What Detox Diet Is All About
One of the new diet programs that are being introduced in the market right now is the detox diet. The name detox is a shortened form of the word detoxification, which lies at the heart of the program.
The diet makes use of the bodys natural system of neutralizing and eliminating the various toxins that the body takes in. As an internal protective system, the body converts any material that may seem harmful to the body into a chemical form that is less dangerous.
Toxins can take several forms depending on what is taken into the body. Examples of harmful toxins are external chemicals like pesticides and household cleaners that are accidentally ingested; food additives, drugs and other food materials that may affect the body in a bad way; and of course cigarettes. Some toxins come from the body such as ammonia, a chemical produced when proteins are broken down during digestion. Because of the ingrained system, all these toxins no longer stay in the body and are excreted and flushed out in the form of stools or urine.
Basically, the term detox diet is used in the treatment of people who have become dependent on drugs and alcohol; but now with the birth of various kinds of diets, the term is used to any diet that helps in detoxifying the body.
The diet itself focuses on taking in foods that provide vitamins, nutrients and other chemicals such as anti-oxidants that help the body purify itself. There is also much emphasis on lessening or reducing the chemicals that are being taken inside the body. This is why many people under detox diet prefer to eat organic food.
Another technique with the detox diet is the emphasis on high fibers and water to help the body get rid of the toxins.
People undergoing detox diet will experience headache during the first few days. Some may also suffer from excessive diarrhea so it is important to watch out for dehydration. There is also a risk if constipation if not enough water is taken in.
Detox diet however is not for people who have anemia, diabetes and heart disease. It is also not recommended for women who are pregnant or those people who are suffering from kidney problems, liver disease, underweight issues and ulcer. People with low blood pressure, low immunity, hypothyroidism and epilepsy are also discouraged to go under a detox diet.
Tags: Ammonia, anemia;, Anti Oxidants, chemical form, chemical;, chemicals;, constipation;, Dangerous Toxins, dehydration;, Detox Diet, Detoxification, diabetes;, diarrhea;, Diet Programs, Digestion, Drugs And Alcohol, epilepsy, excessive diarrhea, External Chemicals, Fibers, First Few Days, Food Additives, Food Materials, Harmful Toxins, Headache, heart disease;, Household Cleaners, hypothyroidism, Liver Disease, low blood pressure, Organic Food, Pesticides, Stools —

Gastric Bypass Downside
Gastric bypass surgeries are the most common bariatric surgical procedures performed, nowadays. Bariatric surgical procedures is the term used to refer to weight-loss surgeries. There are more and more people who are choosing to have the procedure to avoid the risks brought by morbid obesity.
There are numerous benefits by getting a gastric bypass surgery. Those who have undergone the surgery were expected to lose about 50 to 60% of their weight. Most of the patients would say that they reached the lowest point of their weight two years after their surgery.
In addition to weight loss, gastric bypass surgery could also resolve health issues associated to obesity. They could improve or lessen the risk of Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, sleep apnea, asthma, arthritis, joint pain, and even heart disease and cancer.
Those who have undergone gastric bypass surgical procedures are also exposed to risks and complications just like in any other surgery. When considering getting this kind of weight-loss procedure, it is not only the benefits that you would have to know but also its risks and dangers.
Pulmonary Embolism is a condition where blood clots developing in the legs which can get carried off to the lungs. There are techniques which can be performed to prevent this kind of condition to happen like using surgical compression stockings.
Peritonitis is also another condition when stomach fluid leaks into the abdominal cavity or where the intestine is connected. There is a need to immediately seal the leak before it becomes a serious condition.
Ulcers can develop among patients, 5 to 15 percent of the time.
It could also result to hernia or incision hernia which is a weakness in the incision. It would often require surgical repair.
There are situations when the stomach moves too fast for the small intestine. This is often referred to as the dumping syndrome. It is often accompanied with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, and sweating.
Vitamin and mineral deficiency are also possible complications of the surgery like anemia and vitamin D deficiency.
It could also cause problems in the kidney like kidney stones.
Gallstones could also be a result of this operation.
Stomach ulcers could also develop but this could be managed by the usual treatments used for ulcers.
Women who went through the procedure are recommended to avoid pregnancy for at least two years after the surgery. Pregnant women are required to take nutritional supplements like vitamins and minerals to get the proper nutrients for her and the baby.
Gastric bypass surgeries are not recommended for everybody. It is often recommended to those who have a BMI of 40 or those who weigh more than a hundred pounds. Everybody who would be undergoing the procedure would have to take a mental exam, for those who eat due to emotional problems are likely to fail in losing weight.
Gastric bypass surgeries have 2% of fatalities, one percent due to complications and the other one percent would brought by the failure of the patients to follow the dietary restrictions following the surgery. Before undergoing the procedure, it is important to understand these consequences and be prepared to change our lifestyle.
Tags: Abdominal Cavity, anemia;, arthritis;, asthma;, Blood Clots, cancer;, Compression Stockings, diabetes;, diarrhea;, Dizziness, Downside, Dumping Syndrome, Fluid Leaks, gallstones, Gastric Bypass, Gastric bypass surgeries, Gastric Bypass Surgery, GBP;, Health Issues, heart disease;, hernia, High Blood Cholesterol, high blood pressure;, Incision, Incision Hernia, Joint Pain, Kidney Stones, Mineral Deficiency, Morbid Obesity, Nausea, Nausea Vomiting, obesity;, Peritonitis, Pulmonary Embolism, Sleep Apnea, Small Intestine, Stomach Ulcers, surgery, Surgical Procedures, Type 2 Diabetes, Vitamin D, vitamin D deficiency, vomiting, Weight Loss Surgeries —

What To Eat After Gastric Bypass Surgery
Gastric bypass surgery is among the most popular bariatric surgery, with the number of those who are choosing to undergo the procedure doubling since 2001 to 2003. The American Society of Bariatric Surgery, estimates the number to be 140,000 annually. This procedure is primarily done to resolve issues of morbid obesity and the diseases associated with it.
In gastric bypass surgery, a small pouch is created in the stomach. This small pouch is stapled and the small intestines upper portion is also attached to this small pouch. The middle section of the small intestine is attached to the rest of the stomach. Food will bypass the rest of the stomach and the rest of the small intestine. Te stomach will be in smaller size which would make it full faster. Less calories will be absorbed.
This procedure would require diet change. Since the digestive system is altered or shortened, every food intake would be valuable. Some common side effects brought by the surgery is nutritional deficiency like anemia and osteoporosis. This is why it is important for patients to follow a different diet and take mineral and vitamin supplements.
The special gastric bypass diet would make sure that weight loss will be maintained over time. It would normally involve high protein food. Foods high in protein would ensure that new tissues are being built and the wounds are healing properly. Ideal high protein foods will be low in fat like red meat, chicken or turkey without skin, fish, eggs and cottage cheese.
Sugar and fat is among the foods that are avoided. Gastric bypass diet would involve food low in sugar and fat. Sugary foods are high in calories and fat. Fat is difficult to digest. Consuming too much sugar could also result to the Dumping syndrome that has nausea, dizziness, vomiting, sweating, and diarrhea as symptoms. The body could also react the same way to too much fat. Foods with too much fat and sugar, anyway, do not have sufficient nutrients that would be essential to the body.
Foods high in fiber are also limited in gastric bypass diet. Fibers could block the stomach, small intestine and would require more gastric acid to digest it. A doctors approval is needed before ingesting any laxative or fiber pills.
This change is not done immediately. There are stages in a gastric bypass diet. Clear liquids would be the first stage. For the first two days, clear liquids like water, sugar-free juice, clear broth and no fizz soda are consumed in small amounts. Within the first two weeks, low-fat, high protein liquids are ingested. It is important to also take chewable multivitamins during this stage.
Doctors would determine when would be the suitable time for the patient to progress to soft or puree diet. Some would be able to eat after two weeks, while others would have to wait longer than that. Some people who are in this stage would sometimes resort to eating strained baby foods. While others would prefer eating soft foods like scrambled eggs, low-fat cheese, blenderized lean meats, etc.
Two months after the surgery, the patient could now start eating regular diet, starting with high-protein food. Food consumed should be in small amounts. Remember that the stomach is reduced in size. After the gastric bypass, the stomach could accommodate about an ounce of food. Eventually, it could stretch and hold about 4 to 8 ounces or a cup to half a cup of food.
One thing that people should be conscious of would be overeating. Gastric bypass surgery can make the stomach smaller, however this does not affect the overall attitude to eating. People could result to overeating because of genetics or emotions. Lifestyle change is important. Overeating could cause regaining the lost weight, expansion of the pouch, and in worst cases rupture of the stomach.
There are many support groups, education, and counselling available to help deal patients with these difficulties.
Tags: American Society Of Bariatric Surgery, anemia;, Bariatric Surgery, Bypass Surgery, Cottage Cheese, counselling, diarrhea;, Diet Change, Diseases, Dizziness, Dumping Syndrome, Fish Eggs, food intake;, food;, Foods High In Protein, Gastric Bypass, Gastric Bypass Diet, Gastric Bypass Surgery, High Protein Food, High Protein Foods, Meat Chicken, Morbid Obesity, Nausea, nutritional deficiency;, osteoporosis;, Section Of The Small Intestine, Skin Fish, Small Intestines, Sugary Foods, surgery, Turkey;, Upper Portion, Vitamin Supplements, vomiting, What To Eat After Gastric Bypass —

Understanding Gastric Bypass
Gastric bypass surgery is done to primarily solve or treat morbid or severe obesity and other health problems associated with it. With this procedure the stomach is made smaller. The food will bypass part of the small intestine. By doing so, the patient will consume less because he feels full immediately. Getting full easily would reduce the calories taken by the body and eventually lead to weight loss.
Actually, gastric bypass is just among the many similar operations to reduce obesity. To refer all of these procedures, bariatric surgery is the term. These operations intend to reduce accumulated fatty tissues by altering the physiological and psychological attitude of a patient towards food and eating.
How does it alter normal digestion?
What normally happens is that after eating, the food would go through the stomach and then proceed to the small intestine. The nutrients are absorbed in the small intestine before it goes to the large intestine where waste is eventually pushed out of the body. The most common gastric bypass procedure, the Roux-en Y gastric bypass, alters this process.
In the Roux-en gastric bypass, a small pouch is made on the top part of the stomach. The lower part of the stomach, which is much smaller now, is connected directly to the middle part of the small intestine. The stomach was made smaller and at the same time, the intestine was cut short, the upper portion of the small intestine was bypassed. Both the upper portion of the stomach and the small intestine no longer digest food.
Statistics showed that patients would lose 60%, on the average, of their weight after the gastric bypass surgery. There are even who would say that they have lost 80% of their weight. There are studies showing that about 90% of patient who have undergone gastric surgery were able to maintain their weight loss after ten years of having the surgery performed.
Having gastric surgery is not risk-free though. People who have undergone this procedure would report more cases of gallstones, in other studies, they would also report nutritional issues like anemia or osteoporosis.
Every year there are about 140,000 gastric procedure being performed in the United States alone. The results could really be successful, with people being able to get better weight-loss results, however, about 2% of patients would find it very fatal. In the 2%, one percent could be as a result of complications during surgery. The heart in unable to support the pumping it has to do to handle the excess weight or the complication brought by it.
The other one percent cause of fatality among people who gone through the procedure, would be about not following the dietary restrictions that should be followed after the surgery. After gastric surgery, the body could no longer handle too much intake of high-sugar and high-fat food. There is a special diet that those who have just undergone the surgery should follow. Bypass diet would usually include foods that are high in protein but low in fat, fiber, calories, and sugar. There are vitamins and mineral supplements that are required to be taken to avoid health and nutritional deficiencies.
With more and more people turning to gastric bypass surgery as a weight-loss option, it is important to understand not only the procedure and the benefits. It is also important to weigh the risks and if our lifestyle and our body would be able to handle the dramatic loss of weight.
Tags: anemia;, Attitude, Bariatric Surgery, Bypass Surgery, Calories, Digestion, Fatty Tissues, Food Statistics, food;, gallstones, Gastric Bypass, Gastric Bypass Surgery, Gastric Surgery, Health Problems, high-fat food, Large Intestine, longer digest food, Nutrients, Nutritional Deficiencies, obesity;, osteoporosis;, Part Of The Small Intestine, Roux En Y Gastric Bypass, severe obesity, Stomach, surgery, United States;, Upper Portion, Weight Loss —