Healthy Eating Tips For Busy Women
Healthy Eating Tips For Busy Women
Phil Beckett
Healthy Eating Tips For Busy Women
By Phil Beckett
The following healthy eating tips will help you feel great, look great, carry out every-day activities better and empower you to keep it up for many years to come.
Poor health for most women is the build up of poor life-long nutrition choices and the lack of exercise, both cardiovascular and weight exercise. If you make good choices now and exercise on a regular basis, you’re less likely to become a strain on the health system years later.
And its been proven over and over for many years that women who do make these good choices tend to be healthier and live longer.
Youve probably heard most nutritionists say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. And it is because if you eat breakfast youll not only gain fuel for a high-energy and productive day, but youll also have a tendency to make better food choices during the remainder of the day.
The mistake most women make when making a choice for breakfast is to just eat cereal. And it doesnt help with all of the commercials out their telling us that cereal is all you need.
Yes, cereals rich in fiber like bran flakes, oat bran, all-bran, and raisin bran are very healthy for you. And most types of cereal with a banana, strawberries, low-fat milk etc are very good for you.
But it’s important to know that while they may contain ample carbohydrates, calcium, fiber, other nutrients, are low in fat and easy and quick to make, they dont contain nearly enough protein.
And its the protein thats more than likely the missing ingredient in your diet.
Your muscles need protein, and cannot function properly without it. Women who attempt to lose fat and/or tone up their muscles, will get the best results when they consume an ample amount of protein with breakfast.
But it difficult to get good quality protein during breakfast, unless you were to eat a bunch of eggs and bacon, which of course would lead to a whole other problem
So how do you get enough protein without eating fat?
Well the only way you can is to include Whey protein. Whey protein is a powdered supplement that you can buy in any health food store and most super-markets.
All you have to do is either mix one scoop in with your cereal (it dissolves very easily) or just stir a scoop in a glass of water. Either way its the best way to get the protein you need at breakfast.
Dont focus on any one meal. All of your meals should be nutritionally well-balanced. Meaning they should contain protein, carbohydrates and some fat. Fat will help dramatically to keep your energy levels high.
If you’re dieting you need continually fuel your body throughout the entire day. This means a minimum of 4, but preferably 6 meals each and every day. This way you’ll have the energy to exercise properly and wont crave any large unhealthy meals.
Dont get caught up in the Fat-free food frenzy. Fat-free foods are very high in simple carbohydrates and will increase your insulin, which will Feed your fat cells making you fatter very quickly.
A good nutrition plan starts when youre making your grocery list. Then of course you have to stick to the list! Another good idea is to shop for your groceries just after youve eaten. This way you wont be tempted to fill up the cart with junk food.
Nutritionally poor food is fine in moderation. But dont over-do it. Take one day each week to satisfy your cravings. You wont eliminate all the good things youve done over the rest of the week. There’s little wrong with it and in fact itll help you stay on track.
If you try to eliminate your favorite junk food completely itll lead to binge eating in only a couple of weeks. Then youll have a lot of trouble getting back on track.
When it comes to meats chicken, tuna (and most other fish) and turkey are your best choices. Theyre lower in fat, which means theyre lower in calories as well and have less cholesterol.
But dont eliminate red meats. Theyre not only an excellent source of protein but also of
iron, zinc and creatine (which helps tremendously with fitness). So try to include a couple of meals each week that contain red meats.
Bananas, oranges, grapefruit, and other citrus fruits are the best fruits. They’re rich in vitamin C and potassium. Eat fruit and drink juices daily. But be aware fruits and fruit juices contain a lot of calories, so if youre trying to lose weight once a day is good enough.
Supplements are meant to supplement healthy eating, not compensate for poor eating habits. But if you arent getting the nutrients you need, for example youd need to drink a ton of milk plus take other calcium rich foods each day to get the calcium you need, then a calcium pill a day may be a good idea.
Exercise is not an option. Cardiovascular exercise and more importantly resistance exercise (weight lifting) is essential for good long-term health. Muscles will increase your metabolism making it possible to lose fat, and resistance exercise has amazing benefits for your heart and other organs.
A daily vitamin E may help protect against heart disease and cancer. Because people cannot easily get enough vitamin E in common foods, a supplement of 200 to 400 international units (IUs) per day is a wise health investment.
About the Author:
Phil Beckett is the author of The New Womens Guide To Successful Weight Loss & Fitness and the Fitness Director at Womens Health & Fitness Inc. Hes helped thousands of women succeed with their weight loss, health & fitness goals over the past 14 years. Visit to contact Phil with your questions.
About the Author
About the Author:
Phil Beckett is the author of The New Womens Guide To Successful Weight Loss & Fitness and the Fitness Director at Womens Health & Fitness Inc. Hes helped thousands of women succeed with their weight loss, health & fitness goals over the past 14 years. Visit to contact Phil with your questions.
Tags: Author, Beckett, Bran Flakes, Calcium, cancer;, Cereal, Cereals, Eggs And Bacon, energy levels;, energy;, favorite junk food, Fitness Director, food choices;, food frenzy, health food store, Health System, Healthy Eating Tips, heart disease;, High Energy, Junk food;, Lack Of Exercise, Low Fat Milk, Muscles, Nutrients, Oat Bran, Oth, Phil Beckett, Poor Food, Poor Health, Quality Protein, Raisin Bran, Strawberries, Turkey;, Weight Exercise, Womens Health & Fitness Inc. —
Healthy Diet Tips
Healthy Diet Tips
Alan LeStourgeon
These healthy diet tips will keep you on the right path.
Although healthy people are generally at a natural weight, this
is not about dieting and losing weigh, its about lifestyle. The
mainstream seesaw of dieting is a moneymaker that doesn’t
address real health issues and concerns.
One of the best things you can do for your body is eat at least
twelve servings of fresh, organic fruits and vegetables every
single day. These foods are packed with the things that our
bodies need; natural, non-synthetic source of Vitamins A,B, C,
and E, disease fighting antioxidants, minerals like potassium,
calcium, phosphorous, and copper.
These days too many Americans get their vitamins from synthetic
sources that are isolated and chemically induced. The best way
to get this nutrition is from the good earth, directly from the
source, from fruits and vegetables. If eating that many
vegetables seems overwhelming, just think about the colors. Get
your blue and purples like blueberries and plums to reduce the
risk of cancer and protect your urinary tract. Eat green
vegetables like broccoli and celery to protect your bones, teeth
and eyes. Consume your whites like mushrooms and onions for
healthy heart function. Eat foods like oranges and carrots to
boost your immune system from the yellow and orange fruits and
vegetables. Finally, get your reds from foods like apples and
beets for memory function and heart health.
All of these fruits and vegetables have healing qualities and
you’ll feel the difference. If you can’t eat this much or don’t
have the time, drink juices made from a vegetable juicer, a
great way to get the nutrients you need.
In addition to eating fruits and vegetables, cut down on
saturated fats from processed foods and switch to unsaturated
fats from nuts like almonds and vegetables including avocado. In
general however, cut down on fat in your life and your heart and
body will thank you for it. Speaking of processed food, begin to
rid yourself of any processed foods. And of course, drink water
so that you are flushing the toxins out your system and staying
Use these healthy diet tips as a general guide to healthy
eating, not fad dieting.
About the author:
Alan LeStourgeon along with his wife Jean run the web site
where they explore what it means to eat a healthy diet, have a
home and live a healthier life.
Tags: Alan LeStourgeon, Author, cancer;, Diet Tips, disease, Drink Juices, Eating Fruits And Vegetables, Fruits And Vegetables, Good Earth, Green Vegetables, Health Issues And Concerns, Healthy Diet, Healthy Heart, Heart Function, Heart Health, Jean, Memory Function, Organic Fruits And Vegetables, Processed Food, Real Health, Saturated Fats, Seesaw, Time Drink, Unsaturated Fats, Vegetable Juicer, —
Getting the most from healthy fruits and vegetables
Getting the most from healthy fruits and vegetables
Tony Robinson
Fruits and vegetables are among the healthiest of all foods, and
the great variety of these foods at the local grocery store
makes it easier than every to enjoy great meals and snacks
anytime the mood strikes you.
The latest food guidelines recommend that adults eat from five
to nine servings of fruits and vegetables every day. While that
may seem like a lot, it is an important goal to strive for, and
a very reachable one.
A serving of a fruit or vegetable is equal to:
1 medium sized vegetable or fruit (such as an apple,
orange or banana) 2 small fruits (such as kiwi fruit or
plums) cup of fresh, frozen or canned fruits or
vegetables cup of 100% fruit juice cup of
dried fruit 1 cup of green salad
Eating a diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables is a great
way to start a healthier lifestyle. Diets high in fruits and
vegetables have been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease,
diabetes, stroke and even some kinds of cancer. Diets high in
fruits and vegetables are also important in maintaining a
healthy weight.
Since different varieties of fruits and vegetables contain
different types and levels of nutrients, it is important to each
a good variety of fruits and vegetables. Eating a good
combination of yellow, orange, red and green fruits and
vegetables is a great way to ensure adequate levels of nutrition.
Fruits and vegetables are also an important source of fiber. One
way to maximize the amount of fiber you get from fruits and
vegetables is to eat the entire fruit and vegetable including
the edible peel. Eating fruits and vegetables whole, instead of
simply drinking fruit juice, is the best way to enjoy the fiber
these foods have to offer. Orange juice may be very healthy, but
it does not contain the same amount of fiber as a whole orange.
Getting sufficient fiber in the diet offers a great many health
benefits, including aiding in digestion, lowering levels of
cholesterol in the blood, reducing the risk of heart disease and
stroke, and reducing the chances of some forms of cancer. In
addition, fiber is though to play an important role in
controlling levels of blood sugar in diabetics. Fiber also helps
dieters feel full while limiting the number of calories you
Many people wonder if canned and frozen fruits and vegetables
are as healthy and nutritious as the fresh varieties. The simple
answer to this question is yes. Canned and frozen fruits and
vegetables contain just as many vitamins and minerals as their
fresh counterparts, so it is fine to replace fresh fruits and
vegetables with canned and frozen varieties when fresh ones are
not available.
Fresh fruits and vegetables are often less expensive, however,
especially when they are in season. In addition, local farmers
markets and produce stands are often great sources of the
freshest, most delicious fruits and vegetables at some excellent
How vegetables and fruits are prepared is just as important as
how they are chosen. It is important to rinse fresh fruit and
vegetables thoroughly under clean running water. This step is
important in order to remove any dirt, pesticide residue or
bacterial contamination. The outermost leaves of lettuce and
cabbage should be removed, and the outside of root vegetables
like carrots and potatoes should be removed, especially if you
plan to consume the skins of those vegetables. Vegetables and
fruits should be washed right before they are used in order to
keep them as fresh as possible.
The best ways to cook vegetables in order to maintain their
freshness are to boil, microwave or steam the veggies until they
are tender and crisp. It is best to use as little water as
possible when cooking vegetables. That is because overcooking
can destroy some of the valuable vitamins and minerals the
vegetables contain.
About the author:
Tony Robinson is a Company CEO, webmaster husband and dad. In
his busy lifestyle he has placed importance on health and
fitness. Visit for good eating tips
and techniques to assist you maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Tags: Adequate Levels, Apple Orange, Author, Cancer Diets, cancer;, Canned Fruits, Company CEO, diabetes;, Disease Diabetes, Eating Fruits And Vegetables, Food Guidelines, Fruit Juice, Fruits And Vegetables, Fruits Vegetables, Good Combination, Green Salad, Healthy Fruits, heart disease;, Kinds Of Cancer, Kiwi Fruit, Lifestyle Diets, Local Grocery Store, Maintaining A Healthy Weight, microwave;, Orange Juice, Risk Of Heart Disease, Stroke, Tony Robinson, webmaster, webmaster husband and dad —
Food For Thought: Tea Is A Satisfying Part Of
Food For Thought: Tea Is A Satisfying Part Of A Healthy Diet
News Canada
(NC)Tea news continues to stir the pot in Canada. Records show we drink as many as 7 billion cups of tea each year and those who study it as a dietary factor are now telling us not to put on the brakes. Both black tea and green tea contain antioxidant plant compounds called flavonoids, which are thought to be important cancer fighting agents. This, combined with its potential benefits against heart disease plus zero calories and comparatively low levels of caffeine is a sound reason to treat oneself to one or more cups of tea every day.
And while those who drink the 7 billion cups don’t seem to need advice, still connoisseurs insist on preparation precision to make the “tea treat” even better. Here, courtesy of the Tea Association of Canada, is a 5-step process for the perfect cup of tea:
Make A Perfect Cup of Tea
1. Start with fresh-drawn cold water and bring it to a rolling boil.
2. Warm the teapot to help keep your tea hot longer.
3. Use one teabag for each two cups of tea desired. Be sure to choose a quality blend.
4. When the water has boiled, take the warmed teapot to the kettle and pour over the teabags. Stir, cover and let steep for 3 to 5 minutes.
5. Remove teabags and pour.
And don’t forget, you can get a perfect cup of tea when on the run too. In a restaurant, ask for your pot of boiling water with the “tea bag in”. Always allow your tea, no matter where you are, to steep for at least three to five minutes. Indeed, continuously dunking the tea bag may increase the flavonoid content as much as five times.
Remember, in addition to antioxidant properties, tea is an all-natural beverage with no additives, artificial flavourings or colours. It has no calories when enjoyed without milk, sugar or honey. Here are a few innovative ways to include tea in your daily meals:
At breakfast, discover how delicious a bran muffin can be with your favourite blend like Orange Pekoe, Earl Grey and English Breakfast and many more.
At lunch, use tea to flavour dressings on fruit, green, and pasta salads.
At dinner, use brewed tea as a marinade for chicken or fish and also to stir-fry vegetables. Try ice cream flavoured with a splash of tea.
At snack time, discover how green tea is an ideal refresher.
More information is available online at
– News Canada
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Tags: all-natural beverage, Antioxidant Properties, Association Of Canada, Black Tea, Bran Muffin, Canada, Canada Nc, cancer;, Cup Of Tea, Daily Meals, Diet News, Dietary Factor, Earl Grey, Flavourings, Green Tea, heart disease;, Internet media, media organization, Natural Beverage, Orange Pekoe, public relations, Quality Blend, Rolling Boil, Sound Reason, Tea Association, Tea Association of Canada, Tea Bag, Teabags,, Zero Calories —