How To Lose Your Belly Fat
You may be wondering how you are going to lose your belly fat. One of the surest ways to have a smaller belly is to diet and exercise. That’s right good old fashion hard work. And consistency is the key.
Think about it, if you want to direct your daily life and your life in the future, you must take control of your consistent actions. It’s what we do consistently that shapes our lives. Have you ever heard that saying “Daily decisions determine destiny”? It’s so true.
Have you dieted more times than you care to count? Or spent a fortune on exercise equipment, only to let it collect dust. If so, you are not alone. Familiar with yo-yo dieting or are you convinced there is a quick fix? No, unfortunately not.
Making daily healthy lifestyle changes is key. It is better to lose weight slowly. Or start exercise regimens you can build upon rather than putting yourself through major deprivation that you know you want be able to sustain for a lifetime.
To lose belly fat or any fat cut back on calories and fat grams. Calorie intake needs to be less than calories burned. It is very easy to over eat. Most people are unaware of what a true serving size is. Be sure to look at the nutritional labels. And keep a food diary.
One way to cut back on calories is to cut out sodas. Can’t live without soda? Try to switch to diet soda at least. But plain fact is your body needs water. Drink at least 64 oz of water a day. Your body needs this for hydration and to flush out toxins.
Not a morning person? Find it hard to make yourself eat breakfast? A cup of coffee will do? It is a fact that those who start their day with a low fat high protein breakfast, their metabolism burns faster. That’s what you want, a faster metabolism.
Help your body work for you. Give it the right fuel it needs. And that is low fat, high protein foods. Your body will thank you. It is true that high protein foods create more of a sense of satiety than other foods.
Let’s not forget the exercise. Are you really out of shape at this point? Not quite sure how you are going to be able to start an exercise regimen, much less stick to it? Well, you got to start somewhere. Get moving, even if it is 10 minutes here or there. It is a start.
Walking is always a safe way to get started. Going to buy groceries? Park at the end of the lot instead of circling around and around trying to find a spot close to the front. Those extra steps are a starter. Use the stairs instead of the elevator. Climbing stairs is an excellent cardio workout.
Once you get a good cardio workout established. Try adding some weight lifting to your regimen. This will help you tighten up. Whereas the cardio will help raise your metabolism and burn fat.
This whole process is a journey, its a long winding road that can go all the way to the top. That way when you look down at where you came from; you can sit back and smile
Tags: burn, Burns, Calorie Intake, Calories, Calories And Fat Grams, Cup Of Coffee, Diet Soda, exercise equipment;, Exercise Regimens, Food Diary, Healthy Diet, Healthy Lifestyle, High Protein Foods, How To Lose Your Belly Fat, Life In The Future, Lifestyle Changes, Losing Weight, Low Fat High Protein Foods, Morning Person, Nutritional Labels, Old Fashion, Plain Fact, Right Fuel, Satiety, Sodas —
Diet To Lose Belly Fat – Tips For Doing So
Diet To Lose Belly Fat – Tips For Doing So
Are you looking for a diet to lose belly fat? Belly fat is often one of the hardest places to lose fat. What will it take to get the weight off? To be successful a combination of dieting and exercise and a lifetime commitment to health.
It is common knowledge, to lose weight you must cut back on food intake. Not only cutting back your calories but eating certain foods that are high in protein will assist you in losing weight.
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. So, dont fill up on coffee; make your meal nutritious and high protein. If your asking, What difference does it make if I eat foods high in protein?
Protein rich foods will help satisfy your appetite. Protein is essential to building healthy cells. Some examples of foods high in protein is yogurt, chicken and eggs. Also, try to shave some of the fat off your diet. Opt for fat free yogurt, egg whites instead of whole eggs and remove the skin from chicken.
Eating small meals at regular intervals will help you lose weight. It will also keep your blood sugar level on a more level basis. Eating several small meals a day will decrease your appetite and aide in decreasing the size of your stomach.
Never skip meals thinking you are saving calories or you will just eat more the next meal. This will cause your appetite to increase. And more than likely increase your cravings for sweets as well. Remember, keep your goal in mind. That is to lose belly fat.
Eating before going to bed is a bad habit that you need to break. The body is not in to fat burning mode close to bed time. Bedtime is when the body takes time to recuperate from the days activity; it is when your metabolism is burning the slowest.
You will be doing yourself a great favor by cutting soda out of your diet. Regular soda is loaded with sugar.
There you have it, a few pointers on how to win your battle against the bulge. Now remember, you cant give up, because its not going to be easy and there are going to be rough times ahead.
Just have a good support system and a positive attitude and you will come out on top and have accomplished your goals and you will be looking good.
Tags: aide, Appetite, Atkins, Bad Habit, Bed Time, Bedtime, Blood Sugar Level, Bulge, Calories, Chicken And Eggs, Common Knowledge, Cravings, Diet Soda, Eating Habits, Egg Whites, food intake;, Foods High In Protein, Foods That Are High In Protein, Goal In Mind, Healthy Diet, High Protein, Lifetime Commitment, Losing Weight, Metabolism, Protein Rich Foods —
Discover A Great Way To Loose Weight Fast
If you want to loose weight fast, the first thing you need to realize is that you probably arent going to lose weight quite as fast as you want to. For some people, 2 pounds a week is fast. Anymore than 2 pounds a week generally isnt considered healthy, unless youre very overweight. If you have 15 pounds to lose and want to lose it all in two weeks, youre going to have to adjust your thinking or youre either going to be very disappointed, or youll resort to a really unhealthy method of weight loss and risk making yourself sick.
Yet, if you need to loose weight fast over a period of a few days or a week just to fit into a dress for the weekend, for instance, and you realize that if you drop pounds quickly youll likely put them back on after the weekend is over, there are some things you can do to drop a few pounds right away.
When you loose weight fast, youre losing water weight, not actual fat. So as long as you understand that your quick weight drop is really a very temporary thing thats easily undone and you dont risk your health to do it, you could be very pleased with the results.
First, stop drinking anything with calories in it. Just that alone can help you loose weight fast. No alcoholic beverages, no sugar in your coffee, no soda other than diet soda, and no fruit juice or flavored waters that have calories in them. Just this step alone can cut hundred of calories from your day. Replace those sugared beverages with water. Dont drink 64 oz of water in one sittingthat can even be dangerousbut try to get that much in slowly throughout the day.
If you really want to loose weight fast, you can drastically cut back on your calories. While 1200 calories is really just above a starvation diet, if you limit yourself to that or fewer for only a very short time like a few days, it wont harm you. Weve all had those days where were sick with the flu or we dont feel well and we eat very little. It happens from time to time naturally, so doing it on purpose for a short burst wont hurt you either, just dont decide to starve yourself as a method for long-term weight loss.
Stick to easily digested foods like vegetable soup with little fat in it. Soup can help you feel more full while youre eating so little food and take away the growling stomach that will no doubt happen at least a few times if you cut your calories back drastically. Drink seasoned broth, or clear or tomato-based vegetable soups for best results.
Avoid potatoes and starches like corn and peas. Go for broccoli, lettuce, spinach, celery, and other greens. Oranges and strawberries can help your sweet tooth. And take a multivitamin, so youll still get important nutrients while you loose weight fast.
Each of these tips will help you loose weight fast. However, you should check with your personal physician to make sure you are physically fit enough to loose weight fast.
Tags: Alcoholic Beverages, Calories, Coffee, Diet Soda, Discover, Eating Habits, Few Days, Flu, Fruit Juice, Health, Healthy Diet, little food, Loose Weight, Lose Weight, Losing Weight, Oz, People, Personal Physician, Risk, Short Time, Starvation Diet, starvation;, Temporary Thing, Water Weight, Weight Loss —
Daniel Diet Biblical Fasting As Described in the Bible
Daniel Diet Biblical Fasting As Described in the Bible
The Daniel Diet is not simply a fad diet to lose weight. Instead, it is a spiritual commitment that may result in a drop in pounds. But, first and foremost, it is designed to improve your relationship with God.
The Daniel diet is based on a verse from the Bible. Daniel 1:18 says, Daniel proposed in his heart that he would not defile himself. At the time, the Hebrews were living in exile in Babylonia. Daniel was an adviser to the Babylonian king.
The Babylonian king ate all kinds of foods restricted to Jews. This included non kosher foods, wine, and foods and drinks that had been offered to idols.
The modern day Daniel diet popularized by author and pastor Rev. Elmer Townes does not require that you follow the same program that the Biblical Daniel did.
The Daniel fast is not a full fast. You are allowed to eat whole grains, legumes, fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, and water, fruit juices and vegetable juices.
You must specifically avoid all meat, white flour or white rice, fried foods, caffeine, carbonated beverages (including diet soda), alcohol, foods with any preservatives or additives, refined sugar, high fructose corn syrup, chemical sugar substitutes like equal, and margarine, shortening or any product with animal fats.
Before you begin the diet part of the Daniel fast, you need to prepare spiritually through prayer. Make a commitment to stay on the diet for a specified period and publicize it by writing it down and telling your family, friends and faith partners what you have promised God you will do.
You will also need to prepare yourself physically for the diet. If you are addicted to caffeine, it is a good idea to wean yourself off of coffee or soda for two weeks before starting the Daniel diet. Also, begin reducing meat consumption ahead of time so that this is not a shock to your system.
The length of time you stay on the Daniel Diet depends on you. Remember, this is not primarily a weight loss plan but a spiritual redemption. Some people make a commitment to stay on the fast for the rest of their lives. Many churches are doing a church-wide Daniel fast for 21 days encompassing 4 Sundays. This stems from a 21 day fast that Daniel recounted in Daniel chapter 10. Other people fast for the entire 40 days of Lent. However, you can do the Daniel fast for as little as 7 days and see results.
Some people report that they do a one day a week complete fast as a sacrifice to the Lord.
Here are some tips to help you be successful on the Daniel Diet.
1.Be specific about the amount of time you will spend on the diet.
2.Use the fasting as a spiritual commitment not a weight loss plan.
3.Use your external discipline to reflect your internal desire.
4.Pray and ask God to show you what sins role is in your physical problems.
5.Use your fast as a testimony to others.
6.Use your fast to learn the effects of the food you eat on your body.
7.Give praise to God for whatever successes you have on the Daniel Diet.
Tags: adviser, Animal Fats, Author, Babylonian King, Carbonated Beverages, chemical sugar substitutes, Daniel Diet Biblical Fasting As, Diet Soda, Diet To Lose Weight, Elmer Townes, Fad Diet, Faith Partners, food;, Fructose Corn Syrup, Fruit Juices, Fruits Vegetables, High Fructose Corn, High Fructose Corn Syrup, king, Kosher Foods, Living In Exile, Meat Consumption, Pastor Rev, Relationship With God, Spiritual Commitment, Vegetable Juices, Whole Grains —