How To Lose Pounds Fast
If you are wondering on how to lose pounds fast, then you need to be smart about it. The reason is because it can be done, however it can be a dangerous situation if you dont watch yourself.
The first thing I would want to do is find a good diet plan to go by. I would want to do some home work on the diet plan and make sure it would be the right one for me. Sometimes a friend may offer you one that worked for her; however that same diet may not work for you.
Make sure your diet consist of low fat foods. There are many types of food that are good for you however, that type of food may have a high fat percentage. Eating fruit is one way of knowing youre not eating anything fatty.
Start baking or grilling your meals, this way you can stay away from the fried foods. Things like chicken and fish can still taste great even though they are grilled or baked.
Dont think for one second that you have to give up all of the good stuff. There are plenty of low fat yogurts that are out there that are flat out awesome. Stick with that diet plan and everything should be good to go.
You cant rely on the diet alone; you are going to have to put some grunt work into it. Pick a good exercise program and get ready to work. Thats the only way you are going to see results.
To lose weight quickly while exercising, you will have to have some high energy type of work outs. There are plenty of high cardio workouts that are on the market right now that you can do from the comfort of your own home. This way is also less expensive than a gym membership.
If you dont want to sit in front of your T.V. and watch a video of people working out; then getting out and jogging could be the thing for you. Jogging can easily burn just as many calories as a high cardio work out.
Just make sure whatever exercise program you are going to do, make sure you are prepared for it. By that I mean getting checked out by a doctor to make sure you are ok to start a program.
There you have it, follow those simple rules and you can quickly and more importantly safely lose those extra pounds you want to lose.
Tags: Calories, Cardio Work, Cardio Workouts, Dangerous Situation, Diet Plan, Eating Habits, Energy Type, Exercise Program, Fish, food;, Fried Foods, Good Stuff, Grunt Work, Gym Membership, Healthy Diet, High Energy, high energy type, Lose Weight, Losing Weight, Low Fat Foods, Smart, Type Of Food, Types Of Food, Work Outs, Yogurts —

Ultimate Weight Training Exercises – For Tonning Muscle
You’ve been dieting. You’ve been doing your cardio workouts. You’ve been good, but for some reason, you’re still not happy with the way you look. You’re at or near your target weight, but you still dont look like that picture of that guy on the wall at the gym.
Now you need to start your ultimate weight training exercises. The exercises that use weights, which target specific muscle groups, toning and building the muscle you have.
Be aware, however, this is not targeting specific fat spots on your body. Spot reduction doesn’t work. Dieting and aerobic exercise should have already reduced the amount of fat in your body. The goal here is to tone the muscles that are there. Here are some trouble areas you can target and the way to do it; safely and easily.
* Arms: Stand up straight with your feet about shoulder width apart. Grab something that weighs bout five pounds (a bag of flour in a shopping bag works well). Start with your arms above your head, weight (or bag of flour) behind your head and slowly lift up until your arms are straight up and down. This works your triceps and helps to get rid of that ‘granny flab’ between your elbow and shoulder.
* Butt and legs: Again, start with your feet slightly more than shoulder width apart. Keep your back straight and bend your knees until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Hold this position for a few seconds if you can and rise back up slowly.
This exercise works and tightens your butt and hamstring muscles (the muscles running down the back of your legs to your knees). If you continue the squat all the way down to the ground, you can target your quadriceps (the front of your thighs).
* Love handles: Now you’ve heard of crunches, sit ups, and a hundred other exercises for abdominal muscles. You’ve probably also heard that they are useless. They are; at least for losing weight.
The most effective exercise you can do for toning your abs is total body resistance training. Included in this is walking or running up hills, or some kinds of machines at a health club or gym.
The key to toning muscles is not heavy weights, but rather lower weight with a higher number of repetitions. It will do you more good to lift five or ten pounds 25 times than if you lifted 250 pounds once.
There are even programs out there that show you how to lift weights quickly to raise your heart rate and get some fat reduction as well as muscle toning. It is not easy, no matter what anyone tells you. Losing weight and shaping your body is possible, but you really need to be committed to a goal. Don’t give up! You CAN make it!
This article is for informational purposes only. It is not medical advice and should not be used or interpreted as such. You should always consult a medical professional before making drastic changes to your diet and physical exercise.
Tags: Aerobic Exercise, Body Resistance, Cardio Workouts, Crunches Sit Ups, Exercise Works, Exercises For Abdominal Muscles, Flab, Flour, Healthy Diet, Losing Weight, Muscle Groups, Quadriceps, Resistance Training, Shopping Bag, Shoulder Width, Target Weight, Thighs, Triceps, Trouble Areas, Ups, Weight Training Exercises —

Losing Weight With A Home Gym
Have you ever tried to lose weight but you just do not have time to get to the gym? Do you have a better ability to work out in the comfort of your own home? If the answer is yes then a home gym would probably the best bet for you. But you will need to first know what estimation of gym equipment that you will need to purchase. But first you need to ask yourself just a few basic questions. Are you absolute that a home fitness center would work in your home? Do I have the right equipment? How expensive will it act for? These are all good questions that you must find answers for before you make the huge decision of putting a home gym in your home.
When you are trying to place a home gym in your home for weight loss it can become a huge mission to undertake. There are some basic equipment that you are positively bag to need to purchase for your weight loss program.
The Step Aerobic Step – Due to the many different functions that this step will perform for you it is a must have in your home gym. You will speak for active to use it in your cardio workouts and it will also act as a weight bench for you as well.
Alterable weight bench – If the stair step doesnt seem like it is going to work for you or you just dont like some of the functions you will want to consider the weight bench. You can use the bench for both your chest as well as your back exercises. You also have the ability to use the bench to work on your abs. The reason why you should use an adjustable bench over a straight one is because the adjustable will allow you to do both incline and decline exercises and the straight will not.
Dumbbell – You should consider a set versus inconsistent dumbbells as it will save you money. Your set should include 5, 8, and 12 pound weights. These dumbbells are made of rubber hex materials which cause that they will not roll away from you when you put them down.
Barbell Set – These along with your dumbbells will convey you the ability to have a more strenuous workout to help you lose weight a little faster.
Weight Lifting Gloves – When you are lifting weights it can produce a little rough on your hands so weight lifting gloves are a premeditated must.
Exercise Mat – This is the last piece of instrument that you will need to add to your home fitness gym. You will be competent to use your matt for things like yoga and toning exercises among others.
Now that you have your home gym set up you are agile to begin your workout routine. You need to set a goal on weight loss that works best for you. If you do this then you will be able to span your weight loss a lot quicker.
24 Hour Fitness
Tags: Aerobic Step, Barbell, basic equipment, Basic Questions, Best Bet, Cardio Workouts, Decline, Dumbbells, Estimation, Fitness Center, Gym Equipment, Hex, Home Fitness, Home Gym, Losing Weight, Pound Weights, rubber hex materials, Stair Step, Straight One, Strenuous Workout, Weight Bench, Weight Loss Program —

The Fastest Way To Lose Belly Fat
Have you been looking for the quickest way to lose belly fat? There is a program that can give you a flat stomach in just two weeks. This program doesn’t include shakes, pills or potions and the only cash outlay is $30 at your local sports store. This article isn’t about trying to sell you some magic pill; it’s simply showing you how you can lose that excess fat around the tummy.
This routine does require a stability ball that costs around $30 and you can get one from your local sporting store. These balls come in various sizes between 18 and 26 inch and you will need to choose the right size for your height. Studies have shown that people who work out with a stability ball build twice the muscle fibers as those who do regular crunches without a ball. Using a stability ball for your exercises will definitely help you to lose that excess belly fat much faster.
When you purchase a stability ball it will come with an instruction manual that will outline various exercises that you can do with the ball. The exercise instructions usually come with diagrams to illustrate how to do each exercise. In this article I will outline a couple of exercises that are great to do with the ball to help lose that fat around the stomach area.
The first exercise is called the Ball Curl. Sit on the stability ball with your hands behind your head. Next you want to roll your body down until your bottom is just off the ball and your lower back and middle are on the ball.
The next exercise is called the Pike and is a bit more complicated. Lie on the top of the ball with your legs together and the ball should be under your thighs. Keep your legs straight and then contract your abs and lift your hips up toward the ceiling, rolling the ball to the shins. Hold this for one second and then lower.
The ball is important in the plan to lose fat around the stomach but it isn’t the only tool that you need. If you really want to lose fat fast then you also want to do some cardio workouts at least three times a week. With a cardio workout you should warm up for three minutes, follow this with three minutes of regular paced exercise and then two minutes of high paced exercise. Repeat the three minutes regular and two minutes high exercises for a total of 45 minutes finishing with two minutes cooling down exercises. Cardio workouts might include running, brisk walking, cycling or a cardio machine.
Lastly, you need to reduce your intake of calories. You can exercise all you want but if you continue to eat too many calories then you’re not likely to lose any weight. You need to eat 500 fewer calories than you would to maintain your weight. So if the required calories to maintain your weight are 2700 then you should only eat 2200 to lose weight. The required amount of calories to maintain your weight will depend on your sex, height and age.
If you follow this program for two weeks you will see a remarkable difference in your stomach fat. You should lose at least an inch from your weight and lose around five pounds.
This really is the quickest way to lose belly fat!
Tags: Calories, Cardio Workouts, Cash Outlay, Crunches, Exercise Instructions, Fastest Way To Lose Belly Fat, Fat Stomach, Flat Stomach, Hips, Local Sports, Losing Weight, Magic Pill, Muscle Fibers, Potions, Quickest Way To Lose Belly Fat, Shakes, Shins, Sporting Store, Stability Ball, Stomach Area, Stomach Exercise, Thighs —