancers;, certain cancers, Chair, childhood diabetes, dairy products;, Department of Epidemiology;, diabetes;, Dietary Supplements, ear and tonsil infection, FDA pyramid;, FDA;, food;, Harvard pyramid;, Harvard School of Public Health;, Harvard;, heart disease;, intestinal irritation, irritation;, less dairy products;, Meir Stampfer;, obesity;, osteoporosis prevention;, osteoporosis;, professor, pure food;, sinusitis; —

Paying for a Weight Loss Program versus Developing Your Own
Paying for a Weight Loss Program versus Developing Your Own
Are you interested in losing weight? Whether you would like to improve your health, improve you appearance, or do both, you may be interested in finding a weight loss plan to use. When it comes to weight loss plans, you will find that you have a number of different options. Two of your most common options include paying for a weight loss plan or developing your own.
If this is your first time attempting to seriously, lose weight, you may be wondering whether you should develop your own weight loss plan, also commonly referred to as a weight loss program, or pay for one. One of the best ways to determine which weight loss plan you should use is to examine the pros and cons of each. A few of the most influential advantages and disadvantages to developing your own weight loss plan, as well as paying for one are outlined below.
When it comes to paying for a weight loss plan or a weight loss program, you will find that you can do so locally or online. If you choose to participate in a local weight loss program or plan, you will likely meet in a centralized location. Many times, you just get together every week or two. There are some weight loss programs where you can exercise onsite though. Should you choose to join an online weight loss program, you will likely have online meetings or discussions with trainers or other weight loss program members, either on a message board or through emails. You should also have access to healthy recipes and easy to do exercises.
One of the many advantages to paying for a weight loss program or a weight loss plan is that you are often given a professional plan. Many times, the individuals or trainers in charge of running these programs have training or firsthand experience with losing weight. This often eliminates trial and error, as many have already learned what works and what does not work with weight loss.
In all honestly, the only downside to paying to join a weight loss program or a weight loss plan is that you have to pay to do so. With that in mind, however, you should be able to find affordable weight loss programs and plans, both locally and online. Although it is not guaranteed, many people find the most affordable help in the form of online weight loss programs or online weight loss plans.
As for developing your own weight loss plan, there are a number of advantages to doing so. One of those advantages is that you can customize your weight loss plan and program to you. For example, if you were allergic to milk, you could work your allergy into your weight loss program, where as a paid weight loss plan or program may not do so. You can also customize your workouts to yourself. This is great if you are obese and unable to follow many workout videos, which seem like they are designed for those who already in perfect, shape.
Another one of the many advantages to developing your own weight loss plan to follow is that it is fun to do. You also have a number of tools at your fingertips. There are a number of websites and magazines that you can get weight loss information from; information that you can use to create your own weight loss plan to follow. Some individuals have said that creating their own weight loss plan to follow makes them more excited about the process and more likely to see the plan all the way through.
The above mentioned factors are just a few of the many that you may want to take into consideration, when trying to determine whether you should develop your own weight loss program or join a paid weight loss program. Many individuals have reported starting their own weight loss program and then later joining a paid one if they didnt get the results that they were hoping for.
Word Count 669
Tags: allergy;, Losing Weight, online meetings;, online weight loss plans;, online weight loss program;, online weight loss programs; —