The Importance Of A Healthy Eating Plan
Maybe you feel as though you are already at a level of optimum health, and the last thing you’re worried about is a healthy eating plan. Or maybe you’re able to eat anything without any apparent problems. While there is a chance that you just so happen to eat all of the right foods, it’s not very likely. The more likely scenario is that you’re healthy now, but eating better could help reduce your risk of a lot of ailments later on in life.
But, if you are like most people, you may already be feeling a bit unhealthy, at least in some areas. This could be the result of heredity, but a lot of health problems can be eliminated or prevented by eating the right foods.
Regardless of which type of person you are, a healthy eating plan is a good idea. If you’re healthy, then it will help to prolong your good health. If you’re not as healthy as you could be, then it will help improve how you feel. In other words, there’s no good reason to avoid eating healthy.
To be fair, a lot of us will make what we think are better food choices when we eat. Of course there are also some of us who don’t think about the food we at all. But, the fact that you are reading this right now shows that you are now giving more thought to eating better. How easy it is will depend on what your current habits are like and how motivated you are to improving your health.
The first step of a healthy eating plan is to be aware of what you’re putting into your mouth. That means you need to be conscious of what you’re eating, as opposed to stuffing your face mindlessly. It also means that you need to know what’s in the food you’re eating. Just knowing this can go a long way toward eating better. For example, you may be shocked at how much fat, salt or sugar are in some of your favorite foods. It’s easy to eat too much of these things when you don’t know how much is in your food.
So, your first step is to learn about the nutritional content of the foods you eat. You are probably going to have a wake-up call, but that’s okay. Don’t feel bad about the food you were eating; feel good about the healthier food you will be eating. You won’t be able to turn back the clock in a literal sense, but you can do a lot to reset the clock and have a healthier future.
A healthy eating plan will also help you to stay at a healthy weight. This is good because obesity is a major health problem and is a serious risk factor for a large number of diseases. Not only will eating better make you more healthy overall, but if you are overweight, it will also reduce your chances of getting any diseases associated with obesity (assuming you lose weight).
Tags: Ailments, Apparent Problems, Eating Habits, Eating Healthy, Favorite Foods, food choices;, Good Health, Good Reason, Health Problems, Healthy Eating Plan, Heredity, Improving Your Health, Losing Weight, Lot, Nutritional Content, Optimum Health, Risk —

Drinking Water And Weight Loss Does It Work
Is there a link between drinking water and weight loss? Yes and one that has been scientifically proven. Drinking water with or after food helps to bulk out our larder, sending messages to the brain to say that we are full so we will eat less.
Water besides helps in aiding the absorption of vitamins and minerals in our food. For example, fat needs water in order to be broken solitary and used by the body. Water also helps to flush out the waste material in our bodies and since helps keep us in optimum health.
So how much should you be drinking and when. You should aim to drink at least 2 litres of water a day, more on hot days. You should spread your consumption throughout the day. Experienced is no need to drink bottled water as in most areas tap water is perfectly safe. If you do prefer the bottled variety, steer clear of the flavoured ones. These products contain sweeteners which do not help with weight loss and may be carcinogenic.
If you do not drink sufficient water, you will touch dilatory, tried and confused. Your body may misinterpret your feelings of thirst as hunger and thus you can over eat. In fact by the time you touch thirsty your body is already starting to dehydrate hence why should drink regularly. You may find that initially you have to go to the bathroom more often but your body will soon adapt to the increased volume.
Drinking water on its own wont win your weight loss battle. You need to make changes in other areas as well including your diet and the level of exercise you undertake. You should aim to be doing at smallest twenty minutes of exercise per day. Ambulatory 10, 000 steps per day is only good way to predispose those calories shifted.
Any form of exercise is good for you so try to do something you enjoy. Get a group of friends together to play tennis or golf. Mixing socialising with enterprise is a great way to increase your actual activity. Small things like taking the stairs instead of the elevator, standing instead of sitting down and getting off the bus / subway at the stop before yours also helps.
There is no point in drinking loads of water and taking exercise if you are undisturbed eating fast food every day. You need to retrain your palate and make your diet healthier. Do it gradually. Replace your favourite bad food with something healthy. Swap your chicken nuggets for a salad. Burgeoning your development and vegetable consumption while decreasing the amount of cakes, candy and bad fats you eat. Not only will you lose weight but your skin will love you too.
The link between drinking water and weight loss will also help to give you irradiated skin and you will soon become the envy of your friends when you show off your new slimmer figure at the next social occasion.
24 Hour Fitness
Tags: 10 000 Steps, 10 000 Steps Per Day, Absorption Of Vitamins, Body Water, Bottled Water, Drinking Water And Weight Loss, Elevator, favourite bad food, food;, Healthy Diet, Hot Days, Larder, Losing Weight, Optimum Health, Sending Messages, Socialising, Steps Per Day, Sweeteners, Tap Water, Thirst, Twenty Minutes, undisturbed eating fast food, Vitamins And Minerals, Vitamins Minerals, Waste Material —

End Winter Weight Gain With Healthy Snacking
End Winter Weight Gain With Healthy Snacking
Kathryn Martyn, M.NLP
It’s that time of year we all start thinking about putting on a healthy layer of fat, just like the hibernating bears. From a nip in the air to a massive snow and ice storm, there is a palpable difference in the air. We’ve generally accepted that it is nature’s way of helping us provide a little extra winter fat, storing up for the winter, just in case. But how long since you last had a food shortage or had to wait out the winter for your next meal?
This year can be different.
Today consider making one small change. When you make a small change, it is easier to handle, you are more likely to incorporate it into your daily life and you are more likely to succeed, than if you try to make a global change to your whole way of being.
Instead of taking something away, start by adding more fresh fruit and vegetables to your diet. Just for today, throw out your rules, if you typically follow a diet that forbids fruit or fresh vegetables because fresh foods are too important to miss. Fresh foods are sweet, satisfying and full of vitamins, minerals, bioflavonoids, and other things that your body requires for optimum health.
Choose a few you particularly enjoy. This time of year apples are great, citrus fruits, bananas are available year-round. Get some fresh fruits you like and start carrying a food sack everywhere you go. Try little packages of baby carrots, or cut up cauliflower and broccoli. A fellow I know always has a bagful of chopped cauliflower, carrots, and others vegis he munches on. That’s smart.
The idea with healthy snacking is that when hunger strikes (or what you think is hunger), no matter where you are you’ll now have healthy snacks handy. No more having to buy a candy bar because you’re famished. My choices for healthy snacks won’t suit everyone, but that’s fine. Choose other things that would work better for you. I enjoy things such as jerky, whole grain rolls or bagels, yogurts, and fresh fruits as I mentioned earlier. I almost always have an apple nearby.
The idea is that it’s not that you couldn’t wait, but what has forestalling your hunger done for you so far? It tends to set you up for later binging and out-of-control snacking. Eating a few healthy snacks during the day can end that pattern once and for all.
Here’s a plan: Think of one or two fresh foods you could carry in a big or small cooler and then do it. As I’m writing this I’m a little hungry and I’m starting to think about having a snack. I might eat an apple, a banana or some jerky because they are all within my immediate reach. That’s far better than not eating anything now, but instead deciding to “wait it out,” while I start thinking about cookies and cake and pizza and other fast foods I can grab on the way home.
Going all day in a hungry or denied state sets you up for late night binging and out-of-control snacking. You’ll never be able to make up for the earlier deprivation. Why bother. I’ve never met anyone yet who got fat from eating too much fruit, so be brave and give this idea a chance.
About the Author
Kathryn Martyn, Master NLP Practitioner, author of the free
e-book: Changing Beliefs, Your First Step to Permanent Weight
Loss, and owner of http://www.OneMoreBite-Weightloss.com
Get The Daily Bites: Inspirational Mini Lessons Using EFT and
NLP for Ending the Struggle with Weight Loss and Tackling any
Obstacles http://www.onemorebite-weightloss.com/getnews.html
Tags: Author, Baby Carrots, Bioflavonoids, Candy Bar, Chopped Cauliflower, Citrus Fruits, E Book, food sack, Food Shortage, Fresh Foods, Fresh Fruit And Vegetables, Fresh Fruits, Fruit And Vegetables, Healthy Snacks, Hibernating, Kathryn Martyn, Losing Weight, Massive Snow, Nip In The Air, Optimum Health, Practitioner, Vitamins Minerals, Whole Grain, Winter Fat, Winter Weight Gain —

Why are most people in the Western World Unhealthy?
Why are most people in the Western World Unhealthy?
Warren Matthews
I’m going to attempt to shed some shed some light as to why the majority of the population is overweight and in less than optimum health. I won’t bore you with a whole lot of facts as you have probably heard most of them before, particularly those relating to obesity.
Observe the Evidence:
I am sure that you have observed the evidence of the extent of general poor health yourself…first hand. If
you haven’t already done so, next time you are in a shopping mall sit down for 10 minutes and consciously observe the outward health of the people passing by you.
Look at whether they are overweight, observe their skin for clarity and firmness, take note of the way they
move…are their movements effortless and appear to have energy to spare, or are they sluggish as if they are
carrying a burden? Also look at their eyes… are they bright, clear and alert?
I think that you know what the results of a personal survey such as this will reveal! It will show that the MAJORITY of the people that pass by you will either be overweight or have other outward signs of less than optimal health.
I am not being judgmental of these people because many of them are in this condition primarily as a result of
being fed misinformation through the media by either misguided authorities or commercial interests. Before
I expand on this I should mention that a certain number of these people are nevertheless 100% to blame for
their condition.
They know they are doing harmful things to their body and health.
But, what about the rest of the unhealthy group who are in this condition primarily due to being fed a constant stream of misinformation!
These can be placed into just a few general categories:
1. Psychological.
There is a constant barrage of ‘pill’ advertising which we are subjected to every day. Consider the influence
that this has on the general population. If you were to believe the advertismentss and ignore the side effect warnings it would be quite easy to get the impression that there is a ‘Magic pill’ solution for most ailments.
Added to this are the constant news releases that talk about new medical discoveries such as being able to
grow replacement organs when your own wear out, and don’t forget about the ‘promising’ research for other
new ‘miracle’ drugs just over the horizon.
All these influences combined with a ‘busy’ society looking for a quick and easy ‘fix’, it is no wonder that so many people are quite ‘slack’ when it comes to taking care of their
bodies…particularly on the inside.
2. Dietary Advice.
The food pyramid that is recommended people adhere to, haslargely been discredited scientifically but continues to be pushed. Also, an obsession has developed in which people
are constantly advised to reduce their fat intake.
The ‘official’ line is that saturated animal fats are bad for you and you should avoid butter etc, etc… People believe that if you eat saturated fat you will become fat, or if you eat foods containing cholesterol such as eggs you will raise your cholesterol levels, and so on.
The reality is quite different but I do not have the space to examine this further right now. But just as a quick
illustration take cholesterol. 80% of your blood cholesterol is manufactured by your liver. In other words only 20% is from dietary sources. So, if you reduced your intake of cholesterol by 25% it would only impact on your overall cholesterol by 5%.
By people accepting the ‘official’ no fat line they turn to alternatives such as margarine and other vegetable
oil substitutes. What they are not aware of is that most of these substitutes, which are derived from vegetable oils, are in fact hydrogenated because otherwise they would be liquid at room temperature.
This involves treating the oils and the resulting substance is much, much more harmful than butter could ever be. A
future article will discuss the subject of oils and fats.
The official dietary guidelines virtually ignore the incredibly harmful impact of processed foods and sugar on
the human body. They also ignore the fact that the normal western diet is seriously lacking in essential nutrients, which translate to imbalances and poor health.
3. Mystery.
We all know that the human body is an amazingly complex ‘vehicle’. No one fully understands all the interactions
that are taking place within it every second throughout your lifetime.
This includes the medical profession along with the pharmaceutical industry, evidenced by the ongoing removal
from the market of drugs which have been approved and considered to be safe and afterwards found not to be.
Nonetheless, many people place far too much reliance on the medical profession. Apart from using the medical profession for important tests to find out the internal health of your body so you can make corrections in your lifestyle habits if required, you should never have to visit a physician.
Now, I understand and appreciate that this is not the case for the vast majority of people. I just want to
make the point that other than routine check ups if you need to visit the Doctor it means you have damaged your
body in some way and are seeking a repair.
Your body is not like a car when it comes to repair issues. When you try to repair your body through the use of
pharmaceutical drugs you run a serious risk of starting a cascade effect which will bring on other health problems
in the short or longer term.
In Summary
If you want to live a life of vibrant health and energy take a close look at your attitude to health and consider
honestly if you are working towards removing as much as possible the mystery of how your body works. Realize that there is no quick and easy medical ‘fix’ for most ailments as a single ailment is often merely one small symptom of other underlying problems that cannot be effectively dealt with in isolation…in the long term.
Try to eliminate as much as possible, your intake of manufactured and processed foods and avoid drinking sodas, and tap water. If you are overweight be particularly vigilant about avoiding sugars in any form…they are much more damaging to your weight objectives than fat.
In good health,
Warren Matthews
Editor In Chief
XTEND-YOUR-LIFE presents you with timely health information to
show you how to take better care of yourself…and your loved ones.
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About the Author
Warren Matthews is the Editor-In-Chief
of Xtend-Your-Life, a FREE Newsletter
designed to help you tak control of
your health. Available at…
Tags: Advertising, Author, Authorities, Barrage, Clarity, Commercial Interests, Editor-In-Chief, energy;, Extent, Firmness, food pyramid;, Magic, Misinformation, obesity;, official, oil substitutes, Optimal Health, Optimum Health, Personal Survey, Pharmaceutical Drugs, pharmaceutical industry, physician, Poor Health, Population, Shed Some Light, Shopping Mall, Signs, US Federal Reserve, Warren Matthews, Western People, Whole Lot —