Slowed Metabolism As Women Get Older- Creeping Scale Dial
OK, you are getting older and you are starting to see the dial on your scale creep up. You know it is not your fault, after all, we all know that slowed metabolism as women get older is something that just happens. Or is it? Is this an inevitable and irreversible side effect of getting older?
Well, I’m not a doctor and I can’t really say for sure but according to what I have read we don’t necessarily have to expect to have slowed metabolism as women get older. As a matter of fact, from what I read, in some ways we are causing the problem ourselves!
You see one of the biggest culprits of a slowing metabolism is the loss of lean muscle mass. As we age we stop being as active as we were when we were younger.
As we become more sedentary the lean muscle mass in our bodies decreases thus slowing our metabolism.
This issue is made worse when we start to see the numbers on the bathroom scale getting higher and higher. Many of us will then mistakenly try to cut down on our food intake.
This only makes things worse because then our body thinks that it is starving so it shuts down as much as possible to conserve energy.
Once that happens we are really heading in a downward spiral. We will continue to gain weight because our metabolism is slowing down so we panic and eat less thus slowing our metabolism down even more.
The good news is that there are a few simple things you can do to combat this trend, it does not have to be an inevitable part of aging.
Here are two of the best things you can do to reverse this trend and keep that trim figure you’ve had up until now:
1. Eat better. That can mean different things to different people. For some of you that will mean to eat less food in general. Some of you may need to cut way back on the amount of bad for you fast food that you eat.
Others may just need to eat more “organic” types of food and steer clear of the overly processed foods. That may include those frozen “good for you” dinners.
As a rule of thumb, anything that is already prepared is not that nutritious. You are almost always better off making all your food from scratch with natural, fresh ingredients.
2. Weight train. If you are wasting hours every week on the cardio machines at your local gym and not doing any weight training, you are wasting your time.
You see endless cycles of cardio can actually burn off your lean muscle mass. Have you ever seen a long distance runner? They look almost emaciated, they sure don’t look healthy. That is because they have very little lean muscle mass.
To really increase your metabolism you should add as much lean muscle mass as possible. And for crying out loud ladies, don’t fret about “bulking up”. You can’t. You don’t have the right hormones to “accidentally” get big. Even if you really wanted to it would be a challenge for most women, you sure aren’t going to do it accidentally.
These are the best ways to combat slowed metabolism as women get older.
Tags: Bathroom Scale, Culprits, Different Things, Downward Spiral, Fast Food, food intake;, Lean Muscle Mass, Losing Weight, Matter Of Fact, Slowing Metabolism, Types Of Food —

How Do I Lose 10 Pounds In A Week
You have an important engagement coming up fast and now you are wondering, “How do I lose 10 pounds in a week?” The best way I know of and can tell you about is cleansing.
You have probably heard about cleansing. It is a mostly liquid diet you go on for up to a week. There are many cleansing regimens around these days and all range in price and effectiveness. One of the most popular is called the Master Cleanse. Master Cleanse contains lemonade and maple syrup to assist your body in flushing out the toxins that prevent your body from operating at it’s fullest potential.
Master Cleanse an example of a great product that will not only jump start your weight loss efforts but it will also clear out the toxins in your system. This may be the answer to your question of how do I lose 10 pounds in a week. Many people have been able to do this with ease. There are a few things to keep in mind though. For one, most of the weight you lose will be water weight and when you return to normal eating habits you will put some of it back on. You shouldn’t put it all back on but a few pounds is common.
So, if you only have a few pounds to lose then by all means try the Master cleanse or one of the many others available so you can get into that dress for the wedding.
Remember though, if you do start one of these cleanses and there are a lot of restrictions and you may need to take a supplement to get the vitamins and minerals you need.
You are going to want to prepare for your cleanse. Going without solid food for a week isn’t as easy as it may sound. It will be challenging and if you don’t prepare yourself for it, you will probably fail. Failure is not why your are doing the cleanse to begin with. In order to make things easier on yourself, take a few days before your cleanse and start cutting back on your solid food intake and drinking more water. Doing this will make it easier for you to get through the cleansing process.
After your week of cleansing is complete, you need to ease back into consuming solid foods. There are two reasons for that. For one thing, if you go from an all liquid diet and rush back into a solid food diet you’ll make yourself sick.
The second reason is what we talked about before, why would you go through doing a cleanse just to go back to eating all the junk you did before and put all those toxins and fat right back into your body? Using a cleanse is one of the best ways to answer the question, “How do I lose 10 pounds in one week?” It is very good for your mid-section and for getting rid of all the toxins that have been holding you back.
Tags: Cleansing Diet, Eating Habits, Failure, Few Days, Food Diet, food intake;, food;, Healthy Diet, Lemonade, Liquid Diet, Lose 10 Pounds, Losing Weight, Lot, Many People, Maple Syrup, Regimens, Solid Food, Toxins, Vitamins And Minerals, Water Weight, Weight Lose, Weight Loss Efforts —

Diet To Lose Belly Fat – Tips For Doing So
Diet To Lose Belly Fat – Tips For Doing So
Are you looking for a diet to lose belly fat? Belly fat is often one of the hardest places to lose fat. What will it take to get the weight off? To be successful a combination of dieting and exercise and a lifetime commitment to health.
It is common knowledge, to lose weight you must cut back on food intake. Not only cutting back your calories but eating certain foods that are high in protein will assist you in losing weight.
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. So, dont fill up on coffee; make your meal nutritious and high protein. If your asking, What difference does it make if I eat foods high in protein?
Protein rich foods will help satisfy your appetite. Protein is essential to building healthy cells. Some examples of foods high in protein is yogurt, chicken and eggs. Also, try to shave some of the fat off your diet. Opt for fat free yogurt, egg whites instead of whole eggs and remove the skin from chicken.
Eating small meals at regular intervals will help you lose weight. It will also keep your blood sugar level on a more level basis. Eating several small meals a day will decrease your appetite and aide in decreasing the size of your stomach.
Never skip meals thinking you are saving calories or you will just eat more the next meal. This will cause your appetite to increase. And more than likely increase your cravings for sweets as well. Remember, keep your goal in mind. That is to lose belly fat.
Eating before going to bed is a bad habit that you need to break. The body is not in to fat burning mode close to bed time. Bedtime is when the body takes time to recuperate from the days activity; it is when your metabolism is burning the slowest.
You will be doing yourself a great favor by cutting soda out of your diet. Regular soda is loaded with sugar.
There you have it, a few pointers on how to win your battle against the bulge. Now remember, you cant give up, because its not going to be easy and there are going to be rough times ahead.
Just have a good support system and a positive attitude and you will come out on top and have accomplished your goals and you will be looking good.
Tags: aide, Appetite, Atkins, Bad Habit, Bed Time, Bedtime, Blood Sugar Level, Bulge, Calories, Chicken And Eggs, Common Knowledge, Cravings, Diet Soda, Eating Habits, Egg Whites, food intake;, Foods High In Protein, Foods That Are High In Protein, Goal In Mind, Healthy Diet, High Protein, Lifetime Commitment, Losing Weight, Metabolism, Protein Rich Foods —

Hoodia Power Pops – Lollipops For Weight Loss
Eureka! We’ve finally made it, now we really can eat candy and lose weight thanks to hoodia power pops. The wonderful little lollipops are infused with genuine hoodia to help suppress your appetite between meals while also allowing you to indulge your sweet tooth in a guilt free way.
For those of you who aren’t really sure what hoodia is, here is an overview:
1. Hoodia is a plant that grows exclusively in the Kalahari desert in South Africa. The plant has been known for centuries by the native bushmen as an effective appetite and thirst suppressant.
2. Hoodia is thought to work by tricking the brain into thinking that the body is full, thus effectively shutting down the appetite. If you don’t feel hungry, you won’t eat as much in between meals as well as during your meals and less food intake will result in weight loss.
3. When purchasing a supplement containing hoodia you must make sure that it’s the hoodia gordonii variety that has been added and not some other form of hoodia (there are over 20 different varieties but only the gordonii has been shown to have the P57 compound which scientists have isolated as the compound that provides the appetite suppressant.)
4. The P57 compound is not in the roots or skins of the hoodia plant, only in the core. Therefore make sure that the supplements you purchase are made up with only core hoodia powder and not whole powder since whole powder will have a much lower concentration of P57 and won’t work as effectively (though it will be considerably less expensive).
5. While there has been no documentation of any dangerous side effects from hoodia the one thing that you do need to be careful about is not eating or drinking enough. Even though you are dieting you don’t want to starve your body and the appetite suppressant can be powerful enough so that many people forget to eat. Hoodia is also a thirst suppressant so be very careful to drink plenty of water throughout your day when taking the supplement.
6. Make sure that you enter into your diet program with the right frame of mind. Hoodia has millions of loyal fans who swear by it’s effectiveness but you still have to alter your lifestyle and eat plenty of low fat, high nutrient food and get a lot of exercise if you want to see the full effects… and keep those changes permanently.
The power pop diet recommends that you have one sucker along with 8 ounces of water 30 minutes prior to each meal during the day to help you eat less and feel sated more quickly.
While hoodia power pops may sound like a dieters dream come true, it’s important to remember that they aren’t magic. When it comes to losing weight and maintaining a safe weight for life you have to remember that it’s all about what you eat, drink and how much exercise you get. Using supplements to help you stay on course is a great idea, but don’t enter into a diet thinking that your old habits can continue, that approach won’t work for the long run and you’ll only end up failing.
Tags: Appetite Suppressant, Brain, Bushmen, Candy, Centuries, Concentration, Dangerous Side Effects, food intake;, Guilt, Healthy Diet, Hoodia Gordonii, Hoodia Plant, Kalahari Desert, less food intake, Losing Weight, nutrient food, pence, Roots, Scientists, Skins, South Africa, Supplements, Sweet Tooth, Thirst, Weight Loss —