What To Do If I Can t Lose Weight
Youve dieted, youve exercised, and you feel like no matter what you do you can t lose weight. Many people say that no matter what theyve tried they cant seem to drop any of their unwanted pounds. Though the problem is the same, the reasons for having so much difficulty losing weight usually vary from person to person. Just like the same way of eating might not work as well for some people as it does for others, the problems associated with weight loss are bound to be different for many different people, too.
If youve been following a diet plan and still can t lose weight, you need to look very carefully at the diet and see if its really one that can work. Youll need to look at things like how many calories you eat a day on the plan, and whether your diet seems to be heavier in things like fat or dairy products, or whether it leans the other way and focuses mostly on fruits and vegetables.
If the amount of calories youre eating every day seems reasonableenough to keep you healthy but low enough to let you burn fatyet you can t lose weight while eating this way, its likely that the type of diet just doesnt suit your metabolism. If the diet is calorie-focused and allows things like white bread, flour, potatoes, pasta and sugar, trying cutting down on those items. Maybe the diet is too high in carbohydrates for you and thats sabotaging your efforts. Experiment to see if you start losing weight.
If the diet is already low carb and you can t lose weight on it, then maybe its gone too far in the other direction. Are you eating lots of red meat, fried foods, oil and other fats like butter? Some low-carb diets claim you can eat these foods in almost unlimited amounts, but thats simply not true. All that fat adds up to hundreds of calories, and no matter how few carbs you eat, a calorie is still a calorie. It can be very easy to eat too many calories per day if youre eating fatty meats, nuts or if you have lots of oil in your diet.
If your diet really seems healthy, with lean meats, lots of vitamin-rich fruits and vegetables, some diary and little sugar or flour and you still can t lose weight, then you could be eating too few calories and causing your metabolism to slow. Or youre eating much more food than you think you are. Look at all the little snacks you have throughout the day, no matter how healthy they are.
Try keeping a journal and writing down everything you eat each day, including anything you drink that has calories in it like soda or coffee with cream. If you can t lose weight because youre eating more than you think, a week or so of logging the details of your diet should start to show you where those extra calories are sneaking in.
Tags: Amount Of Calories, Bread Flour, Calories, Calories Per Day, Carbohydrates, Carbs, dairy products;, Diet Plan, Eating Habits, Fat Calories, Fatty Meats, food;, Fried Foods, Fruits And Vegetables, Fruits Vegetables, Healthy Diet, How Many Calories, Losing Weight, Low Carb Diets, Metabolism Diet, oil;, Person To Person, Red Meat, Unwanted Pounds, White Bread —
How To Lose Weight With A Diet For Gout
How To Lose Weight With A Diet For Gout
Have you ever slammed a car door on your fingers? Have you experienced the hot, searing, excruciating pain that shoots through your hand, which radiates through out your whole body, when you do this? If you have then you have a small idea of what gout suffers go through for hours at a time.
If you are overweight you are a prime candidate to get hit with a sever case of gout. This article will explain how to lose weight with a diet for gout.
By the way the information contained in this article is not medical advice, nor should it be taken as medical advice. It is for informational purposes only. As always with a physical illness you should consult your personal physician right away. Please! read on.
Gout is a type of arthritic illness which occurs in your bodys extremities such as the fingers, elbows, knees and toes. Uric acid is the cause of gout and when there is excessive uric acid in the bloodstream, crystal deposits form in your joints which causes swelling, redness and excruciating pain.
You may be one of the thousands upon thousands of people who thought gout was a thing of the past. However, it is alive and well in today’s overweight society. Obesity is one of the primary contributors which can cause this painful attack on your joints.
In the old days gout sufferers used to have to drastically modify their diet to relieve and prevent gout symptoms. However modern day medicine has eliminated this requirement. Regardless of medications however, it will help you to undergo some diet restrictions so as to reduce your weight and the severity of the gout attacks.
Do you eat a lot of meat, especially red meat? If you do it will help you to shed those extra pounds by restricting yourself to 6 ounces of meat per day (preferably chicken or fish). In addition it will reduce the chances of a gout attack occurring. This is due to the purines found in meats. If gout sufferers eat a lot of food containing purines (a chemical) then uric acid can form, leading to gout.
Other foods that are particularly high in purines are:
dried beans
dried peas
Where possible these foods should be avoided when following a diet for gout.
There are many other diet tips that can help to minimize the occurrence of gout and help you lose weight while doing so. These are just a couple of suggestion which may help you. Again check with your doctor to make sure it’s ok to use these tips.
The avoidance of alcohol is an important factor for you to keep in mind. Excess alcohol affects the removal of uric acid from your body. A gout attack supplemented with alcohol can go bad very quickly, as hyperuricemia can occur. Ideally alcohol should be completely eliminated by all gout sufferers.
Drinking a lot of water can have a positive effect on gout as water helps in the removal of uric acid which is what gout sufferers need. Furthermore, as you know water will help you to digest your food more thoroughly and help too flush the excess from your body.
Weight is an issue that needs to be addressed. Excess weight puts extra stress on the joints and drastically increases the chance of gout and hyperuricemia. Sensible weight loss which avoids excess purines is the correct way for gout sufferers to lose weight without increasing the risk of illness. High protein diets can be dangerous as most protein comes from meat and fish. Also avoid low carbohydrate diets; instead maintaining a balance of various nutrients.
There are many low purine foods that can make up the majority of the diet for gout sufferers and the overweight. These include:
1.Low fibre breads and cereals
3.Fruit juice
4.Low fat cheese
6.Peanut butter
7.Soups (without meat)
9.Dark berries
If you are an avid meat eater you may find it hard to adjust to a virtually meat free diet. Consider tofu as a meat alternative. It has a rough texture and is filling like meat.
As you can see a diet for gout is a healthy diet, which can also help you to lose weight.
Tags: arthritic illness, Car Door, Cause Of Gout, chemical;, Crystal Deposits, Diet For Gout, Diet Restrictions, Excessive Uric Acid, Excruciating Pain, Extremities, food containing purines, food;, Gout, Gout Attacks, Gout Sufferers, Gout Symptoms, illness, Knees And Toes, Low Carbohydrate Diets, Medical Advice, obesity;, old days gout, Overweight Society, pain;, Personal Physician, Physical Illness, Prime Candidate, Purines, Red Meat —
Discover A Proven Truth Low Cholesterol Foods Can Save Your
Discover A Proven Truth Low Cholesterol Foods Can Save Your Life
Did you know you could be committing suicide and didn’t even know it? “You’re crazy! I’m not committing suicide.” You say. You are if you’re eating foods loaded with cholesterol. It’s a proven fact that high cholesterol foods can shorten your life span by years. When you continue to eat these high cholesterol foods, you kill yourself a little more each day. For you and your family, its important to get your bad cholesterol levels to a safe and life sustaining level.
Eating foods low in cholesterol, with a well balanced meal plan, is essential to lowering your cholesterol levels. The problem that most people face is that they lead busy lives. This leads to many of us grabbing junk food when hunger strikes. Its important to choose healthy low cholesterol foods over fast food. It will help if you make sure to pack healthy snacks when on the go. Perhaps most of all it is imperative for you to prepare low cholesterol foods at home.
When you eat low cholesterol foods, such as lean red meat, chicken and fish; you will start to see your bad cholesterol levels drop. You can balance your meals out with fresh vegetables and fruits. Often times when you follow a diet, which is low in cholesterol, you may begin to lose weight. Along with the weight loss you may also experience a higher energy level, mental alertness and less stress with the balanced diet.
Not all low cholesterol foods require preparation. If you are not sure how to cook low cholesterol meals, you can easily look up various menus online. Fruits, vegetables and nuts are both good examples of foods that can help lower cholesterol and require little or no preparation. Since many of these types of food require no cooking, it’s quite easy to pack them for snacks throughout your day. In addition instead of grabbing, fries and burger for lunch, you can carry a fresh chicken salad, balanced out with yogurt and fruit.
Another way to help lower your cholesterol is to make sure you drink plenty of water. Not only will the water help keep you hydrated, it will help to flush the excess cholesterol from your body along with other impurities. In addition the water helps to keep all of your bodily functions working at peak efficiency. Which means your body will tend to produce more of the good cholesterol (LDL) instead of the bad (HDL).
When you eat a diet with plenty of low cholesterol foods you also build up your immune system. This makes it easier to fight off disease. In fact eating a diet rich in low cholesterol foods is good for you all around. Plus when you lower your overall cholesterol levels you are less likely to develop heart disease, atherosclerosis (fatty deposits in artery walls) or to have a stroke.
Eating foods like oats and fiber are excellent for a good balanced diet. These foods are great to keep you looking young and feeling great. While you are learning to eat properly make sure that you include your family. Children learn their eating habits from their parents. Lead by example and show your kids how great it is to enjoy healthy foods, like fruits and vegetables, rather then cookies and ice cream.
Eating low cholesterol foods as an overall diet is a great way to lower your cholesterol. Thats not the only benefit however. You will also feel more energized and healthy. Due to low cholesterol food being healthy you will look better and feel younger.
Tags: atherosclerosis, Bad Cholesterol, Balanced Diet, Balanced Meal Plan, Chicken Salad, Cholesterol Levels, Committing Suicide, disease, energy level;, food;, Fruits Vegetables, Healthy Snacks, heart disease;, High Cholesterol, High Cholesterol Foods, Higher Energy, higher energy level;, Junk food;, Life Span, low cholesterol food, Low Cholesterol Foods, Lower Cholesterol, Lowering Your Cholesterol, Meat Chicken, Mental Alertness, Red Meat, Stroke, Types Of Food, Vegetables And Fruits —
The benefits of healthy nutrition
The benefits of healthy nutrition
John Gibb
Question: What are some of the benefits of healthy nutrition? What makes a healthy diet worth it?
The effects of having a healthy nutritional diet are innumerable. The human body needs various nutrients and minerals to keep it functioning in tip-top shape, and the only way this can be accomplished is by maintaining a healthy diet including vitamins and minerals. These nutrients are necessary to the body for three different reasons; they are crucial for obtaining energy, helping your body grow, and repairing worn out tissues. If your diet lacks certain necessary vitamins, your health may suffer. Therefore, the primary benefits of healthy nutrition are mainly that it keeps your health up.
A sound nutritional schedule is recommended by doctors when a patient is inflicted with any of a number of diseases. Keeping your nutrition up when afflicted with such diseases as cancer or aids can be key to your survival.
Question: How can I make my diet more nutritious?
For a balanced and nutritious diet, it is recommended to cut down on red meat consumption. Also, consumption of dairy foods, desserts, refined foods, tea, coffee, alcohol, and all types of oil except olive oil should be kept to a minimum. Olive oil is a powerful anti oxidant, which we take daily within our diets.
Most people do not get enough vegetable proteins. These can be great for your health, and eating such foods as whole grains, lentils, beans, nuts, fresh vegetables and fruits, or soy based products is highly recommended. In addition, you need to pay careful mind to your daily mineral intake. Vitamins and minerals help your body operate on a more sound schedule, and a lack of these precious materials can really show in your health and well-being.
The benefits of healthy nutrition combined with a steady vitamin regimen are the keys to keeping your body in the best shape possible. There are multi-vitamin supplements that can greatly aid in your quest for sound health.
Why not look in to a product that meets all of the above and more. Total Balance
from Xtend-Life Natural Products is well worth looking in to. We have been using this supplement and have noticed a general sense of well being. Our energy levels have also improved, and we generally feel more positive than ever before.
We have searched around for many multi ingredient supplements, and to be honest, haven’t even come close to finding a supplement that can give these types of quality ingredients at the prices they offer.
About the Author
John Gibb manages http://www.nutritional-supplement-guides.com
The site dedicated to health nutrition
Tags: Anti Oxidant, Author, cancer;, Dairy Foods, Diseases, energy levels;, energy;, Healthy Diet, Lentils, Meat Consumption, Mineral Intake, Multi Vitamin, Necessary Vitamins, Nutritional Diet, Nutritious Diet, oil;, olive oil;, Precious Materials, Red Meat, Refined Foods, such diseases, Tea Coffee, Vegetable Proteins, Vegetables And Fruits, Vitamin Regimen, Vitamin Supplements, Vitamins And Minerals, Whole Grains —