Selecting Chlesterol Free Foods
Almost everybody knows the effects of bad cholesterol in the body. By bad cholesterol, it literally has to do with low-density lipoprotein’s molecular transport deposits that thicken in the walls of the arteries hindering the flawless passage of blood affecting the atherogenic status of the arterial walls. While few people do not fully appreciate the importance of cholesterol in the body, this non-soluble waxy substance is essential to aid in building membranes, manufacture of bile, cell walls, nerve sheaths, and produce hormones.
However, exposing the body to high cholesterol supply result to hypertensions and other cardiovascular disorders or lead to atherosclerosis, a disposition of fatty substances, and fibrosis of the inner arteries.
Certain ways to check and reduce high levels of cholesterol are:
– practicing good eating habits accompanied by regular exercise.
– Indulging in a wrong kind of lifestyle or over indulgence enhances the rise in cholesterol levels.
Good Eating Habits include:
1. Pre-arranging a total cholesterol-free daily diet by creating a whole week menu with vegetable-packed recipes, accompanied by good supply of fiber-filled fruits. If you could possibly buy or produce organically produced food types from such sources as organic gardens, so much the better. Chemicals enhance the increase in cholesterol level. Carbohydrates should be of high complex standards.
Some supermarkets abound in the availability of fresh organic vegetables like lettuce. The high fiber-content of vegetables that you eat will reduce the LDL cholesterol, because these foods are very low-cholesterol-content, or non-containing at all. There are of course foods that enhance low-density lipoprotein to develop to be a total risk, and settle in the arteries during the process of the lipoprotein molecules travel to the blood stream.
2. If egg is included in your meals, eat more egg white, never the egg yolk if you’re already an LDC possibility-individual. Concentrate on baked foods that are made from whole wheat, and noodles made from cereals. Use unrefined sugar in your light beverages. Fully refined food preparations are processed thru certain chemicals for fine or whitening effects for marketing ends, but are in fact health hazards.
3. Water is the universal solvent. There is no harm in drinking more water, following the daily water requirements standard to aid in the total digestion process to balance body equilibrium in cleaning the body to improve blood circulation.
4. Eat more root crops than artificially made or baked foods that are prepared with certain additives, coloring, and extenders for commercial purposes.
5. Drink fresh fruit juices, instead of manufactured soft drinks with high sugar content and artificial colorings and additives. Practically, anyone who drinks chocolate beverage, or any chemical drinks and caffeine-filled, like strong coffee risks himself or herself to certain cholesterol levels.
Always remember that trans fats and hydrogenated fats or oils used in the baking or in food processing are even more destructive the saturated fats of some oil origin. Use in preparing your food selected palm oils, especially “olive oil.” It may be costly, but it is the safest oil to use in the kitchen for overall safety of all family members against the ill effect of too much cholesterol.
The best habit to consider is a regular check up of your cholesterol count, so as to safeguard against instant increase that might lead to unaware possible consequence of a fatal hypertension, or stroke due to unprecedented cholesterol rise.
Tags: Arterial Walls, Bad Cholesterol, Cholesterol Content, Cholesterol Level, Cholesterol Levels, Eating Habits, Egg White, Egg Yolk, Fatty Substances, Fiber Content Of Vegetables, Food Types, Fruits And Vegetables, Good Eating Habits, Healthy Diet, High Cholesterol, Hypertensions, Ldl Cholesterol, Low Cholesterol, Low Density Lipoprotein, Molecular Transport, Organic Gardens, Organic Vegetables, Waxy Substance —

Lowering Cholesterol
The human body produces oils and other substances that circulate in the bloodstream. An example is insulin, which is secreted from the pancreas in response to the increase in the amount of sugar coming from the food that the person eats. The cells then absorb this, which gives the individual calories that are used as energy.
Another substance that the body produces naturally is cholesterol. This is also ingested in the food people eat. There are two types of cholesterol namely LDL and HDL.
LDL is better known as bad cholesterol. The reason why it is bad is because too much of this in the system may put the person at risk of suffering from either a heart attack or a stroke.
HDL in simple terms is good cholesterol because its job is to regulate the flow the bad one so this can be filtered out of the persons system. There must be a balanced between the two so the individual is healthy.
Whenever people get a blood test, the patient will see a breakdown of the LDL and HDL in the system. Though not that significant as the first two, doctors pay attention to two other figures namely the total cholesterol and the triglyceride level.
In order to be given a clean bill of health, the patient must stay within a certain range. Those who have less than 200mg/dl in total cholesterol are safe. The same goes for someone who has less than 150mg/dl in the triglycerides.
So what happens if the person goes beyond the limit? In simple terms, the individual is at risk of developing high blood pressure or a heart disease. The good news is that the person can still prevent such a thing from happening.
There are four simple ways to do it and this must be done gradually before something bad really happens to the individual.
The first is to change the diet. This means eating less of those that are high in saturated fats such as red meat and dairy products. This should be changed for fish, fruits, nuts, oatmeal and vegetables.
Studies have shown that those who eat oatmeal regularly are able to reduce the LDL and trigylecerides level in just 2 weeks. Imagine what could happen if this is done even after just a month?
The second is exercise. The body has stored fat after how many years of not engaging in any physical activity. Changing the eating habits can only go so far and sweating it out will increase the metabolic rate thus helping reduce the patients cholesterol levels.
The third, which doesnt happen often, is for the individual to take supplements to aid in the reduction of cholesterol. Examples of these are bible acid resins, ezetimibe, fibric acid, niacin and statins.
These are available in different brands and studies have proven this can lower the cholesterol from 15% to 30% when this is taken in regularly.
Should exercise and dieting not work, the patient must remember that the intake of these drugs has certain side effects. The doctor should explain this before even prescribing this so the individual can choose from the wide range of drugs that can be used to lower ones cholesterol.
Prevention is the best way to combat any disease. A regular checkup at the doctors office will surely save money instead of being confined in the hospital.
Tags: Atkins, Bad Cholesterol, Bill Of Health, Blood Test, Bloodstream, Calories, Cholesterol Ldl, dairy products;, Eating Habits, Fruits And Vegetables, Good Cholesterol, Hdl Ldl, Healthy Diet, heart attack;, heart disease;, high blood pressure;, Human Body, Lowering Cholesterol, Oatmeal, Pancreas, Red Meat, Saturated Fats, Triglyceride Level, Triglycerides, Two Doctors —

Having A Good Diet Can Lower Cholesterol
James just had a blood test as part of the annual physical examination. This person exercised moderately and loved to eat but this was all about to change when the results came in.
The results showed that the LDL commonly known as bad cholesterol was much higher than the good cholesterol. The doctor said if some changes are not done, this individual will soon suffer from high blood pressure, a heart attack or a stroke.
Being a father of 2 children, this person had to take the situation very seriously to be able to continue providing the needs for the family.
Since James was working out twice a week, the doctor advised the individual to do it more often. This means working out four times a week and engaging in other activities to help lower the cholesterol.
There is no point in exercising more often if the intake of food does not change. The doctor told James to make some changes in the diet because nothing will happen if the food being burned is just resupplied into the body.
The doctor referred James to a dietitian. The two had a long talk about the food that was bad and this should be cut down. These should be replaced with those that are much healthier so the level of bad cholesterol can be lowered.
The plan on paper looked very simple. James will have to eat food that is low in fat and no longer that rich in carbohydrates. During breakfast, this person can eat the yellow portion of the egg but not the white one.
Instead of having coffee in the morning, this should be changed with unsweetened tea. There are times that James likes to eat cereals with the kids but the milk this individual will consume is not the regular one but is non-fat.
During lunchtime, something heaver can be eaten. Chicken can only be consumed without the skin. The portion of steak should be reduced and mixed with a lot of vegetables and side dishes.
It will take some time to adjust to the new regimen and people like James who are new to this will feel hungry in the late afternoon. Having some carrot sticks or an apple is much better than having a donut that has a lot of sugar.
Instead of having a cola with the snack, this has to be changed with either water or fruit juice and not the artificial one but made of real fruits.
The program continues on to dinner, which can be fish or pasta with some sidings. The person will be sleeping for the next 6 to 8 hours after the meal so there is no need to fill it up.
Drinking a glass of red wine is safe. This is better than drinking beer, which is something James had to give up.
James to follow the plan even when dining out in a party or eating in a restaurant. There is no day offs for someone who is at risk of heart disease or high blood pressure and this wasnt only for himself but also for the family.
The next checkup with the doctor showed significant results. The LDL was much lower than the HDL, which was good for someone at that age. The diet program chosen by James is just one of many out there in the market. It takes some time to find the right program to be able to lower the cholesterol and be healthy again.
Tags: Bad Cholesterol, Being A Father, Blood Test, Cereals, Cholesterol, Coffee In The Morning, Dietitian, Eating Habits, Fruits And Vegetables, Good Cholesterol, Healthy Diet, heart attack;, Heart Stroke, Heaver, high blood pressure;, Ldl, Lower Cholesterol, Lunchtime, Physical Examination, Regimen, Side Dishes, Will Take Some Time, Yellow Portion —

Foods That Help Lower Cholesterol
Reality shows are one of the biggest things people watch on television. This is because the events that happen are not scripted and naturally unfold in front of the viewer. One show that is helping people want to become healthy again is the biggest loser.
The contestants are a bunch of overweight men and women who work out and go on a diet and at the end of the week; one of these players will be eliminated. The person who loses the biggest number of pounds after a three-month campaign will win $250,000 and have a second chance of living a healthy life.
The individual doesnt have to fight for money in order to make some lifestyle changes. As the saying goes. health is wealth and this is something more precious than any sheet of paper with a dollar sign has to offer.
People are able to burn more calories while exercising. This means the body will burn the food eaten and this has to be replaced so there is energy after to do other functions. The individual should get a meal that has the right amounts of carbohydrates, proteins and fats so this can repair damaged tissue, refuel and lower the bodys cholesterol.
Here are some examples of food that should be eaten after a workout.
Eating bread has been known to replenish the energy lost after a workout. Since this has certain ingredients that are high in bad cholesterol, this can be substituted for wheat bread that is much healthier. Nuts can also help lower the cholesterol and getting some low fat peanut butter will surely make a great sandwich.
Having a fruit is also good to lower the cholesterol. It is advisable to eat as a whole instead of taking away the skin or turning this into a juice. Studies have shown that eating it the way it is keeps the natural fibers that are good for the person. An apple is just one of many fruits that can be eaten once it has been washed.
If the person wants to save some money after going to the gym, it is best to pack some snacks that can be consumed after a workout. Cutting some carrot sticks or slicing a few tomatoes then packing it in a plastic container will come in handy after taking a shower and reporting for work or when going home.
When the person comes home, it is time to prepare something that can provide better sustenance. An example could be having some fish or chicken thrown into the microwave or having it steam. Studies have shown that frying using cooking oil also increases the persons cholesterol level so cooking it in another manner can reduce this.
Having some vegetables along will help make this a healthy meal. Some garlic and onions can be prepared since studies have shown this to lower the livers production of cholesterol. The serving for tonight can end with some yogurt for dessert leaving the individual satisfied and light.
Lowering the cholesterol will not happen overnight. By observing a proper diet with exercise, the individual will be able to lose weight and cuts down the cholesterol levels that puts the person in potential danger of high blood pressure, a stroke or a heart attack.
Tags: Bad Cholesterol, Biggest Loser, Calories, Cholesterol, Dollar Sign, Eating Habits, Fats, Foods That Help Lower Cholesterol, Fruits And Vegetables, Great Sandwich, Healthy Diet, High Cholesterol, Lifestyle Changes, Losing Weight, Natural Fibers, Nuts, Overweight Men, Peanut Butter, Proteins, Reality Shows, Second Chance, Snacks, Wheat Bread, Workout —