Nutritious And Healthy Uses Of Apple Juice
Nutritious And Healthy Uses Of Apple Juice
Kevin Pederson
Apple juice is good as a nutritious drink but excellent in
overcoming a liverish feeling, in helping sort out digestive
disturbances and for flushing the kidneys. Many of these health
providing properties are retained in cider vinegar, so if you
cannot obtain apples to prepare your juice you can use instead
two teaspoonfuls of cider vinegar in a glass of water.
Besides being a great cleanser, the apple juice diet purifies
the blood and is helpful for skin and liver, and as a general
tonic. After juicing, the liquid often oxidizes quickly so it is
best to store for even a short while in the refrigerator. Apples
contain some 15 calories per oz (220KJ per 100g). The vitamins
present include C, thiamine, riboflavin, nicotinic acid,
carotene, B6, biotin and folic acid.
There is a little sodium and a lot of potassium and phosphorus.
Until the 1930s apples were regarded as an important indicated
source of vitamin C. Then some scientist carried out a few
analyses which indicated very low amounts of vitamin C. It took
years for the poor apples to return to favor, for what the
chemist found out was partially true. Modem research shows a
fluctuation between 2.3mg per 100g (4oz), in the worst
varieties, to 31.8mg in the best.
Those high in vitamin C include Ribston Pippin, Golden Noble,
Reinette, Ontario, King of the Pippins, Bramleys, Beauty of
Bath, Blenheim Orange, Cox’s and jonathans. The poor providers
include Rome Beauty, Laxton’s Superb and James Grieve. Around
the low middle are such favorites as Golden Delicious and
Worcester Pearmain. Oranges and lemons are more important as
providers of vitamin C, but apples, unlike citrus fruits, have
very high mineral contents, and also pectins, malic acid and
tannic acid, all of which are of the greatest therapeutic
importance in normalizing the intestines.
About the author:
Kevin Pederson has been managing a number of natural home
remedies websites which have information on some nutritious
juices of apple which is good for diet as well as
Tags: 3mg, Apple Juice, Author, Bath, Blenheim Orange, chemist, Cider Vinegar, Citrus Fruits, Cox, Digestive Disturbances, folic acid, Golden Delicious, Home Remedies, Indicated Source, James Grieve, Jonathans, Juice Diet, Kevin Pederson, king, Laxton, Laxton's Superb, Mineral Contents, Natural Home Remedies, Ontario, Oranges And Lemons, Reinette, Riboflavin, Rome Beauty, Scientist, Thiamine —