Are There Really Any Healthy Eating Diets
There is no doubt that the market place is filled with countless programs that claim to be the last word in healthy eating diets. One plan may allow you to eat all of the whole grains and vegetables you want, while the next may all but eliminate them. The problem is that there is no way they can all be right, and not all of them can be wrong; this leads to confusion, and this confusion is often all the excuse people need to not try any healthy diet at all. How are you supposed to tell which ones are good or bad; and which ones should be avoided versus which ones are worth trying?
What may surprise you is that some of the most popular diets are not necessarily the most healthy. The truth is that a lot of them are based around a gimmick of some kind, and the rest of the diet relies on some basic principles found in all healthy eating diets. This creates the illusion that the gimmick makes it work, but the harsh reality is that the gimmick is often the least healthy aspect of such diets.
Still, it’s hard to convince people that a certain diet doesn’t work. There is a lot of psychology that goes along with it, but the simple explanation is that these people are invested in believing their diet of choice works, and that the gimmicky portion is the secret. However, there are many people who don’t resort to fad diets to get healthy. Instead, they develop a well-balanced plan of their own by taking the best elements from several healthy eating diets.
One of the fad diets to make a big splash recently was the low-carb diet. These diets really did work for a good number of people. How they worked, and whether they’re a good long-term option remains debatable, but they did work. The catch is that there are very few people that should b restricting carbohydrate intake to this degree. Sure, it’s a good idea to get rid of the “bad” carbs found in white flour, white rice and sugar, but it’s not a good idea to give up the “good” carbs which are high in fiber and loaded with nutrients that can’t be found anywhere else.
So, a low-carb diet may help somebody to lose weight, but it can’t really be counted among healthy eating diets because it falls short on fiber as well as various important nutrients. But, somebody can take a part of the typical low-carb diet and use it to create some of their own specific plan.
Of course there are tons of other diets that say you should do this or do that, or not to do it at all. But healthy eating plans don’t have to rely on gimmicks, they simply rely on common sense. Instead, it’s just a matter of eating a variety of wholesome foods and keeping them on balance, and in this day and age, that may be the biggest gimmick of all.
Tags: Atkins, Bad Carbs, Carb Diets, Carbohydrate Intake, Choice Works, Confusion, Eating Habits, Fad Diets, Fruits And Vegetables, Gimmick, Good Carbs, Harsh Reality, Healthy Diet, Healthy Diets, Illusion, Last Word, Losing Weight, Low Carb Diet, No Doubt, Popular Diets, Term Option, Vegetables, White Rice, Whole Grains —

Facts About Organic Green Tea
If you haven’t yet heard, green tea offers a wide variety of health benefits. One of the reasons that green tea is generally better than black tea is the way it’s processed. Both types come from the same plant, but black tea is fermented, while green tea is simply dried. This allows it to retain a lot more of its naturally occurring compounds. Then there is organic green tea, which doesn’t use chemical fertilizers or pesticides. In theory, that makes it even better for you, and people who drink it say it has a more fresh and aromatic quality than the regular kind.
While the use of strictly organic green tea goes back before written history (everything was organic then, right?), it may go back over one hundred thousand years. There is no doubt that the medicinal effects of the plant have been well-known by people in China long before scientists and medical researchers started looking into it. One of the earliest known uses of tea–apart from being a beverage–was to treat wounds and control bleeding.
These ancient cultures didn’t understand the chemistry of tea leaves, but they were still able to see the positive effects it had on their health. Today, scientists know a lot more about what makes tea tick. Among the main compounds found in green tea are catechin polyphenols, an antioxidant that packs a wallop. It has been shown to reduce the formation of blood clots, kill or inhibit some cancer cells and lower bad cholesterol. Drinking green tea is like opening up a medicine chest provide by Mother Nature herself.
But what is it about green tea that makes it so good for you? After all, there are many different varieties of tea, and all of them come from the same plant. That’s our first clue as to what makes green tea special. All tea may be derived from the same plant, but what makes each kind different is how it’s processed. Black tea, for example, is fermented before it reaches the consumer. This allows some of the beneficial nutrients to leech out during processing. Green tea, on the other hand is simply dried. Then you pour hot water over the tea leaves and that’s all there is to it. This minimal use of processing keeps many more of the healthy nutrients intact.
You have already read some of what organic green tea can do, but there are even more things it does: cavity prevention, boosts immunity, lowers blood pressure, helps bone density and aids indigestion. The other big thing it does is help with weight loss. It does this by reducing how much cholesterol and fat the body absorbs, helps you feel fuller and increases metabolism. Green tea contains some caffeine, so keep that in mind if you are sensitive to it. That being said, with all it has going for it, green tea is one thing just about everybody should add to their daily routine.
Tags: Ancient Cultures, Antioxidant, Bad Cholesterol, Beneficial Nutrients, Black Tea, Cancer Cells, Chemical Fertilizers, Different Varieties Of Tea, Earliest Known Uses, First Clue, Green Tea, Health Benefits, Hundred Thousand, Losing Weight, Medical Researchers, Medicine Chest, Mother Nature, No Doubt, Tea Leaves, Varieties Of Tea, Wallop —

Abdominoplasty Recovery Good Bad And Ugly
You have this little pooch belly that just will not go away no matter what you do and you are wondering how long it takes for an abdominoplasty recovery if you choose to have one done. Recovery usually will take at least six weeks. So be prepared to have a few minutes of extra time on your hands.
Abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck, is major abdominal surgery. Do not let anyone tell you any different. Make sure you have a good understanding of the procedure and all the pros and cons that go with it. Do some research before you talk to your doctor and find out about the procedure and make a list of questions you have so you get all the answers you need. Talk about complications that are possible and what to do if you experience any of them.
Now, it would be a good idea to make arrangements with a family member or friend to help you with things that need to be done for several days after the surgery during the abdominoplasty recovery period. You will not be much for being up and moving around. In fact, you will not even be able to stand up straight so the things you normally would take for granted like getting dressed or cooking a meal will be out of the question for the time being. It would be a good idea to stock up on essentials before you even go in for the surgery but, if something gets overlooked then family or friends will be happy to get whatever it is for you, I’m sure.
Also be sure to ask family or friends if they mind being available to get your prescriptions filled. The doctor performing the procedure will no doubt prescribe a good narcotic pain reliever as well as an antibiotic to prevent infection. You should plan ahead for the possibility of constipation as well. This can happen with the surgery itself and also with taking a narcotic pain reliever, so take a stool softener for at least three days prior to the surgery because the doctor will advise you not to strain to go to the bathroom after surgery.
Abdominoplasty surgery is no laughing matter. You will be incapacitated for a while after the surgery. If you plan ahead then you can alleviate some of the potential boredom that will come with the sudden lack of activity you will experience during the recovery. During this time please be sure to follow any and all of your doctor’s orders. If you try to do too much then you risk injury and infection.
Doctor’s orders will include how soon you can bathe after surgery, how often you should change your bandages, care and cleaning of the drain tubing and pouch, any lifting restrictions and any activity restrictions and even instructions on how soon you can begin having sex again, too. As with all surgeries there are possible complications. The most prevalent of which may be bleeding. If you experience any excessive bleeding during your abdominoplasty recovery then call your doctor immediately.
Tags: Abdominal Surgery, Abdominoplasty, Abdominoplasty Recovery, Abdominoplasty Surgery, Antibiotic, constipation;, Extra Time, Family Member, Few Minutes, Good Understanding, Least Three Days, Narcotic Pain Reliever, No Doubt, Pooch, Prescriptions, Pros And Cons, Recovery Period, Six Weeks, Stool Softener, Tummy Tuck —

Abdominal Liposuction Getting Rid Of The Stubborn Fat
You are working out and doing everything right. The goal weight is in sight and your motivation is in high gear. You can see it and you want it bad. Just one thing though, your belly. Your belly is the only thing that isn’t cooperating and you are thinking that when you are at your goal weight you might consider abdominal liposuction.
Abdominal liposuction will give you the flat belly you have always wanted by taking out the rest of the fat that is left behind that just won’t go away no matter what you do and stretching the skin. Seriously, if you have worked so hard to get where you are now then why not take this last step to give you the look you really want. Think about it, you could get rid of the most stubborn fat and have the doctor help you show off the hard body you have worked so hard to get back.
So now that you have made the decision to get this procedure done the only thing left to do is find the right doctor to do the job. Where do you find the best doctor? Ask around. You no doubt know someone who has had some work done and they can get you started in the right direction. Once you have a short list of two or three then you need to do some homework and check their references, ask to see before and after pictures of procedures they have done and most of all meet them and talk with them to see if you like and can trust them with your body.
If you find one that you can like and trust at the same time then you are off to a good start. Make sure you have them take you through the procedure so you understand what you are in for. Make sure you understand everything they are saying and if you do not then ask questions. Do not leave anything to chance.
Your skin can stay elastic for only so long and then it remains a little stretched out of shape. There is obviously more skin than you need so the excess is cut off and your belly button will have to be moved then the surgeon sutures the incision closed. You will not be able to even stand up straight when you get home so be prepared. You should be given a prescription for pain control so be sure to take it when you need it. He or she may even prescribe an antibiotic to help prevent infection.
If your skin is not so saggy then you may only need the liposuction. Done with a laser, the laser also tightens the skin as they go so you will not need a tummy tuck at all. The option is there, though, if you need it. If you do not need a tummy tuck with your abdominal liposuction then you may not need a stronger pain reliever than acetaminophen but it is best to ask for something a little stronger just in case.
Tags: Abdominal Liposuction, Belly Button, Best Doctor, Doctor Job, Find Doctor, Flat Belly, Goal Weight, Homework, Incision, Left Behind, Liposuction, Losing Weight, Motivation, No Doubt, Right Direction, Shape, Stretching The Skin, Sutures —