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How to Talk to a Loved One about LapBand Surgery

How to Talk to a Loved One about LapBand Surgery

In many aspects, obesity is referred to as a disease. This is because some suffering from obesity cannot change their lifestyle. Some do not have the needed determination, others have tried healthy eating and exercise without the right results. This is when many opt to give up. If you are related to one of those individuals, you may want to help. One approach you should examine is that of LapBand surgery.

LapBand surgery is the fastest growing weight loss surgery in the United States. It was introduced in 2001 and its popularity continues to grow. What makes the LapBand system the most preferred weight loss surgery in the United States? Its advantages. These advantages include a short recovery period and low risk of complications. These advantages are due to the LapBand system. Unlike gastric bypass surgery, an adjustable gastric band is used to reduce the stomach size.

Since the LapBand surgery comes highly rated and recommended, you may want to suggest it to an obese loved one, but how?

First, it is important to learn about the surgery. Not everyone is an ideal candidate. Do not suggest it as an option without first knowing if your loved one will qualify. So will they? Your best option is to start researching. You can do so online. The LapBand surgery is discussed in detail on many medical websites.

Another ideal approach is to speak with your own doctor. Approach your primary care physician and express your concern for your loved one. Your doctor should take the time to discuss the LapBand procedure with you. They will also outline the common criteria that most surgeons use to determine legibility.

Speaking of those requirements, on average, most doctors will only operate on patients between the ages of 18 and 60. Being overweight isnt enough. Many surgeons use LapBand surgery as a last resort; therefore, those with severe to morbid obesity are better candidates. On average, patients have Body Mass Index (BMI) rating of 40 or more. Most importantly, is drive and determination. The LapBand itself will not result in weight loss, it is the band combined with diet restrictions.

Once you are sure that your family member will likely qualify as a LapBand patient, it is time to start the conversation. You may opt for a group discussion. This is ideal in cases where the parent is obese. Discussing the LapBand surgery with an obese relative in a group does have risks. Your loved one may feel that everyone is gaining up on them. For that reason, your concerned group should only contain immediate family members.

You also have the option of discussing LapBand surgery as a private matter. For example, if your sister is suffering from severe obesity, approach her one-on-one. Explain your concerns and suggest the LapBand surgery. When doing so, have more than just your word. Documents printed from the internet or LapBand brochures from a medical office are recommended.

As previously stated, LapBand is often used as a last resort. If your loved one is suffering from morbid obesity, they may have come to terms with their health. Certain guidelines may be in place. For example, they may have a will or already assigned a power of attorney. If that person is you, speak to your loved ones physician. In most cases, doctor patient confidently prevents too much information from being disclosed, but no harm can come from making an inquiry.

Regardless of which approach you take, use extreme caution. Be kind and gentle. The wrong approach can lead to serious consequences, including a hurtful family dispute.


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Losing Weight The Easy Way: A Gastric Bypass

Getting a gastric bypass seems to have become somewhat of a choice these days. Nowadays, there’s an increasing desire for that perfect body. Images of slim, toned bodies bombard us daily on every media outlet. The thing is, having that perfect body won’t just help you catch the eyes of everyone but also help out your health big-time. Obesity is more than just being overweight it has incredible detrimental effects on your life and weight problems can cause your body trouble down the line. Some of the diseases associated with obesity are: diabetes, hypertension, migraines, and a dozen other liver and heart diseases.

There are a lot of ways to shed all of those unwanted pounds: dieting and exercise are probably two of the simplest and easisest ways to do so. Those two choices only require an investment of some time and discipline to get you to a fighting trim. Unfortunately, sometimes people don’t have the time to do so, or are suffering from conditions that make exercise or dieting a bit of a no-no or, at worst, make these approaches totally ineffectual. So, if you’ve been failed by these options, what are the choices that you have left? Well, there’s surgery.

When we think of weight-loss surgery, we usually think of liposuctions. That would be a complete misrepresentation of the process. Weight-loss surgery is a lot different from weight-reduction surgery, which is what liposuction is liposuction is actually not even actual surgery. Operations or procedures that reduce weight do only a temporary reduction of your body weight while weight-loss surgery aims to make changes in your body that would make weight loss a possibility and something that can be maintained. A gastric bypass can do this, as long as it is combined with behavioral changes.

What exactly happens during a gastric bypass? Well, in simple terms, a doctor finds a way for your stomach to be made smaller. The complicated explanation is that a doctor creates a small pouch for you near the opening of your stomach and connects that pouch directly to your small intestine essentially making your food skip over a large part of your stomach and small intestine. This makes it so that you don’t absorb that much calories from your food, and it also makes your stomach hold a lot less food. Less calories and smaller intakes are what essentially drives you to lose weight after a gastric bypass. After the procedure, you’ll be in the hospital for three to five days, though there are some variations of the procedure that make that already short stay, even shorter.

Sounds all right doesn’t it? However, like all surgeries, it is still a major surgical operation that can affect the way you live. It should not be understaken unless it has been fully considered. You won’t be eating anything for three days after the surgery and you’ll be on a strict diet afterwards eating too much will literally hurt you. Your body adjusting to the lower energy intake also takes its toll.

A gastric bypass is not a miracle cure-all but it can help a lot. So think long and hard before you do it.

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Proven Truth about Cant Lose Weight Myth

Hey if youre reading this it means you and I both have run up against that “cant lose weight myth”, but we both chose to believe it. It wasn’t our fault though, because our parents, friends, loved ones, co-workers and even people who didn’t like us, were quick to tell us to give it up, you will never lose weight. Chances are if you were like me you started believing them at an early age, perhaps as early as 4 or 5.

On top of that if it was your child hood friends, they taunted you with sayings like “Fatty, Fatty, 2 By 4 you can’t fit through the bathroom door. All of this because you were overweight and it didn’t matter what you did, it seemed you couldn’t get it off.

Stop believing right now that you cant lose weight. I’m here to tell you that its a myth and you can lose weight I did.

A short while ago I weighed well over 220 pounds (I was small boned and only 5’6”, had high blood pressure, borderline diabetic and my personal life was in a total melt down. I couldn’t hold a job because of my health problems and the people I tried to work with were worse than children about me being overweight. I was the joke of the work place, so as soon as I couldn’t take it anymore, I did my best to get laid off so I could collect unemployment or I just quit.

I did that one too many times and my family left me. Obviously I hit rock bottom then. I made up my mind I had to win them back and that’s when I found out “you cant lose weight” was a myth.

Shortly thereafter I was watching the Dr. Phil show and he was talking to people just like you and me. You know the “fat ones”. He told those folks they had to stop believing they couldn’t lose weight. Right then is when I realized that was precisely what was stopping me. I believed I can’t lose weight.

As I continued to listen to Dr Phil what he said made more and more sense. To make a long story short what he said was I had to believe I could lose weight and that I would have to change my lifestyle to accomplish my weight loss goals. The fact is I started that very day.

My first step was to go to my doctor and have him check me out to make sure I could start an exercise program without killing myself. Then I contacted a friend from my church and we became accountable to each other for each reprogramming our mind and reaching our weight loss goals.

Now here’s the fun part, we began to challenge each other in our goals, changing our lifestyle (eating habits) and progressing from a slow walk to a faster walk. Today we are up to 3 miles in just under 36 minutes.

Was this easy? Heck No! But I have lost 53 pounds and my friend has lost 47 pounds. The important thing is we have gotten it off and kept it off for more than a year. I’m now working and my family has allowed me back into their life. Is everything rosy, no but it’s a whole lot better than it was.

I’m living proof you cant lose weight is a myth. You need to search your mind, dig deep into your gut, get a plan together and stick to it.

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What you need to know about teen weight loss

In world where physical comeliness matters, more and more people are giving too much emphasis on physical appearance. They are becoming interestedeven obsessedin using so many products and services that can help them improve their physical appearance.

Today, one of the biggest problems of peopleespecially by teenagers all over the worldis being overweight or obesity. Too much weightcaused by overeating and lack of exerciseis becoming one of the problems especially of teenagers that cause them to lose confidence.

If you are a parent who has an obese or overweight child and you would want to help him or her to lose weight safe and effectively, here are some steps that you can do:

1. Help your child to come up with a great decision. Losing weight is a decision you must help your child with. The first thing that you can do is to talk to your child. Ask him or her what he or she thinks about herself. If he or she confesses that he/she doesnt feel good about his or her physical appearance, then its now time to ask your child what he/she wants to do.

Give your child suggestions on how he/she improve herself. Ask him or her if he or she is willing to lose weight and help your child all the way. Once you and your child have made a decision, start plotting your plan on how to lose weight effectively, safely, and the healthy way. Aside from making the major decision whether to lose or nor to lose weight, the decision must also include the full participation of both parties in the agenda.

Aside from assuring your child that that he or she has your full support, it would also be a wise decision if you both formulate a specific plan how you are going to approach this endeavor. The decision will also include the possible resources and strategies you can use.

2. If possible, try to change your eating and exercising patterns together. If you really want to help your child lose weight, you should try formulating an eating and exercise plan that can help him or her lose weight effectively. An effective plan may include eating foods low in fat and low in sugar along with a great deal of regular exercise.

3. Look for nonprofessional support weight loss programs and use them if you can. Today, there are two weight loss programs that most experts recommend: the TOPS or Take Off Pounds Sensibly which is a self-help club encourages parent-child participation and the Weight Watchers. Statistics say that most people who enroll in these programs drop out even before the program ends, so it is very important for parents to guide their children so they won’t give up easily.

4. Ask help from professionals and experts that have expertise in cognitive-behavior therapy and weight. Since obesity is one of the major problems of teenagers, more and more psychologists offer their services to help people who are overweight to lose weight.

5. Send your child to high-quality weight loss camps or to residential weight loss programs. Losing weight can be traumatic experience for your child. Giving him or her a fresh new environment to start with can help him or her a lot to pursue the weigh loss endeavor.

Today, there are so many weight loss camps created specifically for those children who would want to lose weight away from the eyes of people who are eagerly and intently watching him or her. In the first few weeks of your child in this new task, he or she may find it hard to concentrate because of the pressure given by the people and the environment. You can help him or her if you look for a safe and clinically appropriate environment that can help her or him focus on losing weight.

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