Exercise And Healthy Eating To Lose Weight The Easy Way
Exercise And Healthy Eating To Lose Weight The Easy Way
Obesity is at record levels, and people are dying because of it! Hopefully that got your attention. It seems as though we are constantly being told just how bad the problem of people being overweight is, and the trend seems to be going up. At the same time, there are people who are interested in exercise and healthy eating to lose weight. Unfortunately, far too many of them don’t lose any weight, and some end up weighing more than when they started. What follows are some ways to keep this from happening to you.
The basic formula for calories is that 3,500 calories equals one pound of body weight. In other words, if you take in that many calories, you will gain a pound; if you burn off that many calories you will lose a pound. There are some slight variations based on the foods you eat and what activities you do, but this simple formula is good to know.
Now, looking at the math, we can see that 3,500 divided by the 7 days in a week works out to 500 calories per day. Therefore, if you can get rid of an extra 500 calories each day, you will lose a pound. You can do this through any combination of taking in fewer or burning more calories. For example, if you would take in 300 fewer calories and burn 200 more calories, then that would add up to 500, or a loss of one pound per week.
Eating healthy so you can lose weight means eating the right kinds of foods and choosing foods that are lower in calories. If you are exercising as part of your effort to lose weight, then you will actually be able to eat a bit more so you can fuel your body for its workout. However, don’t use exercise as an excuse to eat whatever you want. You still need to watch what you eat if you want to get rid of those extra pounds. But burning more calories through exercise will allow you to eat more than if you were sedentary.
Exercise and healthy eating to lose weight go hand-in-hand in another way. How? Well, exercise has been shown to increase metabolism. First, it will increase it while you are working out, and for a short while after you’re done. Second, muscle burns more calories than fat, so the more muscle you have, the more calories you’ll burn, even when you are at rest. Having your metabolism boosted means you will be burning the calories you eat at a faster pace. If you have any high-calorie items on your diet menu, then eating them close to your workout will help your body burn it off more quickly.
Not all exercise is created equal when it comes to losing weight though. Resistance exercises, such as weight lifting, are better at building metabolism boosting muscle tissue. The reason is that muscle needs to constantly receive fuel, even when you are resting, but fatty tissue does not. So, as you can see, exercise and healthy eating to lose weight is about attacking the problem from two angles, and making the right choices.
Tags: Bad People, Being Overweight, Calories, Calories Exercise, Calories Per Day, Easy Exercise, Eating Habits, Eating Healthy, Eating To Lose Weight, Excuse, Extra 500, Fewer Calories, Healthy Diet, Healthy Eating To Lose Weight, Lose Pound, Losing Weight, Math, obesity;, Trend, Variations, Workout —
Essentials To Health And Fitness
Living a life of health and fitness is hard but it is not impossible. In fact, with discipline and commitment, you can actually change your habits and finally get rid of those habits that affect your health.
Below are some of the things that we feel are important parts in the road to a better and healthier you. Read on and see if you have any of them or are doing most of them.
1. Serious commitment If you really want to change your life and get rid of habits that you have for so long been doing, youve got to want it real bad. You need to really commit on it to ensure that you will see the plan through. There are a lot of people who start eating healthy and living healthy who will fall back to their old ways after some time. Dont be like those people. Starting and stopping will only serve to deflate your spirits and make you believe that you can never really do it. Start when you feel that you really want it bad enough and you can really do it. Will power can be really amazing. It can make miracles.
2. Support system Changing old habits whether foregoing with a bad diet or quitting a vice, is hard but when done with people who live and support you, the task can be easier and more manageable. This is the reason why diets and programs for quitting alcoholism and smoking have support system programs within their organization. People who share your experiences whether or not they are undergoing the same things as you are will help encourage you to continue with the goals that you have set.
3. Avoid temptations Without the will power to avoid temptations, your plan to change will constantly be derailed. It is important that you remain in control when it comes to the changes that you want to do for yourself. But this however is not something that is easy to do. There will be lots of instances when you will be truly tested and most people will fail the test. They will go back to their old habits once, and then twice and then thrice until they completely forgo with their plans for a healthy lifestyle.
To avoid this, you should first stay clear of the temptations. If you have friends for instance who influence you to not eat and not live healthy, dont go with them for the meantime especially if you know that you will only be tempted when you are with them. You should also avoid going to places that you know will tempt you to go back to your old ways.
4. Reminders People who are constantly being reminded of how they should proceed have better chances of making it through the program than those who are just doing it alone. This works in the same way as the support system but even better because in this instance, you have somebody who really point out to you what you should be doing. Sometimes, we go back to our old ways not because we want to but because it is something that your bodies are already so used to. So if you want to really change your ways and live a life of health and fitness, have somebody you trust and respect with you all the time.
Tags: Alcoholism, Change Your Life, Diet, Diets, Discipline, Eating Habits, Eating Healthy, Experiences, Health And Fitness, Health Fitness, Healthy Diet, Instances, Life Fitness, Miracles, Old Habits, People, Quitting Smoking, Reason, Spirits, System Programs, Temptations, Will power —
Healthy Eating Summed Up
Healthy Eating Summed Up
Dr. Jamie Fettig
Eat food that is:
1. Fresh
2. Pure.
The benefits of junk food are not worth the hidden price you have to pay.
Remind yourself “why” you are eating healthy daily
These Myths are NOT true:
Eating Cholesterol does not increase your cholesterol levels
Salt does NOT cause High Blood Pressure
Eating Fat does NOT make you fat
All refined carbohydrates are hazardous to you
Artificial sweeteners of all kinds are not good for you
All vitamins and supplements are NOT created equal
Diet Food really does taste bad. True Healthy food is good.
Healthy food is easier in the long run.
Junk food really is bad for you
About the Author
share all of these in more detail in my free e-course. Go to http://www.HealthyEatingDiet.com to get the full e-course. Dr. Jamie wants to help give you Permanent Results with his “non-diet.” He is also giving you dozens of valuable free gifts to “ethically bribe” you into helping him make his new book, “The Ultimate Non-Diet” a #1 best seller. For details on the book go to: http://www.TheUltimateNonDiet.com/free
Tags: Artificial Sweeteners, Author, Best Seller, Cholesterol, Cholesterol Levels, diet food;, Dozens, Dr Jamie, e-course, Eating Habits, Eating Healthy, food;, Free Gifts, Healthy Diet, Healthy Eating, Healthy Food, high blood pressure;, Jamie, Junk food;, Myths, NOT cause High Blood Pressure, Refined Carbohydrates, Vitamins And Minerals, Vitamins And Supplements —
Healthy Eating Myths Shattered
Healthy Eating Myths Shattered
Dr. Jamie Fettig
Salt does Not Cause High Blood Pressure. Some things you need to know first to fully understand blood pressure, as well as helping you to understand about many other things in your body: The difference between average and normal.
Average is a mathematical statistic. Dont let that big M word scare you. All average means is that you add up all the totals you have and divide by the number of totals you added. This gives you an average of the group of numbers.
Normal is what is right for an individual, or what is common or appropriate for each particular person.
What the medical profession does is make the average normal. They measure a bunch of peoples blood pressure, divide the added totals by the number of people they measured, and come up with an average blood pressure. And then they say this is the normal blood pressure for everyone.
I will let you in on a little secret. If you had the blood pressure I have at this exact moment, you would probably pass out. If you had the same blood pressure standing as you did sitting, you would probably pass out. Your blood pressure changes all the time, all day long. Your normal blood pressure needs to be different than everyone elses. You need the right blood pressure for you at the right time. If you had the average blood pressure all the time, you probably would be dead by now.
So what do you do with this? Take all the numbers the doctors give you with “a grain of salt.” Just because their charts show that you should be in this range does not mean you actually should. You are different than everyone else. Your normal might be outside of the range of average that they go by and still be perfectly healthy for you.
So your high blood pressure might very well be normal for you. And if it is actually too high for your normal, salt really has nothing to do with it.
Again the medical profession came up with a theory and never really tested it before they released it as truth on the world. Someone said that salt attracts water, and blood has water in it. So if you get rid of some of the salt in the blood, then there will be less water in the blood as well. And if there is less volume of blood, the pressure will have to be less. That was their theory and they began telling people to eat less salt thinking it would lower peoples blood pressure. No real tests, no real studies, and yet believed to be true by many.
Here is the real proof it is garbage. Try and find one person whose blood pressure decreased because they quit eating salt. You will be very hard pressed to find one person. Because eating less salt does not lower your blood pressure. Just like a Diuretic, medications that cause you to release more water than your body wants to from your blood through your kidneys, is often prescribed to attempt to help lower blood pressure. And again, I dare you to try and find people who this has helped.
You see, the body is so much smarter than we are. Many more internal factors go into what your blood pressure is than how much water you have in your blood. Your Blood pressure is a function of your blood vessels, the stuff in your blood, the muscles in and around your blood vessels, your heart, and so much more. If you force water out of the body, your body will compensate in other ways to keep your pressure at your unique normal. Your body knows best where your blood pressure should be. And until you change one or some of the internal factors (and medications do not count) your body will do everything in its power to keep things where they are at.
Want something that is free and easy that decreases the blood pressure significantly for many people who actually do it? Drink Water. It often is as simple as that and here is a perfect example of why. Imagine some really thick ketchup and trying to suck it through a straw. Versus if you put a bunch of water in the ketchup and mix it up and suck the ketchup through the straw. Does it take more or less pressure to suck the watered down ketchup through a straw? It takes less pressure. Similar with your blood. If your blood is thick and sludgy because you are dehydrated, your body will increase your pressure to force the blood through the little itty-bitty vessels and capillaries.
Actually, your blood pressure is more than this. And drinking water does so much more than make your blood thinner so it flows through the vessels easier. Whatever the reasons, drinking water often lowers peoples blood pressure.
About the Author
Go to http://www.HealthyEatingDiet.com to get the full e-course. Dr. Jamie wants to help give you Permanent Results with his “non-diet.” He is also giving you dozens of valuable free gifts to “ethically bribe” you into helping him make his new book, “The Ultimate Non-Diet” a #1 best seller. For details on the book go to: http://www.TheUltimateNonDiet.com/free
Tags: Author, Average Blood Pressure, Blood Pressure Changes, Doctors, Dr Jamie, e-course, Eating Habits, Eating Healthy, Exact Moment, Fettig, Grain Of Salt, Healthy Diet, Healthy Eating, high blood pressure;, Jamie, Mathematical Statistic, Medical Profession, Myths, Normal Blood Pressure, NOT cause High Blood Pressure, Right Time, Truth —