Perricone Three Day Diet
There is no doubt about, the Perricone 3 Day Diet is one of the hottest eating plans to come along in quite some time. To stand out from the crowd, a diet needs to be different than other diets, and it also needs to offer a benefit that others aren’t offering. The Perricone Diet’s biggest advantage is that it helps people to look younger.
The diet gets its name from the famous dermatologist, Dr. Nicholas Perricone. His specialty is making people look as healthy and young as possible. He received a noticeable increase, as did his 3 day diet, when he appeared on Oprah. While Oprah may now be off the air, people are still realizing the benefits of Perricone’s diet.
How the Perricone 3 Day diet achieves this is by reducing inflammation. Most people only think of inflammation when they experience an injury, but the truth is that inflammation has an impact on many different parts of the body, and we are often completely unaware of the inflammation. If you twist an ankle, then what you will experience is acute inflammation. It hurts, but it is usually temporary. The bigger health risks stem from chronic inflammation. One of the results of chronic inflammation is visible aging.
What Dr. Perricone realized was that our diet plays a large role in the level of inflammation in the body. Therefore, if you eat a diet that limits or reduces inflammation, then it stands to reason that you would start to see positive effects; such as younger looking skin. One thing that surprised people on the diet was that they not only looked better, but they also lost weight; even though that was not the primary purpose of the Perricone 3 Day Diet.
To see the best results, it is vital that you stick to the program exactly. That means no skipping items, no substitutions and no additions.
When you first wake up you drink 8 to 12 oz. spring water.
For breakfast, you will have:
1 egg, plus 3 egg whites ; or 4 to 6 ounces broiled salmon
4 oz. cantaloupe
1/2 c. cooked oatmeal
1/4 c. fresh or frozen berries
8 to 12 oz. spring water.
For lunch you will enjoy:
4 to 6 oz. of grilled salmon; or a can of tuna (in spring water)
2 c. romaine lettuce topped with 1 T. extra virgin olive oil and lemon juice
4 oz. cantaloupe
1/4 c. fresh or frozen berries
8 to 12 oz. spring water.
Afternoon snack:
2 oz. sliced chicken breast (low sodium)
4 raw hazelnuts (unsalted)
1 medium green apple
8 to 12 oz. spring water.
For dinner you get:
4 to 6 oz. grilled salmon
2 c. romaine lettuce topped with 1 T. extra virgin olive oil and lemon juice
1 c. steamed spinach, asparagus or broccoli drizzled with a bit of olive oil
4 oz. cantaloupe
1/4 c. fresh or frozen berries
8 to 12 oz. spring water.
After dinner snack:
2 oz. turkey or chicken breast (low-sodium)
1/2 green apple or pear
3 to 4 olives or almonds
8 to 12 oz. spring water.
Tags: 3 Day Diet, Acute Inflammation, Broiled Salmon, Cantaloupe, Chronic Inflammation, Dermatologist, Diets, Dr Nicholas, Dr Perricone, Eating Habits, Egg Whites, Health Risks, Healthy Diet, Losing Weight, No Doubt, Noticeable Increase, Oatmeal, Oprah, Oz, Perricone Diet, Quite Some Time, Salmon, Spring Water —

Diet To Lose Belly Fat – Tips For Doing So
Diet To Lose Belly Fat – Tips For Doing So
Are you looking for a diet to lose belly fat? Belly fat is often one of the hardest places to lose fat. What will it take to get the weight off? To be successful a combination of dieting and exercise and a lifetime commitment to health.
It is common knowledge, to lose weight you must cut back on food intake. Not only cutting back your calories but eating certain foods that are high in protein will assist you in losing weight.
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. So, dont fill up on coffee; make your meal nutritious and high protein. If your asking, What difference does it make if I eat foods high in protein?
Protein rich foods will help satisfy your appetite. Protein is essential to building healthy cells. Some examples of foods high in protein is yogurt, chicken and eggs. Also, try to shave some of the fat off your diet. Opt for fat free yogurt, egg whites instead of whole eggs and remove the skin from chicken.
Eating small meals at regular intervals will help you lose weight. It will also keep your blood sugar level on a more level basis. Eating several small meals a day will decrease your appetite and aide in decreasing the size of your stomach.
Never skip meals thinking you are saving calories or you will just eat more the next meal. This will cause your appetite to increase. And more than likely increase your cravings for sweets as well. Remember, keep your goal in mind. That is to lose belly fat.
Eating before going to bed is a bad habit that you need to break. The body is not in to fat burning mode close to bed time. Bedtime is when the body takes time to recuperate from the days activity; it is when your metabolism is burning the slowest.
You will be doing yourself a great favor by cutting soda out of your diet. Regular soda is loaded with sugar.
There you have it, a few pointers on how to win your battle against the bulge. Now remember, you cant give up, because its not going to be easy and there are going to be rough times ahead.
Just have a good support system and a positive attitude and you will come out on top and have accomplished your goals and you will be looking good.
Tags: aide, Appetite, Atkins, Bad Habit, Bed Time, Bedtime, Blood Sugar Level, Bulge, Calories, Chicken And Eggs, Common Knowledge, Cravings, Diet Soda, Eating Habits, Egg Whites, food intake;, Foods High In Protein, Foods That Are High In Protein, Goal In Mind, Healthy Diet, High Protein, Lifetime Commitment, Losing Weight, Metabolism, Protein Rich Foods —

Perricone 3 Day Diet A Facelift On A Plate
It’s true! The Perricone 3 day diet has become insanely popular because of its ability to give you an instant facelift. The diet was developed by Dr. Nicholas Perricone, a world famous dermatologist who specializes in keeping people looking young and healthy. He laid out the diet on the Oprah Winfrey program, leading to the routine popularity of the Perricone 3 day diet.
The purpose of the Perricone 3 day diet is to minimize inflammation. Mostly, were used to seeing inflammation when we twist and ankle or get a sunburn, its that burning swollen sensation that is our bodys reaction to injury. This is acute inflammation, and its a vital part of the curing process.
What we need to be concerned with, and what the Perricone 3 day diet deal with, is chronic inflammation. This is the amicable of inflammation that occurs without visual symptoms, and is responsible for most of the effects associated with aging.
Most chronic inflammation is the execution of what we eat, so the foods on the Perricone 3 day diet are selected to prevent this kind of inflammation. The diet also limits your insulin, which is another concept that can drastically age people. A pleasant side effect of the Perricone 3 day diet is weight loss, although thats not the primary intent.
The diet has to be followed exactly as prescribed to get the positive effects that were looking for, so no leaving anything out of adding any thing to it.
Perricone 3 day diet:
On waking:
8 to 12 ounces spring water
3 egg whites and 1 whole egg and / or a 4 – to 6 – ounce piece of broiled salmon
1 / 2 cup cooked oatmeal ( not instant )
4 oz cantaloupe + 1 / 4 cup fresh berries
8 to 12 ounces spring water minimum, ( more if desired )
4 to 6 ounces grilled salmon or tuna packed in spring water
2 cups romaine lettuce
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil and freshly squeezed lemon juice to quickness
4 oz cantaloupe + 1 / 4 cup fresh berries
8 to 12 ounces spring water minimum, ( more if desired )
2 ounces low – salt, sliced chicken breast
4 raw, unsalted hazelnuts
1 green apple
8 to 12 ounces spring water minimum, ( more if desired )
4 to 6 ounces grilled salmon
2 cups romaine ( not iceberg ) lettuce
1 tablespoon olive oil and freshly squeezed lemon juice as a salad dressing
1 cup steamed asparagus, broccoli, or spinach dressed with a little olive oil
4 oz cantaloupe + 1 / 4 cup fresh berries
8 to 12 ounces show up water minimum, ( more if desired )
Before Going to Bed
2 ounces low – fat low – salt turkey or chicken breast
1 / 2 pear or green apple
3 or 4 almonds or olives
8 to 12 ounces of spring water
What youll find from following the Perricone 3 day diet for the time prescribed is that youll probably have absent a few pounds, your skin will be clearer and youre going to look younger right away. Remember that this particular diet is unrivaled intended for three days; to maintain the results; you need to follow an anti inflammatory diet that has a greater variety of foods.
24 Hour Fitness
Tags: Acute Inflammation, anti inflammatory diet, Broiled Salmon, Cantaloupe, Chronic Inflammation, Dermatologist, Dr Nicholas, Egg Whites, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Grilled Salmon, inflammation, injury, Instant Facelift, Insulin, Lemon Juice, Lettuce, little olive oil, Nicholas Perricone, Oatmeal, Oprah Winfrey, Quickness, Romaine, Spring Water, Sunburn, tablespoon olive oil, virgin olive oil; —

Perricone 3 Day Diet A Facelift On A Plate
It’s true! The Perricone 3 day diet has become insanely popular because of its ability to give you an instant facelift. The diet was developed by Dr. Nicholas Perricone, a world famous dermatologist who specializes in keeping people looking young and healthy. He laid out the diet on the Oprah Winfrey program, leading to the current popularity of the Perricone 3 day diet.
The purpose of the Perricone 3 day diet is to minimize inflammation. Mostly, were used to seeing inflammation when we twist and ankle or get a sunburn, its that burning swollen sensation that is our bodys reaction to injury. This is acute inflammation, and its a vital part of the healing process.
What we need to be concerned with, and what the Perricone 3 day diet deal with, is chronic inflammation. This is the kind of inflammation that occurs without visual symptoms, and is responsible for most of the effects associated with aging.
Most chronic inflammation is the result of what we eat, so the foods on the Perricone 3 day diet are selected to prevent this kind of inflammation. The diet also limits your insulin, which is another thing that can drastically age people. A pleasant side effect of the Perricone 3 day diet is weight loss, although thats not the primary intent.
The diet has to be followed exactly as prescribed to get the positive effects that were looking for, so no leaving anything out of adding any thing to it.
Perricone 3 day diet:
On waking:
8 to 12 ounces spring water
3 egg whites and 1 whole egg and/or a 4- to 6-ounce piece of broiled salmon
1/2 cup cooked oatmeal (not instant)
4 oz cantaloupe + 1/4 cup fresh berries
8 to 12 ounces spring water minimum, (more if desired)
4 to 6 ounces grilled salmon or tuna packed in spring water
2 cups romaine lettuce
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil and freshly squeezed lemon juice to taste
4 oz cantaloupe + 1/4 cup fresh berries
8 to 12 ounces spring water minimum, (more if desired)
2 ounces low-salt, sliced chicken breast
4 raw, unsalted hazelnuts
1 green apple
8 to 12 ounces spring water minimum, (more if desired)
4 to 6 ounces grilled salmon
2 cups romaine (not iceberg) lettuce
1 tablespoon olive oil and freshly squeezed lemon juice as a salad dressing
1 cup steamed asparagus, broccoli, or spinach dressed with a little olive oil
4 oz cantaloupe + 1/4 cup fresh berries
8 to 12 ounces spring water minimum, (more if desired)
Before Going to Bed
2 ounces low-fat low-salt turkey or chicken breast
1/2 pear or green apple
3 or 4 almonds or olives
8 to 12 ounces of spring water
What youll find from following the Perricone 3 day diet for the time prescribed is that youll probably have lost a few pounds, your skin will be clearer and youre going to look younger right away. Remember that this particular diet is only intended for three days; to maintain the results; you need to follow an anti inflammatory diet that has a greater variety of foods.
Tags: Acute Inflammation, anti inflammatory diet, Broiled Salmon, Cantaloupe, Chronic Inflammation, Dermatologist, Dr Nicholas, Egg Whites, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Grilled Salmon, Healing Process, inflammation, injury, Instant Facelift, Lemon Juice, Lettuce, little olive oil, Nicholas Perricone, Oatmeal, Oprah Winfrey, Romaine, Snack 2, Spring Water, Sunburn, tablespoon olive oil, virgin olive oil; —