Weight Loss Calorie Counter
As amazing as it may seem, there are still new diets coming out all the time. You would that by now the real “secret” would have been found and that there would be no need for new diet plans; however, that’s just not the case. Believe it or not the “secret” has already been revealed, and a weight loss calorie counter can really help.
So what is this secret that has already been exposed? It is that the only way to lose weight is to burn more calories than your body stores. That’s it. Every diet is nothing more than a variation on this idea. In reality, there are no new diets being released. Instead, there are new gimmicks being released, and these gimmicks are designed to disguise the real secret of losing weight.
Now that we know the only way to lose weight, we have to figure out how to make that happen. The trick is figuring out a way that works best for us, and using any tools we can that will help us get rid of some extra weight. A weight loss calorie counter is one of those tools.
You really can’t reduce the number of calories you’re taking in until you know how many you’re taking in now. In other words, you need a benchmark of some kind; a starting point. A lot of people think they have a pretty good idea of how many calories they eat during the day, or during any given meal, but study after study has shown this idea to be false. Most people do not do a very good job of estimating their caloric intake.
If you are serious about wanting to lose weight then you have to take responsibility for what you’re eating. However, if you don’t know how many calories are in your food, then how can you keep track of what you’re eating? The answer is that you can’t. But you can’t use that as an excuse to eat whatever you want. You need to find a way to keep track, and a weight loss calorie counter is the way to do it.
You can get a calorie counter book, get an app, or go online to find the information you need. It’s easier than ever to find the calorie content of just about every food, but that also means there are no more excuses. None of these options will work unless you make use of them.
Another benefit of calorie counters is that you can easily compare foods before you eat them. As we pointed out earlier, people are not very good at estimating calories, so you are sure to find a few surprises when looking up various foods. However, it’s much better to be surprised at the facts than it is to assume you’re eating right when you’re really not. So, grab a weight loss calorie counter now and you will be pleasantly surprised at the results you see.
Tags: Benchmark, Body Stores, Caloric Intake, Calorie Content, Calorie Counter, Calories, Diet, Diets, Eating Habits, Excuse, Extra, Gimmicks, Good Job, Healthy Diet, How Many Calories, Lose Weight, Losing Weight, Variation, Weight Loss —

Perricone Three Day Diet
There is no doubt about, the Perricone 3 Day Diet is one of the hottest eating plans to come along in quite some time. To stand out from the crowd, a diet needs to be different than other diets, and it also needs to offer a benefit that others aren’t offering. The Perricone Diet’s biggest advantage is that it helps people to look younger.
The diet gets its name from the famous dermatologist, Dr. Nicholas Perricone. His specialty is making people look as healthy and young as possible. He received a noticeable increase, as did his 3 day diet, when he appeared on Oprah. While Oprah may now be off the air, people are still realizing the benefits of Perricone’s diet.
How the Perricone 3 Day diet achieves this is by reducing inflammation. Most people only think of inflammation when they experience an injury, but the truth is that inflammation has an impact on many different parts of the body, and we are often completely unaware of the inflammation. If you twist an ankle, then what you will experience is acute inflammation. It hurts, but it is usually temporary. The bigger health risks stem from chronic inflammation. One of the results of chronic inflammation is visible aging.
What Dr. Perricone realized was that our diet plays a large role in the level of inflammation in the body. Therefore, if you eat a diet that limits or reduces inflammation, then it stands to reason that you would start to see positive effects; such as younger looking skin. One thing that surprised people on the diet was that they not only looked better, but they also lost weight; even though that was not the primary purpose of the Perricone 3 Day Diet.
To see the best results, it is vital that you stick to the program exactly. That means no skipping items, no substitutions and no additions.
When you first wake up you drink 8 to 12 oz. spring water.
For breakfast, you will have:
1 egg, plus 3 egg whites ; or 4 to 6 ounces broiled salmon
4 oz. cantaloupe
1/2 c. cooked oatmeal
1/4 c. fresh or frozen berries
8 to 12 oz. spring water.
For lunch you will enjoy:
4 to 6 oz. of grilled salmon; or a can of tuna (in spring water)
2 c. romaine lettuce topped with 1 T. extra virgin olive oil and lemon juice
4 oz. cantaloupe
1/4 c. fresh or frozen berries
8 to 12 oz. spring water.
Afternoon snack:
2 oz. sliced chicken breast (low sodium)
4 raw hazelnuts (unsalted)
1 medium green apple
8 to 12 oz. spring water.
For dinner you get:
4 to 6 oz. grilled salmon
2 c. romaine lettuce topped with 1 T. extra virgin olive oil and lemon juice
1 c. steamed spinach, asparagus or broccoli drizzled with a bit of olive oil
4 oz. cantaloupe
1/4 c. fresh or frozen berries
8 to 12 oz. spring water.
After dinner snack:
2 oz. turkey or chicken breast (low-sodium)
1/2 green apple or pear
3 to 4 olives or almonds
8 to 12 oz. spring water.
Tags: 3 Day Diet, Acute Inflammation, Broiled Salmon, Cantaloupe, Chronic Inflammation, Dermatologist, Diets, Dr Nicholas, Dr Perricone, Eating Habits, Egg Whites, Health Risks, Healthy Diet, Losing Weight, No Doubt, Noticeable Increase, Oatmeal, Oprah, Oz, Perricone Diet, Quite Some Time, Salmon, Spring Water —

Electronic Calorie Counter
With all of the various diet contraptions, books and fads that have been released over the years, it would be easy to think that nothing new could be added to the mix. Well, new things related to weight loss are coming out all the time, but the real question is whether or not they are useful. One such item that has people wondering is the electronic calorie counter.
It’s perfectly natural to think of new diets, exercise equipment or supplements as the key to losing weight, but don’t forget about gadgets. An electronic calorie counter is one gadget that can come in handy when you want to lose some weight.
An electronic calorie counter is actually a kind of computer. The newest models are more compact, making them easier to carry, more convenient and more discrete. In other words, it’s the kind of gadget that you are really going to use. Think about that for a moment–how many diets or pieces of exercise equipment have you tried with the best of intentions; only to stop using them much quicker than you ever planned? When that happens you are making your weight heavier and your pocketbook lighter.
So, what does an electronic calorie counter do? The short answer is that it depends on what model you get. The most basic counters will list the nutritional composition of thousands of various foods. That alone can be really useful when you need to know what’s in the food you are eating, but maybe you are looking for more than that. These are basic models, but the good news is that they tend to be the cheapest.
If you want to go with the next level of electronic calorie counter, then look for models that allow you track what you eat during the day. This diary function will help you to stay on the right track, and will prevent you from trying to remember everything you ate. There’s something about seeing the cold, hard facts in front of you that helps you stick to your food plan.
The high-end models combine all of these features but also allow you to update the information online. For example, if a fast food restaurant adds a new item to their menu, or a new breakfast cereal comes out, the counter will add those items to its database. Some models also allow you to add foods of your own. This can be especially handy if you like to do home cooking or eat foods not typically found in calorie counters.
Either way, an electronic calorie counter is a wise investment in your health. You won’t have any more questions about the foods you eat, and you will also have the information you need to make better choices. All of those things are going to help you to take of the weight you want and keep it off.
Tags: Best Of Intentions, Calorie Counter, Cold Hard Facts, Contraptions, Diary, Diet, Diets, Eating Habits, Electronic Gadget, exercise equipment;, Fads, Food Plan, Gadgets, Healthy Diet, Losing Weight, Models, Next Level, Nutritional Composition, Pocketbook, Short Answer, Supplements, Weight Loss —

3 Day Tuna Diet
You would have to be living in a cave to not be aware that there are a lot of diets out there. All of them make claims about how much weight you can lose, and each one is a bit different. One of the more popular diets to come out recently is the 3 Day Tuna Diet. There are many good reasons for choosing this eating plan over others.
If you have looked into other diets, then chances are that you have noticed that many of them list tuna as a food you can eat. To be fair, tuna can be high in sodium and fat, but if you get it packed in spring water, then you can keep the calories under control. Other than that, tuna is inexpensive, convenient and an excellent source of complete protein.
Even though tuna stands as a good food on its own, the 3 Day Tuna Diet is about losing weight quickly. As the name says, it only lasts for three days, so it’s not meant to be followed as a long-term weight loss solution. It’s best used as a way to drop some weight before an event of some kind, or as a way to jump start a longer term weight loss plan.
While everybody is different, and results will vary, some people have reported a weight loss as high as six pounds while on the diet. A word of caution is in order. It is generally recommended that you lose no more than one or two pounds per week, so six pounds in three days would typically be thought of as risky. For this reason, you should talk to your personal doctor before going on the 3 Day Tuna Diet.
There are actually two variations of the diet: strict and less strict. The strict version fully lives up to its name. When doing the strictest version of the diet, you eat nothing but tuna and drink nothing but water for three days. Again, this should never be done for more than three days, and then only after getting the okay from your doctor. The silver lining is that you can eat as much of it as you wish, so you shouldn’t have to worry about getting hungry. It won’t be easy, so don’t kid yourself, but it will be effective if you can stick with it.
The less strict version of the 3 Day Tuna Diet adds a few more foods to the menu, and is therefore better balanced nutritionally; though tuna still figures heavily in what you’ll be eating. Breakfast includes 1/2 cup tuna and 1/2 large grapefruit. Lunch is 1/2 cup tuna and salad made of greens only, and drizzled with extra virgin olive oil for dressing. Supper is 1 cup tuna and 1 cup each of two different vegetables.
That’s the 3 Day Tuna Diet in a nutshell. It isn’t a long-term diet solution, but it can be used on occasion when you need to lose weight quickly.
Tags: 3 Day Tuna Diet, Atkins, Calories, Caution, Diets, Eating Habits, Fruits And Vegetables, Good Food, Healthy Diet, Long Term Weight Loss, Losing Weight, Many Good Reasons, Nothing But Water, Personal Doctor, Protein, Silver Lining, Sodium, Spring Water, Strict Version, Two Pounds, Variations, Weight Loss Plan, Weight Loss Solution —