Healthy Weight Loss Tips

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Thinning Down: Do You Need A Gastric Bypass For It?

Thinning Down: Do You Need A Gastric Bypass For It?

Obesity is an increasing problem in the world today. It can’t be avoided because of our current environment of fast food and sedentary lifestyles. So what can you do about your ever-expanding flab?There’s always the constant call for exercise and dieting however, sometimes even that is not enough. This is when surgery comes in and a gastric bypass can be needed.

First of all, let’s talk about what exactly is a gastric bypass. Have you ever heard of a heart bypass? This is when surgeons stitch up you arteries to avoid the clogged vessels of the circulatory system around your heart. This is also what happens in a gastric bypass, although the operation involves your digestive system rather than your blood vessels. What the surgeons do is make your stomach smaller by making a pouch at the top of the stomach. This neatly halves your stomach capacity. Then, the surgeons would connect your small intestine to this pouch, skipping a part of it. These two changes contribute to increased weight loss by lower food capacity and lesser calorie absorption over all. Weight loss would accelerate over a three to six-month period, until your body manages to adapt to the lower energy intake.

The question that most doctors ask before they have someone undergo all of this is very simple: do you really need it? Most doctors advise patients seeking a gastric bypass to exhaust all other forms of weight-loss options before doing this operation. It may be the safest option but it is still major surgery on a sensitive part of your body. These is still a chance for complications to set in both during and after the operation. Doctors also screen any patient wanting to have a gastric bypass you may not have a gastric bypass if you have not been obese for more than five years, are alcoholic, experiencing a psychiatric disorder and you have to be between 18 to 65 years of age.

If the patient has exhausted all other options and is eligible for a bypass then the doctor outlines exactly what happens after the bypass is done. After the surgery, the patient will stay in observation for the next three days to check for complications. He won’t be eating anything solid for awhile to let the pouch in his stomach heal. After discharge, he will also be under a rigid, progressive diet that would take him from liquid foods to solid foods in twelve weeks. The patient will also be experiencing the effects of lower energy intake: headaches and bodyaches, along with lower energy levels.

He will also have to take vitamin supplements since the part of the small intestine that is being skipped by the bypass is predominantly in charge of getting the appropriate vitamins and minerals from the food not all, of course, but a significant portion of the recommended daily allowance. The long-term effects are also there. A lower stomach capacity means you may vomit or feel abdominal pains if you eat too much or too fast.

It sounds extreme, but still, a lot of gastric bypasses are done each year it’s up to you to decide whether it is worth the risk.

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Why Weight Loss Through Xenical Is Good For You

Have you noticed lately that a lot of people who want to shed some pounds also are interested in weight loss Xenical? The phenomenon is hard to miss. All you have to do is go somewhere public, such as the grocery store or the mall and undoubtedly, you will hear people wanting to buy this supplement or at least talking about it.

How about you? Do you want to lose weight, too? If you are a bit on the overweight side and have been encountering problems, such as social stigma or health complications, then maybe you should. Now is a better time than ever to consider losing weight.

There are a lot of roads on which you can travel to lose weight. If you are the “au natural” type of person, you can always make use of a good exercise plan and eat healthy food. If you are the type who wants to cut things short, you can always have a surgery of sorts, such as liposuction or a gastric bypass.

However, if you are the type of person who does not have the time and/or money to spend on exercing, dieting or making a beeline for the surgeons clinic, you can always have weight loss via Xenical.

So how does weight loss through Xenical work? The answer is simple. You see, one of the main reasons why people gain weight is because they eat food rich in fats and calories. Due to the increased supply of fat, which also happens to be more than what the body needs, they end up storing fat that they do not need nutritionally.

With Xenical, around a third of the fat that you take in are blocked from being digested and absorbed via your digestive system. Thus, organs such as your stomach, intestines, etc. work on your side to prevent the retention of unsightly fat.

To further help you lose weight, Xenical will then carry the undigested fats out of the body. In short, by losing weight through Xenical, not only will you prevent any add-ons to your fat storage, you will also be excreting fat, too. To give you a clearer image, losing weight using Xenical means an increase in bowel movements.

Many women say that they easily lose weight using Xenical. With the way the supplement works, why shouldnt it be? Aside from losing weight easily, Xenical also will require little effort from you to shed off those unwanted pounds. Theres no need for you to exercise–or to even work up a sweat. However, to get the maximum effectiveness of weight loss Xenical you should combine it with healthy eating and an exercise program.

Aside from this, losing weight through Xenical also will save you from spending too much money. Yes, you will be spending money in order to buy the supplement, but thats it. You wont have any of those skyrocketing doctors’ bills as you do with surgery. With weight loss through Xenical, you sure will have the easy way out.

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Instant and Long-Term Weight Loss with Gastric Bypass Surgery

Want to lose weight but afraid to go under the knife? Listen up. Your long-time battle with the bulge will end for good with one solutiongastric bypass surgery. It involves changing the digestive system to change your appetite; that way, you eat and digest less amount of food. Aside from the significant weight loss, the surgery also helps minimize the risk of developing obesity-related diseases.

Also called the Roux-en-Y surgery, the procedure primarily entails making a walnut-sized pouch at the upper stomach and putting a bypass around a portion of the small intestine and the stomach. Consequently, the food you eat bypasses most of the stomach and restricts the ability of your digestive system to take in calories. Hence, the term bypass surgery. Surgeons perform this operation using a small tube called a laparoscope that creates small incisions in the abdomen.

A small video camera is attached on the instrument, and this device enables the surgeon to see the inside of the abdomen. The laparoscopic technique is generally preferred over the traditional open bypass surgery that makes large incisions in the abdomen. Compared to the open bypass surgery, the laparoscopic technique is less risky and less painful because of the small incisions. Also, it results in shorter recovery period.

The procedure starts with the stapling of the patients stomach at the top to seal this area off from the rest of the stomach. As a result, the sealed portion or the pouch will be able to contain only an ounce of food. Separated from the entire stomach, the pouch is then connected to a small part of the small intestine. To be able to achieve that, the surgeon cuts a small part of the small intestine and sews it onto the pouch.

The surgery is not for everyone, though. There are certain risks involved; and a prospective patient must understand them before undergoing the surgery. If you plan to undergo the weight loss surgery, consult a surgeon and ask all your concerns regarding the procedure. Usually, the surgeon explains the things you should expect during and after the surgery.

Before the surgery, you will be given anesthetics to keep you asleep during the operation. The anesthesia is usually in the form of an intravenous (IV) line or analgesics. During the procedure, the surgeon inserts a tube into your nose down to the top of the stomach. To heal the staple line on the stomach, the tube is joined to a suction machine that empties the stomach pouch after the surgery. The surgery lasts for about two to four hours, but you will need to stay in the hospital for around three to five days for recovery.

Expect some diet and lifestyle changes after the weight loss surgery. One to three days after the procedure, you will not eat anything to allow your stomach to heal. Then, for about three months, you will follow a diet that starts with liquids, progresses to soft and pureed foods, and lastly to regular foods. You will have to be cautious with your food intake because eating huge meals can cause extreme pain under the breastbone and vomiting.

Also, you will notice some changes in your body and behavior three to six months after the gastric bypass surgery. These include dry skin, hair thinning, fatigue, body pains, and mood swings. These will be your bodys reactions to the quick weight loss resulting from the surgery.

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Healthy Supplements: A Healthy Option?

Healthy Supplements: A Healthy Option?
Kay Zetkin

Do you have a pretty demanding and busy lifestyle? Are you part of the general population that has put itself into a health crisis due to poor eating habits and inadequate exercising? The neglect of taking some high demand needs by your body may just be the very cause of many illnesses you are suffering right now. Well, then it might be time for you to consider taking healthy supplements as a regular part of your diet.

Many conditions manifest itself that can be attributed to the lack of certain nutrients in the body. But now, more and more people are taking control of their health by finding the best supplemental support for their body. The campaign with regards to cleaning up the environment and the natural way of doing things made way for alternative medical treatment soaring in the health care market. Natural herbs and supplements play an important ingredient in these alternative medical treatments. Many are also willing themselves to be aware of how their body functions naturally and supply it with the right kind of healthy supplements. These are the situations that make healthy supplements as a household phenomenon.

If you ask mothers nowadays on what their important stocks of home medical supply are, chances are they will give you a list of supplemental drugs, vitamins and minerals and herbal concoctions stored up in their medicine cabinets.

Women with menopause of PMS symptoms have been known to find relief through intake of natural supplements. Irritable bowel syndrome sufferers have found relief by adding supplements in their diets. Are you one of those considering healthy supplements, too? Are you suffering from symptoms that are keeping you from maintaining a good mood? Do you tire easily nowadays and find that your weight and digestive system is unsettled? You might find the effective solution to end your troublesome health problems by adding the proper health supplement to your home medical supply.

Here are some examples of healthy supplements that you may consider taking:
1.d-LENOLATE Olive Leaf Extract for improving of immune system
2.Astragalus antibiotic
3.Dandelion root extract help with kidney function and fluid balance
4.Pregnenolone improve mood and memory

For every deficit the body might have, be sure that there is a supplement formulated to help in relieving it.

Aside from poring over books over herbal remedies and helpful healthy supplements, the internet also about hundreds of supplements available for you to research over and purchase. Making yourself more updated on the natural supplements available that is guaranteed to relieve you of various diseases and illnesses is a sound way of having the finest health. If you are knowledgeable enough about certain trustworthy alternative treatments, you can also be prepared to discuss it with your doctor and request for options. That way, your doctor is also aware of the alternatives you should use and what you might both expect out of it.

Worried about getting the wrong interaction if you combine prescription drugs with natural supplements? Then it is also a must to inform yourself more on the alternative method of treatment youre interested on taking. You might even find that some supplements are just what you need in order to increase the effectiveness of the prescription drugs youre taking.

So, theres nothing to doubt about! Keep yourself well informed on natural alternative remedies and healthy supplements. Try out some if you feel that it would improve your condition. Then, dont forget to keep in contact with your doctor or health care provider. -30-

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About the Author

Kay Zetkin discovered the pleasure of writing through her daily journals as a teen-ager. Writing in it helped sort out her thoughts, relieve her feelings and record what she observes of the world.

For her, writing is an effective tool to express your viewpoints… To write is already to choose, thus, writing should be done along with a critical mind and a caring soul. She hopes to become more professional, skilled and mature in her craft.

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