Healthy Weight Loss Tips

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Why are most people in the Western World Unhealthy?

Why are most people in the Western World Unhealthy?
Warren Matthews

I’m going to attempt to shed some shed some light as to why the majority of the population is overweight and in less than optimum health. I won’t bore you with a whole lot of facts as you have probably heard most of them before, particularly those relating to obesity.

Observe the Evidence:

I am sure that you have observed the evidence of the extent of general poor health yourself…first hand. If
you haven’t already done so, next time you are in a shopping mall sit down for 10 minutes and consciously observe the outward health of the people passing by you.

Look at whether they are overweight, observe their skin for clarity and firmness, take note of the way they
move…are their movements effortless and appear to have energy to spare, or are they sluggish as if they are
carrying a burden? Also look at their eyes… are they bright, clear and alert?

I think that you know what the results of a personal survey such as this will reveal! It will show that the MAJORITY of the people that pass by you will either be overweight or have other outward signs of less than optimal health.

I am not being judgmental of these people because many of them are in this condition primarily as a result of
being fed misinformation through the media by either misguided authorities or commercial interests. Before
I expand on this I should mention that a certain number of these people are nevertheless 100% to blame for
their condition.

They know they are doing harmful things to their body and health.

But, what about the rest of the unhealthy group who are in this condition primarily due to being fed a constant stream of misinformation!

These can be placed into just a few general categories:

1. Psychological.

There is a constant barrage of ‘pill’ advertising which we are subjected to every day. Consider the influence
that this has on the general population. If you were to believe the advertismentss and ignore the side effect warnings it would be quite easy to get the impression that there is a ‘Magic pill’ solution for most ailments.

Added to this are the constant news releases that talk about new medical discoveries such as being able to
grow replacement organs when your own wear out, and don’t forget about the ‘promising’ research for other
new ‘miracle’ drugs just over the horizon.

All these influences combined with a ‘busy’ society looking for a quick and easy ‘fix’, it is no wonder that so many people are quite ‘slack’ when it comes to taking care of their
bodies…particularly on the inside.

2. Dietary Advice.

The food pyramid that is recommended people adhere to, haslargely been discredited scientifically but continues to be pushed. Also, an obsession has developed in which people
are constantly advised to reduce their fat intake.

The ‘official’ line is that saturated animal fats are bad for you and you should avoid butter etc, etc… People believe that if you eat saturated fat you will become fat, or if you eat foods containing cholesterol such as eggs you will raise your cholesterol levels, and so on.

The reality is quite different but I do not have the space to examine this further right now. But just as a quick
illustration take cholesterol. 80% of your blood cholesterol is manufactured by your liver. In other words only 20% is from dietary sources. So, if you reduced your intake of cholesterol by 25% it would only impact on your overall cholesterol by 5%.

By people accepting the ‘official’ no fat line they turn to alternatives such as margarine and other vegetable
oil substitutes. What they are not aware of is that most of these substitutes, which are derived from vegetable oils, are in fact hydrogenated because otherwise they would be liquid at room temperature.

This involves treating the oils and the resulting substance is much, much more harmful than butter could ever be. A
future article will discuss the subject of oils and fats.

The official dietary guidelines virtually ignore the incredibly harmful impact of processed foods and sugar on
the human body. They also ignore the fact that the normal western diet is seriously lacking in essential nutrients, which translate to imbalances and poor health.

3. Mystery.

We all know that the human body is an amazingly complex ‘vehicle’. No one fully understands all the interactions
that are taking place within it every second throughout your lifetime.

This includes the medical profession along with the pharmaceutical industry, evidenced by the ongoing removal
from the market of drugs which have been approved and considered to be safe and afterwards found not to be.

Nonetheless, many people place far too much reliance on the medical profession. Apart from using the medical profession for important tests to find out the internal health of your body so you can make corrections in your lifestyle habits if required, you should never have to visit a physician.

Now, I understand and appreciate that this is not the case for the vast majority of people. I just want to
make the point that other than routine check ups if you need to visit the Doctor it means you have damaged your
body in some way and are seeking a repair.

Your body is not like a car when it comes to repair issues. When you try to repair your body through the use of
pharmaceutical drugs you run a serious risk of starting a cascade effect which will bring on other health problems
in the short or longer term.

In Summary

If you want to live a life of vibrant health and energy take a close look at your attitude to health and consider
honestly if you are working towards removing as much as possible the mystery of how your body works. Realize that there is no quick and easy medical ‘fix’ for most ailments as a single ailment is often merely one small symptom of other underlying problems that cannot be effectively dealt with in isolation…in the long term.

Try to eliminate as much as possible, your intake of manufactured and processed foods and avoid drinking sodas, and tap water. If you are overweight be particularly vigilant about avoiding sugars in any form…they are much more damaging to your weight objectives than fat.

In good health,

Warren Matthews
Editor In Chief

XTEND-YOUR-LIFE presents you with timely health information to
show you how to take better care of yourself…and your loved ones.
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About the Author

Warren Matthews is the Editor-In-Chief
of Xtend-Your-Life, a FREE Newsletter
designed to help you tak control of
your health. Available at…

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The Importance Of Starting A Healthy Eating Plan

Perhaps you are in a state of general good health, and you are not overweight. If so, then you may be thinking that there is no need for you to go on a healthy eating plan. Hey, you feel great! Right? So it stands to reason that you should be able to eat whatever you want without having to worry about it. While it may seem that way, the truth is that healthy eating is a smart choice for everyone, regardless of their current state of health. On the other hand, you may be like a large portion of the population and already have some weight or health issues. Either way, here are some things for you to consider.

First, let’s talk about all of the confusion that’s out there. It seems as though there are new diets and news stories coming out every day that tell us about what foods are healthy and which ones aren’t. This would be great if they could agree on anything. Instead, it seems as though all if this information is contradictory. That wouldn’t be that big of a problem if people didn’t use it as an excuse to eat whatever they want. So, just because there is conflicting information, doesn’t give you free license to eat anything, any time.

A good example of this is the fat in our diets. There was a time, not all that long ago, that fat was food enemy #1. Food makers were quick to roll out low-fat versions of some of their more popular foods, and people gobbled them up (figuratively and literally). So, what happened to people’s waistlines? Well, they sure didn’t shrink. In fact, the population kept getting heavier. Clearly there was something else going on. What it comes down to is that we need fat to be healthy, but there are different types of fats. Trans fats and saturated fat should be avoided (though some saturated is acceptable, trans fats should be eliminated entirely), but monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats can be enjoyed in moderation and actually impart some health benefits.

The next thing to watch out for is refined foods. In other words, do your best to eat foods as close to their natural state as possible. You can take this a step further by passing any foods which contain ingredients that sound like they are the result of a chemical experiment. White flour, sugar and other simple carbohydrates are some of the more common examples of refined foods that don’t belong in a healthy eating plan.

Finally, while all of the advice above is good, it’s okay to “slip” once in a while. If possible, try to find healthy alternatives for the junk foods you feel you must have. But other than that, the occasional cheeseburger or handful of chips won’t hurt you as long as you don’t make a habit of eating them, and eat are eating well otherwise. The key is to make changes that you can stick to and to take smaller steps so you can get used to a healthier lifestyle.

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3 Tips For Choosing A Weight Loss Program

Statistics make it very clear that the population, as a whole, is getting heavier and heavier. The problem with this is that it comes with a lot of bad consequences on our health. Perhaps that why so many people are trying to lose weight. One of the most common ways for doing this is to find a weight loss program that sounds interesting. If you are looking for a weight loss program, then you are aware of how many different ones are out there. In fact, there are so many that it can get downright confusing, but that should never be an excuse for not losing weight. With that in mind, here are some tips to help you choose the best weight loss program for you.

1. Research. There is no way around it, this is going to take some time. As mentioned, there are a lot of different programs out there, and they often contradict one another. However, one of the main things you are likely interested in is results. After all, it doesn’t matter how good a program is supposed to be if it doesn’t work for you. The first thing you can do is read how each particular program has worked for those who have tried it. Pay extra attention to any claims of the diet not working, and why it didn’t work for that person. It can still work for you, but you will have more realistic expectations once you begin.

Next, look for any endorsements from organizations and professionals. Of course you will give extra importance to people and groups you have already heard of and trust. At the same time, watch out for endorsements from people you have never heard of. Either way, it is up to you to do your due diligence to see if the people are qualified to make an assessment of any weight loss program.

Furthermore, part of that research has to include talking to your health care provider. They will be aware of any potential problems you may run into, and they will also be able to add recommendations of their own.

2. Cost. The truth is that we all have different budgets, and that may prevent us from doing certain diet programs. For example, some plans include having ready-made food delivered to your home. While they may work, they also cost a lot of money. If you have the money to spare, and you would like to do such a plan, no problem. However, if you can’t really afford it, but try it anyway, you will start to feel angry if you don’t see immediate results, and that won’t help you to lose weight.

Not to worry, though. The effectiveness of a weight loss program isn’t measured by how much it costs. So, keep looking and you will find a plan that fits into your budget.

3. Think logically. Sellers of diet programs are experts at getting you worked up emotionally, but don’t fall for that trap. That’s why it’s so important to do the previous steps; they will help you to look at various weight loss programs logically. And, that means you are more likely to choose the one that’s the best for you.

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What You Need To Know About Weight Control For Children?

What You Need To Know About Weight Control For Children?

In the United States alone, an astounding one fourth of the overall population of teenagers and children are found to be obese. But despite this rate, it is still alarmingly growing. With parents and grandparents catering to their childrens unhealthy eating and bad idling habits, this is not abnormal. But if you are concerned for your childrens future, you know this is a serious matter to be considered. More than controlling what they eat or what they do, you need to consider weight control for children to treat the matter before it goes worse.

Obesity, when not treated properly and as early as possible, can be carried on to teen years, and eventually, to adult years. Of course, when a person is obese, it is the abnormally fat figure which is always being ridiculed, bullied, and harassed at. Unfortunately, the squeeze goes beyond the appearance and social distraction.

Obesity, as clinically discovered, can lead to some chronic diseases, resembling as heart failure and diabetes. It can like go worse, as these diseases can hit a word as early as in their childhood rotund years.

So, instead of giving in to your childrens craving of sugar – loaded and fattening foods or unhealthy habits of being inactive most of the day, start looking out for the best weight control program for children. This is chief if you dont want to see your children suffering from chronic diseases and be plagued with expensive hospital treatments.

If you cant simply get your obese child to eating the right or healthy foods, just think of the soul and death matter, which is not a far possibility if not given the right study. There are many approaches available for you to successfully lure your children to get treated, to eat healthily, and live normally, just like other florid children. So, there is no big deal if youre thinking how you can encourage your child.

When choosing weight control program for children, you need to be very careful. If you are thinking you can apply your kind of diet, it isnt going to treat the obesity problem of your child. This is because children basically need different kinds of nutrition as you do.

Weight control programs for adults are different from weight control for children. It is therefore recommended that you consult with the right persons, such as a pediatrician or nutritionist, before you propose your child to a specific weight control program.

The diet with which children are subjected to focuses on lowering weight gain while they are growing. It emphasizes the need of resorting to healthy eating habits as well as active lifestyle rather than tried being in front of the television or computer sets all the time.

Now, when it comes to talking or encouraging your child notice undergoing a appropriate weight control program, this not a difficult phase at all. What you need to look after is to ensure you show your support and love for them. Make sure you are clear about how you are very much concerned over their health and future well – being.

Also, it is important that you paradigm them all throughout their childhood to teen years and even from teen to adult years. It is also a packed factor to being successful in treating corpulence problems if you can be a role model to them, from your eating habits, activeness, and healthy living ways. If you can cumulation family activities, then you level increase chances of being successful in this matter.

24 Hour Fitness

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