Best Way To Lose Weight – What It Isnt
Well, it’s not sexy, or easy, but if you really want to know what the best way to lose weight is, I’ll tell you. Maybe first I should tell you what it is not.
1. It’s not about taking a pill or two and calling it a day.
2. It’s not about buying that cool piece of exercise equipment that you saw on late night t.v.
3. It’s not about getting involved in a fad diet.
4. It’s not about doing a cleanse or fasting for a week.
The truth is, that on their own none of these things are bad. Many of them might actually help you in your weight loss efforts. The danger comes in when people think that one of these things is all they need to do.
For example, starting your weight loss efforts off by doing a cleanse is not a bad idea. It can flush a lot of excess water weight and toxins from your body. It can help you see an almost immediate weight loss which will, hopefully, spur you on and help you stay motivated.
But, it’s vitally important that you realize that this is just step one, not the do all end all of your diet plans.
You will ultimately need to find balance in your life if you want to see permanent weight loss. To do that you will need to incorporate not only a healthy, balanced eating plan but also a well thought out exercise plan.
That is where a lot of people lose their way. They get sold on the idea of a quick fix, a fast solution, and when it comes to weight loss there is no such thing. There are a few things that may jump start your weight loss, like the cleanse I talked about above, but real, permanent weight loss means you are ridding your body of excess fat, and not just water, and the cleanse I talked about above won’t do that.
So, you may be wondering, what is a healthy reasonable diet plan? Well, it’s about balance. It’s about having plenty of fruits and vegetables, lean protein, small amounts of fats and carbs, and proper portion size.
It’s about eating enough, and often enough, so that your body stays fired up and burning hot all day long. It’s also about getting enough water so your body is hydrated and you keep it clear of toxin buildup.
It’s about finding the foods that will supply the nutrients your body needs as well as provide you with the taste and flavor you need. Otherwise you won’t want to stick with this eating plan for very long. Remember, this is all about achieving permanent weight loss through permanent lifestyle changes.
And, one more thing, it’s about keeping your body moving with physical activity. Find some sort of workout that you enjoy and do it. Make sure you lift weights as part of your workout because that one simple thing can do more than any other aspect of your exercise program to burn more fat and calories 24/7.
Hope this has helped, the best way to lose weight is to find a eating plan and a workout plan that are balanced and healthy and just stick with them. That’s it, not sexy I know, but effective.
Tags: Atkins, Bad Idea, Best Way To Lose Weight, Calories, Carbs, Diet Plan, Eating Habits, Excess Water, exercise equipment;, Exercise Plan, Fad Diet, Fats, Fruits And Vegetables, Healthy Diet, Incorporate, Late Night, Losing Weight, People, Portion Size, Proper Portion, Sexy, Toxins, Truth, Water Weight, Weight Loss Efforts —
9 Diet Tips To Keep In Mind
Losing weight can be a challenge, but it doesn’t have to be the impossible task that all the t.v. ads make it out to be. They try to make it seem harder than it is because they want you to believe that it is hard and the only way you will succeed is if you buy and use their products. Not true. Some simple diet tips that you can follow everyday is really all you need.
Before you start any diet and exercise program make sure you talk to your doctor. She will let you know what, if any, modifications you should make based on your current health situation.
Here are some easy to follow tips that you can start using right now!
1. Losing weight is a combination of eating a well balanced diet and getting your body moving. Don’t waste time looking for ineffective “quick fixes” just approach your weight loss from a place of reasonable expectations and you won’t be disappointed.
2. Understand that getting in better shape is a process and it will take time. If you have a big event coming up and you want to lose weight before the big day, don’t wait until the last minute, start now.
3. Losing weight and getting in shape is more about a lifestyle change (which is permanent) rather than a “diet” (which many people think of as temporary).
4. Eat a well balanced diet rich in lean proteins and very light on carbohydrates and fats (my personal opinion is that any eating plan that totally restricts fats or carbs is unrealistic and will be difficult to stay with forever. Remember, this is about lifestyle change so if the changes you make aren’t permanent your weight loss won’t be permanent. Instead focus on balance in your diet and you will have more success).
5. One point I have to make about what I said in step 4 is that if you are looking for some quick results just to jump start your weight loss efforts it is ok to use a restrictive diet. If you are planning on going carb free for just the first two weeks, and then add carbs back into your diet in moderation, just to give you a jump start, than by all means, do that.
6. It’s very easy to get focused on the outside of the body and forget that everything you see on the outside actually starts on the inside. Make sure your body gets all the nutrients it needs. Add a multi vitamin to make sure.
7. Don’t forget about the benefits of getting enough sleep, quitting bad habits like smoking, and drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Most professionals recommend getting half your body weight in ounces of water everyday.
So, if you weight 125 lbs, you would divide that (or whatever your weight is) by 2 to get half. That is the number of ounces of water you should drink everyday. So in this example you would need to drink about 62 ounces of water everyday.
8. Find an exercise plan that you enjoy so you will stick with it. Not everyone wants to go to a gym, hop on a treadmill for 30 minutes and then lift weights. While this is a great workout plan, it may not be for you, so you need to find one that is.
Remember, exercise can be pretty much anything that gets your body moving. So, if you like to dance, then dance. If you enjoy the water; start swimming. If you love taking your dog for a walk, add a few more walks in everyday. Just find what you like to do, do it, and you will see results.
9. Even if you don’t want to join a gym, you should incorporate some weight training into your exercise routine. You can buy a few dumbbells and do some workouts at home but don’t neglect your muscle tone when you are working on improving your body.
Enjoy these diet tips and put them to work for you right away.
Tags: Balance Diet, Balanced Diet, Carbohydrates, Current Health Situation, Diet Exercise, Diet Program, Diet Tips, Eating Habits, Exercise Program, Fats, Getting In Shape, Healthy Diet, Impossible Task, Lifestyle Change, Losing Weight, Moderation, Personal Opinion, Proteins, Quick Fixes, Restrictive Diet, Waste Time, Weight Loss Efforts —
Losing Weight After Pregnancy – Baby Cushion Gone
Once your doctor gives you the all clear to start working out, losing weight after pregnancy is pretty much the same as losing weight at any other time. Get more exercise and eat a balanced diet and you will lose weight. I make it sound so easy, don’t I?
Many first time moms are astonished to go home and to take that first post baby look in a full length mirror. I know I thought that once I delivered my baby (all 10 lbs of her!) that the rest of the weight would be gone. Not so much, but it actually does go pretty quickly when you get home.
The fact is that after your baby is born, even before you are fully recuperated, your body will start to bounce back. Just the busy daily routine you are undertaking will start to make positive changes in your muscle tone.
Eventually, though, after you settle in to your new lifestyle, you will want to take your fitness and weight loss efforts up a notch. When that time comes, here is some good advice for you to follow:
1. Most women see the biggest difference in their stomachs and mistakenly think that doing thousands of crunches is where they should concentrate their efforts. Wrong. There is no such thing as ‘spot reducing’. If you want your waistline back you will have to lose weight and that happens with a balanced diet and a whole body exercise plan.
2. Stay away from quick fix cleanses and fad diets. You’re a mom and you have children depending on you. The last thing you need is anything that will make you feel tired and sluggish (after all, you just gave birth to something that can make you feel tired and sluggish, why add to it!).
3. With young children it can be a challenge to find the time to work out. Not to worry. You can make a huge positive impact on your body with 15 minute power workouts throughout your day.
If you don’t have time to spend 30 minutes straight on a treadmill, how about just 15 minutes of some form of activity? Something as simple as a few jumping jacks, a few minutes of jump roping, or even taking your newest addition for a walk in their stroller can be all you need.
4. Don’t forget to take care of yourself either. Get dad to take the baby at least for a few minutes every day to give you some much needed down time. Stress has a way of making you hang on to your excess body weight. Even a 15 minute soak in your tub, all by yourself, in peace and quiet can make a world of difference.
With some common sense, and realistic expectations, losing weight after pregnancy doesn’t have to be the daunting task it may seem. Just make sure to take good care of yourself and you will be better able to take care of your new (screaming and puking) bundle of joy!
Tags: Balanced Diet, Body Exercise, Daily Routine, Exercise Plan, Fad Diets, Full Length Mirror, Good Advice, Healthy Diet, Jumping Jacks, Losing Weight, Losing Weight After Pregnancy, Muscle Tone, Notch, Positive Changes, Power Workouts, Pregnancy Baby, Stomachs, Time Moms, Treadmill, Undertaking, Waistline, Weight Loss Efforts —
Quick Weight Loss Centers And If They Can Help You
Quick Weight Loss Centers And If They Can Help You
You are curious about quick weight loss centers and if they can help you like they say they can. Well, yes they can but do not be fooled, the ‘quick’ may not be as quick as you think. Healthy weight loss takes time. If you do it too quickly you could get sick and lose muscle tone instead of fat.
There are many weight loss centers that are popular today and despite what you may think some of them actually can be good for you. We all know that having a lot of excess body fat is bad for your health. It can lead to cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes, just to name a few. Losing weight and getting in better physical shape just makes sense.
If you want to jump start things before starting with one of the quick weight loss center and if they can help you, you could consider cleansing, this is when you go on a mostly, or all, liquid diet for up to a week before starting your diet. During the entire time you will flush out all of the toxins that are keeping your body from functioning to it’s full potential. There are many cleansing programs around today. Find one you like and get to it.
This is an example of great rapid weight loss diets that will not only jump start your weight loss efforts it will also help you clear out the toxins in your system. Most people who have taken a cleansing program have been able to lose up to ten pounds in a week. Granted it is mostly water weight but the greater benefit is the toxins that are removed from your body.
Now the cleanse is done so you can start up with the weight loss center and keep on losing weight. The centers will not only provide some of the food you will be eating, they will show you how to change the way you think about your relationship with food. I know you have seen the celebrities who have lost weight on TV taking about how they had wonderful mentors and coaches to help them through to their weight loss goals.
If you join one of these weight loss centers, you will have the same opportunities as these celebrities have had. You will get your own mentor or coach to see you through to your weight loss goal.
Most of these weight loss centers today actually deliver your food right to your front door. They have made losing weight so convenient it is almost impossible to not find one that will work for you.
The most important aspect about any of the quick weight loss centers and if they can help you is the fact that they show you how to maintain the weight you have lost after you lose it so you can stay thin and healthy at your goal weight for the rest of your life.
Tags: Body Fat, Cardiovascular Disease, diabetes;, Eating Habits, Excess Body, food;, Healthy Diet, Healthy Weight Loss, high blood pressure;, Liquid Diet, Losing Weight, Mentors, Muscle Tone, Physical Shape, Quick Weight Loss, Rapid Weight Loss, Rapid Weight Loss Diets, Toxins, Water Weight, Weight Diets, Weight Loss Center, Weight Loss Diets, Weight Loss Efforts, Weight Loss Goals —