Green Tea Health Benefits Green Tea The Wonder Beverage
Herbal tea has become very popular these days. Green Tea in particular has been known to fight cancer and help in the prevention and cure of many other diseases. There have been hundreds of reviews written about green tea health benefits. Numerous testimonials about its effectiveness have been made public which have contributed to the popularity of this herbal drink.
To learn more about green tea health benefits, we have to know its roots and its content. Green tea has been used by Chinese as a staple drink for hundreds of years. It was also used by people in ancient China and India for medicinal purposes. Green Tea was used to cure simple headaches, help in digestion, aid in curing food poisoning, and many others. Chinese have been aware of the green tea health benefits for hundreds of years. Recent studies show that Chinese men who drank green tea over the years have lower rate of cancer than those who did not.
Green tea extracted from the leaves of a plant known as Camellia Sinesis is an herb that was first cultivated in China. Studies show that this plant contains a high level of catechin polyphenols called epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG. EGCG is a very effective anti-oxidant which inhibits cancer cell growth and disintegrates cancer cells. This chemical contributes to green tea health benefits because it lowers cholesterol level and prevents blood clots.
Other teas are known to have medical benefits too but green tea health benefits far exceed the rest. The basic difference of green tea from other teas is the preparation. Green tea is made from boiling fresh leaves of the plant while the also famous black tea is made from fermented leaves. The fermented leaves used in making black tea do not contain as much EGCG found in fresh leaves. The anti-oxidants found in black teas are far lesser than those found in Green teas. So far, green tea health benefits have been proven by several studies showing hard evidences.
Recent studies also show that green tea health benefits include weight loss. The anti-oxidants in green teas help speed up burning of calories. Because it is a very good anti-oxidant, it also affects weight loss as it detoxifies human system to allow proper absorption of nutrients and flushing out fats.
Another known green tea health benefit is that it prevents cavities and promotes health in the mouth. Green tea has been found to contain minerals like fluoride that fight bacteria causing cavities. The polyphenols found in the tea strengthens teeth and prevents bad breath. Some people even gargle with green tea for healthier mouth.
Green tea has been found to contain Vitamin C that protects the bodys immune system, Vitamin B components that help burn Carbohydrates, and Vitamin E for healthier and younger looking skin.
Green tea health benefits patients suffering from rheumatism. The green tea has chemicals that decrease blood inflammation which results in the prevention of arthritis. This wonder beverage has also been reported to lower blood sugar, reduce stress and prevent high blood pressure.
The green tea health benefits are indeed outstanding. To date, there have been no reports of fatal side effects and so green tea continues to be popular and in demand.
Tags: Ancient China, Anti Oxidants, arthritis;, Black Tea, Black Teas, Blood Clots, blood inflammation, burn, Camellia Sinesis, Cancer Cell Growth, Cancer Cells, cancer;, chemical;, chemicals;, China, China Studies, Chinese Men, Cholesterol Level, Diseases, Egcg, flushing, food poisoning, Gallate, Green Tea, Green Tea Health Benefits, Green Teas, Herbal Drink, Herbal Tea, high blood pressure;, India, Medicinal Purposes, Polyphenols, Prevention And Cure, rheumatism, simple headaches, Tea Health Benefits, wonder beverage —

Lymphoma Warning Signs
Panicking is never a good thing. Imagine yourself running back and forth inside your house after you felt a lump of in you armpits. It is very possible that you have lymphoma or cancer of the lymph nodes. But still going around in panic is never the answer. Early detection is very important in this situation for treatment of the cancer is more effective. But one could actually check if he or she has lymphoma by looking out for a few lymphoma waning signs. But of course, self diagnosis is never a replacement for the actual, proper and effective medical testing.
As mentioned before, one of the first warning signs that you probably would observe is the presence of lumps not only in your armpits but in your neck and groin as well. These lumps are painless and signs of enlarged lymph nodes. However, an enlarged lymph node is not specific to lymphoma. There might be other underlying conditions for the cause of swollen or enlarged lymph nodes.
Another sign is sudden weight loss. If you found yourself suddenly loosing weight without no apparent cause then lymphoma might be the reason. Although, sudden weight loss is in itself an indication that something is not right with your bodys state of health so it is imperative that you visit your doctor for a check up. In the case of lymphoma patients, however, they found themselves losing ten or even fifteen pounds over just a couple of months without doing any exercises or changing their diet or eating habits at all.
Fever is also an indication of a possible lymphoma diagnosis especially if the fever comes and goes and is like that for a long time now. Fever often comes with body infections. People often mistook lymphomas as mere infections. Again, it is reiterated that consulting your doctors when you experience such fevers is highly recommended.
Other signs include excessive sweating at night which not only is quite unique to lymphoma but is also very uncomfortable which in a way signals the person to have his body checked. People who experience this abnormal sweating behavior wake up practically drenched even if they did not have any nightmares whatsoever or fell asleep in a room with extremely hot temperature. Just like excessive sweating, feeling itchy all over is another unique symptom of lymphoma. The itchiness comes from the release of chemicals from the cancer cells.
Fatigue and loss of appetite are also quite common in lymphoma patients. People actually feel this way because the cancer cells have grown considerably that they are practically sucking most of the nutrients you get from the food you eat. And with the loss of appetite the cancer cells sucks more of the bodys nutrients thats why it is only natural that you feel weak.
The good thing about medical science is that they continue to find ways of treating various ailments and diseases. Lymphoma can be treated and with early detection the treatments are more effective with more positive results. We just need to heed the lymphoma warning signs to help patients with lymphoma get an immediate diagnosis and treatment.
Tags: Apparent Cause, apparent cause then lymphoma, Armpits, body infections, Cancer Of The Lymph Nodes, cancer;, chemicals;, Diseases, Doctors, Eating Habits, Enlarged Lymph Node, Enlarged Lymph Nodes, Excessive Sweating, Exercises, fatigue;, Fever, Fevers, few lymphoma waning signs, First Warning, food;, Groin, Itchiness, Lumps, Lymphoma, Lymphoma Cancer, lymphoma diagnosis, Lymphoma Patients, lymphoma warning, lymphomas, mere infections, running back, Self Diagnosis, Sudden Weight Loss, treatment of the cancer, Warning Signs That —

Looking Out For The Warning Signs Of Lymphoma
Lymphoma, the cancer of the lymph system, is one of the hardest diseases to deal with. This is because up until now, no cure has been discovered to appease the fear of people at risk in this type of disease. Although there are some preventive measures that are advertised to prevent cancer cells from growing, nothing can stop it fully once it has multiplied and disabled the function of specific organs in the body.
Lymph system refers to a network of interconnected nodes and thin tubes which paves the way for the white blood cells to be carried out in the different parts of the body. White blood cells are very important since these helps fight infections. When these cells are struck by cancer cells, it will affect the way the white blood cells and will lead to its dysfunction.
Lymphoma targets a part of the lymph system and it does not refer to single cancer but to a group of many cancers that are related. As of today, there are about 30 types of lymphoma including “Mantle Cell Lymphoma,” “Malt Lymphoma,” “Cutaneous (Skin) Lymphoma,” “Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma,” “Burkitt Lymphoma,” and “Primary CNS Lymphoma” among others but these types can belong to two different categories including the Hodgkin Disease and Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma.
According to experts, both categories may exhibit the same symptoms that are why the diagnosis and sets of examinations are done. But, the major difference in these two types will be noticeable depending on the person being affected.
Red flags of lymphoma
Lymphoma could be considered as a silent threat because it will take some time before its symptoms occur. And, when they do, they can be so common or “generic” thats why many people dont take it so seriously. Unless the symptoms become so noticeable and appear ever so often, that’s the only time when the person suffering from it would consider consulting a doctor.
If you are at risk, say belong to a family whose history include cancerspecifically cancer of the lymph systemthen it would be best to undergo a check up once you:
– feel painless lumps in the neck, armpits or groin. Experts say that this is the most commonand at timesthe ONLY one that is the symptom of lymphoma. Once you have enlarged nodes, it is the best time to undergo a check up. You can check if your nodes are enlarged when changing clothes or while taking a bath. You can also ask your sister or your partner to check it for you if you feel uncertain about the lumps. However, not all emerged lymph nodes are always signs of lymphoma so its better if you consult a physician to be sure.
– drastic weight loss. Once cancer cells attack the lymph system, the person will suddenly lose weight without apparent reason. In fact, once lymphoma remains undetected in the coming months, the person may lose as much as 15 to 20 pounds!
Other symptoms of lymphoma aside from enlarged lymph nodes and drastic weight loss may include continuous fever, sweating excessively specially during night time despite cold weather, and severe itchiness on almost all parts of the body which are results of special chemicals that are secreted by lymphoma cells.
Tags: B Cell Lymphoma, Burkitt Lymphoma, Cancer Cells, cancer;, cancers;, Cell Lymphoma, chemicals;, continuous fever, Cutaneous (Skin) Lymphoma, Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma, disease, dysfunction, Fight Infections, hardest diseases, Hodgkin Disease, infections, Large B Cell Lymphoma, Lymph System, Lymphoma, Lymphoma Cancer, Lymphoma Cells, lymphoma including, Lymphoma Lymphoma, Malt Lymphoma, Mantle Cell Lymphoma, Non Hodgkin Lymphoma, once lymphoma remains, Organs In The Body, Out For The Warning Signs Of Lymphoma Lymphoma, physician, Preventive Measures, Primary Cns Lymphoma, Red Flags, severe itchiness, Silent Threat, Thin Tubes, Types Of Lymphoma, Warning Signs, White Blood Cells —

How Does One Get Lymphoma?
Lymphoma is a type of cancer that affects the bodys lymph system. Contrary to its name and to what some people might have told you, lymphoma is not just isolated on the lymph nodes and thymus gland for the lymph or lymphatic system is actually composed of the bone marrow, the thymus gland, the lymph nodes, tonsils, appendix and spleen. The system filters the waste or unwanted materials like fats and bacteria from the various body tissues. The one that picks up the bodys dirt is the lymph, a clear or sometimes yellowish fluid. But the question remains, how does one get lymphoma?
Unfortunately however, the answer to that question is not a simple one. For one, despite the thousands of hours spent on medical research and laboratory testing the actual cause of the disease is still an unknown. DNA mutation is one of the possible cause of why lymphoma develops but what happens why DNA have to mutate remains a big question to the medical science community. Medical scientists, nevertheless, have found several factors that can possibly increase the risks of developing lymphoma.
As you might have already guessed, the two general factors are genetic and environmental factors. Genetics for one is still a complicated issue that most likely cannot be resolved soon with a concluding answer. Inheriting the disease cannot still be ascertained as a valid cause. However, it was found out the people with inherited immune disorders are most likely to develop lymphoma as well. Immune disorders such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and celiac disease appear to have a hand in the development of lymphoma.
Likewise, those that have immune system disorders are also at a higher risk of developing lymphoma. Those that belong to this type of disorders include patients with HIV/AIDS, Helicobacter Pylori and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). People with compromised immune systems like those with HIV/AIDS and EBV are often candidates for lymphoma as well.
On the environmental factors side, it should be common knowledge by now that various health hazards such as exposure to chemicals and radiation causes a variety of diseases, disorders or health conditions. And this includes developing lymphoma. More specifically, solvents like acetone, alcohol (yes various alcohols), xylene, turpentine, and benzene have found to associated with lymphoma.
The same can be said with chemical herbicides and pesticides which make farmers and various workers in the agricultural sector at a higher risk on developing the disease. Some hair dye products have also been found to be a significant factor to the development of lymphoma in some patients. Although, it seems that the hair dye products that shown such effects were those manufactured before the 1980s.
How does one get lymphoma? To fully answer that question means giving more time and more funding to the medical science community to do their research and testing. Lymphoma cases are not going down and definitely the disease is not something that can be eradicated in a quick span of time. But for now, we should at least try to avoid the various factors that increase our risk of contracting the disease. Prevention is still the best cure.
Tags: Body Tissues, cancer;, Celiac Disease, chemical herbicides, chemicals;, compromised immune systems, disease, Diseases, disorders, Dna Mutation, Environmental Factors, Epstein Barr Virus, hair dye products, Helicobacter Pylori, HIV/AIDS, Immune Disorders, Immune System Disorders, Immune Systems, inherited immune disorders, lupus, Lymph Nodes, Lymph System, Lymphoma, Medical Science, Medical Scientists, Patients With Hiv Aids, Radiation, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Science Community, Thymus Gland, Type Of Cancer, Unwanted Materials, Virus Ebv —