Eliminate Red Meat
If you’re thinking of changing to a vegetarian diet, how do you start? Do you just start shopping in the produce aisle of the grocery store? You might have some anxiety attached to this change as well, and this is understandable.
Try to think of this as adding to your dietary habits, rather than a drastic change. If your diet has consistently included red meat, perhaps you can start substituting other foods for the red meat. Or eliminate the most processed and high-fat meats first, such as bacon and hamburgers. Certainly try to eliminate fast food burgers, which have such a high fat and sodium content. If you think you’ll miss the taste of bacon in the morning, try substituting a turkey or vegetable-based bacon substitute. It won’t be the same, but you won’t be giving up the foods you’re used to all at once.
If you’ve had a health scare and feel the need to change everything at once, make sure you include a lot of variety in the foods you buy as you begin to discover new flavors and textures that you’ll like to replace the ones you’re used to eating. If you don’t need to make a dramatic change all at once, you’ll have a much greater chance of long-term success if you take it slow.
Reduce the amount of red meat that you eat on a weekly basis, even if it means substituting pasta with marinara sauce for meat just one night a week. Increase the amounts of fruits and vegetables you eat. Start with raw vegetables at night before dinner so you’re not so hungry when you get to the main meal. Start reversing the proportions of meat and vegetables and make meat a side dish, with vegetables and grains your main course.
We’re creatures of habit and resistant to change. This is why so many diets fail, because we make drastic changes to facilitate dramatic results, quickly. This is a decision and a change you want to make for a lifetime. Make it a natural and gradual change and you can look forward to many more years of healthy living.
Tags: Bacon Substitute, Burgers, Creatures Of Habit, Dietary Habits, Dramatic Change, Dramatic Results, Drastic Change, Drastic Changes, Eating Habits, Fruits And Vegetables, Grocery Store, Hamburgers, Health Scare, Healthy Diet, New Flavors, Produce Aisle, Raw Vegetables, Red Meat, Side Dish, Sodium Content, Term Success, Vegetarian Diet —

Velle Oats helps Healthy Weight Maintenance
Velle Oats helps Healthy Weight Maintenance
Ram Kishore
The world today is facing an alarming health problem with
obesity. Overweight among people is result of bad dietary
habits, lack of exercise and a sedentary life-style. The main
cause though is poor diet. Keeping a low fat, high fibre diet is
one way of countering weight problems. Oats is an excellent
organic food that helps maintain a healthy weight and is
essential in a long-term health diet. More and more people are
becoming health conscious and turning to meatless, low
cholesterol foods, which has led to the recognition of oats a
natural food in the fight against obesity.
By consuming Oats and its ingredient Beta-glucan a person can
maintain a healthy weight.
*B-glucan present in Oats delays the stomach from emptying
contributing to a longer feeling of being full. *The high fibre
in Oats help you feel fuller longer but without providing any
calories. *The presence of B-glucan in the small intestine
slows down the nutrient absorption process leading to a longer
feeling of satiety. *Oats assists weight maintenance and
reduction by increasing the amount of fat discharged in the
faeces. *When consumed with other organic foods the effects of
Oats B-glucan are even stronger.
For more info please visit: Nutritious diet. The website
is in Russian language so people who know Russian can understand
the goodness of oats and its impact on health.
About the author:
My name is Ram Kishore & I have total exp. of 2 yrs. in article
writing realted to the halth & fitness field.
I prefer giving my thoughts to other people so that they can
enjoy the healthy & fit life.
Tags: Author, Beta Glucan, Dietary Habits, Faeces, Fitness Field, Health Diet, High Fibre Diet, Long Term Health, Losing Weight, Low Cholesterol Foods, Natural Food, Nutrient Absorption, Nutritious Diet, Oats, obesity;, Organic Food, Organic Foods, Poor Diet, Ram Kishore, Realted, Russian Language, Satiety, Sedentary Life Style, Small Intestine, Weight Maintenance —

Tips to prevent heart disease and lead a healthy
Tips to prevent heart disease and lead a healthy life
Mike Spencer
One of the greatest ailments that endanger your healthy life is undoubtedly the heart disease. As per statistics provided by the American Heart Association, 62 million Americans suffer from some form of cardio-vascular diseases like heart attack, high blood pressure and congestive heart failure. Close to, a million such cases per year turn fatal. Heart disease is the number one killer in the U.S. and about 1/3 of the deaths from heart disease could be prevented by a way of a better dietary habit.
Without analyzing the cause, you cannot prevent the effect. One of the prime catalysts of heart disease is the free radicals. Contrary to the belief, margarine, which you may think is preventing heart disease (thanks to widespread advertisements), is much more harmful than butter. The process of margarine preparation involves heating oils to very high temperatures. Such a high temperature transforms the oils into free radicals.
One of the best foods you can have is the egg.
The egg yolk contains about 250 mg of cysteine, a variety of amino acid. This cysteine is instrumental in the elimination of free radicals.
Another common cause of heart diseases is cholesterol.
However, the interesting fact is that bulk of the cholesterol is synthesized within the body itself and not taken as part of the diet. Cholesterol is a soft buttery substance. It joins hands with calcium and cause hardening of the arteries that results in heart disease.
We consciously avoid some fat-rich food, like butter in order to avoid heart disease. However, this notion is grossly incorrect. The real culprit for poor heart health is sugar rich processed food. For instance, let us observe the dietary habits of the Eskimos. They consume large quantities of blubber – a highly fat-rich food. Yet, the instance of heart disease in them is minimal, unless fizzy drinks and French fries influence their food habits.
Excess weight begets heart disease.
Therefore, you need to check your diet. However, you should remember that being overweight is the problem, not eating fats. Some essential fats like Omega 3 fish oil has healing power.
Surprisingly 150 years ago, heart diseases were almost unheard of. Some vested interests have made heart disease proliferate. The people, who manufacture drugs for heart disease, stand to gain enormously when a detected patient has to consume drugs for the rest of his/her life. What is worse, your doctor is also befooled by the drug manufacturers in the name of educating them.
Prescribing drugs is rooted to faulty medical education of the doctors. It is a pity that less than 2% time of a Harvard Medical school student is spent in learning preventive medicine and a minor slice is devoted to nutrition.
One of the well-known surgeries in this heart disease field is the bypass surgery. Contrary to what you know, bypass surgeries fail to lengthen your life span than those who go without it. Unfortunately, 2% to 4% of the cases of bypass surgery turn fatal on the operation table itself.
Respectable medical journals have started stating the truth – bypass surgery does not result in increase of life expectancy. Bypass surgeries do not attack the cause of the problem, merely attempting to repair damage. It leaves chances for falling pray to heart disease again. Only about 2 inches of the blood vessels are repaired without addressing the problem of hardening of the arteries.
Much to your horror, another bigger fraud exists than the bypass surgery. It is the heart drugs. Cholesterol drugs reduce the cholesterol to some extent, but it never prolongs your life. The most important adage in this context is prevention is better than cure. In order to prevent heart disease, be vigilant on your diet. Avoid fizzy drinks and calorie-rich fried food (but that doesnt mean fat).
Consumption of cholesterol drugs in order to prevent heart disease has ugly side effects. Instead of prolonging life, these drugs aid in shortening your life span. A study in Finland on heart disease shows that the probability of people suffering a heart attack is 46% higher for those who are regular consumers of cholesterol drugs.
The mantra is to go for a heart-friendly diet, prevent being obese and exercise regularly. Lend your heart a helping hand in combating heart disease.
For more detailed information on preventing heart disease and recommended products visit:
Mike has been helping people protect their health for several years – through exercise and nutrition. The heart and circulation system is the most important, and all good health programs need to start here. Let Mike guide you in getting started.
Tags: American Heart Association, Bypass Surgeries, Bypass Surgery, calorie-rich fried food, Cardio Vascular Diseases, Congestive Heart Failure, Dietary Habits, Egg Yolk, fat-rich food, Fatal Heart Disease, Finland, Fish Oil, Fizzy Drinks, Food Habits, Free Radicals, French Fries, Hardening Of The Arteries, Harvard;, heart attack;, Heart Disease Thanks, heart disease;, Heart Diseases, Heart Failure, high blood pressure;, High Temperatures, medical education, Mike Spencer, Poor Heart, Preventing Heart Disease, Processed Food, Rich Food, Surgeries, United States; —

The milk factor in healthy teeth
The milk factor in healthy teeth
All parents want their children to have beautiful smiles… showing off healthy teeth. It’s a sense of achievement to know they have raised healthy and happy children. And good dental health means looking after your teeth to prevent tooth decay and gum disease.
MOST parents are aware that one of the ways to keep teeth healthy is by brushing regularly but what many are not aware of is the important role diet can play in good dental health. As the saying goes “we are what we eat”.
Adequate nutrition, particularly during the early years, is important for tooth development, eruption and maintenance, as well as for salivary gland function.
Many mothers are not aware that most of a child’s teeth are already formed by the time the baby is born. So it is essential for pregnant mothers to get enough of the required nutrients, especially calcium. This can be obtained from drinking milk or taking calcium supplements.
Young children also need lots of calcium to support the continuing growth of their jawbones and permanent teeth. How is calcium contributing to strong teeth? First, as the teeth form and mineralise, they need adequate calcium and phosphorus to form a hard structure. This takes place over a long period of time. Having an adequate amount of calcium and phosphorus during growth is critical for healthy teeth.
Recent research indicates that mothers’ food choices, by influencing their children’s dietary habits, impact the eruption of primary teeth during the first three years of life and future development of dental caries.
Second, calcium makes jawbones strong and healthy too. Jawbones need to be strong as they hold the teeth in place. There is no denying that milk is a good source of calcium and this is why milk plays an important role in building healthy teeth.
Other than calcium and phosphorus, milk also contains vitamins A and D. vitamin A is important for maintaining the mucous membranes of the mouth and Vitamin D promotes calcium absorption for healthy bones, teeth and growth of the jaws.
Choosing the right food for children helps strengthen their teeth but giving the wrong food too often will affect their dental health. Most parents can easily relate sugary foods to tooth decay. The decay process begins when the bacteria in the mouth breaks down components of saliva. These components adhere to tooth enamel. This is the start of dental plaque.
Dental plaque is a clear, gelatinous material that allows bacteria to remain on the teeth. If dental plaque is not removed frequently (at least once a day) by proper brushing and flossing, the plaque becomes tightly attached to the tooth and only mechanical cleaning can remove it.
This is why frequent visits to a dentist and regular, thorough cleaning by a dental hygienist is very important. Inside this dental plaque, the bacteria ferment dietary carbohydrates for a food source. This fermentation produces lactic and other acids. These acids demineralise the tooth enamel.
As the tooth demineralises, bacteria move into the tooth, decay begins and a cavity is formed. Therefore, to reduce the risk of tooth decay, it is important to minimise sweet and sticky foods and drinks.
About the Author
Tags: Adequate Calcium, Adequate Nutrition, Author, Calcium Supplements, D Vitamin, dental caries, dental hygienist, dental plaque, dentist, Dietary Habits, food choices;, Food Source, food;, Good Dental Health, Good Source Of Calcium, Gum Disease, Happy Children, Healthy Teeth, Jawbones, Many Mothers, Permanent Teeth, Pregnant Mothers, Primary Teeth, Role Diet, Salivary Gland, Tooth Decay, Tooth Development, Vitamin A, Vitamin D, wrong food —