Healthy Weight Loss Tips

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Is eating a raw food diet actually healthy for

Is eating a raw food diet actually healthy for you?
Glen Jansen

Whatever diet you choose to live by, the food you eat has to provide your body with the nourishment to properly balance your body’s chemistry. If you have health challenges, are overweight or obese, chances are you are not in balance at all. The typical North American diet is woefully out of balance. Even what are commonly considered as healthy diets, such as low fat, vegetarien and vegan diets can be improperly balanced.

The good news is you can forget counting … cholesterol, calories, fat grams, carbohydrates, etc, if you eat a properly balanced diet. But, just what does a properly balanced diet consist of?

At this time, it is important to remember a quick lesson in chemistry. Many people know about acids. We used to often hear about acid rain and almost everyone knows that acids are dangerous. The opposite of acids are bases, or alkaloids. These alkaline substances will neutralize acids. In fact, if you mix an acid and a base of equal strength, you will get a new liquid that is close to being neutral. The way of measuring how acidic or alkaline a substance is a scale called pH.

It turns out that the body has a set level of pH that it likes to function in. Just as we all have a normal body temperature, we also have a normal pH for our tissues. Different tissues have different pH levels. One of the most important ones is the pH of your blood. The pH of your blood is slightly alkaline. The body will go to great lengths to keep that pH level fixed. It will do this at the expense of other tissues or systems.

The goal of any healthy eating regimen is to provide the body with the necessary building blocks in the proper pH such that the pH balance can be maintained easily. When this happens, the body will detoxify itself naturally. In addition, weight loss is a side effect of being properly balanced. When one is out of balance, or overly acidic, weight gain, chronic illness, allergies, cancer, heart disease and even diabetes can result. This chronic overacidity of the blood corrodes the tissues of the body. It can also be said that the main cause of all sickness and disease is the disruption of the balance in the body.

With that in mind, how does one get in balance?

In order to get in balance, one needs to consume about 80 percent of your diet as alkaline foods. Green leafy vegetables are a great example of alkaline foods. So are sprouts, broccoli and many other green vegetables. A great way to get started on this new way of life is to pick up a copy of [The pH Miracle] from your local or online bookstore. Inside you will learn how to jumpstart your way into a lifestyle of balanced eating that promotes long term health. In addition you will discover all the foods you should avoid and the ones that you can eat as much as you like. This book is written by Dr. Robert O. Young and his wife Shelley provides recipes in the book too. All in all, an alkaline way of life is both healthy and safe when done properly.
About the Author

A raw food diet that is rich in alkaline foods is the fastest way to health. We help spread the word of this amazing way of life at our Raw Food Diet web site. There you will find many items related to eating a raw food diet, getting enough antioxidants and even how to pick the best

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Hoodia Gordonii and a Healthy Diet

Hoodia Gordonii and a Healthy Diet

What does Hoodia Gordonii and a healthy diet have to do with one another you ask?

The fact is that your only true advantage in achieving a happier, ill-free, and definitely longer life is your knowledge and conviction in the payback of a healthy diet. Not only will eating healthier make you more active and stronger, it also strengthens you immune system and prevents the possibilities of the occurrence of life-threatening ailments like cancers and heart diseases.

For a healthy individual, a good diet can maintain the proper functioning of his or her body. Maintenance of every healthy single tissue and organ is necessary in order to achieve a healthy style of living.

A balanced diet means that the four food groups – vegetables and fruits, grains, meat, and dairy products – must be consumed according to how much your body needs it….BUT NOT MORE THEN IT NEEDS!

The fact is North America is full of fat people, everyday we hear of people dying of various conditions and diseases… and most of these can be traced back to overeating (eating more then your body needs) and eating the wrong foods.

The problem is food is so incredibly additive.. saying no or passing on the dessert is almost impossible or so we think. For years people of been using a herbal product which is a genus in the plant family Apocynaceae, in the part of the family previously treated as a separate family Asclepiadaceae. It is a strange looking plant (related to cactus but is not one), can reach up to 1 m high and present exuberant flowers, often with flesh color and strong smell. This little (and until recently unknown) plant which is called Hoodia Gordonii is now considered the worlds most incredible diet plant for weight loss.

Hoodia is the ONLY diet pill in history to be featured on Oprah, MSNBC, CBS the Today Show, 60 Minutes, and the BBC. There are Hoodia Gordonii Guide shows you how to keep from getting ripped off, how to begin a safe and productive weight loss plan, and shows you how to find and choose the best product. Or you can go right to the source of the supplement that was featured on these shows at

What does Hoodia Gordonii do?

Hoodia Gordonii will help you to stop over eating. This Hoodia plant with an appetite-suppressing effect greater than that of any other is credited for the endurance and survival of the hardy San people of South Africa whose heritage can be traced back to rock paintings 27,000 years old has taken center stage.

Realizing that Hoodia Gordonii stops hunger and provides a state of alertness (without the jittery feeling) the Western world is consternated by the prospects. With obesity-related health problems (cancer, kidney failure, diabetes, hypertension osteoarthritis, atherosclerosis, heart disease…) on the rise and health costs soaring the entire world is focusing on Hoodia and the promise it holds.
About the Author

Discover Hoodia Gordonii, an Amazing Herbal Appetite Suppressant that Kills Your Appetite, Ups Your Mood and Gives You Waves Upon Waves of Energy — with NO Side Effects!

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Hair Nutrition- Diet for Healthy Hair

Hair Nutrition- Diet for Healthy Hair
Marquetta Breslin

If you do not yet feel enough motivated to have a balanced diet then temptation of healthy lustrous hair may convince you for it. Nutritional deficiencies can make the hair stringy, dull and dry.

If your hair loss results from nutritional deficiency, you can bring it under control through adequate nutritional supply. Your hair is sensitive to what you eat. A study based on the effect of crash diets has revealed that people undergoing such diet regime may experience temporary hair loss because of poor nutritional supply.

Zinc plays a vital role in maintaining good hair condition. Its deficiency often results in poor hair growth and considerable hair loss. Similarly, people who prefer to have low or no fat diets also run the risk of hair loss, as essential fatty acids are an important constituent of healthy hair. While biotin has often been marketed to help people suffering from pattern-baldness, any direct relationship between the two is yet to be established. If you feel the problem behind your hair loss is nutritional imbalance, you can consult a dietician for the right suggestion.

Tips for Healthy Hair

1. You may think that harping on a particular nutrient may work wonders on your hair, a wholesome diet is better recommended.
2. Intake of green leafy vegetables and hair friendly spices like turmeric and cumin help you get healthy and lustrous hair.
3. Various fruits in your diet suffice different nutritional needs and keep your hair in good condition.
4. Using fresh coconut paste over the hair and scalp helps to nourish it and makes your hair eye-catching. Going for natural remedies protects the hair from the effects of harsh chemicals as well.

Thus, a balanced nutritious diet and the right eating habits are the two factors that make your hair vibrant and healthy.

About the Author

My name is Marquetta Breslin and I’m a professional hair braider with over 12 years of experiance. I own where I sell intructional hair braiding and weave DVDs teaching the world how to braid and weave.

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Balanced Diet: Know More on Healthy and Nutritional Balanced

Balanced Diet: Know More on Healthy and Nutritional Balanced Diet!
Jasdeep Singh

In this fast paced world, good nutrition may sound very simple but it is indeed really difficult to practice it. We eat too many processed foods or we tend to miss some meals. Some of us even smoke or drink alcohol. We also choose food on the basis of the taste. This not only make us overeat but also we ignore rich nutrient food items which we feel have bad taste. Foods lose substantial nutritional value during storage. There are many such factors which rob us of the nutrients we need for the maintenance of general well being.

We all talk of balanced diet, but how many of us really know the actual meaning of the balanced diet? Balanced Diet is a diet which has adequate amount of all nutrients required for healthy growth and activity. Sounds simple!

We have divided food into five groups on the basis of their nutrient content which are the most integral part of balanced diet.

Group One :

Wheat, Rice and Cereals. They are major sources of starch, carbohydrates, B-Vitamins and fibre.

Recommended Servings : 6-8 servings daily.

Group Two :

Dairy products. They are major sources of calcium , protein and vitamins (A,B2, B6, B12 and D).

Recommended Servings : 2-4 daily.

Group Three :

Fruits and Vegetables. They are major sources of vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and fibre.

Recommended Servings : 4-6 daily.

Group Four :

Meat, Fish, Poultry and Pulses. They are major sources od protein, Vitamin B12 , zinc and iron.

Recommended Servings : 2-3 daily

Group Five :

Fats, Oils and Sugar. They are major source of energy in our body.

Recommended Servings: Should be barely adequate.

Recommended servings of each group daily comprises a balanced. Now does it still look simple? To make it worse, our hectic life schedules make it more difficult for us to achieve this goal. Hence it has become a challenge now. We cant ignore this vital part of our life too. So we should better gear up for it!

Random Tip: Eating fruits increases your immunity against the development of age-related maculopathy and eye diseases.

About the Author

About the Author: Jasdeep Singh

For your complete and most comprehensive family guide on Health.

Also get free sample low carb recipes at

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